7dpo 2ww anyone else in same boat.

Just wanted to pop in and say :hi:

Just want to wish you both the best of luck for your next cycle and I'm very sorry to hear :af: got you both :hugs::hugs:

Sending you both lots & lots of :dust: :dust:

Thank you babyhope :flower:
All the best for your pregnancy Hun - I shall be stalking :winkwink:

Thanks babyhope xxx

Hey babydust,

Was thinkingblast night, im not going to b able to use opk's this cycle as ff has me ovulating on one of
Thr days im on hols so charting will be limited aswell going to try bd everyother day over fertile period and hope that works crossing fingers tht temping and charting works for u , it really helps knowing with the opk'S tht you hv ur surge and o will happen in 28-48 hrs only temping can confirm it really happened though. Positive thoughts may will be our month lol x
Thanks babyhope xxx

Hey babydust,

Was thinkingblast night, im not going to b able to use opk's this cycle as ff has me ovulating on one of
Thr days im on hols so charting will be limited aswell going to try bd everyother day over fertile period and hope that works crossing fingers tht temping and charting works for u , it really helps knowing with the opk'S tht you hv ur surge and o will happen in 28-48 hrs only temping can confirm it really happened though. Positive thoughts may will be our month lol x

Aww really :-( well yeah just bd often :) they say holidays and breaks are when people women are most likely to conceive as they're at ease and relaxed, busy enjoying the holiday as a posed to concentrating on getting pg!!
Ooh fx'd for you hunni.

I charted this morning, will put it on my signature, but my temp was 35.01 that seems so low is it right? Xxxx
Hey baby dust x

Was going to ask how charting was going , im not sure al look into it. Are u taking temp before you do anything, think ur supposed try not to even move as much as poss and take it as soon as u open ur eyes? How u feeling today? Im really suffering with a bad cold n af i actually think this must be my first af after mc cause its been tht bad -sorry for the tmi lol x
Was ur temp 35.10 this mornin? Thts the temp they hv gave an open dot. Imthink the open dot means they think tht could be inaccurate according to chart key, dont change it though. Ur new to it so just read up on it as much as poss i think u can compare ur charts with others aswell x
Monday was 35.01, today was 35.08. I'm confused. I have the thermometer under my pillow and as soon as my alarm goes off I take my temperature from my mouth under my tongue- is that right? I thought my temp seems low, the charts to print don't even go that low lol so I must be making a mistake.

So the :witch: has shown up then? Look at it as its ur first cycle since mc and once it's done and dusted you should be back to normal ready for a good :sex: and get your :bfp: :winkwink:
My :af: hasn't caused me so much pain like usually it does, and not that heavy which is odd, but I deserve a nice easy :af: for once usually I'm doubled in pain and having to change all the time (sorry tmi)

Was ur temp 35.10 this mornin? Thts the temp they hv gave an open dot. Imthink the open dot means they think tht could be inaccurate according to chart key, dont change it though. Ur new to it so just read up on it as much as poss i think u can compare ur charts with others aswell x

Ur right the open dot means inaccurate :-/ will see what I chart tomorrow. The thermometer is brand new and I temp as I open my eyes....hmm :wacko:

Yeah witch got me n its been really bad but sems to b easing off today x

Yeah i think so depends on the type of thermo u got it should tell u how to take ur temp with that thermo. I think u just hv to make sure ur taking ur temp at the same time each dag xx not to sure if the temps are right maybe try starting a thread n ask some experienced charters for advice xxx

Hopefully this cycle coming up is our cycle xxxxx
Yeah witch got me n its been really bad but sems to b easing off today x

Yeah i think so depends on the type of thermo u got it should tell u how to take ur temp with that thermo. I think u just hv to make sure ur taking ur temp at the same time each dag xx not to sure if the temps are right maybe try starting a thread n ask some experienced charters for advice xxx

Hopefully this cycle coming up is our cycle xxxxx

Aww well I'm glad it's easing for u, like I say this :af: has been fine for me, unite heavy first day and achy but after that its been a breeze which is so unusual for me.

Ill ask some charters about my chart, thanks for that idea. I took the two blue dot ones at 7am and the blank dot at 9 so maybe that's the problem.
I'm gonna carry on though and see what it turns out like. What does ur charts come out like? Probably normal unlike me and my body :wacko:

The next cycle HAS to be ours!!
Hey ,

I know u def hv to take temp same time each day x
I dont chart my temp x i only record af n opk results to get an idea of my cycle xx
Yeah this one defo better be ours lol :D
I would take it positive its been a breeze it really could b ur cycle xxx
Keeping fx for us x
Hey ,

I know u def hv to take temp same time each day x
I dont chart my temp x i only record af n opk results to get an idea of my cycle xx
Yeah this one defo better be ours lol :D
I would take it positive its been a breeze it really could b ur cycle xxx
Keeping fx for us x

Ahh ok well maybe that answers why the temp was out cuz I didn't keep to the same time, it may prove to be too much hassle but ill give it a go. I don't use opk and said ill but some for this cycle but I secretly thought I was pg so didn't bother :blush: I shall get some tho this time, infanct ill order some tomorrow and then when my temp chart peaks I can use the opk to confirm ovulation right?

Not easy eh, never thought it could be this hard to have a baba :wacko: all worth the wait I'm sure. This is our cycle chick, we deserve it. All over the site I see :bfp: and makes me so chuffed but so determined to get mine :winkwink:

Seems like we are around the same time anyway so we can hold hands thru our cycle :flower: xxxxx
Hey ,

That would b so nice if we were pg together xxx

Next cycle better b ours lol x

Hows u keeping? Horrible witch is away so going to start using opk's tmoz, then its bk to the tww x

Hows u keeping? Horrible witch is away so going to start using opk's tmoz, then its bk to the tww x

Hey im ok thanks u? Regularly bd :sex: even tho I'm not ovulating yet lol, if u look at my chart it spiked loads Saturday morning, then I read alcohol can affect the temp and I'd had a couple glasses of wine Friday night lol. I'm not really sure bout this temping but I'm giving it a go, still haven't ordered any opks I'm terrible :dohh:
Ohhh the tww that seems to go on forever and our bodies playing tricks :nope: not good lol but I'm ready...... We need a sticky bean this cycle :winkwink:
How was ur first cycle since ur mc? Xxxx

I didnt know alchol etc affected it x temps will be useful to confirm youve ov'd but if you feel like its to muc work just give it up, last thing u need is stress =) i know it does x but like u say hopefully its a sticky one for us. I only hv one test so ive promised myself i wont test till af is 3 days late ( will see hw that goes haha).

Cycle was horrid for the 1st 4 days but hopefully thts it now. I need to hv at least another two to make sure my cycles are regular n not all over the place but hopefully i get a bfp before then xx

I didnt know alchol etc affected it x temps will be useful to confirm youve ov'd but if you feel like its to muc work just give it up, last thing u need is stress =) i know it does x but like u say hopefully its a sticky one for us. I only hv one test so ive promised myself i wont test till af is 3 days late ( will see hw that goes haha).

Cycle was horrid for the 1st 4 days but hopefully thts it now. I need to hv at least another two to make sure my cycles are regular n not all over the place but hopefully i get a bfp before then xx

Yeah I hope you get ur bfp before cycles settle down :flower:
Ill give it another week temping and see how I feel, but I'm glad it will help me see when I've ovulated :thumbup:
When's ur af due? We could test together again if we are both late. 5th may is 28days for me. I have no idea what's wrong with me this last weekend I'm so tearful and upset its awful :cry: I don't have a reason just keep crying xxxx

Yep ul b glad to confirm u actually did ov x
Ff has me down as af due on 4th may so we could def test together again if witches stay away we could test on the 7th -the tue?

Aww thts horrible, its prob stress as you were late for ur af you thought you were pg, its bound to really take its toll emotionally. Try think. Positive for this cycle =)

Yep ul b glad to confirm u actually did ov x
Ff has me down as af due on 4th may so we could def test together again if witches stay away we could test on the 7th -the tue?

Aww thts horrible, its prob stress as you were late for ur af you thought you were pg, its bound to really take its toll emotionally. Try think. Positive for this cycle =)

It's a date-7th may test day :) both getting our long waited :bfp: :winkwink:
I think it's emotionally wearing me down, I try and think positive but this weekend I've never known anything like it, so grumpy, but not angry and snappy just quiet sad and tearful. My mum is over for a week next week she lives in Spain and haven't seen her since Christmas so that will help kill some time of the tww :happydance: if I know I'm gonna test the 7th ill hold out for u and not breaks and test before lol
U keep me sane u tell ya :hugs:

Its hard to explain to anyone that hasnt been through it, isnt it. I was in the bath the other day and just ended up in tears and i honestly thought i had greived as id been getting on ok.

7th of may it is then i promise i wont test until then aswell =) thats good u hv ur mum coming over if it takes the edge off the tww. Im hoping going away does the same for me although im sure it will.

U keep me sane aswell lol it really helps to speak to someone who gets it xx

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