:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Oh yeah sorry forgot to update here, it was good but spent the whole half hr to determine the sex so im going bak in 3 weeks for a re-scan free of charge but she is sure i am having a girl, i have bought pink stuff but still cant get my head around it, cant wait till the next scan coz bubba will be bigger then so i will def believe that one, it was hilarious in the scanning room, bubba was bent over like she was sucking her knees and cord was inbetween legs so i had to do 6 star jumps and crawl around the floor like a cat to get her to change position, it worked a little bit and i did get a couple of fotos, i always thought 4d scans were freaky but it was lovely to see baby like that

Here is a pic of the 4d scan, its black and white coz of the flash on my fone, this made it abit clearer than in sepia, I was only 21+3 weeks so baby doesnt have much fat on her and has alot of growing to do but legs are wide open, would you say def girl, the sonographer was sure theres no willy there, what do u think?


Wow, I just can't get over how amazing those 4d scans are! :D Congrats on finally confirming your bubba is a girl, Claire! :pink::flower:

Congrats, Lisa! :flower: Another one for team pink!

Good look to those still TTC it will happen :)

As from me i have my anomaly scan on the 23rd so not long to go! I want confirmation that we are having a boy as when i went to my private scan she said she was sure but she didnt give me any potty shots which i paid for :-( She said she didnt save the image! Best still be team blue as we have named our baby Jack :-D and have spend a fortune on boys clothes lol. xx

Gah, how could she not save the potty shot! :dohh: Well, I hope you get a good shot this upcoming scan, then!

Aw, Jack is a cute name. :thumbup:

I'm so bad, I started thinking of girl and boy names before we started TTC. :p

Good morning ladies!!! How is everyone doing???

I am waiting on O'... It has been exactly a year now since BC was finished... I finally had a nice bright red flow this cycle (past cycles have been nothing but brown spotting) and my LP has grown from 10 days to 13!!! So this one time I was actually excited about AF! Hoping that means my body is all ready to conceive. I should O' in a little over a week and have all ready had a chat with my wonderful man about when we absolutely HAVE to BD LOL!!!

Hooray for normal flow and healthy LP! :thumbup: Good luck with this next cycle and :dust:!

I am 9dpo. Stuck somewhere between first predicted af and adjusted predicted af with my second positive opk at cd30. I started temping at 3dpo when I realized how long my cycle was going to be. I'm interested to see what it does over the next couple days. If it doesn't drop by the 20th when af is due and she doesn't show then I will probably test.

FX'd for you! :dust:


AFM: DH is finally recovering from the sinus infection that he had, so that's a relief. He's still not feeling 100% but he's on the mend.

I had some bad sinus ick yesterday that made it hard to eat, so I'm hoping today is better. I think I feel better today than I did yesterday. Hopefully I'll be able to get some nesting done in the basement today (if it's not too cold down there).

It's getting easier to fight "the negatives", but now I'm starting to hope for this cycle again, which I don't want to do because I've already cried for cycle 5 and don't want to again (next cycle - I wanna hope for next cycle!). I'm tempted to hope for this cycle because some of my latest temps have been higher then in any previous cycle, but it's probably not pg related. I'll eat my hat...and a shoe, if AF doesn't eventually get me this cycle. But perhaps next cycle...FX'd for next cycle.

Ah, that reminds me...I wonder if I should wait and schedule my gyno appointment for May instead of April, since then I'll have tried 9 months (rather than 8) by then, and the doc can go ahead and schedule us for some fertility testing as planned (having reached 9 months and no pg)?
Hope everyone is doing well or hanging in there, at least. :dust:

Yesterday started off anxiety laden. For some odd reason I started worrying about endometriosis again. I know the anxiety that led to my worry spell was sinus ick ear wonk related, but I'm still not sure how I wound up latching on to the endo as a particular worry. I managed to talk myself down from wallowing in worry, though (thank God for the option of surrogacy being available). Since I prefer natural, I did pray to God for a miracle to help me get PG, if needed and if that's okay, and the message I received was I already got a miracle (the vestibulitis cure) [to help me out] so hopefully that means it's just a matter of time on the natural front, and it will happen before I need to seek IUI or IVF or something more intense than fertility drugs. FX'd I'm as in touch with the Divine as I think I am and FX'd for natural PG in the not too distant future. [-o<

Fortunately, yesterday, I also had a counseling appointment. I felt better after discussing my worries and I was able to share the positive progress I've been able to make on the positive thinking/"determinator" front, thanks to the help of the lovely ladies here. Yay. :friends:

I'm feeling better sinus wise today, so I plan to get some work done on my basement organizing project. Yesterday I felt too icky to do much else but go to counseling, pick up some groceries, keep myself properly fed (I tend to lose my appetite when ill), and watch tv (I've been rewatching Twin Peaks, lately).

I am now t-minus 4 days from testing day, and I'm feeling a definite sense of suspense (more from wondering when AF will hit and when spotting will start, rather than bfp vs bfn). These continued high temps are continuing to temp me to hope for a bfp this cycle, but I'm still predicting bfn/AF. I predict that I'll just have to keep on truckin'.

(it was hard to find a Keep on Truckin' picture with a girl doin' the truckin', but this one is so cute and has a tiger, so that makes up for it)
smalltowngal, look at your temps!

I am glad that your counselling went well :hugs: I always found it good to brain dump if nothing else, it helps you put your fears into perspective.

apologies for being a complete chart stalker but... you've had spotting most cycles post-ovulation and so far this cycle no spotting. Also, your temps look far less erratic post ovulation than in any of your previous cycles. I can understand that you want to keep your hopes down and focus on the next cycle so that AF isn't a disappointment. But honestly I think you have a good chance :thumbup:
Hello everyone hope you're all ok?
Sorry for another long gap in replying - I've still been doing the taking a step back from B&B and since l last checked in DH and I have had a fab week away skiing - perfect weather, great food and lots of wine. :thumbup:

Thanks again to everyone for their supportive comments - sending :hugs: to you all especially to SmallTownGal as it sounds like you've been struggling (this TTC business is hard work!) - am really keeping everything crossed for you :flower:

Tizy how are you feeling? Hope you had a lovely holiday period after your difficult time in December? :flower:

BB - it's great to see you back! I know you've had a really rough ride but sounds like your making positive steps forward and hoping this is your year :flower:

How are our pregnant ladies doing? The scan pics coming through are amazing!

AFM, on our return I got a letter through the post calling us for our first lots of investigations with the fertility clinic - bloods for both of us, scans for me and SA for DH. Then yesterday came a real surprise..... I got my first ever :bfp:!
Am completely blown away - as you know we'd decided to forget anything to do with TTC until with got seen by the FS and it seems like this was the key for us!

Over xmas week I was horrendously bloated and in a lot of pain - I just assumed it was the endo flaring up again. Then last Sat I thought AF had arrived - started pink spotting. Was very pleased as it gave me a 31 day cycle - my shortest one yet so I had a look back at the dates and realised that the bloating and pain could have been ovulation as it also came with the most EWCM I've had in a long time (sorry for TMI!). So anyway thought AF was here but was still very happy that I may have ovulated. Then AF never quite came - the couple of hours of pink spotting turned into occasional brown CM on tissue paper (again TMI sorry!). Still didn't think anything of it and certainly didn't put it together with the fact that DH has on a daily basis been commenting on the size of my bbs! To cut a long story short I gradually but together the potential ovulation with bbs that were so sore I'm struggling to wear a bra and a constant background nausea and tested - second line came up immediately DH didn't believe me so have done 6 more tests since, all positive and see the doctor on Monday!

In a bit of shock to be honest - it's obviously very early days so wish me luck for a stick bean!
YEAH!!!!! :dance: baby1wanted this is fantastic news!!! super congratulations and a happy and healthy 9 months to you and your gorgeous little one!!!!!

I wonder how many people get their BFP when they give up in advance of their FS appointment? quite a lot I suspect!!

I'm so happy for you, may the babydust continue in this thread and bless us with some more 2013 BFPs! :dust:
smalltowngal, look at your temps!

I am glad that your counselling went well :hugs: I always found it good to brain dump if nothing else, it helps you put your fears into perspective.

apologies for being a complete chart stalker but... you've had spotting most cycles post-ovulation and so far this cycle no spotting. Also, your temps look far less erratic post ovulation than in any of your previous cycles. I can understand that you want to keep your hopes down and focus on the next cycle so that AF isn't a disappointment. But honestly I think you have a good chance :thumbup:

Hee hee, chart stalk away :winkwink: And yeah, those temps! (And complete lack of spotting!, which I didn't notice till you mentioned it.) They are suspicious. I'm glad it's not my imagination that those are hopeful looking temps/signs. But since I've already cried for this cycle I do hate to hope again for it...but I might not be able to help myself. I keep fighting it, but I think I'm hoping in spite of myself. Oh, well, I'll just have a cry and then keep truckin across that bridge if I come to it. I think I might be okay to hope if I also keep doing my positive self talk and resolve to keep on keepin on, whatever happens.

And if I'm not PG this cycle, then I'm still glad to see a lack of spotting and see higher and smoother post O temps (since that's a good sign for progesterone and whatnot getting back into whack, if it was out of whack from those hormone treatments.)

And yeah, IA, having a brain dump is def helpful. :hugs: Puts it into perspective and keeps me from curling up with it.

Hello everyone hope you're all ok?
Sorry for another long gap in replying - I've still been doing the taking a step back from B&B and since l last checked in DH and I have had a fab week away skiing - perfect weather, great food and lots of wine. :thumbup:

Thanks again to everyone for their supportive comments - sending :hugs: to you all especially to SmallTownGal as it sounds like you've been struggling (this TTC business is hard work!) - am really keeping everything crossed for you :flower:

Tizy how are you feeling? Hope you had a lovely holiday period after your difficult time in December? :flower:

BB - it's great to see you back! I know you've had a really rough ride but sounds like your making positive steps forward and hoping this is your year :flower:

How are our pregnant ladies doing? The scan pics coming through are amazing!

AFM, on our return I got a letter through the post calling us for our first lots of investigations with the fertility clinic - bloods for both of us, scans for me and SA for DH. Then yesterday came a real surprise..... I got my first ever :bfp:!
Am completely blown away - as you know we'd decided to forget anything to do with TTC until with got seen by the FS and it seems like this was the key for us!

Over xmas week I was horrendously bloated and in a lot of pain - I just assumed it was the endo flaring up again. Then last Sat I thought AF had arrived - started pink spotting. Was very pleased as it gave me a 31 day cycle - my shortest one yet so I had a look back at the dates and realised that the bloating and pain could have been ovulation as it also came with the most EWCM I've had in a long time (sorry for TMI!). So anyway thought AF was here but was still very happy that I may have ovulated. Then AF never quite came - the couple of hours of pink spotting turned into occasional brown CM on tissue paper (again TMI sorry!). Still didn't think anything of it and certainly didn't put it together with the fact that DH has on a daily basis been commenting on the size of my bbs! To cut a long story short I gradually but together the potential ovulation with bbs that were so sore I'm struggling to wear a bra and a constant background nausea and tested - second line came up immediately DH didn't believe me so have done 6 more tests since, all positive and see the doctor on Monday!

In a bit of shock to be honest - it's obviously very early days so wish me luck for a stick bean!

Wow, congrats baby1wanted!!! Best wishes for a sticky bean and a H & H 9 mos.! :happydance::flower::happydance:

Ah, and you give me further hope that it will happen for me too, eventually. And thanks for the extra hugs and keeping FX'd for me! :hugs::hugs: TTC sure is hard work, indeed.


Other news for me for today: Got some some more organizing in the basement done, and was pleased to find a stash of the floor tiles my grandparents used to tile the basement (so if some tiles ever need replacing, now I know I've got plenty of replacements, yay!) There's also a can of tile adhesive down there, that may or may not still be good, that was from the days when people used vinyl-asbestos tiles, LOL! (it says it's for vinyl-asbestos and asphalt tiles - my tiles are asphalt).
Well, of course, today, my temp drops down! :dohh::pop: It's still above average, but it's a sharp drop from yesterday. We did get a cold snap today and I did wake up chilled, so that might be a contributing factor, and I still haven't had any spotting but...I'm back to thinking quite solidly that this will not be the month. I'm definitely not going to test before testing day, and I might wait two days after that, just to account for the possibly of ovulating later. Just going to keep on truckin' :bodyb: (expect to see that a lot - I'm finding that to be a useful mantra.)

I'm either going to work more in the basement (if it's not too cold down there with the cold snap) or the dining room, today. Maybe a little in both.

PS...I just noticed that my ticker says I can schedule my gyno appointment now. :?: Does anyone have any advise on whether I should wait and schedule a May appointment, instead, since that will be my 9th cycle and that's when the doc wanted to refer me for fertility testing, and it's only one month away from the April appointment?
There needs to be a "Determined" "Currently Feeling" mood icon. :neutral: The closest is "Daring" I think.
I don't know smalltowngal, I think the rules are difference in the UK and US. does it make a financial difference to go to the docs twice? if not I'd go in april just in case the doc would send you sooner rather than later.

saying that your temps don't look bad esp if it was cold. then again if you ovulated at 2dpo instead where there is a second dip, it's probs too early to test.
Thanks for the advice! :)

Hm...the payment isn't much for a visit...I'll think I'll probably go ahead and schedule the April appointment (after the witch shows...or earlier if I should happen to get a no-show witch and bfp), hoping that he'll refer me just that little bit sooner, then.

And it was quite a cold snap today (the toilet seat was even quite chilly this morning! :cold:). It's hopeful to hear the temps don't look bad, esp considering the cold. Ah, it'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. If it's really 12dpo then I could maybe see spotting, if AF is going to show. It will be very unusual if I don't see spotting on 13dpo (unless I O'd on 2dpo). We shall see, we shall see.


In other news: Got some good basement organizing done. The super warm slipper socks and fleece outfit I was wearing kept me warm enough to work down there. :)

On the other hand, poor DH is having a tough workday. I'll be getting us delicious Chinese food from down the road, to cheer him up (he loves the General Tsao's Chicken).
Temp went back up a bit today :), so now I'm hopeful again. It's no wonder I dreamed of being on funky amusement park rides, last night. :wacko: So far still no spotting. :) Getting anxious to see what happens tomorrow (if I spot or not).

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Well, the temp has gone all the way back up :), and still no spotting (so far), :) so it's hard not to be hopeful and I am in a way but...I find that I still can't envision getting a bfp this month. :| Partly, perhaps, because I'm still in doubt over when I O'd, but also I think because I've hoped and envisioned 4 other times only to be disappointed. However, even if I did O one or two days later, these temps are still awful high and sustained. So it's a bit suspenseful. Oh well.

Definitely going to be keeping my mind off things by continuing to work on my nesting. I made some great progress in the basement yesterday. :) And DH and I are also planning on going out today, so that should be nice.

Hope Tizy and BB and others we haven't heard from for a little bit are doing all right. :hugs:

Baby1wanted, have a good doctor's appointment tomorrow! :flower:

Lizzie, I've just lurked your journal, and it's got me thinking that if I'm not PG I can always console myself with more time to save for all that expensive baby stuff, LOL.
epp! mustn't get excited but look at your temps and no spotting :dance:
but you are right, saving for a baby isn't a bad plan either :thumbup: I am totally gobsmacked at the cost of everything :dohh: I need to find a good second hand baby things website, anyone got any tips?

good luck with the doc baby1wanted!

hope everyone is having a great weekend :flower: we are under quite a lot of snow here! lovely for five minutes, a complete pain thereafter!
The snow here in South Wales is horrendus! Weather showing more of it is coming tomorrow too... i hope not as i havent been out in it just incase i fall :-\

Scan is Wednesday :) Cant wait to see my lil man again!

Lizzie - ive found a few good bargains on ebay!

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