8 dpo looking for buddies " 4 BFP" "Welcome Jacob "(old thread )

Yes i think watch dogs are perfect. That should scare her off or send an AF for the AF thats the worst gift ever :rofl: It's been 2 years of ttc after m/c with my DH. Im thinking the problem is progesterone and maybe im not ov'ing properly. Now i've heard of alot of women using clomid but never had a chance to ask what is it exactly? And we are ttc #1. We have no human babies yet neither just our pets and we have ALOT.

Here's the list of pets :haha:

tiger salamander
bearded dragon
ball phython
2 chameleons (male & female)
2 tanks of fish (one 55 gallon and a 10 gallon tank)
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST 2 DOGS (male & female)!

So as you can tell...we are animal lovers :rofl:
You poor thing! Two years! I'll keep you and DH in my thoughts!

The way I understand it (and others on here are most likely have much more knowledge as I'm a newbie to this) Clomid is a drug used to help with ovulation. It is taken for 5 days... my doc has me taking it on CD5-9. It basically stimulates ovulation and often causes more than one follicle to mature.

In my case, the doc will do a vaginal ultrasound on CD14 to see how many follicles there are - last cycle I had 2, one on each ovary. If they confirm that there is at least 1 mature follicle but no more than 3, they will have me go home that night and inject myself with Ovidrel which tells the body to go ahead and release the egg(s). I will then go in to his office in the morning on CD16 ... approx 36 hours later ... and will be inseminated. :happydance: Then.... I we hurry up and wait :dohh: :D

And I love your list of pets - now I know I'm not the only one with snakes :D

We have:

1 Male red tail boa constrictor
30 gallon fresh water fish tank (currently only 3 fish...ammonia problems)
3 dogs (though they aren't rabid or foaming at the mouth :) )
3 horses

So they are my babies for the moment! :baby:
Thanks HitTheJackpot. Yes 2 years is a long time but im still pushing on. I wont stop until we have our own LO. And thanks for helping me understand. I knew Clomid was ov related just didnt know if it is used to release an egg or mature the follicle. And yay you have a snake too!! I thought I was the only one. Alot of people freak out because we own a snake. But they are so docile and i think people are scared because they are use to seeing the wild snakes attacking etc. But my ball python is the sweetest and he spends most of his time wrapping around a person for warmth and just falls asleep. How big is your boa? And I love horses. My uncle used to have a farm and I use to ride them but thats when I was younger. He doesnt have the farm anymore so its been years since I've rode a horse.
Snake lovers!!!!. I am keeping my parakeets away from you ladies.

I might be the first person to be so happy to see af. So ladies, it's officially here. She got me.

So, this month I am looking to try something new. Last month I try opk and had my legs up for 30 minutes. Almost gave myself a bloody nose.

I am going to try to temp. Is it everyday starting cd1?
My pleasure, Mzswizz. I'm still learning all this stuff, so it helps me to talk about it, too!

The boa is about 6 1/2 feet long and about 9yrs old. I got him when he was just a little worm. And I love my horses... they are my therapy and my emotional outlet! I am working 2 jobs right now and I only get to see the horses on the weekend and it is KILLIN' me! gah!

As far as this cycle is concerned, I'm REALLY please to find out that my insemination will be on a Sunday this time. The doc will come in just to do the insemination. Last time, we did the insemination, I rested on the table for about 10 minutes and then had to head straight back to work. I'm sure the stress of going back to work didn't help any. This time, I'll get to go home with my DP and just relax and be calm the rest of the day ... I'm sure crawling back into bed and being waited on hand and foot all day would be just what the doctor ordered :D

@ Skittles... "Snake lovers" ... that made me lol! And no worries re: parakeets... my boa wouldn't know what to do with a prey item that was actually alive when he got it :D

Hey skittles im at 8 dpo as well but ur probably a day ahead since that thread is from yesterday. Anyways I'm so nervous I hope BFP comes this month too.
Hey skittles im at 8 dpo as well but ur probably a day ahead since that thread is from yesterday. Anyways I'm so nervous I hope BFP comes this month too.

Welcome SweetDiva86!!

Actually the thread is from march 30th, I am cd 2. But, no worry :hugs: we'll be glad to keep you company on your road to bfp. So, what are your symptoms?
Hello ladies!!

Today I started with my temp, and on the truth side, I took it the last time I got up to pee, which was around 6:30 am :wacko:.

I also started with the green tea, I read this about green tea, "Drinking more than a few cups of green tea a day can hinder the body’s ability to effectively absorb folic acid so it is recommended that you take extra folic acid if you intend to drink large quantities green tea to help your chances of conceiving." I took my prenatal vitamins at the same time.

And this month we are only drinking water. I still do not know how I got DH to agree about it, but he agreed real fast. I guess he's getting as inpatient as I am. Works for me.

Do you ladies suggest anything else?
HitTheJackpot-Fxed for you. And my python is almost 3ft or is 3ft, havent measured him in awhile because he is stubborn when it comes to measuring :haha: And i also had him since he was a little worm. I have watched him grow from eating pinkies to a small mouse to two mice to now a small rat :shock: And my snake eats live prey. He wouldnt dare touch a dead prey for some reason. But hoping this cycle goes well for you.

skittles-Dont worry..your parakeet is safe..my snake only likes mice and rats :haha: And glad AF finally came for you. I think you should also start taking prenatal vitamins. I know they say it helps your body be pregnancy ready. Im taking them.

AFM, i've been pretty busy. My dh's aunt from England arrived yesterday and we have been spending time with her and my MIL. She brought goodies and outfits from England that I adore. I am on cd6 today and the bleeding is still going. My temps are still low which is a good thing also because I would expect them to be low. They are kind of in a leveled out range so that must be good. Nothing else to report today actually. Oh and dh and I dtd yesterday :blush: First time in awhile i must say.
Have fun with the Aunt in law. It's always nice to have families or friends from different countries. You always get the cool stuff that we do not have here. My cousin is visiting in 2 months and I can't wait for him to get here, cause he always bring me my Lady Rochas lotion, stuff we can't get here.

I have been taking the prenatal, I added the vitamin B complex last month, so far so good, no side effects, I only take 25 mg of each and I up my intake of folic acid today, since I am taking the green tea 3 times a day.

By the way, I think this thread is dying, it seems like all the ladies move on or they are not addicts like we are :headspin:.
I think I'm around 8 or 10 dpo. Since we aren't trying or not trying I haven't tracked my temps or anything.

AF due on the 16th, so 5 days left. She's always on time, so that will be a big sign.

I've taken 3 Wondfro tests (too early Im sure) and a FRER. I took the FRER too early I know, but today I took two Wondfro tests. One I took with FMU and was still half asleep, so I was rubbing the sleepy out of my eyes and trying to tell, but couldn't really make out a line.

The 2nd Wondfro I took mid-afternoon today, just because I can, saw what I think was a line, but not sure because I waited the 5 minutes and it seemed faint or like I might have been "seeing things" so I let it sit another 5 minutes and it seemed a little more noticeable, but I know they are faint until 13DPO (at least from other people's progress pictures) so Im not sure. My friend said she didn't see anything, but she hardly tried to look. (She's TTC, but DH doesn't want kids, so IDK she didn't really even give it a good look. :-\ )

Anyways, I'm just going to keep testing with the wondfro's until AF either shows up or doesn't, then I have two more FRER tests I can use.

My symptoms are subsiding a little bit today, but I have some cramping still and a mild low back pain, not too achey. My nipples are sensitive just to touch them and the sides of my boobs. I keep getting cold and hot, esp in the face I get hot.

We'll see. :-\

Also, I'm new, so Hi to everyone.
Hello In_Stereo!!! Welcome.

I would be the last person to tell you to test before af due date. I am a former testing addict :haha:. Now I wait five day after af is due.

But, if I was to test I would do it with first morning urine, it's more concentrated. (sound like I am talking about orange juice) lol.

Funny about the friend, I guess she is envious, I would of been too, but I would still be happy for my friend. If you want you can post a pic of the test, and we would be happy to read it with you.

I was going to ask you how long you have been trying, but I noticed you are ntnp. I wish I could do that too, but I am getting too old :nope:. So, at the moment I am trying something new every cycle.

Let's go for the :bfp:
Hello In_Stereo!!! Welcome.

I would be the last person to tell you to test before af due date. I am a former testing addict :haha:. Now I wait five day after af is due.

But, if I was to test I would do it with first morning urine, it's more concentrated. (sound like I am talking about orange juice) lol.

Funny about the friend, I guess she is envious, I would of been too, but I would still be happy for my friend. If you want you can post a pic of the test, and we would be happy to read it with you.

I was going to ask you how long you have been trying, but I noticed you are ntnp. I wish I could do that too, but I am getting too old :nope:. So, at the moment I am trying something new every cycle.

Let's go for the :bfp:

Thanks. Yeah. Since I'm NTNP I haven't really charted. I can feel when I think I have O'd, but i havent charted or anything like that to know for sure what exact day was the day I O'd. So I suppose I will TRY to hold out until after AF should come on the 16th. I have this app on my phone that tells me when my AF should start and I always have started on the 2nd day of the 4 day window. It's never been delayed and my cycle is 28 days like clockwork, so I dont know if I'd need to wait 5 more days after the 16th, but maybe I'll take the advice and not test too much until I know AF isn't coming. :-\ It'll be hard with all those tests in my bathroom at my disposal.

I guess the only good thing is my DH has the rest of the week off starting tomorrow, so that should keep me distracted with errands and other things to do.

I did get really sick to my stomach tonight. Didn't throw up, but that's the first time I can say I felt seriously nauseated and thought I might puke.

I think she was a little envious. That was not my intention (she didn't even tell me about her situation until after I talked about her looking at the test) I really just needed another set of eyes and it really was faint (or a figment of my imagination.) I could see it but maybe only in a certain light or if I placed it against something darker.
Oh also, I threw it away and the picture I have really wouldn't even be worth posting I dont think. I'll post one in a few days (if I dont manage to wait until the 16th) and then you guys can give me your expert opinions on it. :)
Af had me on a leach this past cycle because she was five days late, so I was happy that I did not test early.

Another reason is, chemicals pregnancies, I don't think I had any yet, but, that's something that I would not care to know. TTC is already frustrating by itself, and being able to see a bfp and have it gone a few days after, is horrible.

Good thing that your Dh is off, if he is like mine you will be distracted and not be thinking about testing.

I think that I drunk too much tea today, no reason that I am still awake at 1:27 am. I forgot that it contain caffeine.
Welcome In_Stereo! I would say wait a few days and test with FMU. If its faint then you should be able to get a clearer line in a few days.

Skittles-Yeah alot of ladies left the thread. Hmm I wonder why. Maybe they are busy or something or found another thread :shrug:

AFM, im cd7 today. Bleeding is still here so hopefully it stops today or tomorrow morning. Not really looking forward to having AF longer than she suppose to be here. Well, I put in my AF temps on my previous cycle chart and just what i expected..it said i had an anovulatory cycle. So let's see if this cycle will be another anovulatory cycle. Because if it is...that would explain a lot on why im not getting a bfp. I already printed out the previous cycle. I printed out 2 to show him if i would've had my AF temps in there, it would've stated i had an anovulatory cycle and since i started temping at cd8..it said i o'd but i started spotting at 9dpo and then it later turned into an actual flow. So hopefully that helps out. And then with this current chart, he would be able to figure out whats going on. Im glad I started temping because I am really learning a lot about my body. I go into work today but I get off at 6:15 thank goodness. Also, majority of the staff wants to leave and its all because of my snotty boss. I hope we all are blessed with better jobs soon. Tomorrow, we suppose to be going on a party cruise with MIL and aunt from England. Cant wait. Since i know i wont get a bfp this cycle because it seems like its going to be a repeat of last cycle, we are enjoying life before the babies come. We are already thinking of taking a cruise to the Bahamas once our passports arrive in the mail. Which should be next month :thumbup: Either Bahamas or go to England. DH has been but I have never been so it will be exciting for me. Well thats all the news I have for today.
Good morning, Ladies!

I'm still here! I have been excessively busy @ work the last few days, but I'm stalkin' :D

Skittles... your comment about concentrated urine/orange juice made me LOL. I nearly spit my drink all over the monitor! HA! And you're on here at 1:27am?? Do they MAKE decaf green tea?

Speaking of green tea... did I miss a comment somewhere? What is the benefit of green tea when ttc? I haven't heard of that but am willing to try anything!

Last cycle I drank soda right up until the day of IUI but then switched to mostly water/lemonade. Once AF came, I went back to drinking pop and taking advil :) LOL BUt I'm rethinking that now. I'm enjoying my last day of soda today, then back on the water and tylenol. Bahaha. Tylenol is so useless but I want to clean out my body of caffeine and ibuprophen before IUI on the 22, so better to start sooner than later I suppose...and with rods/screws in my lower spine, Advil has been my best friend since the car accident!

And to those temping - I admire you! I always wake up to take it, but then fall right back to sleep with the stupid thermometer in my mouth. I'll wake up later to find it on the floor or next to my pillow :dohh: Doc says that since we are using Clomid and Ovidrel that temping isn't necessary but I have started trying to do it again, just so I can track things, ya know?
hitthejackpot-that must've been a bad car accident. glad you are okay though. And you falling asleep with the thermometer made me lol :haha: I know i did that plenty of times when i use to temp orally. Thats why i temp vaginally now so now i can have an accurate temp.
today I'm 8dpo, and I'm not sure if I'm still in the running! I had mild cramping and lower back ache until yesterday, when it stopped. Today I have no cramping, and it was replaced with creamy white CM. My boobs still don't hurt and I'm just really irritable!

I typically don't have cramping during the month, and my period has no warning until the day I get it! (every 28 days) Then the cramps come. The 2ww is so confusing! :shrug:
@ HitTheJackpot. The green tea help increase the cervical mucus in some women, it also decrease the folic acid, reason that I increase my intake of folic acid to 400 mcg. I am trying anything that might help.
I'll let you know if it helps.

As for soda, I haven't had any for a few months now, not that I was ever a soda fan. I am a water addict, people think that I am weird because I do not like juice or soda. But, I love coconut water.
But, it end up being something good because my doctor told me that women who drinks a lot a sugar are more prone to get a yeast infection, but don't quote her on that because she was the same one who always has all my pains and aches, I could never complain to her without her having or had the same pain, so annoying.

@Mzswizz. I guess I spoke too fast about the thread. Since I work from home, I am always online :haha:.
About the anovulatory, how do you get to know? Did you see a doctor? I want to know in case the same is happening to me too.

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