***(61) 2015 November Sparklers***

Hi ladies sorry to butt into your chats. Congratulations to all the new mammas <3

Can I ask has anyone heard from loo? I can't search back on my phone to see when she last posted in here but I've not seen her on here for a while and am worried about how she is xx
Zoey is a month old tomorrow...:cloud9: and I am gonna post the birth story here now that I don't cry every time I think about it! :haha::cloud9:

Spoiled because I was apparently trying to win NaNoWriMo with it :roll:
I scheduled induction for October 26 at 5:30am. I got up and showered at 4am and got a phone call right after that they were full of laboring women and asked me to call back at 7, to see if I could come in at 7:30. When I called they said they had no idea when I would be able to come in, so asked that I hold tight and they would call me when they had a bed open and ready!

At 8am, I got the call to come in. So I ate some cereal and we dropped Ethan off at school, brought Parker over to Grandma&#8217;s house and headed into the hospital.

I was dilated to a 3 already, so I was hopeful that everything would go quickly and I&#8217;d have the baby by late afternoon! I was hooked up to the pitocin at 10am and then we sat around waiting for contractions to start.

Didn&#8217;t take long for the contractions to start and regulate to every 3 minutes. By 11 I was feeling them pretty good, but without pain. I wanted to get up and walk around, but my nurses were not allowing it because they needed a trace on baby&#8217;s heartbeat for the whole time. I finally whined about it enough that they rolled a birthing ball in for me, then even let me get up and walk.

I was up walking for about 45 minutes, then went and stood by my bed and just did mini squats as that was more comfortable than walking. I laid back down around 1 so they could check dilation. There were 2 nurses - an experienced one and a new one. The new one was doing cervix checks, which I was fine with because of course they are taught these things in school... I was super pleased to hear I was at a 5!!

Laid there and dozed off and on, played on my phone, and watched some sports crap on TV (lol). Contractions were more noticeable, but as long as I was sitting upright, they were very tolerable as far as pain goes. I was checked again around 4, nurse said I was at a 6. Contractions really started hurting at this point, though I could breathe through them. Next check at 6, I was maybe a 7, she said&#8230; but she wanted the other nurse to check as well, as cervix was in a weird spot. Other nurse checks and says no&#8230; I&#8217;m barely a 5. The new nurse was checking the openest part of my cervix, not further up. This seriously made me upset and I felt myself give up on trying for an unmedicated birth. The contractions were getting incredibly painful by that point and I had already been at it for so many hours, I just realized that there was no way I could get through another 5cms at the pace I was going.

I had accepted an epidural as likely outcome of a induced labor, so I wasn&#8217;t too overly upset about it. I was a little bummed, as I did want an unmedicated delivery, but I also knew my own limits and I knew that I was reaching them. So I cried about it for a minute, asked DH to reassure me that I wasn&#8217;t a failure for wanting an epidural (which he totally reassured me of, he was very happy for me to get an epidural, I think my crying and groaning was annoying him lol!)&#8230; then called for the nurse and demanded that she get the epidural guy there ASAP. After what felt like FOR-EV-ER, he finally showed up. I was in so much pain I could barely move, so they had to help me sit up and get into the right position for the placement.

Instant relief when he got it placed. They laid me back down and got the catheter in, etc. My legs were numb, especially my thighs, but I could still move them without much effort - which I couldn&#8217;t do when I had an epidural with my first baby. I had refused to let them break my waters up to that point, as I knew I wouldn&#8217;t be able to get through once the waters were ruptured. But now that nothing hurt anyway, I let them break my waters. It was shift change for nurses, so I got a new nurse. She broke my waters and told me she&#8217;d be back to check me in a bit. So at 7, when I got the epidural i was dilated to about a 5&#8230; by 8 or 8:30, after the epidural and after my waters were broken, I was fully dilated.

She said they were going to let me rest and let the contractions work the baby down the birth canal a little before calling the doctor. She reminded me that if I had the urge to push or poop, to call for her. I rested for about an hour. My mom showed up at some point to visit, and then was reluctant to leave because the baby was so close, so I decided to just let her stay for the pushing stage. She was taken by surprise, but was absolutely elated to be there to watch a grand baby be born!

I quit paying attention to the clock to be honest, but I think around 9:30 or 9:45, the nurse came in and said we were going to do &#8220;practice pushes&#8221;, to get the baby to move down more so that things would move along quickly when the doctor showed up. Deep breath, let it out, another deep breath, curl chin down and push! Push 3 times with each contraction, rest. I had allowed my epidural to wear down quite a bit, so I could feel just about everything, only minus the sensation of pain. Just as I&#8217;m feeling her head coming through my pelvis (but not crowning), my doctor shows up, gets his stuff on and she was out in a couple more contractions.

Her head absolutely did not feel like it was going to fit. It felt like I was pushing a bowling ball out, ha! Then there was a massive feeling of relief (during which I honestly thought I had somehow sucked her back up into my body lol), and all the pressure was gone. Everybody is saying, &#8220;Look down!! Look down!!&#8221; So I look down. And there is my brand spanking new daughter, covered head to toe in vernix and still attached to me. I don&#8217;t remember that instant with my first two, and it is a memory I will treasure forever.

After the blood was out of the chord, my husband cut it and they took her to be wiped off while I delivered the placenta. Then I look over to the nurses and my heart stops. I see a CPAP thingy on her face and the nurses are mumbling to each other. She isn&#8217;t breathing well on her own, they explain, as they alternate the CPAP and some suctioning thing. Lots of mucus in her lungs. Her color is good, but her breaths are more of a gasp and she isn&#8217;t crying or making any noise at all.

They stopped temporarily to get a weight and length on her - 7 lbs 14 oz, 19.5&#8221; long. I looked at the clock after I looked at her and knew she came out at 10:16pm. But when they stopped the CPAP her oxygen levels fell to 80%. &#8220;We have to get her breathing!&#8221; they say and then she is wrapped up and carried off the NICU, while I&#8217;m stuck laying in my bed, crying, as a doctor has his hands up my vagina looking for tears etc. No tears, no excessive bleeding&#8230; no issues for me.

My husband kept telling me she&#8217;ll be fine, and the nurses assured me that this is not super uncommon. My mom kept saying that she just needs a little help. My heart keeps saying &#8220;This is my fault for inducing. She wasn&#8217;t ready to breath. This is my fault because I had an epidural. That screwed her up somehow. This is my fault, somehow. I did this to her, and now I&#8217;m paying for it by missing the first moments, minutes, hours, DAYS?? of her life.&#8221;

My nurse came back in around 11 with some food for me to eat. My husband was exhausted, so he headed home at this point. The nurse explained that they call it &#8220;transitioning&#8221; (at least at our hospital, I have not allowed myself on Google to see what its actually called). Basically she has a bit of a large head, and so everything was stretched out over her head, and then her body just fell right out after her and she didn&#8217;t get the compression that most babies get that gets the mucus out of their lungs. From there she just couldn&#8217;t get her lungs to inflate on her own, which is what her gasping breaths were trying to do. The CPAP she was on was to put &#8220;positive pressure&#8221; on her lungs to help them inflate and stay inflated. It was not my fault for inducing. It was not my fault by having an epidural. It could have happened anyway. I hate the line - but it is &#8220;just one of those things.&#8221;

At midnight I was told that she was off CPAP and just on oxygen. The pediatrician on call came in and talked to me. She asked if they were allowed to give her formula. I consented to formula if necessary, but asked that it be done in a feeding tube instead of a bottle. In the end, they didn&#8217;t give her any formula but just put her on an IV to keep her blood sugars stable.

I finally got to see her and hold her when she was 3 hours old. I didn&#8217;t get to attempt nursing yet because she was still flaring her nostrils some, which indicates she would struggle to breath if latched. She was off the oxygen by that point and breathing room air, but was still on an IV, and had various monitors on her to keep an eye on all her levels. She was (is) beautiful, naturally the most beautiful baby ever. :) I was exhausted by this point as it was like 1:30am and I&#8217;d been up since 6:30, after a very broken night&#8217;s sleep. I held her for like half an hour until I started dozing off in the chair. A nurse came in and put her back into her bed, then they gave me a pump and had me pump for 15 minutes to stimulate my milk, as I was already 3 hours in and not yet able to nurse.

I was finally able to sleep after that - I would not have been able to sleep until holding her and knowing she was OK, so it was worth the extreme exhaustion. I slept for about 4 hours and then woke up to find text messages from my husband indicating he had been awake and worrying about her all night.

At around 7am, I was called in to go nurse her. Her latch was perfect, she nursed for quite a while. I finally believed that she was going to be OK. She stayed in the nursery to keep an eye on her levels for most of the day, but I went in every couple of hours to nurse her again and to cuddle her. She was moved into my room around 3:30 or 4pm. We were finally able to leave the hospital at 10am the next day.
Baby Rose Princess born 11/28 at 1:39pm weighing 7lb 14oz laboured for 10 hrs start to finish! Im so in love :kiss:


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Aley, that definitely sounds very scary but I am so glad she and you are both healthy and doing well now! My induction all happened in a very different order and I am 99% convinced it is why I had to have a c section. After a failed 12 hour course of cervidil, they decided to go ahead and start pitocin anyway at 7am. Then an hour after they started pitocin, I was still not even dilated to a 1, they came and broke my water (around 8:15am). Contractions started regularly and started gaining intensity. The anesthesiologist came in around 10:30 and said she had a full workload of c sections scheduled that day, so if I wanted an epidural either do it then or I'd have to wait a while when I decided I was ready, so I went ahead and got it around 11am. They did bring in the peanut ball and kept moving my body to different positions to try to help things along, but by 4pm, one girl told me I was at a 3 and the other one an hour later said really more like 2.5. By 4:30pm, though, Austin's heart rate started to drop with each contraction. And the internal monitor we had on his head was telling us he had an irregular heartbeat. The nurses all ran around for 30 minutes worried about his irregular heartbeat and trying to prep me mentally for the doctor to recommend a c section. And finally I moved my legs to a different position and the heartbeat irregularity just went away. It was a problem with the lead on my thighs all along. But, his heart rate was still dropping with each contraction, which was definitely still a problem. My doctor had been texting with me all day (unbeknownst to the nurses) so I already knew what she wanted to do. By the time she got there at 5:30pm, I was all prepped and we had told our families what was going on. My husband was white as a ghost and I thought he was going to faint, but I was strangely peaceful about it. I knew it needed to be done and I wanted to be holding my baby. In the OR, I was the one that kept reassuring HIM that all was ok. I even corrected the nurses on one of the meds they said I was on (I'm a pharmacist). My c section ended up taking over an hour due to blood loss associated with my anterior placenta (I guess they cut right into it and we're not expecting it), so I didn't get to hold my little boy and nurse him until about an hour and 15 min later, but he was healthy and doing great and that is all that mattered. The 19 family members that had gathered in the waiting room all got a chance to come back and hold him for about 30 seconds each before we sent them all on their way for the night. We finally got transferred to our postpartum room around 10pm, and I got the go ahead to eat. My husband went and got us food, we nursed the baby and sent him to the nursery for a couple hours of sleep. Those couple hours were short lived, though, as they started calling "code gray" and then "code black" on the overhead speakers. A nurse then ran into my room, clearly frazzled, and started saying "we've gotta go, you've gotta get out of here!" I was still mostly numb below my waist (less than 12 hrs post-op) and had a catheter, so all of these nurses ran in and pushed my bed into the hallway and we woke up my husband. Turns out a tornado was passing over the hospital right then, it touched down a few miles past the hospital. I cried for a few minutes when they put me in the hall (with all the other new parents) bc they had my baby half way across the hospital in the nursery, but that ended up being their design. They came and got the rest of the babies off the floor and had them all together in the safer nursery. We got to go back to the room after about 30 min and got maybe 45 more minutes of sleep before they brought the baby back to us and started getting me ready to get out of bed (around 5:30am). It was such a crazy first night that I will never forget!!

It's so hard to believe a month has already gone by! As a first time mom, I cried yesterday when my little guy hit 2 weeks! Where does the time go? And he's already changing and growing so fast!
*Hugs to all the ladies here- both the ones I know from our group and all the others*
How is everyone and their lo? I'm fine and healing nicely and baby Rose is fine except she has a milk allergy and is quite gassy and spits up. She also does this thing where she swallows air and chokes on her saliva sometimes its really scary :( Other than that we're good and I'm still so elated to be a mummy again of such a beautiful little girl <3 <3 <3
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas

I've had a hell of a time it appear Eday had contracted scarlet fever and was a very very unwell boy. Nearly admitted for failure to thrive but at the last minute he turned a corner and started to put on weight

He's finally putting weight on and feeding well. I've managed to get him back to breast however he is now refusing the bottle so my plans of back to the gym have fallen through!! Looking to get a jogging buggy instead. Anybody recommend?
I was wonder how you girls are doing since you gave birth?
I was wonder how you girls are doing since you gave birth?

Oh my goodness!!
My little Zoey is six months old today. :cloud9: She's such a fabulous little addition to our family. My older boys ADORE her, my husband is insanely in love and overprotective of her, and I am just really enjoying having things that are pretty and soft over rough and tumble and dirty. :haha:

She's sitting and just started eating some foods, and still breastfeeding like a little chub. :cloud9:

Six months in... and I keep thinking about all those years that I spent wanting her with every fiber of my heart... and I am so, so happy that she's here. She was worth the fight, and she completes me in a way that I never realized was possible. :cloud9:

.........now the fight is to get DH to get a Vasectomy, because I am soooo ready to be done with babies, and contraception. :winkwink: (though sometimes I do think... "maybe just one more..." :dohh:)
I'm so happy to hear from you! She is sitting already?! She is getting big! I just could encourage Emillie to roll over last Sunday. So glad that Big brothers loves Zoey.
I'm still nursing my baby girl but she's also started solid food too. DH and I've been thinking about TTC our second but I'm still not sure about it. I want my babies be closer in age but still not sure how closer... :haha:
BTW my LO celebrated his six month yesterday! Happy six months Zoey!
Hello everyone!!! My little girl just turned 8 months old! Time is flying by! I am still nursing and she is eating solids as well! I hope everyone is having a good time with their LO's!! My daughter has two teeth too and is hit ting the wonderful 8-10 month sleep regression!!
Hello everyone!!! My little girl just turned 8 months old! Time is flying by! I am still nursing and she is eating solids as well! I hope everyone is having a good time with their LO's!! My daughter has two teeth too and is hit ting the wonderful 8-10 month sleep regression!!

HI! Bryce will be 9 months soon! Time sure is flying by:cloud9: I'm also still nursing and he's eating solids. He has two bottom teeth also. Bryce still wakes up every 2 hours on average, sometimes less than that and on a rare occasion i'll get a 3 hour stretch. I have NO IDEA how I'm still functioning :haha:
Mimzy-Aww maybe it's a growth spurt? Hopefully he will let you sleep more soon! Mama needs her rest!!! I am starting to notice my milk supply is dropping and it's making me nervous because I really want to make it to a year!! My husband and I want a 3rd but I want to lose like 15 more pounds but I am having trouble so I think the stress of trying to lose weight is hurting my supply, but i'll just keep pumping and nursing lol!
Hi girls! Glad to hear from you!
My LO is going to be 9 months next Monday. Time really goes fast! No tooth here! But but I noticed today that they're coming soon?! She is eating solid and I'm still breastfeeding her.
Amcolecchi: did you ever tried fenugreek for your milk supply?
Maries-No I haven't but I will try! But this is so weird, all of a sudden I am starting to produce more! I am not sure what happened haha! And don't worry about the tooth. My son didn't get his first tooth till he was 13 months old!!

This is tmi but has anyone's period returned? I do not have mine yet and she will be 9 months next week. I had mine by now with my son. We want to start trying again in the next few months but I am not sure when I am ovulating lol!

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