Well, I managed to get in to see the FS today (got my pre-op appt today instead of Monday). The clincher for moving it up was I'm having stabbing bladder pains when I pee and I'm pretty sure I've gotten a bladder infection from the catheter they used during surgery. They are testing my urine for that and will get back with me in 1 or 2 days.
Regarding the prolactin, the FS isn't concerned for my ultimate success, but I will have to take Cabergoline for sure, regardless of what they find on the MRI that I definitely have to have. They will be calling to sched that after they are done wrestling with my insurance co. in 2 - 3 days. Wimper~

I'm claustrophobic, so they are going to have to dope me up good to get me in the MRI machine. The FS doesn't expect to find a tumor since my levels are only a little high (33 at highest and they don't usually start to see a tumor until 50, or more usually 100), but he has to check to find out what is causing it if anything can be determined to be causing it (from what I've read, probably if they don't find anything it just means the benign tumor is too small to show up on MRI). He did assure me that I wouldn't have to have brain surgery, though, so that's a relief. Now my biggest worry is for the side effects of the Cabergoline. It has lower side effects than the other drug that a lot of FS tend to use called bromocriptine (mine doesn't because all his patients hate it) but it still has a risk of nasty side effects like nausea, dizzyness, insomnia, depression, and hallucinations. Hopefully I can withstand it long enough for whatever side effects to subside, as I hear they subside after a week or so.
In other news, it turns out my mom and DH misheard when the FS was going over my surgery, because it turns out the big endometrioma was in my left ovary! And it wasn't a kidney that was adhered to my uterus, but that left ovary. When they freed it from the adhesions, the endo revealed itself and broke open, so lefty lost a little good tissue along with the endo, but only from where the endo wall was. So my ovarian reserve of that ovary will be a bit lower, but due to the adhesions and whatnot the eggs weren't getting where they needed to go, so it's still an improvement for my fertility. And the FS assures me it won't lower my AMH much and I should still be optimal, just not as optimal.
On the bright side, even with the high prolactin and the slightly damaged left ovary, the FS is encouraging us to try natural for 6 more months before moving on to treatments (other than the Cabergoline), so that's encouraging. The last study I read on success rate for endo patients after surgery gives me a 50% chance of ultimate success from natural. I have the option of only trying natural a month or two and moving on to Femera etc, but I'm content to try the 6 months. I've had enough adventure with the surgery that I'm willing to roll the dice with natural and it also gives us time to wait for open insurance enrollment in Oct., where DH can most likely choose the advanced plan and get us coverage for the drugs, IUI, and IVF, if need be. I sure hope I get my bfp within those 6 months though. The less drugs and procedures and expense I have to go through the better.
Also, they told me that surgery will mess up my bbt too much for it to be reliable this cycle, so I shouldn't temp for this cycle. I wish they'd told me that earlier, to save me some panic. Still don't know if I should opk. I won't be trying this month, bc I don't want to be PG during the MRI and risk mutations or whatnot, and I'm not feeling up to it with this bladder infection and I'm still feeling sore in the abdomen, but I do like knowing when to expect AF.
Oh, and I just discovered when showing DH how my incisions are healing that I do have stitches in my bellybutton! They are right in there, in such a way that they looked like the normal folds of the bellybutton until closer inspection. The FS didn't remove them today, and he inspected all my incisions, so I guess it's not time to remove them yet. I'll have to double check next time I talk with the clinic staff when they are due to be removed.
I still hate that I have to deal with the high prolactin, but the shock of it is wearing off and I'm no longer despairing. A bit concerned for the drug side effects and bummed I have to deal with getting the MRI and taking the drugs, but not despairing.
Ugh, TTC with clinical depression and OCD/generalized anxiety is hard. I'm thinking it probably wouldn't be so intense if I didn't have those issues to begin with.
smalltowngal, I have a friend who had high prolactin. it took a little while to organise the MRI but when she did and they confirmed the small benign tumour, she went on her meds. the meds did have side effects, but you take them gradually and build it up, it didn't take long for her to get used to it and apparently they work very quickly. if you look on my journal, she is called Bea and you could ask her
it is very hard to tell if your ov'ed or not. I reckon you need to give it a few more days, you normally ov around CD14-18, so CD11 seems very early. FF could be getting confused by your low temp on CD11.
Thanks for the advice!

I'll check out your journal after resting a bit, and see about asking Bea. Should I pm her?
Yeah, maybe I'll do opks a few more days and see if I get a positive, and just go by that since the temps are all wacky from the surgery.