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8th month NTNP - 2WW - af due in two days - no symptoms what so ever

That's ok hun, I only said it because I tend to switch between here and there, and I am mainly on there as I am a member of some groups on there.

I had a drink last night lol :haha: I promised I wouldn't but ach you only live once.

Started taking some proper prenatals yesterday as well, got some pregnacare TTC ones. I was just taking folic acid before but I thought I may as well do this right. They were bloody expensive though :shock: What prenatals are you taking?
Yeah with the weather being so nice I've been drinking this week but it's a one off do I need to stop being so hard in myself. Seems as I'm also in the gym 6 days a week :) very proud of myself.

That's good that you're taking prenatals. I don't take anything as we're not actually TTC yet and don't want him to think I'm getting way ahead of myself. He's just so laid back about it all and I still feel a bit like a fraud as I'm only NTNP. Haha sounds so silly. Just can't wait for him to turn around one day and be like right let's make some babies then. Haha.
Wish he would just hurry up and say it now.

If I were you hun i'd still take pre-natals "just in case"... I've recently read that folic acid pre pregnancy / early weeks when you don't know you're pregnant is the most important. So even if you just buy some folic acid supplements and take those. He doesn't need to know, it's just safe guarding your future LO should it happen. Or, if you're uncomfortable with it, then maybe get a well woman type supplement which has folic acid in it, just say it's part of your new fitness regime :)

You're so good going to the gym 6 days a week. I wish I had the energy! I am determined to exercise tonight. Well i'm determined now, i'm pretty sure I won't be later lol :haha:

Do you know what's holding your OH back from officially TTC?
That's a good idea actually, good thinking.

I don't know, it's strange really. We have both saved enough money for a deposit on a house but we don't want to rush just for the sake of it. So currently were still living at my family home which is an absolute disaster and so stressful which doesn't help. I think as well that both of us preferred to do it as NTNP as officially ttc would for me be more disappointing each month as I would know how much it would upset him as well. Don't know whether that makes sense at all haha. Whenever I stress my concerns he always says to me it will happen when it's supposed to and I think that will kick start everything into motion as we will have something to drive us to do what we want and have to.
I think as nothing has happened yet we have more time to save money for our future.

It's difficult to explain as you can probably see. I just don't feel like my life has actually started yet as I haven't had a baby. That's all I want in life.

Sorry to rant on, had such a dramatic weekend and really low at the moment.
I think I need a holiday, stress free and lots of sex.
Lots of people say holidays are good like that :)

How was your weekend?

Oh no honey, sorry to hear about your weekend? I'm here if you need a friendly ear :hugs:

My weekend was good, just went far too quickly! Feel like I blinked and missed it. Actually I spent a lot of it stressed, so i'm not sure if it was as good as I remember lol but it had it's highlights.

Do you have the deposit money for a house? If so, are you looking? There's no rush granted but I can't even imagine still living with my family. It'd do my head in!!! :rofl:

I'm in a confused state this morning, i'm thinking of setting back my ttc date until September as I had originally planned. I feel like my head is f*cked tbh. Part of me wants to try next month, but then the more rational part of me is saying wait a month and lose some weight! I'm still carrying baby weight from Coralie and I would like it shifted. If i'd just got my arse in gear then I could've shifted it by now but no :haha: Ideally i'd like to lose a stone, can't see me doing that before ovulation and I won't diet in the tww although I will be careful. I suppose though, if I dieted and exercised from now on that would help wouldn't it? As you can see, my mind is spinning...

Thank you :)Oh it was a nightmare, it's all a mess at home. Mum left a few years ago, dads with a nasty gold digger pretty much who just causes problems constantly, calling police and telling them she's been physically assaulted by us! Very strange woman! It's not where I want to be or to bring my children up. If it is still too stressful in a few months time then I will leave. I've looked at many houses before trying to find the best location for a 2 bed house as a starter home but nothing has really caught my eye yet but I'll know when I've found the right one just got to be patient.

Best thing to do to lose weight is to cut things out like crisps and chocolate and any snack foods. Have a normal breakfast then a sandwich with snack a jacks or salad then for dinner I tend to eat jacket potato with a chicken breast in a nice sauce, shepherds pie, hotpots, spag bol, pretty much what you would normally have.

With the exercise if you buy some little dumbbell weights and just do exercises to build a little muscle, as you need the muscle to burn the fat. Sounds confusing but it makes sense. Then cardio a couple of times a week even if it's just walking or jumping on a bike for half hour a day it will help. You won't notice weight falling off straight away as muscle is heavier than fat but you need that muscle o get rid of the fat so it will eventually go dependi g in how much you do. Instead of weighing yourself do what I do and just judge weight loss on your body measurements, scales are just depressing when you haven't seen one pound go down.
How often do you think you get to yourself a week? Obviously for you it will be harder with LO.

Hiya hun :wave: I'm so sorry things have been a bit manic my end and I have been trying to not think too much about TTC. I was starting to get really wound up about it and I just couldn't deal with it. I am however TTC as of today :happydance:

How are you? Whereabouts in your cycle are you at the moment? :)
That's okay my love. Hope everything is okay!

Ahhh it's official!! I'm so excited for you.

I'm okay thank you, how have you been apart from very busy?

I'm currently 6dpo, very sore sensitive nipples that are constantly hard. Sides of my boobs are sore. Broke out in spots which hasn't happened for years and insomnia :( so not sure what that all means. Just staying positive.

Where abouts are you in your cycle?

Phew what a weekend!! :coffee:

It was hubby's 30th birthday. We had a small family gathering on Saturday night, and that and my Daughter deciding sleep was for the weak has left me feeling very very tired and achey.

I'm CD 12. I likely ovulate tomorrow but who knows really as i'm not temping nor using opks. Are you using opks yet or still taking things easy? I'm feeling quite relaxed so have. We dtd Saturday and Sunday, may do it again tonight but will def tomorrow as I *may* ovulate. Will keep dtd reguarly until early next week though to be safe.

I was laying there with my bum up on a cushion after dtd last night thinking :shock: omg I cannot believe I am going to go through all this again :haha: It's a strange feeling. I'm very excited though :happydance:

So you're 6 dpo :D Not long now although I know the TWW feels like it goes on forever and a day. I'm not looking forward to mine :wacko:

Did you start taking some wellwoman tablets?

Sound fairly hectic for you.
Yeah it must be a strange feeling doing it all again, so excited for you though.

Sadly af got me five days early, thought it was implantation bleeding but way to heavy for that. So now I'm going on to my 10th month, my god this is getting depressing. Haven't started doing opk's or taking any tablets. I have no idea what's going on with my body, I think I might just give up. :(
Sound fairly hectic for you.
Yeah it must be a strange feeling doing it all again, so excited for you though.

Sadly af got me five days early, thought it was implantation bleeding but way to heavy for that. So now I'm going on to my 10th month, my god this is getting depressing. Haven't started doing opk's or taking any tablets. I have no idea what's going on with my body, I think I might just give up. :(

Don't give up!!! It will happen. Maybe not this cycle, maybe not the next, but it will hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

F*cking AF showing up early. How dare she :growlmad:

Have you spoken to your OH about actively TTC? Maybe then you could go see your GP? I'd definitely recommend opks. If nothing else, atleast you'll know you're ovulating? Neil (DH) has agreed we can get some opks if we don't fall this month.

Get yourself some wellwoman tablets, and some opks and atleast you know you're covering all of the bases :hugs:

I really cannot imagine how you're feeling about this right now. Wish I could give you a squishy hug honey :(

Bless you! :)

Well this month I have a stress free home, so I'm just going to relax this month I think and see how much better I feel after that. If it hasn't happened from taking a relaxing month then I'm going to start opk's. First time I've been fully stress free in years, probably why af turned up so early!

We haven't discussed fully ttc as I know he is still taking the whatever happens happens approach, I think we would get stressed too much if we were both determined on it. Will just see how we go this month on the relaxation, maybe get away for a week together and really get to spend some time on our own.

I can't wait to know how you get on this month, I'm going to be so impatient!

Hun you're too sweet thinking of me :hugs:

I'm cycle day 14 today. I don't know if I have ovulated or if I am waiting too. I don't always get EWCM so who knows :shrug: My cycles have been a little all over the place so i'm baffled. Last cycle was 25 days, one before 28, two before that 26, four before that 27! So going by that I could have ovulated Monday, or I could ovulate tomorrow. I'm covering my bases with lots of :sex: :haha:

Yesterday tbh neither of us wanted too but we did just because I could be ovulating. I'm not going to bother tonight, will try again tomorrow and then wait and see. I'm a poas addict so I will test next Sunday, 2nd September. I can't even believe i'm writing that! Feels surreal. AF could be due anytime from Monday 3rd based on previous cycles. I know I shouldn't test and wait it out but that's not me lol. Last time I tested too early, 9 dpo. I won't be doing that again!! I got my bfp at 12 dpo. F*ck I can't believe I am TTC!


The relaxed approach is best, I really hope it works for you. Be great to be bump buddies one day when we both get our bfp's :happydance: Ohhh you planning on going anywhere nice? That will be lovely, some time just the two of you, it really does make all the difference :)

Yeah it does sound strange haha.
The only good thing that came out of this month is that my cycle was cut by five days which means less waiting around each month, hopefully it stays this way.

Looking forward to this month, just because I'm a lot less stressed. We might go to Cornwall for a week or something.

Are you being more relaxed this time?

Shorter cycles are great for TTC. Not so great in general. Feels like AF is always hanging around! I'm hoping for another 25 day cycle :)

Ohh I love Cornwall! Whereabouts do you live Hun?

I'm def more relaxed this time, I was so wound up TTC to Coralie. This times more what will be will be!
yeah I'm hoping that will be the case.

I don't live far far from you actually, live in Guildford.

I think the relaxed approach is best though to be honest, let's your body just get on with it all how it should. Hoping that theory works though. Haha.

How is the little one?

Just up the A3! I had no idea you lived so close :)

I've heard many many good things about being relaxed when TTC. I was so wound up last time with Coralie, honestly I was stressing myself out every day wondering if I was/wasn't pregnant. I hated not knowing what was happening in MY body. Just horrible. I guess this time round I just don't really have the time to think about it? Maybe that's it, maybe i'm just a little more chilled out I don't know.

Coralie is good thanks :) We didn't have a very good night :coffee: A couple of wake ups but I *think* she's teething. I say think, even at near on 19 months old I don't actually know lol. It's a bit of a guessing game tbh. Anyways, because of that, and a stupid argument with DH last night I am feeling very tired and grumpy this morning. Roll on 5:15 and the weekend :D

Any plans for the bank holiday weekend?

Yeah not far at all :) im sure most people on here are in the US.

I'm hoping the stress free take on things will help, even if it doesn't happen straight off at least I won't be as stressed if I get a negative. Just got to take everything as it comes, everything happens for a reason after all.
If you're busy I guess you don't really have as much time to think about ttc, soaybe it's a good thing. And plus you've always got your little girl to look after and spoil :)

Sorry to hear that you two had an argument, hope everything's okay and Coralie is feeling better.

I just saw 'hoping for a bfp for katiee21' bless you, you're so kind.

I have nothing planned for the bank holiday apartfrom a christening on sunday. Only just found out today that it was a bank holiday. Haven't been in work for a while, trying to get the house back in order after my dads partner finally left after years of stress and awkwardness! How about you, anything planned?

Not much to be honest, we went to a go-ape this morning. I was shit at it!! I done 3 out of 5 of the courses. My hubby done the other two while I watched. Seriously I'm not good with heights!! I only booked it for Neil really, he's been wanting to go since one opened right near us. He loved it!! I was almost hyperventilating and was pretty much ready to puke :shock:

Do you work full time? I do, sadly! Can't stand it. Never used to bother me but now it does. Think Coralie changed my view on life somewhat. Still you've had some time off? Doesn't sound overly relaxing though!!

Whereabouts are you in your cycle hun? My memory is shit - sorry!! I can't keep track of my cycle days. Had to put it on my calendar!

I think a lot of the people on here are from the US but you'll be surprised how many are from the UK too. During my pregnancy with Coralie I became friends with a lot of women on here (and have met them irl) and they were all UK girls. It's a good mix really :)
I think I would shot myself, not a big fan of heights. At least dh enjoyed it though. Haha.

Yeah I work full time, it's a family company but this time of year is always dead on my side of things, literally nothing to do. So get a lot of stuff done at home, trying to get the house back in order and how it used to be. There's only five months out of the year where I'm really busy. I do some work on the side as well but haven't yet got it up and running which I really need to do.

I'm on cycle day 8 now, hoping my cycles stay shorter so it all happens a bit quicker. Being more relaxed though I don't think ' oh I have to dtd tonight '. I just think if neither of us fall asleep or get up in the morning then we just do it then even if it is just a quickie. When af started last Saturday I had yet another uti as well. Cystoscopy results show I have chronic inflammation of the bladder so I'm on 3 months of a low dose of anti biotic. Not quite sure what inflames it though :S
I always forget about cycles too where abouts are you? Just ovulated?

Yeah it's like a little community on here it's lovely that everyone really knows what you're going through. Even if you do get the odd person that posts on how they don't want children, never thought that would upset me but it did quite shock me.

Enough of me blabbering on.....


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