:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Ah smalltowngal sounds like you've been going through a right tough time - here's some more hugs for you!

I'm nearly at month 10 TTC (have endo already so knew I would have some problems and also have had irregular cycles since coming off BCP)
When I came off BCP I knew I was very unlikely to 'catch' straight away and I honestly set myself to trying to ignore it for 12 months, figured if by 12 months nothing had happened I'd seek help from my gynaecologist.

But in reality I did what I guess a lot of women do - secretly hope for the best and think I'd defy the odds and get pregnant straight away.

Cycle 3 TTC (which is where I think you are now?) was by far the hardest for me - it's the cycle where I suddenly realised that things weren't just happening but that I also had a way to go before I'd get help. Had a similar crisis where I wasn't sure I could carry on - I just wanted my baby right then and couldn't face the idea of going any more months with AF arriving. At similar time DH had to go on some tablets for a little while which stopped him reaching climax (sorry TMI!) so our chances had dropped further

Anyhow to cut my rambling short what I'm trying to say is that I've been where you've been and at a similar point in our TTC journey. And it has gotten easier. I'm still gutted everytime AF arrives and have a good cry with DH but then by the time she's gone I'm excited about the next cycle. Plus each cycle I've got closer to my gynae appt (6th Dec) so I've managed to push some of my thinking onto the appointment and what will happen from that point - not just all on TTC right this moment if you know what I mean

Hope some of that made sense and that things become a bit easier for you like they have done for me, we're all here to support you and welcome back!
Oooh and do tell us about you holiday :thumbup:


Thanks so much for the hugs and understanding! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: It's a real comfort to know that someone else understands what I'm going through right now, and that it got easier. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

It's so hard to wait for that gyno appt (it's in April for me), esp since this is my last year before I hit 35 and if I needed IVF or something this would be the best time, but there's no way I can get it while I'm 34, because insurance won't approve it until a year after trying when you are under 35 and there will be more hoops to jump through (testing and maybe other things to try) even if I wind up needing it - [Eeyore/ which i probably will /Eeyore]. I'll either get PG on my own here at 34 or wind up having whatever needs done when I'm 35 or older.

I hope I feel more hopeful once AF is through and I head into my next fertile cycle. DH says that I got this depressed and hopeless the last two cycles at AF, as well, so hopefully it will pass and will even get easier like it did for you. I wish I was 10 years younger, so I'd worry less (since my mom and grandma got PG around the mid twenties with definite endo).

I hope we both get that BFP soon, esp you since you've been trying longer! :dust: At least your appt is coming up very soon! Hopefully there will be something easy to do to try and speed things along, for you.

I need to force myself to eat something now (felt so depressed and hopeless today that I've hardly eaten) and then I'll give the scoop on my Disney/Orlando holiday. ;)
oh smalltowngal and baby1wanted, I am so sorry that your TTC journeys have been so hard. I am praying that this will change for you both in the next few months :hugs:

I know that I had a bit of a miracle bean, but before then watching one month turn into two, then turn into three with no ovulation and no AF. I felt utterly hopeless and like it would never happen. But it did, and it definitely will for you :hugs:

Ciaramystic, I didn't have a lot of CM really, but I am sure it is a good thing, lots of :dust: to you

Ohh Smalltown and baby1- wish I could give you the biggest real sister hug, but an internet hug will have to do. :hugs:

The good news is your in the right place and vent all you need to until you're both feeling better. TTC is so stressful it's rediculous, but at least we live in an age, where if it isn't happening naturally we have lots of options to start our families. I'm sending you both tons and tons of:dust::dust::dust:
AF is officially here with very light but occasionally clotty flow. I feel feverish and headachey and bleh. :af: As soon as I'm a bit more cheerful, so I can gush about it properly, I'll have some lovely Disney/Orlando holiday stories for you. :flower:

Tizy, my new estimated testing date for Dec. is 12/24/12, assuming I have another 33 day cycle. Hoping for a Christmas miracle [-o< , or I'll be crying on Christmas. :sad2: :wacko:

I've got a new little ticker counting down until I can sched my April gyno appt (you can't sched more than 3 months in advance, there). Hopefully that'll give me something to look forward to.

I'd be fine waiting a year or whatever to get PG, if I just knew for sure I would get PG. That's what makes it so hard for me - the uncertainty of not just when but if.

oh smalltowngal and baby1wanted, I am so sorry that your TTC journeys have been so hard. I am praying that this will change for you both in the next few months :hugs:

I know that I had a bit of a miracle bean, but before then watching one month turn into two, then turn into three with no ovulation and no AF. I felt utterly hopeless and like it would never happen. But it did, and it definitely will for you :hugs:


Thank you so much for the prayers and encouragement, Lizzie! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I'll keep you and your miracle bean in my prayers, as well. :flower:

I hope you (and my DH, who feels confident that it's just a matter of time) are right, and it definitely will happen. It feels good to know that others are having confident feelings, even if I'm not at the moment (before I had my first setback of late ovulation, I felt confident that it would happen eventually, at least...that little setback just unraveled my confidence, like pulling a thread on a sweater.)
Ohh Smalltown and baby1- wish I could give you the biggest real sister hug, but an internet hug will have to do. :hugs:

The good news is your in the right place and vent all you need to until you're both feeling better. TTC is so stressful it's rediculous, but at least we live in an age, where if it isn't happening naturally we have lots of options to start our families. I'm sending you both tons and tons of:dust::dust::dust:

Aw, thanks so much! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Yes, I'm so thankful to have a good group to come to - I never thought TTC would be this stressful, but it sure is! Like you say, at least we live in an age with lots of options, so I'm thankful for that, as well. I've been trying to think of what it would be like to be ttc in past ages, and it does make me feel a bit better.
Smalltowngirl & baby1wanted, It's totally hard work girlie's. I guess for me it's different cause im alot younger. But we all feel for each other and are here for each other. Iv been TC for nearly 3 year's. It's over whelming. Emotion's are sky high. I could cry over sometihnk so silly lol, But Inside im stronger, from being on BnB, learning about Fertility and Infertility. I know a lot. Like when People say there fine about AF arriving, It's just a front and deep down there's that ach and heart break that this cycle wasn't that BFP cycle. We all hit that brick wall but well get straight back to it after. Girlie's FX'd your BFP's come very soon & Big Hug's. x x x

Smalltowngirl, Totally gutted AF has got you. Big Hug's sweetie. x x x
You ladies are all truly wonderful - brought a smile to my face and a little tear to my eye that we get so much support :flower:
Smalltowngal my AF essentials are chocolate, wine, a weepy film, magazined, DH doing cooking and cleaning then I pick myself up, dust myself off and start the BDing all over again! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Smalltowngirl & baby1wanted, It's totally hard work girlie's. I guess for me it's different cause im alot younger. But we all feel for each other and are here for each other. Iv been TC for nearly 3 year's. It's over whelming. Emotion's are sky high. I could cry over sometihnk so silly lol, But Inside im stronger, from being on BnB, learning about Fertility and Infertility. I know a lot. Like when People say there fine about AF arriving, It's just a front and deep down there's that ach and heart break that this cycle wasn't that BFP cycle. We all hit that brick wall but well get straight back to it after. Girlie's FX'd your BFP's come very soon & Big Hug's. x x x

Smalltowngirl, Totally gutted AF has got you. Big Hug's sweetie. x x x

Thank you so much for the Big Hugs and whatnot! :hugs::hugs::hugs: FX'd you get your BFP soon, too (esp after so long)!

You ladies are all truly wonderful - brought a smile to my face and a little tear to my eye that we get so much support :flower:
Smalltowngal my AF essentials are chocolate, wine, a weepy film, magazined, DH doing cooking and cleaning then I pick myself up, dust myself off and start the BDing all over again! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sounds like a good plan. ;) I've been alternating between 'drama's that make me feel grateful I'm not having as hard a time as the characters in them' and comedies. And DH as been mercifully doing some cleaning and cooking for me <3, since AF + sinus ick is kinda kicking my butt.
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been on for ages, been busy at work etc.

Hey ladies :) had a routine appt today my midwife says that ny uterus feels more like im 10/11 weeks rather than 8/9 but we will find out for sure when i go for my first ultrasound next Wednesday :) im so ansy i just can't wait to see my little peanut.

how is everyone else doing? try not to worry to much tizy i didn't have a symptom other than sore boobs until almost 7 weeks then bam lovely ms kicked in :dohh:

PAW wow I can't believe you're getting your scan, I really wish mine was sooner. Still no symptoms....Lol

Still no ms here! maybe i am one of the lucky ones!
Paw - when i went into hossy at 6 weeks to be checked over the consultant felt my stomach and she had her fingers in side me (ouch!!!) she said oh your more like 8-9 weeks so i pooped myself thinking did i not have a chemical last month!! Had the scan and she was incorrect which tbh im glad as i so upset with what had happened. Anyway turned out i was bang on my own dates lol.

So jealous your having your scan next weds!!! Get some great pics and show. us! My scan is 5th Dec now which seems agesss away!

Jadey, 5th Dec is SOON! Great stuff, can't wait to start seeing some piccys.

All these BFP's... Congrats!!! This girl is jealous... hopefully I'll be joining you all soon!!! Still waiting for O' this cycle but judging by my cm it will be here in a week or less! So... I'm technically in a 3ww LOL!!! Crazy thing... I have been checking/charting my cm for MONTHS... This cycle I seem to have an abundance of it pre-O which I never had before so I'm hoping that means my body is back to normal after that horrible Depo and I'm a fertile myrtle... so FX'd the extra will help the swimmers reach their destination! Anyone have an abundance the cycle they conceived????

Hey Ciara, I was so like that before my bfp, it will happen soon enough hun, 3 ww Lol...totally chart stalking you at the mo. :dust: to you X

Thanks for your advice ladies - I would LOVE if it turns out to be O pain / spotting as my cycle would be half the length of the last one!!
We BD'd a couple of days ago but last night DH had pulled back :-(
Might make him suffer the pain today though! :haha:

Tizy - am so so happy for you, it's lovely news, hopefully one by one we'll start joining you pregnant ladies soon!

Going by my last cycle length my next testing date will be Dec 25th - will prob sneak a few HPTs in before then tho as my cycles are so irregular!

Was worried about SmallTownGal and BB - hope they're both doing ok. Esp BB as she'd had her chemical and didn't know whether it was lack of power or if she's feeling low. Anyway when they're both back here's some hugs for them! :hugs: :hugs:

Jessica - sounds like you got plenty BDing in so good luck!

Keeping FX'd for everyone in the 2WW and hoping this is your time.

With these wacky cycles I find it hard there being such a long time from one AF to another but having you all at different points in the cycle really keeps my mind off me!!


Thanks for the :hugs:, I can really use some right now! :hugs::hugs:

Hello, all! :hugs2: Been gone a while. Initially I just got busy on holiday and then had to recuperate when I got back (I got laryngitis immediately upon my return). Then, without my consolation prize of not worrying about being PG while on holiday (because holiday is over) I felt overwhelmed by TTC (so overwhelmed I didn't feel like I could talk about it here on group), like I'd for sure be crushed each time I turn up not PG, from here on out, and so I desperately tried to find a way to avoid that (since I figured I can't take who knows how many months/years of that). I tried killing all hope, so that I'd already make my peace with not being PG this month (or ever), since that worked for school with exams (I'd study and do my best and expect the worse) but when I was finally able to kill my hope and get myself assuming that I'm just gonna have bad eggs or something (but I gotta try my best so I can say I tried my best), it was too depressing and threatened to send me spiraling down to deep depression, so then I had to try and resurrect at least some hope. I've tried pinning all my hopes on cycle 9 (my gyno says not to worry about further testing or being referred to an RE until then), but hope crept back in for this cycle and I took HPTs at 10dpo and 12dpo and now I've got my day-before-AF pre-AF spotting (I know AF is gonna officially get me tomorrow), so I'm out and I'm crushed. I just spent the last half hour or so crying into my keyboard.

I wish I could be all "whatever will be will be", but the only way I can see me achieving that is if I'm ambivalent about it, and I'm just not. There's nothing to do but grieve upon each AF and hope for next month, rinse-repeat, until it's time for more tests. Hopefully I can weather however many months of this TTC roller coaster it's gonna take until I'm PG or find out it's impossible.

Complicating matters is that we were in with a barely good try by sheer luck, this month, as we only got in four BD's, and I had to campaign for the last two (DH's spirit was willing but the flesh was not so much). DH's work has been stressing him terribly, and I initially worried that it was more than that, that he was bored with BD already (since it seemed he used to want to BD as a stress reliever) but we talked about it and apparently there is a stress threshold where it gets to a certain high level of stress that instead of wanting to relieve tension, he just feels fried. (I'm so ticked off at his workmates and bosses for piling on the stress, grrr. I would be even if we weren't TTC but esp. since we are!) I worry that the rest of the months will follow the same pattern and we won't be able to reliably get in good tries.

I wish I could shake the worry that it's just never going to happen, at least until I have a better reason to worry than sheer "wouldn't that be my luck" paranoia. But wouldn't that just be my luck, that I'm going to have bad eggs or something, after all. :(

Care to help me with a reality check, ladies?

Reasons not to worry, I guess:

-It's only cycle 3. Supposedly the average time it takes is 6 months and up to a year is normal.

- 34 isn't that old yet and supposedly nearly all still have good eggs at this age and the vast majority have good eggs until at least 38 (after which it varies from woman to woman), even thought I guess the amount of good eggs decreases since the odds decrease from 20% to 15% at my age, so it takes longer. But "takes longer" isn't "never".

- My gyno exam went well and he didn't seem worried. I showed him my charts and he said I was ovulating (even during that month I missed my surge - I guess the temp shift really did solidly indicate O as FF thought). He kept asking me if I was on Clomid (I guess that's a good sign, idk) and seeing my charts halted any fears he would have had about my ovulation due to my being rather furry (I hadn't shaved while I was sick and saw him shortly after getting back) since that can be a sign of PCOS. He also raved about my very healthy looking cervix, so that's good. He said that "it's probably just a matter of time" till I'm PG and that if I'm not in 9 months then he'll order some tests/refer me for them (I can't remember which).

- I'm already on prenatals, so that should help my health and my chances, I guess

- My health appears to genuinely be improved (all my hair is growing back and is nearly all grown back now, after having lost 50% of it during the time I was very ill)

- Research indicates that reactive hypoglycemia (which I have) doesn't effect fertility (and my Nana has it and she was super fertile, and my dad has it and was super fertile as well)

Reasons to worry:

- DH is definitely overweight, and that can affect sperm (but we can't get an SA until at least 9 months)

- I was in bad health for 5 years, even if I'm not now, and I worry that it could have possibly permanently damaged my egg supply or ovaries or something

- I worry that I have endo because I've always had really bad period cramps and they are in my back and legs as well. Both my mom and grandma had endo (grandma even had to have a hysterectomy). But both have also been PG twice (my mom lost her first one due to an rh factor, and grandma carried both to term).

- With the miraculous cure of the vestibulitis after the hormone treatments that helped me get healthy again so that my body could get back to good health and my reproductive system could reboot and start making the proper hormones again (as far as I and the doctors can tell without fertility testing), I wonder if asking for a another miracle is too much. I was already super lucky to be cured, and it seems to much to hope that I would be lucky with conception.

- I worry that my hormones might still not be quite right, since some of them (the estrogen and testosterone) were on the lower end of normal before. Maybe they aren't fixed good enough.

- Fertility doesn't increase with age, and I worry that if I ever had a prime, I passed it already, and I'm one of those unlucky people who have bad eggs already at 34

- When I'm not hopeful, I have a bad feeling about my chances, and feel silly for getting my hopes up, esp when I get a BFN or AF

So, that's how I'm feeling right now. I'll talk about my Disney World vacation later, if some of you would like.

Big hugs and condolences to BB, for the chemical PG! :( :hug: I'm so sorry to hear about that! :(

And big congrats to Tizy and Flyons on there BFP's!!! :happydance::flower::baby: H & H 9 months to you both!

Tizy, I'll let you know my next estimated testing date as soon as AF officially arrives.

Dust to all :dust:

Hey SmalltownGal, long time no speak, I was concerned for you guys over in the US with hurricane Sandy etc, glad you're ok. We've still not heard from BB. I'm sorry you're feeling so down and out, just remember, although we can't be there we are here whenever you want to talk. I was starting to feel a little like you but please remember its still early days, I'm 35 and for my age the average time to conceive in 9 months....I was worrying about it and that it would take that long and just hoping that it wouldn't so I can sympathise. I've got everything crossed for you too X

Ah smalltowngal sounds like you've been going through a right tough time - here's some more hugs for you!

I'm nearly at month 10 TTC (have endo already so knew I would have some problems and also have had irregular cycles since coming off BCP)
When I came off BCP I knew I was very unlikely to 'catch' straight away and I honestly set myself to trying to ignore it for 12 months, figured if by 12 months nothing had happened I'd seek help from my gynaecologist.

But in reality I did what I guess a lot of women do - secretly hope for the best and think I'd defy the odds and get pregnant straight away.

Cycle 3 TTC (which is where I think you are now?) was by far the hardest for me - it's the cycle where I suddenly realised that things weren't just happening but that I also had a way to go before I'd get help. Had a similar crisis where I wasn't sure I could carry on - I just wanted my baby right then and couldn't face the idea of going any more months with AF arriving. At similar time DH had to go on some tablets for a little while which stopped him reaching climax (sorry TMI!) so our chances had dropped further

Anyhow to cut my rambling short what I'm trying to say is that I've been where you've been and at a similar point in our TTC journey. And it has gotten easier. I'm still gutted everytime AF arrives and have a good cry with DH but then by the time she's gone I'm excited about the next cycle. Plus each cycle I've got closer to my gynae appt (6th Dec) so I've managed to push some of my thinking onto the appointment and what will happen from that point - not just all on TTC right this moment if you know what I mean

Hope some of that made sense and that things become a bit easier for you like they have done for me, we're all here to support you and welcome back!
Oooh and do tell us about you holiday :thumbup:


Hey baby1 - you've given fab advice there and great that you can share you're experiences. I'm sorry you're journey has been a long one, defo a good idea to focus yourself on your appointment and trying to get some answers and advice about how to move forward. We'll be here waiting with you tho, and hopefully not too much longer. Xx

oh smalltowngal and baby1wanted, I am so sorry that your TTC journeys have been so hard. I am praying that this will change for you both in the next few months :hugs:

I know that I had a bit of a miracle bean, but before then watching one month turn into two, then turn into three with no ovulation and no AF. I felt utterly hopeless and like it would never happen. But it did, and it definitely will for you :hugs:

Ciaramystic, I didn't have a lot of CM really, but I am sure it is a good thing, lots of :dust: to you


Hey LJ, loveley to hear from you, are you still doing alright? When is your scan? X

Ohh Smalltown and baby1- wish I could give you the biggest real sister hug, but an internet hug will have to do. :hugs:

The good news is your in the right place and vent all you need to until you're both feeling better. TTC is so stressful it's rediculous, but at least we live in an age, where if it isn't happening naturally we have lots of options to start our families. I'm sending you both tons and tons of:dust::dust::dust:

Hi Flyons, how are you feeling chick? X


I'm probs going to be a bit awol this next week as its Holly's and Roscoe's birthdays so I have a party of 25 teenagers to contend with one night and a family gathering on another day, plus work.....good job I'm not feeling much pregnancy tiredness yet!

Much love to everyone Xxxx
Hey SmalltownGal, long time no speak, I was concerned for you guys over in the US with hurricane Sandy etc, glad you're ok. We've still not heard from BB. I'm sorry you're feeling so down and out, just remember, although we can't be there we are here whenever you want to talk. I was starting to feel a little like you but please remember its still early days, I'm 35 and for my age the average time to conceive in 9 months....I was worrying about it and that it would take that long and just hoping that it wouldn't so I can sympathise. I've got everything crossed for you too X

Thanks so much, Tizy! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Luckily, Sandy didn't affect us much where I am (didn't even blow any shingles off the roof, although it was stormy). Hope BB doesn't live in NY where it hit hard and is okay wherever she is.

I'm starting to feel better and more hopeful again, that it will happen eventually, now that AF is winding down. So hard being patient, though. Sure would be cool to get a Christmas BFP.
Woohoo! Pretty sure I o'd so I'm officially back in the 2ww!!! So excited... Really hopin this is our cycle! Crazy though... I O'd earlier then normal ??? Usually O cd 16-19 but looks like I did cd 14 this time. Really hopin it means this is my month!
Ohhh good luck Ciara, keep us posted on any symptoms. How is everyone else doing, Jessica? Any :bfp:??? Xxx
Thx hun for asking, Were all quite good here, Iv got a smile on my face so who care's. :D lol. Been most relaxed this cycle. Im still 100% sure AF will arrive tomorrow, But still Testing AM tomorrow. Then atleast the BFN with take away the shock and dissappointment of AF when it arrive's. x x x

How are you and the family & LittleBean Getting on? x x x
Eagerly waiting to hear any news.......Yeh we're ok thanks. TBH I've put a bit much on my plate this week. Roscoe's birthday is next tuesday and we're having an open house on Sunday for friends and family so I've been desperately finishing the of the stairwell because you can see it when you walk in the house! And Its Holly's party on Friday, she'll be 15 and shes having loads of friends round, my friend is DJing for her so she's really excited, she also wants a birthday tea on Wednesday. So..... the painting is now done, but i still have two shifts at work to do and two birthday cakes to make!!

After this week I'm defo taking it easy because I seem to be getting more tired than usual....other than that, all is well, no sickness thank goodness, but I never had any with Holly or Roscoe either Xx
Eagerly waiting to hear any news.......Yeh we're ok thanks. TBH I've put a bit much on my plate this week. Roscoe's birthday is next tuesday and we're having an open house on Sunday for friends and family so I've been desperately finishing the of the stairwell because you can see it when you walk in the house! And Its Holly's party on Friday, she'll be 15 and shes having loads of friends round, my friend is DJing for her so she's really excited, she also wants a birthday tea on Wednesday. So..... the painting is now done, but i still have two shifts at work to do and two birthday cakes to make!!

After this week I'm defo taking it easy because I seem to be getting more tired than usual....other than that, all is well, no sickness thank goodness, but I never had any with Holly or Roscoe either Xx

Glad to hear no sickness but you definitely need to take it easy after all of that!!!! :hugs: I ended up just having a random high temp, so still waitin on O'. :wacko: I was so disappointed but then I realized it gave us more chances to BD so then I was like woohoo!!! Blessing in disguise ??? I think so... :happydance: I've had pains in my right side that radiate across the front and through my back since yesterday morning so I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen today. I sure hope so... and hope one of the swimmers reaches it's destination, then the little bean sticks, then I can join Tizzy and the others with a BFP!!! Lot's of hoping and praying going on... I'm in my brother's wedding next December so I need my BFP soon otherwise I'm going to be huge during it LOL!!! Gotta have a few months to shed that baby weight...
Good luck Ciaramystic! :dust:

Goodness Tizy, you sound so busy! I have to schedule two naps a day at the moment or I can't keep up!!!

It's been a bit of a chaotic week for us and little bean. DH has been referred for genetic counselling and I had high blood sugar results from my booking in tests. I had an urgent GTT test yesterday, spoke to the hospital this morning and the results were good - I am so relieved!!! One hurdle down!

We have a dating scan tomorrow because my LMP was early August and the MW doesn't know what the make of that! Scared and excited!

Good luck Ciaramystic! :dust:

Goodness Tizy, you sound so busy! I have to schedule two naps a day at the moment or I can't keep up!!!

It's been a bit of a chaotic week for us and little bean. DH has been referred for genetic counselling and I had high blood sugar results from my booking in tests. I had an urgent GTT test yesterday, spoke to the hospital this morning and the results were good - I am so relieved!!! One hurdle down!

We have a dating scan tomorrow because my LMP was early August and the MW doesn't know what the make of that! Scared and excited!


goodluck with your scan tommorrow LizzieJane!

I have my first ultrasound tommorrow also. so excited to finally see my little peanut. I am totally with you on needing naps. Its kinda hard with a rambucious toddler running around though :sleep: sometimes i feel like a zombie chaing after her :haha:
Eagerly waiting to hear any news.......Yeh we're ok thanks. TBH I've put a bit much on my plate this week. Roscoe's birthday is next tuesday and we're having an open house on Sunday for friends and family so I've been desperately finishing the of the stairwell because you can see it when you walk in the house! And Its Holly's party on Friday, she'll be 15 and shes having loads of friends round, my friend is DJing for her so she's really excited, she also wants a birthday tea on Wednesday. So..... the painting is now done, but i still have two shifts at work to do and two birthday cakes to make!!

After this week I'm defo taking it easy because I seem to be getting more tired than usual....other than that, all is well, no sickness thank goodness, but I never had any with Holly or Roscoe either Xx

Sorry to hear you got alot on your plate hun, Bet you cant wait to rest. Great to hear no sickness. :D x x x

Eagerly waiting to hear any news.......Yeh we're ok thanks. TBH I've put a bit much on my plate this week. Roscoe's birthday is next tuesday and we're having an open house on Sunday for friends and family so I've been desperately finishing the of the stairwell because you can see it when you walk in the house! And Its Holly's party on Friday, she'll be 15 and shes having loads of friends round, my friend is DJing for her so she's really excited, she also wants a birthday tea on Wednesday. So..... the painting is now done, but i still have two shifts at work to do and two birthday cakes to make!!

After this week I'm defo taking it easy because I seem to be getting more tired than usual....other than that, all is well, no sickness thank goodness, but I never had any with Holly or Roscoe either Xx

Glad to hear no sickness but you definitely need to take it easy after all of that!!!! :hugs: I ended up just having a random high temp, so still waitin on O'. :wacko: I was so disappointed but then I realized it gave us more chances to BD so then I was like woohoo!!! Blessing in disguise ??? I think so... :happydance: I've had pains in my right side that radiate across the front and through my back since yesterday morning so I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen today. I sure hope so... and hope one of the swimmers reaches it's destination, then the little bean sticks, then I can join Tizzy and the others with a BFP!!! Lot's of hoping and praying going on... I'm in my brother's wedding next December so I need my BFP soon otherwise I'm going to be huge during it LOL!!! Gotta have a few months to shed that baby weight...

GL and FX'd x x x

Good luck Ciaramystic! :dust:

Goodness Tizy, you sound so busy! I have to schedule two naps a day at the moment or I can't keep up!!!

It's been a bit of a chaotic week for us and little bean. DH has been referred for genetic counselling and I had high blood sugar results from my booking in tests. I had an urgent GTT test yesterday, spoke to the hospital this morning and the results were good - I am so relieved!!! One hurdle down!

We have a dating scan tomorrow because my LMP was early August and the MW doesn't know what the make of that! Scared and excited!


Sorry to hear your having a chaotic week. Hope your blood sugar level's drop hun. Glad to hear your result's back back good from the Urgent GTT Test. Cant wait to hear about your Scan app hun. x x x

Good luck Ciaramystic! :dust:

Goodness Tizy, you sound so busy! I have to schedule two naps a day at the moment or I can't keep up!!!

It's been a bit of a chaotic week for us and little bean. DH has been referred for genetic counselling and I had high blood sugar results from my booking in tests. I had an urgent GTT test yesterday, spoke to the hospital this morning and the results were good - I am so relieved!!! One hurdle down!

We have a dating scan tomorrow because my LMP was early August and the MW doesn't know what the make of that! Scared and excited!


goodluck with your scan tommorrow LizzieJane!

I have my first ultrasound tommorrow also. so excited to finally see my little peanut. I am totally with you on needing naps. Its kinda hard with a rambucious toddler running around though :sleep: sometimes i feel like a zombie chaing after her :haha:

Cant wait to hear about your Scan hun, And hopefully some Scan Pic's. :D x x x

Happy Birthday To Me... LOL... CD27... BFN... AF No Show...

Woke up this morning in a good mood. Did a test and got a BFN, But im good and waiting for AF, Atleast I wont feel as shitting now when AF show's her devil looking face. First sign of AF is Really tender Lower abdomen and cervix. Not feeling anythink ATM. x x x

As for my birthday had a great day, We (me, Fiance & DD) Went to my Mother's for the day, See my sister's, Brother and nethew which was nice, then came home, Got Honey settled Down, After she had dinner. Then My wonderful fiance cooked me a lovely steak meal https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/ltttc-journals/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif So For me Iv had a lovely day & 100% i'll have a lovely night. x x x

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