going saturday for a rescan lol xx
Yay, hope they get a good potty shot for you, so you can confirm boy or girl
Keep going SmallTownGal - it's a great sign if your cycles are normalising. Looking back I think mine were too and I got my BFP on what would have been a 31 day cycle - prior to that I could go 50+ days in between AF
Thanks for the encouragement, baby1wanted!

I really need it today!
AFM: Today was awful.

I woke up to a cold house because the furnace went out while I was sleeping. I had to battle it multiple times (with the help of DH over the phone) to get it back to working. Now I understand why the dad in "A Christmas Story" swore so much at his furnace.
I also woke up with the "how's it going to happen for me?!" worries banging in my brain like a woodpecker. Perhaps it's the hormones or the strain of being bleedy and crampy during period time that are making it even harder not to worry about ttc.
It also took me hours and several phone calls to sort out what kind of infertility insurance coverage I have (in prep for making my gyno appt so I'd know if the doc needs to do anything special for me to be able to go to the fertility clinic), and I was disappointed to learn they only cover the basics and not *any* drugs, IUI, or IVF. Hopefully, if I need IVF I will qualify for the moneyback program at the clinic. Still, I feel kind of gutted to find out that the monetary challenge will be greater than anticipated for treatments, if needed.
DH also said something insensitive to me today, but quickly apologized when he realized how much it upset me.
There was definitely crying today.
On the bright side, I don't even need a referral for them cover testing and basic treatment (which is labs and diagnostics and surgery), so as soon as the gyno thinks I should go I can go, so I went ahead and scheduled my April appointment.
DH and I had a good discussion about what treatments we would pursue if need be, and both agreed that if either his sperm or my eggs were unusable, we'd do donor embryo IVF on me (assuming my uterus is usable). If my uterus isn't usable, then surrogate. If both eggs/sperm and uterus are unusable, then donor embryo + surrogate is still more likely an option than adoption since it has the possibility to cost less and there's less tangles in acquiring both those things than getting a successful adoption to go through. Hopefully at least my uterus is up to snuff enough, cause overcoming that is much more expensive and more of a pain than if we need a donor embryo. Please uterus, be good!
The near certainty of my having endo still has me worried, and the pain during period time (while much less than any time in the past that I can remember [thanks to my hormone treatments I think], and while it rarely even has me reaching for the advil and/or heating pad) is still not fun and I usually have at least one day of advil + heating pad level pain, and another that just needs the heating pad. When that pain and heavy (although not extreme) bleeding hits, that's when I seem to worry the most.
So, after reading about how studies have shown that acupuncture/acupressure can help endo, menstrual pain, heavy bleeding and help boost fertility and at worst do no harm to fertility, I scheduled an appointment with a local experienced practitioner who's had good reviews and who I've been thinking about seeing for a while. At the very least, I hope the treatments can help me relax. So that's this Tuesday.
DH and I have also decided to just BD every 3 days from end of AF to start of spotting for next AF, since timing was stressing us both out (DH figured that having every 3 days just be something we do would lessen the anxiety for him, and I like that I don't have to worry about missing O, whenever it may come, and I like regularity and I think he does as well). I'll still keep track of temps (just to have the info available for docs if they want) and opks (since my gyno wants that done and I like getting those bfp's at least), though. DH is not sure if he wants to know when O time is approaching or here (in order to keep from thinking it won't matter skipping a scheduled day). I think I'm just going to push to keep on the every 3 day schedule no matter what time it is, so we don't have to worry we aren't getting good enough coverage or are missing the egg because O happens beyond the ability of FF, opk's and whatnot to predict. FX'd we can keep to our scheduled BD funtimes.
Poor DH had a bad day too, since all kinds of stuff was broken at the factory, that he had to fix. TGIF, TGIF.
Since we both had a bad day, and since I've been having such a hard time the past few days, we are planning to go shopping for yummy groceries for meals the coming week (he enjoys cooking), and then go out to eat at Red Lobster (one of my favorite restaurants), tomorrow/Sat. So I have that to look forward to.
I also bought "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant" on Kindle, upon hearing that it had good stress reduction techniques, as well as good info in general.
