:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

Wow lots to catch up on! I've been MIA the last couple of days been busy with school, work and my LO.

Just a quick update things have been so so for me. I have started wondering if maybe I ovulated way sooner than I thought as i've been extremely nauseated and tired and have been having AF type cramps but according to the app on my phone that predicts when i should ovulate i would only actually be 2DPO which i know is WAY to soon for symptoms like that :haha: i think its my mind playing tricks on me. I'm not getting my hopes to high for this month since it is my first month off the pill and i have no idea what my cycle is doing. DH and I have been :sex: every few days though so if I did ovulate we should have caught it.

Weird thing on sunday DH swears he finished but nothing came out of me (TMI) typically afterwards i have semen and stuff come out and there was nada...i told him he was fibing that he didnt actually get his O but he swears up and down that he did :haha: so not really sure what went on there.

anyways gonna go catch up on everything that has happened lots of luck to ladies testing in the next few days :flower:
thanks girls. It doesnt feel real. Im going to put my symptoms up for all of you waiting to test... Im counting myself as 11dpo today.
1-2dpo - nothing
3-5dpo - mild cramping on and off
6-7 - was having mild cramps but eased a little.
8-9 - having dreams near enough every night of positive pregnancy tests. I had increased smells too.
10dpo - another vivid dream. Smells were making me sick and going to pee a lot! I counted 10 times before 11am yesterday. Bad cramps at night.
11po (today) feel iffy like a sicky feeling and i just knew i was.

I hope that will help some of you out even though we are all different. I will stay on here as i want to see some bfps please. Lots of babydust to you all. Xxx

congrats hun !! Did u tell ur hubby as yet ?? U guys must be sooo excited.. Im smiling from ear to ear for right now ! Congrats again !
so last night i could barely sleep.. i kept dreaming about testing bfp ! lol

ive been having pinching /tugging feelings in left ovaries but sometimes it goes to the right .. and ive been noticing it gets more intense at night .. strange

nipples seem to be gettin more sore as the days go by ..

i think the reason that i dont want to test until af is missed is because i dont want to be disappointed .. this month we went HARD on ttc so if im not it would sort of be a let down .. so im thinking positive thoughts and hopefully i get my bfp !

i have all digitals preg test because they were on sale near me .. but now i may go pick up first response non digi and then test with digi once period is missed or once i get a line on first reponse .. not sure

ugh this ttw is harder than i thought lol

SmallTownGal, I wish we could control ovulation too! Can that be our super power? ;)

That would be awesome. :D If only...


Sorry to hear about the BFN, MomofBoys. :hugs:


Have fun on your ladies night out, Angel! :dance:


Wow lots to catch up on! I've been MIA the last couple of days been busy with school, work and my LO.

Just a quick update things have been so so for me. I have started wondering if maybe I ovulated way sooner than I thought as i've been extremely nauseated and tired and have been having AF type cramps but according to the app on my phone that predicts when i should ovulate i would only actually be 2DPO which i know is WAY to soon for symptoms like that :haha: i think its my mind playing tricks on me. I'm not getting my hopes to high for this month since it is my first month off the pill and i have no idea what my cycle is doing. DH and I have been :sex: every few days though so if I did ovulate we should have caught it.

Weird thing on sunday DH swears he finished but nothing came out of me (TMI) typically afterwards i have semen and stuff come out and there was nada...i told him he was fibing that he didnt actually get his O but he swears up and down that he did :haha: so not really sure what went on there.

anyways gonna go catch up on everything that has happened lots of luck to ladies testing in the next few days :flower:

Maybe he didn't have a lot of stuff come out? It all shot straight into the cervix, lol?


so last night i could barely sleep.. i kept dreaming about testing bfp ! lol

ive been having pinching /tugging feelings in left ovaries but sometimes it goes to the right .. and ive been noticing it gets more intense at night .. strange

nipples seem to be gettin more sore as the days go by ..

i think the reason that i dont want to test until af is missed is because i dont want to be disappointed .. this month we went HARD on ttc so if im not it would sort of be a let down .. so im thinking positive thoughts and hopefully i get my bfp !

i have all digitals preg test because they were on sale near me .. but now i may go pick up first response non digi and then test with digi once period is missed or once i get a line on first reponse .. not sure

ugh this ttw is harder than i thought lol


Hang in there, BlackBeauty! I hope you get the bfp, but if not I hope you are able to not get too down. Try not to worry during TTW, but I know it's easier said than done.


News for me...

I talked with DH when he got home and after getting the freak-out worries out of my system and he talked sense to me and I raged at the heavens for my symptoms/tests not being more clear, I felt better and we were able to get a BD in. :blush: I'm now determined to fully embrace Claire's advice about not worrying about the OPK's and temps so much (which DH agrees is a good idea not to worry about), esp. after looking into things that could cause those things to not be as useful as one would hope, like diluted urine (which I think might be an issue for me since I dehydrate easily and get sick when I do so I drink a lot of liquids and even though I try to limit my intake during the 4 hr wait to take OPK I almost always break down and drink a little water, and I almost always pee quite a bit, and then it usually does look kinda dilute) and erratic sleep schedules and being rather nocturnal. And I've got that mouth breather thing going on too, although I'm still hoping vaginal temping will help with that, but that still leaves the nocturnal issue and erratic sleep. So, I think to save my sanity I'll just consider the testing and temping something I'm doing for the gyno's information and let him worry about what those results mean for me and my fertility (he wanted me to take the tests, and I figure it can't hurt to keep temping in case he wants that info down the line). I'll keep BDing every other night to cover my bases and noting down my CM and CP and symptoms and stuff, just in case a pattern shows up or the doc wants to know something about those things, and it's better to err on the side of caution and figure I'm fertile if I've got a fertile sign (like the EWCM and fertile CP) so as not to miss a chance. I'm not holding my breath for a bfp opk anymore, nor a clear temp spike. To save my sanity, I'm going to assume I won't get either, not worry about it, and be pleasantly surprised if I get either of those. I'll just keep BDing and assume I ovulated at some point anyway and I'm just having inaccurate readings for whatever reason, until they gyno tells me otherwise or 6 months is up, whichever comes first. Then go from there. Or I'll go nuts (and get frizzly gut).

I think I'll also apply this logic when it comes time to take the HPT and not hold my breathe for a bfp and not count myself out till AF arrives. I guess if I'm late enough on the period, I'd go to the doc for a blood test. But I'm not holding my breathe for PG. I'll keep trying anyway and let it pleasantly surprise me. It's the only way I won't drive myself bonkers, I think.

Ah, I've been having the gushy EWCM that scares me into thinking I'm having AF today, so maybe that helped get me on edge. Every now and then I get a gush and I'm like "Is it CM or AF? Hope it's CM!" and I check and it is CM, but with the cramping and the gushy I just feel paranoid. Even before I started TTC I felt that way (because I didn't want ruined undies and stained seats, lol). I think I might be high strung :p

I need to get Zen. Jesus take the wheel! [-o<
Morning all. Well i did a digi this mornng to properly confirm and yes its positive. No more poas for me buttt i have around 25 10ml dip strips from ebay if anyone would like them. They gave me faint positives at 10dpo. Im giving them away for free so pm me if you would like them. :) Good luck to all you lovely ladies xx


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Well I've tested but :bfn: boo :-(
It was a 10 mlU one as well so I'd say I'm out for the month.
For some reason I'm not as disappointed as in previous months - still a bit gutted and would have loved for a positive but I think I was just being more realistic this month whereas in previous months I've totally convinced myself that I've been pregnant and then been devastated when AF comes.
Also I think being on here has helped me a lot - so great to get all the support from people who understand what you're going through and have been really over the moon to see some getting their :bfp: :thumbup:
Oh well, just wait for :witch: to rear her ugly head then get ready for next month!
Momofboys sorry you got your :bfn: too hugs :hugs:
Smalltowngal that sounds like a very sensible outlook to take, should save you some stress and worry hopefully :thumbup:
Babydust to everyone :dust:
*reading through this whole thread, catching up on everything i missed*
Baby1wanted and momofboys, sorry to hear about your BFNs, theres still time and if not, then you have a nice fresh start next cycle :flower:

Claire, OH was working last night and is away working in Dundee today (2 hours away) so hopefully hes up for it tonight!

I got a great sleep last night, dd decided to sleep until 7.15am, which is totally unheard of for her! Hope all you ladies are doing well :dust:

PS. Berlinbetty keep us posted!!
having a wee lazy day today, going to do all the house work and have a pj day lol, 3days until testing, feeling really sick cause of these antibiotics:(! don't think it will be a BFP this month!
Hi girls,

Sorry about yesterday, i didn't respond to the posts because I was too busy getting anxious over my lack of ovulation this month.

I temped today and it 97.22 so defo no ovulation there. I'm waiting for my new OPKs to arrive, hoping they'll come by lunchtime. Yesterday (typically) I did have my darkest line. I'll post a piccy in another post as this is going to take a while. Still having bad nights sleep as my LO keeps waking when we go to bed, he's usually a good sleeper but has a cold at the moment.

Still no temp spike or + OPK. :cry: I've got great EWCM (it's stretches 2 inches) and fertile feeling cervix but I've pretty much had all that since CD10. It seems like my body wants to O but isn't.

So, my good news for today is I've kept up with my testing and charting and I've got fertile CM and CP if I ever O, and I'm hoping to BD tonight to keep on schedule there. Hopefully I'll be able to get some good nesting done today. There's a storage alcove in my basement that I'm almost done cleaning/organizing.

Hey hun, I read through all of your post and have to say I feel exactly the same way, I didn't even imagine that I wouldn't ovulate, I just thought that was a given, can't believe CD19 and still no O. Just be reassured that I feel the same so anytime you need to share I'm here, we all are.

Thanks for responding on my post.

I did another OPK, what do you ladies think?
The bottom one is the recent one (around 9pm) top one is at 1pm ish

Certainly looks good hun, get :sex: ing!!! I've heard of peeps ovulating early (think thats what I did with Roscoe last year) and I have even questioned whether I ovulated this cycle during my period, due to the high temps.

Can someone PLEASE make my chart visible?

I take it you got this sorted hun?

Why can't we all just know the moment we are pregnant? Wouldn't that be nice

It would be very nice hun, but the moment you get that :bfp: will be so special, you'll be glad it was a surprise.

Thanks gals! :hugs: I'll start taking both for the rest of this cycle and note both but just plot the oral on FF until next cycle when I'll switch totally to vaginal.

I'm switching too :) good luck to us!

Maybe I should switch?? What are the advantages, I don't think my chart is too eratic does anyone else?

There are so many lovely ladies on here that I find it hard to keep track of people and have any kind of idea what is going on with everyone.
As for me, I am on cd 13. I am not expecting to ovulate until around cd 21-24. I have started taking my OKPs at cd 11. Feels like I have so long to wait. Tonight I am going out with the ladies, for a kind of last hoorah. Hoping we catch the first cycle, otherwise I might have to have another hoorah next cycle.:haha:

Hey Angel, welcome back. Just relax and enjoy the quiet period before all the waiting to O and TWW start, enjoy your night out too.

hi ladies!! Well Test today was BFN so im sure im out, With all my other pregnancies i had a BFP by 11 or 12 DPO and i was cramping today so im sure AF is on her way :(

I'm sorry MomofBoys, thats super annoying. I'm going to start an October list soon so I'll need testing dates once you know where your at. Fingers crossed for your next cycle.

Mrsmurphy, line is def getting darker, get bonking woman ;)

Hi Claire, you ok at the mo? Any TWW symptoms?

Wow lots to catch up on! I've been MIA the last couple of days been busy with school, work and my LO.

Just a quick update things have been so so for me. I have started wondering if maybe I ovulated way sooner than I thought as i've been extremely nauseated and tired and have been having AF type cramps but according to the app on my phone that predicts when i should ovulate i would only actually be 2DPO which i know is WAY to soon for symptoms like that :haha: i think its my mind playing tricks on me. I'm not getting my hopes to high for this month since it is my first month off the pill and i have no idea what my cycle is doing. DH and I have been :sex: every few days though so if I did ovulate we should have caught it.

Weird thing on sunday DH swears he finished but nothing came out of me (TMI) typically afterwards i have semen and stuff come out and there was nada...i told him he was fibing that he didnt actually get his O but he swears up and down that he did :haha: so not really sure what went on there.

anyways gonna go catch up on everything that has happened lots of luck to ladies testing in the next few days :flower:

Hello, Its a possibility that you O'd sooner, do you fancy charting, its quite useful in knowing where your at. For example I would right now think I was in the TWW if it wasn't for charting, when actually I haven't O'd yet, and although I'm super frustrated by that fact, I'd rather know than not.Good luck.

so last night i could barely sleep.. i kept dreaming about testing bfp ! lol

ive been having pinching /tugging feelings in left ovaries but sometimes it goes to the right .. and ive been noticing it gets more intense at night .. strange

nipples seem to be gettin more sore as the days go by ..

i think the reason that i dont want to test until af is missed is because i dont want to be disappointed .. this month we went HARD on ttc so if im not it would sort of be a let down .. so im thinking positive thoughts and hopefully i get my bfp !

i have all digitals preg test because they were on sale near me .. but now i may go pick up first response non digi and then test with digi once period is missed or once i get a line on first reponse .. not sure

ugh this ttw is harder than i thought lol


Oooh more :bfp: dreams, maybe you're next hun, you certainly have put in lots of hard work. Fingers crossed.

Well I've tested but :bfn: boo :-(
It was a 10 mlU one as well so I'd say I'm out for the month.
For some reason I'm not as disappointed as in previous months - still a bit gutted and would have loved for a positive but I think I was just being more realistic this month whereas in previous months I've totally convinced myself that I've been pregnant and then been devastated when AF comes.
Also I think being on here has helped me a lot - so great to get all the support from people who understand what you're going through and have been really over the moon to see some getting their :bfp: :thumbup:
Oh well, just wait for :witch: to rear her ugly head then get ready for next month!
Momofboys sorry you got your :bfn: too hugs :hugs:
Smalltowngal that sounds like a very sensible outlook to take, should save you some stress and worry hopefully :thumbup:
Babydust to everyone :dust:

Hello there, sorry about your :bfn: is it possible that your a bit early testing? I know I would have tested by now but I suppose until af turns up theres still chance.

*reading through this whole thread, catching up on everything i missed*

Welcome back dcm_mw12. I know theres alot to catch up on, its easier if you try to have a read each day! Lol. Where abouts are you in your cycle now?

Baby1wanted and momofboys, sorry to hear about your BFNs, theres still time and if not, then you have a nice fresh start next cycle :flower:

Claire, OH was working last night and is away working in Dundee today (2 hours away) so hopefully hes up for it tonight!

I got a great sleep last night, dd decided to sleep until 7.15am, which is totally unheard of for her! Hope all you ladies are doing well :dust:

PS. Berlinbetty keep us posted!!

Hey MrsMurphy, glad to hear you got a good sleep - ugh I didn't, my poor boy has a cold and is really struggling to sleep. Its so hard temping because of it too. Are you over your cold now?

having a wee lazy day today, going to do all the house work and have a pj day lol, 3days until testing, feeling really sick cause of these antibiotics:(! don't think it will be a BFP this month!

Ooooh Nic that sounds nice. I was going to do the same and because I've not slept much its sounds appealing but its such a nice day here today, so I'm going to take Roscoe over to his Grannies after lunch. My big girl has gone back to school today - into year 10!!! Shes 15 in a couple of months! Where has the time gone!

Any ideas where anyone can find my O??? I've lost it........
Heres my last OPK, its the darkest line I've had but still not that dark...so frustrated that I'm run out of OPKs, I ordered when I had 12 left too!

What do you think?

P.S haha gosh looking at it on here you can hardly see a line......Rarrrrrrrrrrr Lol


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I hope your opks come today Tizy! Looks like your LH is rising:D Where do you order them from? I accidentally paid for Amazon Prime so I get free next day delivery haha! Im going to do one in the next half hour I think.

Just got back from swimming with dd, have been out since 9.30am and she has just went down for a sleep, so hopefully the next 90 minutes or so will be nice and relaxng for me! OH is working away today so wont be back till about 7pm, but going to watch a dvd and who knows, maybe some BDing (If I can be bothered!)

Honestly looking at your chart, I reckon your temp will rise tomorrow or the day after. I have not had a positive opk this month but I have had HSO cervix and EWCM and following that a temp rise.

Could this opk be the fading away of the LH surge, were your lines before this any darker? The alternative is that your body could be ramping up but didn't OV yet and it may be another 5 or so days away.

This may be TMI, but the difference for me between when I thought I was going to ovulate and when I did ovulate was when my cervix went so high I could no longer reach it!

Storked, that superpower would be amazing!!!

I'm sorry about the bfn's baby1wanted and momofboys :(
:hugs: September will be a good month though! :dust:
I just did my opk, its the darkest one Ive done yet.. definitely darker than yesterdays 1pm one. Im sooo hoping it is even darker tonight :D

I cant help shake the feeling though that Im getting my hopes up for nothing... I am like 90% sure I wont ovulate or something :/
Tizy hope you get your next batch of OPKs soon!

LizzieJane, wouldn't it? :D

MrsMurphy, why do you think you won't ovulate honey? :hugs:

I am pretty dang sure that I am in the TWW. But I have been so laid back this cycle that nothing is certain. It is maddening and really peaceful too
Tizy hope you get your next batch of OPKs soon!

LizzieJane, wouldn't it? :D

MrsMurphy, why do you think you won't ovulate honey? :hugs:

I am pretty dang sure that I am in the TWW. But I have been so laid back this cycle that nothing is certain. It is maddening and really peaceful too

I dont think I will because it has been soooo long since I had a normal cycle. Havent been normal since DD was born (and obv not when I was pregnant either) so its been... 28 months since I had a normal cycle! My last was 17 days, before that was 53 days so I just find it hard to believe that I will ever have a normal cycle again!

Here are my opks
Top is yesterday 1pm
2nd is yesterday 9pm
bottom is most recent, 1pm today


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MrsMurphy, have you been to the doctor to see what is going on? Are you taking anything to try and regulate yourself? I have a friend who has very irregular cycles too but it is due to PCOS :(
Is it dumb that I am scared to workout hard in the TWW?
I think you can workout in moderation. Just no heavy weights or OTT on the cardio. I am scared to swim though, what if some chemicals get up there!!! :haha: I don't know if this is a legitimate worry or me being silly?!

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