Glad to see you, Tizy and baby1, are still here with me (on the board that is - wish all our TTC journey's were going easier, and I so wish you both weren't having to go through loss!).
Hugs for the grieving process, you both are going through.

I know what you mean about wanting that 2013 baby. I'm in the same boat with you ladies on that one, and this is also my last chance to get PG before my gyno appt, after which it'll be time to go in to the RE for testing.
It's too much to hope for, but FX'd we all get PG this cycle!

FX'd at least one of us does!
So lovely to hear about all the pregnancies going well.
I'm finding things a bit hard after my MC, one minute I think I'm coping fine and the next I'm sad.
Well we obviously missed catching the egg last month as I've just finished my was a horrendous heavy one which is strange as I never have periods like that. Anyway, I've been lazy and not temped whilst AF was here but now it's gone I've started temping. I O'd CD18 last month but I don't want to miss it so I'm keeping a close eye on CM and will start OPKs at first sign of things.
When I got pregnant in October I was dreaming about Christmas 2013 and having my three children to enjoy it with, well this is the last chance I have to still realise that dream as I'll be due around 20th December if I get pregnant this cycle. Fingers crossed it all happens this month.
So SmallTownGal I'm still here albeit I feel a bit of a shell compared to when this ttc journey started.
Big loves xxx
Ugh, sorry to hear you had a horrendously heavy AF. That's never fun.
Sorry to hear it's all got you feeling shelled

I think I'd feel the same way.
Big loves, to you too!
SmallTownGal - wonderful to hear from you! You sound in much better spirits, so glad to hear

The acupuncture sounds great - I keep meaning to try it myself so let me know how you get on with it, it's great that you're having normal cycles. Hope it leads to a BFP for you very soon!
DH and I are doing ok... not sure if I mentioned on this thread but DH's little sister is now pregnant on her second cycle of trying. We're happy for her of course but it's hard for us to take at the same time. That's now 3 of DH's 4 sisters all pregnant with more and more asking us when we're going to have one!
Got my first AF after the miscarriage at the end of Feb and it hid me really hard - I think I had coped with the mc by desperately hoping I'd get pregnant before getting a period. So when AF arrived it was like undeniable evidence that it was all over. Still very tearful about it all but getting there slowly. I think I ovulated yesterday so in the 2WW and getting all hopeful again so we'll see...
Tizy - I can completely sympathize - I'm fine one minute then the slightest thing will have me in tears. This cycle is also my last chance for a 2013 baby, if successful I'd be due on 6th Dec. Keeping everything crossed for both of us to get December rainbows

Thanks for the well wishes!

The only downside to the normal shorter cycles is that now I'll have readjust my gyno appt so it's not during AF, which it would be if I don't adjust it now
Ah, that is rough with almost all your DH's sisters being PG (and the latest getting it on cycle 2 - why can't we have that luck, huh?


Have you told them you're trying? I just tell anyone we're working on it, and certain family members get the whole scoop (but only certain ones,

). Maybe that would get them to stop asking...or maybe they'd come up with new invasive questions and unwanted tips

I totally sympathize with that first AF hitting you hard. I'm quite sure I'd feel the same.

Hopefully you and Tizy get your rainbow babies real soon.

and prayers
As for me: Arg, I started spotting first thing this morning with a temp drop. I predict AF tomorrow or soon. Boo! Hiss! I cried a little today about it, but just short cry, no big sobs, and then back to business as usual. I usually still feel a bit bummy during AF, but AF is a bummer to start with (a bit draining a best) so...yeah. And last time I felt okay again once it was done. I've got the message that it's just not time yet (this cycle), but I still want to know when 'yet' is.
I think DH will be rooting harder for this next cycle since after that it's off to testing, and he hates doctors. He's got white coat syndrome. And nobody wants to go to the RE. He promised if I made the appointment, he'd go, but he'll dread it. I told him it will be like a homicide investigator eliminating suspects - even if they don't think the suspect did it, they still have to go through the work to eliminate them to find who did it, if anyone. That helped his ego.
He's still convinced it will happen eventually, so he's still stuck on worrying about when it does happen (like planning for the arrival and affording all the stuff and whatnot). He wants to have kids, but it scares him at the same time. I feel the same way, but I'm worried about getting PG first, and what to do after, I'll worry about then.

Plus, I figure it'll still be a while. Wouldn't mind the long journey if I just knew when it ended - it's like taking a long car trip to an unknown destination. I wanna ask "Are we there yet?" and this month the answer appears to be "No".