8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )

hitthejackpot-you're welcome. Yes positive thinking is the way to go. Im with you though. I have my ups and downs during certain cycles. But i think positive. I always look for the brighter side of things. I been ttc for 2 yrs now so i have no choice but to think positively :haha: Im just happy where i am now. Meaning temping, opks, doc visit etc. My dh is now on board and even though it took 2 yrs for him to finally be on the ttc train...im happy now. Hopefully we will get a bfp soon. And yes our Aunt is the best!!! Hopefully we get to visit her or she gets to come down and visit longer. And hoping I ov soon. Im just ready to be in the tww but then again...it can take its time because im not anxious to see AF if we dont catch the egg this cycle.
@Mzswizz, I am right behind you with the ltttc'ing and like you said up and downs. I am lucky to have more ups then downs. I was down at the beginning because every one in my immediate family conceived easily, their first was accidents. Can you image!!, so I thought it would of been a piece of cake. WRONG, LOL.

@HitTheJackpot, just hang in there:hugs:. This cycle, next cycle, it's bound to happen :happydance:.

As for me, I don't even remember which dpo I am today. I am so relax this cycle, that I am scaring myself. Not symptoms spotting, since every aches and pains seems to be the same for the past year.

The one thing that is driving me crazy is the rain. I seems like it has been raining for ever. Dh likes it, he kept me in bed until 5 pm :haha:. I was lucky that I shower this morning, and I barely got to do that, it was because I ran and took it when he went to workout at the park, and he only workout for 15 minutes, telling me he was missing me. Men !!!
skittles-My sister has 3 kids and she was like a super fertile lady or something because it was back to back. And my cousins, friends, everyone was getting pregnant around me so you know i have been waiting for my turn for the longest since everyone has had their babies except one of my friends...it's my turn for the spotlight :haha: And i know what you mean about the rain ugh its suck. DH and I have been driving back and forth to Miami to visit family and between Miami and our Ft. Lauderdale rain...we have been getting soaked. Im ready for the rain to end.

AFM, its cd26 for me already. This cycle is really flying by quickly. My temp is 97.17 and the opk is negative. Today is May 1st and so its 12 more days until Mother's Day in the U.S. Even though it was raining yesterday, i had a good day. I hung out with my friend and we had lunch. DH and I had an argument but it ended in apologizing and dtd in the wee morning :blush: We also had some wine last night and it was pretty darn good :thumbup: Before, I use to stress about drinking wine etc while ttc but now im saying to heck with it. Im going to enjoy life with DH and enjoy my life. I havent been enjoying myself because I was soooo worried about what anything will do to my body to effect me to not get a bfp. I cant make myself live in a bubble. We only drink wine anyways so its no harm in that and we drink it on occasion. So no more stressing for me and it feels good to just live life with no worries. If we get a bfp before july then great and if we dont then its great too because we have a great ob/gyn that will help us achieve a LO so either way it goes...its going to be great. Well, i go back to work tomorrow and I know the boss is back. Still waiting for a job to call. Any day now...because full time is exactly what i need right now and higher pay. So we shall see. Oh and here are my opks from cd23-today.


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Hi girls. Hope you are all well and in good spirits today! *hugs*

Skittles - Sometimes it is good just to step back and "lose track" for a little while. It can be good for the spirit and in turn the positivity we so desperately need for this journey! So sweet that dh missed you!

MzSwizz, still keeping my fingers crossed for you for O soon! Keep us posted!

I'm getting back into the swing of things after our getaway. I really enjoy my job, so the stress levels are low... however, as if I needed another indication that a BFN and AF are on tap for this weekend, yesterday have developed a menstrual migraine. I used to get them every month and they would last for a week or more (one lasted 43 days and I was in the hospital for 10). The last year or so they are only triggered every few months usually, but this one is vicious. I am wearing sunglasses and ear plugs at my desk... hate that. Hopefully this one won't stick around until af comes.

My temps are all over the place. I'm still entering them, but not putting any stock in them anymore. I was driving myself too nuts trying to figure out what was going on. Meh. Who knows. Regardless, life is STILL good, and it is STILL good to be me!
Aww hopefully you feel better soon :hugs: Migraines are the worst. Whether you know it or not...your temps look pretty good. Especially since it rose today. You are not out yet. :thumbup:
@HitTheJackpot, feel better. Dh gets migraine and it knocks his 6 feet 7 off. Rest and try to take your mind of ttc for a few hrs here and there. I know it's easier said than done :hugs:.

@Mzswizz, I am doing the ovulation :happydance: early for you. Like you, I bd stress free this cycle, twice a day, instead of the marathon that I usually do :blush:.

Dpo #, no clue and loving it.
skittles-wow your dh is tall. mines is only 5'6 :haha: and a lady from another thread said from looking at my opks..it looks like i will ov within 5 days. So let's see if she's right.
You girls always know just the right thing to say to make me feel better :D Thanks for being here!

MzSwizz, you know far more about charting and temps than I do, so I'll take your word for it :D I don't know if the migraine/pain makes the body temperature rise or not...

Skittles, SOOOO glad you are enjoying bd without stress! 2x per day?? WOO!! You GO!! HAHA! Color ME jealous :D So sorry that DH suffers from migraines, too. They are just terrible. I was spending so much time every month in a dark, quiet room that I was missing out on life, so now, when I get them, I still go to work if humanly possible, everyone just knows to leave me the heck alone if I'm wearing my sunglasses inside :D

We are having some wonderful storms here tonight, and storms make me happy, even though the barometric pressure isn't helping the brain pain at all, I still love closing my eyes and listening to the thunder roll in. I just hope the hail doesn't beat my poor garden to death! I have a TON of lettuce waiting for me to pick it... I'd hate to lose it to hail.

And your DHs BOTH have my DP beat....haha! She's 4 11' ... and 3/4 LOL. She's so adorable!

Thanks for helping me keep my spirits up, girlies! You are very appreciated!
No problem!! That's what we ladies are here for. What can effect your temp is if you have a cold or flu etc. And some medications also can effect your temp. They also say drinking effects your temp..supposedly it rises but the only thing i drink is wine and my temps seem fine. And i love storms and rain because thats when dh and I can cuddle up with each other. Speaking of dh...waiting for him to come so we can go for round 3 :haha: And im closer to your dp's height..im only 5'2 :haha:

AFM, well a woman i know from another thread sent me ic's like 2 weeks ago because she's pregnant and she doesnt need them anymore and now she said she found 10 more yippeee so im going to have more than 15 ic's to use....lucky me. Atleast if i do conceive this cycle..i can just keep using the ic's and then use the cb digi i have.
Hello girls!!!

@HitTheJackpot, how are you feeling today? Any better?, I hope you gave the migraine a big swift kick to the side. If not, feel better.

By the way, one of my best friend is also 4'11 and I can tell you, the girl is a firecracker!!, Dh always tells me that if he had met her first he would of had a hard time to pick me over her :winkwink:.

@Mzswizz, lucky you for the ic's, you get to test as often as you want. But, I'll bet you that you won't test that often :haha:. You will try to make them last.

As for me, I am ignoring all the symptoms that are trying to make me notice them. How rude of them!!!. So, instead of stalking google, I am reading all the weird news of yahoo and msn, I just didn't realize how funny some of these news were. Just read about a Jersey woman who went tanning with her 5 yrs old daughter, but the funniest was the comments. They had me spitting crackers and nutella all over my laptop, they were so funny. No one actually mention the fact that she allegedly tanned her daughter, but it was all about how she looked, lol.

Since I usually don't watch the news, I guess that I have a lot to catch on. Next the entertainment news, that might keep me distracted until I don't know when. En route to the laughing zone!!!
yes im going to hold out as much as possible when it comes to testing. dont want to deal with disappointment if its a bfn. also i read that article too and when i saw the lady i just started laughing because she looked like a burnt carrot :rofl:
So, funny story... yesterday morning, I hit snooze on my alarm clock and took my temp per usual... let me preface this by saying I temp ORALLY. I turned over and went back to sleep for a bit and woke about 20 minutes later and started going through my morning routine getting ready for work. :coffee:

I hear DP stirring and the dogs all rustling around, fighting for bed space. When I walk back into the room, what do I see? My 11 month old, 60lb rottweiler-shar pei sitting on the foot on the bed, perfectly illuminated by the rising sun coming in the window... She was perched there looking at me innocently with my pink, digital thermometer sticking perfectly out of her mouth as if she was taking her OWN temperature! :baby: I hollered "KONA!" and she pounces, then darts out of the room with the thermometer still hanging out of her mouth like a cheap cigarette and decides that playing "Catch me if you can" with my thermometer was a GRAND new game! :haha:

I managed to tackle her and get the thermometer back... and promptly gave it a good scrubbing and rubdown with some peroxide :blush::haha:

Little booger.
@HitTheJackpot, she was curious to see the reason you wake up so early, did not want to miss out on the fun, :haha:.

Enjoying the rest of the day, relaxing with dh.
*sigh* BFN this morning. CBE Digital @ either 12 or 13 DPO. I was bound and determined to wait until at least Sunday before testing, but just couldn't fight the urge to poas. I was very encouraged by my temps staying up po, but nope. No such luck.
Hi all I am new to this and I am on 8dpo and first month on soy! I experienced tan cm yesterday and my temp dropped slightly today!! do you think this is a good sign or am i reading too much into things?? thanks :wacko:
HittheJackpot-Maybe she wanted to understand the ttc experience :rofl: And you're not out until AF shows her face. Which im keeping my fxed so it wont happen for you.

Skittles-I enjoyed realxing with dh when i got home yesterday. It was lovely.

Jenny-It could be IB. Give it a few days before testing.

AFM, im on cd29 and my opk is negative. If my cycle wasnt irregular this time, I would've had AF in 7 days because it was due on the 11th. But now, atleast i can enjoy the no bleed period of my cycle and wait for ov to occur. I must say that I have been enjoying work lately and my boss has been pretty nice to me so far. She even said that i do a great job and she wish they could give me full time at the library location so i wont have to look for full time anywhere else :shock: As you can tell, I was shocked when she said that and thankful for the compliment. Yesterday, dh decided that he wanted to know more info about the Coast Guard Reserve because he wants to be a Reserve. We both looked at the information on the website and I say its pretty good. They have great benefits and the only time he will be away from the house, is when he has to go do drills and thats once or twice a month..no more than 2 weeks a year :thumbup: The only time he would be away for awhile is when he first signs up and has to do training which is 8 weeks in New Jersey. So if he is able to sign up..ttc would be put on hold for 2 months until he comes back so hoping we get a bfp before then if not...then there's always waiting the two months. Well, im off today so im going to enjoy it because I go back to work tomorrow.


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@HitTheJackpot, after 1 year and 3 months of trying, I still beleive in the "if she's not here yet, you are still in". I am backing up Mzswizz on it.

@Mzswizz, enjoy your day off. I get to host a wake, my next door neighbor ex pass 2 Sundays ago. Not my cup of tea, but she needs the help.

Still not thinking of the :witch: or about the :bfp:. I should be cd 27 today, but no unusual symptoms. Just the nipples hurting, but nothing new. We will see.
@skittles-you're very strong for holding out. fxed for you.

afm, dh came home around 3pm and surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries which are my favorite and i havent had those in years! We relaxed and took a nap. Now im just waiting for my food to be ready so i can eat.
@Mzswizzz. I had my fill of m&m's, if not, I would of been hating on your chocolate. As for the holding on. Been there and done that for a will, so it's getting easier every cycle. Actually the norm :haha:.

Still helping the neighbor out (I don't know her name) only been neighbors for a little over a month. And technically she's not my neigbor, lol, she only came over to help her ex. I am done serving the guest ( pig feet soup, fried pork, hot cocoa and bread, Haitian paties). So far, nobody has touch the rice yet. Now I am chilling in a corner of the backyard with my laptop and the mosquitoes. Thank you to the chum that invented wireless internet. Or beter yet, thanks AT&T.
@skittles-lol i have AT&T too and i love the wireless internet also. And i know what you mean. I've gained patience and strength over the time of ttc. So now things have become the norm for me.

AFM, im cd30 today. Wow cd30 cant believe im that far already. My temp is 97.68 and my opk is negative. Im not surprised that my opk is negative because usually after AF stops, i ov around 16-17 days later. So seeing that the bleeding stopped on cd23, i may be o'ing around cd39-40 which is in 9-10 days. So i have another week before ov'ing but it may come earlier or later who knows. DH and I dtd last night. TBH, i've noticed that dtd every day isnt even intentional :haha: Lately, we have just been having fun and just having sex when we want to. We pretty much are waiting for the smiley so we can dtd routinely but until then, it just happens. I work today and today is doughnut day. Jay is bringing in doughnuts for the staff today so im going to indulge a little :blush: Well, unfortunately DH wasnt able to get any info because the location closed early so now DH has to wait until Monday to call the recruiter. Now, I have noticed that my temp is at 97.68 but i wonder if i o'd yesterday but we shall see because my temp is still in pre-ov range. Also, I finally decided to get the vip membership with FF yesterday. So now I have the VIP for 90 days but i am hoping that i get a bfp before those 90 days are up.


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