:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Welcome back BB, great to hear from you :flower:

:hugs: baby1wanted and tizy, sounds like taking a step back from TTC for now is a good idea, though I hope your 2013 BFP's are just over the horizon. when is your FS app baby1wanted?

Welcome babyrogers :wave: long cycles are so hard :dohh: I had epic cycles 80-90 days and just like you said, my body seemed to try and ovulate every 2 weeks or so. However, keep the faith! I got my BFP in October with my LMP at the beginning of August!

AFM total rollarcoaster these last few weeks, on top of huge faily drama I had some scary bleeding :cry: I've never been so scared or cried so much. I was such a mess at the hospital! They did an exam and doppler, could not source the bleeding, but babies heartbeat was fine. It carried on lightly for a few days then cleared up. As luck would have it two days later we had a consultant app for genetics, she did a US and said all was well with baby and placenta. She said I was just probably just over exerting myself. Such a relief. :dust:
hi baby rogers, i too have long irregluar cyles, i once went 6 months without one but i will say i got PG on CD 61 with ds2 and this one im not 100% sure yet but i got BFP new years eve but my last AF was 29th october but i know i am not that far gone. i kept testing and testing but all BFN till the 31st lol :) so fingers crossed for you xx
Eek, Im so excited, got my 3d/4d scan in 2 hrs, Ive had one cuppa tea this morning and no other caffeine all day, baby has been pretty quiet, only a few kicks so im hoping it will be nice and active for the scan, gonna find out if Im def having a girl which i was told i was 10 days ago at my 20 week scan, we get a dvd aswell, Anyone else had one before?
Good luck Claire! Heres my 4d scan with my 1st its bloomin amazing!!

Post some piccys please once you get chance :thumbup:


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Welcome back BB, great to hear from you :flower:

:hugs: baby1wanted and tizy, sounds like taking a step back from TTC for now is a good idea, though I hope your 2013 BFP's are just over the horizon. when is your FS app baby1wanted?

Welcome babyrogers :wave: long cycles are so hard :dohh: I had epic cycles 80-90 days and just like you said, my body seemed to try and ovulate every 2 weeks or so. However, keep the faith! I got my BFP in October with my LMP at the beginning of August!

AFM total rollarcoaster these last few weeks, on top of huge faily drama I had some scary bleeding :cry: I've never been so scared or cried so much. I was such a mess at the hospital! They did an exam and doppler, could not source the bleeding, but babies heartbeat was fine. It carried on lightly for a few days then cleared up. As luck would have it two days later we had a consultant app for genetics, she did a US and said all was well with baby and placenta. She said I was just probably just over exerting myself. Such a relief. :dust:

Glad baby is ok... that must of been so scary. Hugs xxx
Wow so many of you have got your BFPs! Hope the rest of us follow soon. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I think I might test on the 22nd, 2 days after second prediction of af and 17dpo if I ovulated the second time. I don't want to test before that because its my step mom's birthday on the 21 and I will probably not be able to keep the grin off my face if I get that BFP and I want to keep it a secret except for the few friends who know we're ttc until I'm at least 8 weeks. DF's mother had 4 miscarriages and I've read that the sperm can influence whether a woman miscarries or not so I'm a little paranoid I guess.
hello ladies
sorry i havent been on in a while my pc is still broken, i'm having to do this on the wii so can't get on facebook.
how are you all doing? any more bfp's i don't know about??

AFM still no AF last was october, but that might have something to do with the BFP i got monday :) i think i conceived 17th dec i know i/m not as far gone as october.
it was a real shock, i don't even know why i tested, but it came up before it had even finished going across the window, i did another an hour later with just a dribble of wee lol same thing happened both very strong lines!!

so for all those LTTC with irregular long cycles it can happen, its taken us nearly 4 years!!!!

take care ladies xx

Congrats, thisisme!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: H & H 9 mos! :flower:

Had my consultant appointment today and she really upset me! Ive had 2 sections and said i would like to try again for a vbac she told me it wasnt what the like to do and its routine to have another section plus advised me on sterilisation... im 24! Basically she told me its too dangerous to have anymore children. I told her that sterilsation is NOT an option and if i wanted to tr again then i would iys my body! Feel pretty shity about the fact she suggested sterilising me at such a young age :-( I dont think ill ever havr anymore after this one but i dont want that decision taken away from me!

I agree with everyone else - that consultant was awful! No bedside manner! :growlmad: Sorry you got such an upsetting consult :hugs: IIRC, in a later post, you said you'd switch if she's like that again, and that sounds like a good idea if she continues to be that way.

I'm feeling ok.... had a bad day yesterday as my Grandmother passed away. Wasn't paying attention to symptoms at the time... when I woke up this morning my temp had gone up a little more. When I checked my cervix this am it was high hard and closed, had a little bit of brown ewcm mixed with watery cm. Realized later that I was starving yesterday but felt nauseous at the same time and I was so cold... Thought I was coming down with something so I passed out on the couch early in the evening. Today I am having pressure down below... not cramps just pressure and my back is killing me. Could be AF on the way though... I seem to recall this same feeling last month ;) I took a cheap internet test with fmu today and it was bfn. Thinking I'll test again Sunday... FX'd for all of you!!!

Hiya ladies... Update on me... Temp dropped two days and started spotting when wiping only... Temp went back up a little today... But still thinking this is AF. Had a "spotting only" period last cycle too... Idk what's goin on with my body but def making an appointment soon to get it figured out sigh..

My condolences about your Grandma, Ciara! :hug: :hugs::hugs:

Sorry to hear you are having some odd spotting stuff going on. Hopefully the docs can give you some info and if something needs sorted, it be sorted soon! :hugs:

Nothing to report here, think it might be a bit of a wait for af to show. I've ordered OPK and tests from Amazon so we plan to start trying after first period....which FF tells me is due round 16th Jan....seems ages away and knowing my luck I'll be one of those people who has messed up cycles following D&C. Hope not X

Lisasmith thanks for asking after me - One good piece of news, since my spotting has now stopped - I did a pregnancy test yesterday to check my HCG levels were back to 0 and I got a big fat NEGATIVE - can't tell you how happy I was to see one of those! Its great becuase it means there are no retained products and my body can now start trying to ovulate again. I had read horror stories of people with high HCG levels (like mine were) taking ages ...like months for them to return to normal, so since its only just over 3 weeks since my D&C i'm pleased.

We still haven't DTD tho, I know i'm gonna ovulate soon as I have a bit of EWCM but we said we'd wait till after first period just to give my body a bit extra time to recover....tempting tho it is to carry straight on! I want to get a few chances to DTD first too, get back to enjoying lovemaking and each other.

Hey Baby1 - glad ya still with us, us TTc girls are slowely dwindling (which is great becuase it means more BFP)

Ciara how are things today? Really hoping its just a late implant for you?

Thats me...over and out. Xxx

Glad to hear that your cycles are due to be getting back to normal swiftly, Tizy! :) Been praying for your swift recovery.


hey ladies.. i know its been a whileee.. i havent been on any of these chats i was taking a much needed break.. sorry ladies soo everyone knows i have had 2 miscarriages back to back with no kids .. so it was and has been such a trying time.. i have an amazing hubby who has been so strong for both of us.. i promised that once we started trying again i would find this chat and reconnect with u wonderful ladies i started seeing a homepathy doc becuz my doc feels that everything is fine with me.. homepathy doc feels that my hormones are unbalanced due to long use of the birth controls pills and possible thin lining .. since my miscarriage in late oct .. he has me on some natural medicine .. he has given me the green light to start trying again on my next cycle which is scheduled mid to end of jan.. since taking his medicine my period seems to be back on track.. i am going to be montoring this months cycle only and take his advice and try again on my next period.. for the last times i got preggie i was ovulating much later in my cycles .. which i heard is no good ... so hopefully i am ovulating earlier .. im cd 5 and period has wrapped up ! i have purchased ovulation sticks to help me monitor my cycle.. ive been praying a lot and feel that were ready again to start trying again.. the homeopathy doc im seeing specializes in female fertility etc so i have faith that i will have a blessing this year*
honestly im anxious to start trying again ! happy i found u ladies again .. ill keep everyone posted*
BB !*Sent from Samsung Mobile

Oh, BB, glad to see you back! :flower: I've been praying for you as well, and I'm so glad you are safe and on the mend. Also glad to hear your hubby has been supportive and you've found a great homeopathic doc to help you!


Hi everyone - how are you all? I'm still around TTC Tizy!! Sorry I've not been on for AGES, have taken a bit of a step back from all things TTC whilst I wait for my first appointment with the fertility clinic. I'm not tracking anything really at the minute just enjoying the break until all our testing starts. Endo pain getting steadily worse so hopefully they'll be able to offer something to help that too....
Will keep an eye on you all :winkwink: until I'm ready to get back into the swing of things
Oh and welcome back to BB :flower:
Hugs :hugs: to everyone xx

Glad you are enjoying the break, although sorry to hear the endo pain is getting worse. :hugs: FX'd the docs can help with that as well. I've been "prayer warrior-ing" (that's what my nana calls it) for you, as well. ;)

Hi ladies...is it too late to join this thread? Love the name btw. I am 20, on a vey long cycle number one to conceive baby number one

Well I am 20 years old, DF is 24. We got engaged in November 2011 and are getting married this July. I went of bcp and it screwed me up of course...wish I had read all these discussions about bcp and what they can do to you. Probably would have picked a non-hormonal form of bc. Anyways, I somehow had two Lh surges 14 days apart (which I wouldn't have caught if I wasn't being impatient and taking OPKs to pass the time until af arrived) so obviously I didn't ovulate the first time. I'm just hoping I actually ovulated on the 5th since I had the darkest opk on the 4th. FF now has af due on the 20th so I think I'm going to wait until the 1st because I don't know if I can handle any more bfn this cycle (I took one the day before af was due the first time and one a few days later) and I'm moving so I should be too busy to test (yeah right, I will have to pack them early lol)

Welcome, babyrogers! :flower: I'm trying for my first, as well. FX'd for you and well wishes for the move!

AFM total rollarcoaster these last few weeks, on top of huge faily drama I had some scary bleeding :cry: I've never been so scared or cried so much. I was such a mess at the hospital! They did an exam and doppler, could not source the bleeding, but babies heartbeat was fine. It carried on lightly for a few days then cleared up. As luck would have it two days later we had a consultant app for genetics, she did a US and said all was well with baby and placenta. She said I was just probably just over exerting myself. Such a relief. :dust:

Yikes, I'm glad you checked out at the hospital okay, and that consultant could confirm things are well! How scary tho! :hugs: But glad you and baby are okay :)


AFM...well, I started out feeling okay, this cycle. Not hopeful for this cycle, but okay with that. I got some good nesting done, got two attempts/bd in (although it was a struggle to get the last one, and the one on pos opk day doesn't count and isn't in my chart because it didn't complete, but I thought the previous attempt would be in that three day window of "good" for FF), got a bfp opk, and was feeling pretty good..until my temps didn't rise quick enough for FF to declare O soon enough to make that last good attempt fall into the good category, and DH had no mojo working for BD that supposed O day like we hoped he would.* :cry:

(((*I've since entered in the higher temp I got after waking and crying, because the low temps were gotten after only a few measley hours of sleep and on the day after the pos opk and I had no covers and was chilled, and I think that really threw it off for that day. I think the day after O and the day after that should probably be higher temp wise, but I only determined that after reading on FF how much blankets could make a difference and after the temp I took after immediately getting 6 more hours sleep for dpo 3 was so much higher. (My sleep schedule got messed up during my period, when I got sick in addition to having the period, and the switch over from being awake in the night to being awake in the day again happened during O season and I'm pretty sure that messed up my temp data, so I'm going with the opk now, even though I have a feeling I still O'd the day after my pos opk and am still in with a poor chance, although hopefully I'm not in with a super poor chance like when FF knocked O time back to cd19, when I didn't go with the higher temp for cd18 and on cd19 I had a low temp hopefully due to low sleep again, since after 6 more hours of sleep it was up much higher). If my luteal phase winds up being longer than 14 days and I'm not PG, though, I'll reinstate the lower temp, since my luteal phase has never been longer than 14 days.)))

So, anyway, on cd18 I had a breakdown and cried most of the day, since the one thing that is in our control, the BD attempts, were going poorly yet again (and they haven't gone great since the first month because it's been a struggle to even narrowly get in good enough BD timing). After all, even if there's nothing physiologically wrong with either of us, it'll never happen if the sperm doesn't get to the egg, and it seemed there was nothing to be done because the reason for the lack of attempts is DH's work overworking/stressing him and DH having sinus ick, so I was devastated. The good news is, after having a talk with DH, it turns out DH wasn't getting nearly good enough sleep during the week, since cycle 3, because he was staying up too late and getting up early for work (on the weekends, he felt vigorous enough because he was getting enough sleep), and he thinks that is the lynchpin to his being able to BD (work stress and sinus ick can be overcome and/or will be less with more sleep). And the reason he wasn't more watchful on taking care of himself was partly due to not taking my warnings of "we are in the fertile period, save your strength" seriously, and he's promised to take that seriously as well from now on, in addition to having me remind him to get to bed by a certain time. So hopefully that works for future cycles. sigh

We've also got a new plan, since part of what is driving me nuts about TTC is all the uncertainty, and I need some goal that I can have immediate gratification about and some regularity. So the new plan is to BD every 3 days from cd10 to cd22 (the latest I've O'd has been cd20, so that should cover it). DH isn't sure whether such a regimented routine will mess with his mojo or not, so we'll see. Hopefully it won't.

Tizy, I'm due to test on 1/22/13.

But if my period doesn't come by then, rather than PG, I'll suspect later O.

Sigh. If anyone can offer me any more hope for ever being PG, I'll take it. Maybe it'll at least make me feel better for a little while. If nothing else, it feels nice to have others pulling for me, even if I'm as doomed as I fear I am.

Ugh. I was feeling fine until I started talking about what's been going on with me. All those still TTC might want to skip the following as I'm about to vent some pessimism and it might bum y'all out. I'm only including it in case some day I actually do get PG, and someone else feels just as hopeless, and then I can say "see, look how hopeless I was and it happened for me"...but I doubt that I will ever get PG, right now.


I'm hating this TTC journey, right now. Hating it. It is torment. And I know I'm not going to be lucky enough to get PG soon. And I'm having a crisis of faith about it working out in the end. I'm feeling very pessimistic, right now. I've got enough hope that I can at least get in good attempts, but I'm not feeling optimistic about the end results.

I do have this irrational suspicion that success comes easy or not at all. But nothing, or not much, is easy for me...but I don't feel like I've been terribly successful either (I have rather high standards for myself) so...It's just really hard to believe that with how not-smoothly it's been going that it won't all end in failure. I'm feeling very unlucky and that there's not much can be done to change that luck. I'm feeling that if it comes to IVF, that will fail too (maybe I'll have a bad uterus which will make even donated embryos a no-go). And if it comes to adoption, no one will pick us. And the cost of all that and the red tape and the length of journey, esp with the latter, sounds like a nightmare, to me.

It just feels like I'm never going to be a mom, no matter what I do, or how hard I try. And looking back through the TTC forum, I see that others have felt that way and most have gone on to get PG and give birth, but some haven't, and I just have a bad feeling that I'm right and it's not in the cards for me, regardless of earlier good feelings or my husband's good feelings, and I'm going to go through years and years of this torment with no baby at the end. If I weren't determined to see it through to the end, so that I know for sure I did my best and the failure wasn't due to lack of trying, I'd give up, right now. But I hate this journey and it sucks and I believe I'll get PG (or become a mom somehow) someday if it happens. But I'm not holding my breath.

And I'll eat my hat, if I wind up PG this cycle. But I know I won't have to worry about any hat eating. This cycle is doomed, and the whole endevour feels doomed.

I swear, if grieving for never being a mom wasn't gonna be "death of loved one" level grieving for me, I'd just grieve for it right now and get it over with, so I could go through the motions of TTC in peace. But that level of grieving will make it impossible to go through the motions any time soon (and I'd wonder if it could have happened in the time spent not trying), so I'm stuck holding onto faint hope.

Those of you who already have kids/are PG are so, so lucky. For those of you who it took a long time for, I don't know how you didn't lose your minds. Srsly. Maybe if TTC had gone smooth for me with regular O times that happened at the standard time for most people, and BD attempts that didn't have to be struggled for and weren't just barely good enough at best, I'd still be hopeful. But they weren't and I'm not, because I can't help but feel that it shouldn't be this hard if it's going to end in success.

For those of you who it happens/happened quickly for, you are just so lucky, I wish I could be that lucky, and I feel like since I'm already not that lucky, something must be wrong with me.

:cry: How sad am I? Yeesh. :wacko:
Felt better after venting and got some more good nesting done, but now I feel depressed again. :shrug:

Somebody lie to me and tell me it'll happen for me.
Oh smalltowngal :hugs: I'm not going to lie to you! but it will happen! it might be a bumpy ride and it might take longer than any of us want for you, but it will happen :hugs:

I found temping SO hard, just like you said, length of time sleeping and blankets, even the weather really throw it off. I can only compare to the one time I ovulated, but I think FF got it wrong, judging by the size of baby, apparently I ovulated before my +ve opk?! I think I just had such a screwed up cycle by CD60 or whatever it didn't respond normally to ovulation.

Glad you had a good chat with DH. I felt really bad collaring DH when he was so tired after work :( BD'ing every three days sounds good, and you can encourage DH to get a good nights sleep the night before!! Do you think some other goals might help, non TTC related to distract you? I used a lot of short term goals, the old '42 days till a night away/holiday' trick or new hobbies kept me going! I think I was going to try knitting at one point, but I was terrible :dohh:

:( please don't feel hopeless hun :hugs: I know it is hard not to, I felt hopeless too, I often think about what I would have done with those 80-90 day cycles if we hadn't got our one in a million sticky bean. I reckon I'd have gone to counselling, booked a lot of short term treats to look forward to, leaned on hubs a lot, vented at you BnB ladies, yelled at scans on facebook, and carried on looking at adoption, which I was doing at the time.

There is a HUGE amount of road left before you should feel like giving up. Honestly I promise you, you will be a mum. I know this because it is so obvious how much you want to be a mum. You wont give up, even though you feel down, you will never give up. I think the ladies on this forum have amazing strength and an amazing capacity to support each other though everyone is in a range of different situations. I think you should give yourself credit for your strength, determination and your kindness because it is hard to feel happy for people who are PG when you long for that yourself. And look at your post, you are supporting everyone in this thread, even though you are feeling so low. That's what mothers do and you will be a mother one day, and I truely hope that day comes very soon. xxx
Well, smalltowngirl, I was going to comment but then I read lizziejane's post and she's got it right. I agree with her. It will happen, sooner or later for you
Oh smalltowngal :hugs: I'm not going to lie to you! but it will happen! it might be a bumpy ride and it might take longer than any of us want for you, but it will happen :hugs:

I found temping SO hard, just like you said, length of time sleeping and blankets, even the weather really throw it off. I can only compare to the one time I ovulated, but I think FF got it wrong, judging by the size of baby, apparently I ovulated before my +ve opk?! I think I just had such a screwed up cycle by CD60 or whatever it didn't respond normally to ovulation.

Glad you had a good chat with DH. I felt really bad collaring DH when he was so tired after work :( BD'ing every three days sounds good, and you can encourage DH to get a good nights sleep the night before!! Do you think some other goals might help, non TTC related to distract you? I used a lot of short term goals, the old '42 days till a night away/holiday' trick or new hobbies kept me going! I think I was going to try knitting at one point, but I was terrible :dohh:

:( please don't feel hopeless hun :hugs: I know it is hard not to, I felt hopeless too, I often think about what I would have done with those 80-90 day cycles if we hadn't got our one in a million sticky bean. I reckon I'd have gone to counselling, booked a lot of short term treats to look forward to, leaned on hubs a lot, vented at you BnB ladies, yelled at scans on facebook, and carried on looking at adoption, which I was doing at the time.

There is a HUGE amount of road left before you should feel like giving up. Honestly I promise you, you will be a mum. I know this because it is so obvious how much you want to be a mum. You wont give up, even though you feel down, you will never give up. I think the ladies on this forum have amazing strength and an amazing capacity to support each other though everyone is in a range of different situations. I think you should give yourself credit for your strength, determination and your kindness because it is hard to feel happy for people who are PG when you long for that yourself. And look at your post, you are supporting everyone in this thread, even though you are feeling so low. That's what mothers do and you will be a mother one day, and I truely hope that day comes very soon. xxx

Oh, Lizzie, thank you so much for this post! <3 :hugs::hugs::hugs: Now I'm crying again, but in a good way. :blush:

It's really encouraging to me that you see strength and good mum qualities and whatnot in me, esp since I've been worrying, a lot more than I realized, that maybe I'm just not strong enough and wouldn't be a good mum, anyway. That really gives me hope that if I just keep trying my best, one way or another, I'll be a mum. And also helps me have pride in the trying, whatever the result. I'm rather goal oriented, so I tend to forget that there is value in working hard towards a worthy goal, in and of itself, even if I don't get the result/or it seems like I'm not going to get the result that I'm looking for.

Thank you for your hopes that it will happen for me soon! :hugs:

Ah, and I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble with temping! Come to think of it, the weather has been crazy lately, going from hot to cold to hot to cold, so that probably didn't help either. Ah well, my new plan should cover my bases. (Speaking of that, in the midst of writing this, DH proposed some BD time, feeling a need to prove that with proper sleep he could overcome work and sinus ick. I'm quite sure I O'd already, but it's good to BD anyway. ;) )

And yeah, I think non-TTC goals are def helpful. I have some non-TTC related projects (and nesting is actually partly one of them, as I want to get the house properly organized and spiffed up, anyway, and began that project before TTC began - but I have some totally non-TTC related projects like "getting a 100% in all of my Lego games for the Wii" and beating or getting 100% in other games, and writing fic, and studying a favorite subject for fun). I've got knitting as well, but I'm still working on the basics and haven't picked it up in a while (I keep dropping stitches). Having a short term reward goal sounds like a good idea, and I don't have that in place. I'll have to brainstorm. Thanks for the tip! :)

I think I'm going to print this post out, and tack it up to my mirror, along with some encouraging notes in bold letters (maybe with glitter - everything's better with glitter), like the main character in "Beautiful" did. Maybe it's a little silly, but I think it'll work to keep me from devolving into downward shame spiral like has been happening, if every day I read positive notes like "you are strong", "you will be a mom", "you will succeed", and "never give up". You've inspired me to finally embrace the "determinator" method, and work to hypnotize myself into believing in the positive, rather than my usual "defensive pessimism" method. I still have the worry of "what if I don't succeed in spite of my best efforts" but if I am going to succeed, then believing that I will will help me bare the hardships on the way, and I can always deal with the disappointment if it happens (and change my definition of success to mean "trying my best and not giving up until all options have been exhausted") but I'm going to try and ignore the "if" until all options are exhausted, if it comes to that. Ah, already it's hard for me. I'll def have to do daily affirmations (it's worked with self-esteem issues for me in the past, so it should work again).

Well, smalltowngirl, I was going to comment but then I read lizziejane's post and she's got it right. I agree with her. It will happen, sooner or later for you

Thanks to you to for your support, babyrogers! :hugs::hugs:
Well, it's morning and I've got my notes up on the mirror and said my first mantra/set of daily affirmations. It's still hard not to follow up the positives with a "but what if", but hopefully after a few weeks I'll start to really believe the positive and I won't be knocked back down into the downward shame/worry spiral by set backs.

Really, I know it doesn't make any more sense to choose to assume the negative than the positive, in an unknown outcome, so I might as well assume the positive. I suppose I could embrace the unknown and hope for the best, but I don't think that's as good for keeping me motivated to be "the determinator". And if DH and I are interpreting our feelings/messages from the Divine correctly, then I've got even more good reason to chose the positive determinator path (it being God approved).

I think today's distraction will be Lego Indiana Jones on the Wii. I just love the Lego games - it's so cathartic to smash the plethora of smashable Lego scenery to bits, with the cute little Lego figures.

Poor DH is still having sinus ick. I think he's fighting off a proper sinus infection, now. But he won't go to the doctor. Although I may have finally convinced him to see the allergist when he's better.
Eek, Im so excited, got my 3d/4d scan in 2 hrs, Ive had one cuppa tea this morning and no other caffeine all day, baby has been pretty quiet, only a few kicks so im hoping it will be nice and active for the scan, gonna find out if Im def having a girl which i was told i was 10 days ago at my 20 week scan, we get a dvd aswell, Anyone else had one before?

It's been a couple days and I thought I might ask how your scan went Claire? Did you find out for sure if you're having a girl?

It's so cool that you get a dvd. :D Do you get a picture printout as well?

Speaking of that:

Good luck Claire! Heres my 4d scan with my 1st its bloomin amazing!!

Post some piccys please once you get chance :thumbup:

Awesome pic! I've seen one before in my gyno's office (they have one by the desk advertising the service). So cool what they can do with technology these days. :)


AFM: I'm feeling a lot less raw about all things related to PG and babies. In fact, I'm feeling not raw at all, right now. The positive thinking is really helping. It's still a struggle sometimes not to devolve, but I'm keeping at it.

I've also got a new stop on the plan before adoption, and that's donor egg + plus surrogacy (the price of adoption vs. donor egg + surrogacy can run the same and no home study and legal paper work is required with the latter, so might as well go for that first). So if natural planning doesn't work, then fertility treatments up through IVF (whether donor sperm or egg or embryo is needed - although we've already discussed that we'd probably go for donor embryo and skip egg since donor embryo is much cheaper), then if that don't work we go to donor embryo plus surrogacy, then if that don't work we go to domestic adoption (international is even harder to pull off) and worry about the particulars of that if it comes to it. (I'm very lucky DH makes good money and we have infertility insurance, otherwise I'd have less options and/or a long time saving up.) ...This is the kind of thing that leads to me being labeled "Monica" on those online "which Friend are you?" quizzes. Even my backup plans have backup plans. I am determined that one of these plans will work, pref the natural one because its the cheapest and quickest and less complicated for all involved. FX'd for natural. Determined overall.

And it's funny, but I've noticed that when I have faith that I'll be a mom someday, the thought of being a mom scares me a bit (big challenge, being a parent) and I wonder if sometimes I devolve into negative-Nancy-land partly because a part of me thinks not being a mom is actually the less scary (although heartbreaking) proposition. No matter how scary being a mom sometimes sounds, I'm already committed to pursing that goal till the end, so I suppose I might as well not worry about the scary stuff. It's kinda like being on the rollercoaster lift hill (that's always the scariest part of the coaster for me) - I'm already committed and I waited a while to ride the thing and I love rollercoasters, so there's no sense worrying now, LOL.

That reminds me, I still have a Disney world trip report to do. Note to self: see if DH downloaded the pics from the park yet (when they take your pic at the park, they give you a card that you go online to use and download your pic). I've got the pics from DH's camera already, but not the one's taken by the park people. ...And holy cow that trip was months ago, already!
Eek, Im so excited, got my 3d/4d scan in 2 hrs, Ive had one cuppa tea this morning and no other caffeine all day, baby has been pretty quiet, only a few kicks so im hoping it will be nice and active for the scan, gonna find out if Im def having a girl which i was told i was 10 days ago at my 20 week scan, we get a dvd aswell, Anyone else had one before?

It's been a couple days and I thought I might ask how your scan went Claire? Did you find out for sure if you're having a girl?

It's so cool that you get a dvd. :D Do you get a picture printout as well?

Speaking of that:

Good luck Claire! Heres my 4d scan with my 1st its bloomin amazing!!

Post some piccys please once you get chance :thumbup:

Awesome pic! I've seen one before in my gyno's office (they have one by the desk advertising the service). So cool what they can do with technology these days. :)


AFM: I'm feeling a lot less raw about all things related to PG and babies. In fact, I'm feeling not raw at all, right now. The positive thinking is really helping. It's still a struggle sometimes not to devolve, but I'm keeping at it.

I've also got a new stop on the plan before adoption, and that's donor egg + plus surrogacy (the price of adoption vs. donor egg + surrogacy can run the same and no home study and legal paper work is required with the latter, so might as well go for that first). So if natural planning doesn't work, then fertility treatments up through IVF (whether donor sperm or egg or embryo is needed - although we've already discussed that we'd probably go for donor embryo and skip egg since donor embryo is much cheaper), then if that don't work we go to donor embryo plus surrogacy, then if that don't work we go to domestic adoption (international is even harder to pull off) and worry about the particulars of that if it comes to it. (I'm very lucky DH makes good money and we have infertility insurance, otherwise I'd have less options and/or a long time saving up.) ...This is the kind of thing that leads to me being labeled "Monica" on those online "which Friend are you?" quizzes. Even my backup plans have backup plans. I am determined that one of these plans will work, pref the natural one because its the cheapest and quickest and less complicated for all involved. FX'd for natural. Determined overall.

And it's funny, but I've noticed that when I have faith that I'll be a mom someday, the thought of being a mom scares me a bit (big challenge, being a parent) and I wonder if sometimes I devolve into negative-Nancy-land partly because a part of me thinks not being a mom is actually the less scary (although heartbreaking) proposition. No matter how scary being a mom sometimes sounds, I'm already committed to pursing that goal till the end, so I suppose I might as well not worry about the scary stuff. It's kinda like being on the rollercoaster lift hill (that's always the scariest part of the coaster for me) - I'm already committed and I waited a while to ride the thing and I love rollercoasters, so there's no sense worrying now, LOL.

That reminds me, I still have a Disney world trip report to do. Note to self: see if DH downloaded the pics from the park yet (when they take your pic at the park, they give you a card that you go online to use and download your pic). I've got the pics from DH's camera already, but not the one's taken by the park people. ...And holy cow that trip was months ago, already!

Oh yeah sorry forgot to update here, it was good but spent the whole half hr to determine the sex so im going bak in 3 weeks for a re-scan free of charge but she is sure i am having a girl, i have bought pink stuff but still cant get my head around it, cant wait till the next scan coz bubba will be bigger then so i will def believe that one, it was hilarious in the scanning room, bubba was bent over like she was sucking her knees and cord was inbetween legs so i had to do 6 star jumps and crawl around the floor like a cat to get her to change position, it worked a little bit and i did get a couple of fotos, i always thought 4d scans were freaky but it was lovely to see baby like that
Do you have any pics to share Claire?

Congrats Lisa!!! I can see from your siggy you like to keep order with the boy / girl / boy... GIRL hehe!

Good look to those still TTC it will happen :)

As from me i have my anomaly scan on the 23rd so not long to go! I want confirmation that we are having a boy as when i went to my private scan she said she was sure but she didnt give me any potty shots which i paid for :-( She said she didnt save the image! Best still be team blue as we have named our baby Jack :-D and have spend a fortune on boys clothes lol. xx
Here is a pic of the 4d scan, its black and white coz of the flash on my fone, this made it abit clearer than in sepia, I was only 21+3 weeks so baby doesnt have much fat on her and has alot of growing to do but legs are wide open, would you say def girl, the sonographer was sure theres no willy there, what do u think?

Congrats on team :pink: Lisa!

Jadey the 23rd is right around the corner how exciting!

Claire that is a lovely photo of bubs :)

Here's some :dust: for our ttc ladies :)

Afm nothing fun to report just dealing with sciatic pain and chasing an almost 2 year old around :haha: counting down the days till my next scan on feb 12th! Feels like ages away still but I keep looking at it in weeks so the time seems to pass quicker!
Good morning ladies!!! How is everyone doing???

I am waiting on O'... It has been exactly a year now since BC was finished... I finally had a nice bright red flow this cycle (past cycles have been nothing but brown spotting) and my LP has grown from 10 days to 13!!! So this one time I was actually excited about AF! Hoping that means my body is all ready to conceive. I should O' in a little over a week and have all ready had a chat with my wonderful man about when we absolutely HAVE to BD LOL!!!
I am 9dpo. Stuck somewhere between first predicted af and adjusted predicted af with my second positive opk at cd30. I started temping at 3dpo when I realized how long my cycle was going to be. I'm interested to see what it does over the next couple days. If it doesn't drop by the 20th when af is due and she doesn't show then I will probably test.

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