There seems to be a lot more intervention in the US too they all wear full theatre regalia for a vaginal delivery and face masks etc its a lot more relaxed here x
no they dont lol my nurses were just dressed in normal nurse uniforms and my obgyn was wearing jeans and t-shirt.
lol all the US programmes of childbirth they show over here they do
like Baby Story and 16 and Pregnant...they all give birth on their back and all have an epidural ha ha x
Why was ff safer jellybean? (no judging, just curious!)
I wondered this too, I think next time I'll express colostrum and bf for three days if I can then go straight on the formula, I'm not ruining my experience of mummyhood again and confusing/upsetting my bubs again
I'm FF from the beginning too there's no way I'm going through all that again with the next baby it ruined the first month xx
Just to add I'm not trying to put a label on my birth experience as a lot of people are saying 'it doesn't matter how..' I don't think so either it was just a general musing, I didn't think this thread would get so many replies tbh!
you'll find breastfeeding or labour are pretty sensitive subjects on this forum
i think it means no pain relief. i was in labor for 48 hours, and pushed for 3 hours, vaginal delivery, no pain relief, not at hospital.
i'm a little surprised no one answered the one posted who said they didn't understand why a person would choose no pain relief and on her list was martyr and to prove a point. ouch! that's not just defensive it's offensive. what's the deal?anyway, i'm not personally offended because, well that's just not how i handle all of this..but i will answer your question
a) the medications may have an affect on the baby. the common belief is that they do not. natural parents tend not to take chances by following common beliefs
as we all know, what is right now is wrong tomorrow
b) i've heard horror stories about epidurals
c) what if i was woozy when baby came out
d) i wanted to know what natural felt like, just plain curiosity
e) my husband wanted me to, he was worried for me and baby when it came to taking medications
there are so many reasons not to and none of them are about being a martyr or trying to make others feel like shi* just because they didn't do a natural birth. if someone feels bad about something, it most likely comes from within, not from others
That was me who posted that. It wasnt referring to anyone here, it wasnt targeted at anyone. Its something I've always thought about as for me personally I couldnt understand doing it without pain relief if I didnt need to be in that much pain. But then again I had syntocinon and it was absolute agony even through the epidural I did 12 hours with G&A and pushed for 3 hours in total, failed forceps and a c section thank god I had an epi cos if not I'd hve had to go under general that would've been even worse for me.
I mean you hve a headache you take paracetamol. In fairness we dont need the paracetamol we could just deal with it and eventually it would go away just as they managed before medication existed. And labour is far worse lol
Many women I've come across have made comments that they didnt have pain relief because "its what we were made to do" to me thats trying to prove a point i.e. being a martyr it was just a generalisation!
I'm yet to meet a woman who said they didnt want pain relief because they wanted to feel the lovely pain
though some labours are worse than others, some women have a higher pain threshold so comments like the above make many women who have pain relief feel like they were hypochondriacs or that they were soft cos they couldnt manage the pain.
Kudos to those who did it with no pain relief at all cos they could manage without and had a happy lovely experience, those births were probably quite short in comparison to a lot of women who ended up having pain relief and perhaps not as intense as the ones who had pain relief. I cant imagine having to do 31 hours labour no sleep in 48 hours and no food in that much pain I wouldve collapsed in exhaustion.... Everyone manages pain differently though
My mums friend had a water birth and she said never ever ever again, her labour was 28 hours with no pain relief no G&A or anything and she doesnt remember him being born and fell asleep soon after without holding him she said her biggest regret is no pain relief so she could at least get some sleep x