Exciting appointment today!
Baby heartbeat was good and I'm measuring spot on still
Had the Strep B swab done, will learn the results of that next week. Fingers crossed for negative... I really really really hate having to take antibiotics for anything!
Got my first cervix check -- baby is really high up still (I could have told him that
) but he was able to just barely reach and I'm dilated to a 2 already!
I think either the swab or the cervix check irritated things, as I'm cramping up pretty good right now. I seem to get contractions this time of day anyway though, so maybe its just that?
Yay latent labor...
It doesn't feel like its gonna lead to anything so I'm not worried about it. Baby and I have a stern understanding that she can't make her arrival until Sunday at least, but I'm really hoping for the weekend after!
Scheduled induction for 39+1. He said he honestly doesn't think I'll make it that far, and I sort of agree but am not going to be too hopeful.
If baby drops or if contractions don't taper off when I rest I'm supposed to call. Or if my waters break, of course!
The peeing thing; I pee like a teaspoon at a time, unless I really gotta go then I seem to be able to empty my bladder. Its really frustrating, as half the time I can BARELY leave a urine sample at the doctor's office, and yet a couple times a day I have to pee so bad it hurts. I can only figure its how she's sitting.
Hospital bag: I'm just bringing toiletries (toothbrush, paste, hairbrush, elastic bands), my phone and charger (which doubles as my camera, hooray lol) and pajamas. I'll wear out whatever I wear in, but I want to be able to put pants on so that I don't have to stay under the hot blanket anytime a visitor comes in! Oh, and clothes for the baby of course. I won't bring diapers, wipes, or even pacifiers for her, as the hospital has all that and I plan to BF so no need for feeding stuff (they'd have that too, in any case!)
Catmummy will have her baby first, I think! And then I think MrsBump