:*~*:._.:*~*:The Baby Dancers.:*~*:._.:*~*:(18 BFP so far)

good luck tizy! & i've heard that about sperm aswell :)! so have a good birthday bonking :haha: sorry AF got you though :hugs:

well girls nothing to report, going swimming and lunch with my sister and grandparents hehe! if anybody is testing today! good luck x

Hey Nic, glad your good, I hate all this waiting!

Sorry AF showed Tizy! FX for this month!! :)
I didnt know that about :spermy: Shame that im not a morning person lol
Ill be waiting til 2nd Oct to test so in 2ww now
Good luck to everyone

Hey MrsKboy! Oooh not long till testing then! The first week of the TWW is rubbish tho isn't it!

Gah I am going nutso here! :whacko: Still no idea what is going on. No AF and nothing but :bfn:'s I have a DR appointment on the 24th so if nothing has happened by then, I am bringing it up.

Sorry your cycle seems to be messed up NDTaber, defo speak to the doc and try to get some answers. Big hugs.

hello again, sorry for my total crapness at keeping up with this thread. Will try better :flower:

cd22 for me and I've had a smiley ov test, hoping I actually ov instead of just gearing up for it this time and not ov'ing:dohh: I'm taking it as I will ov in 2 days so testing will be on the 5th Oct.

DH went for his SA and rang the docs last week and the receptionist said it all seems ok, which is good. Unfortunatly we couldn't get in to the dr until the 8th October, and I think in that appt they dicuss what happens next and refer us to the gynae.

congrats to all the bfp's i've missed and :hugs: to anyone who's af came

Hey Jellybean, nice to have you back! I'll update the front sheet. Good to hear about the smiley face!! Yay. Good luck.

Hi everyone I haven't commented in a while but have been reading so I don't get behind on everyones status :) I have my first appt tomorrow. :thumbup:

Hello Robinson, glad ya still with us, let us know how you get on at ya appointment.

Well, yesterday I had the all over jelly feeling and barely managed to chart and do a few essential chores, I felt so frizzled. :( My boy cat didn't help by gobbling his dinner and snatching girl cat's dinner and gobbling it, and then puking down an air grate. Had to clean the puke off the grate, then lift the grate and clean it off the bottom of the air duct. :dohh: He also horked up a hairball on the carpet earlier in the day with his lunch, that I had to clean up, too. (Probably that's why he stole girl cat's dinner, because he puked up most of his lunch.)

Oddly enough, yesterday I also felt an increased sex drive feeling, but was too tired to DTD or something with DH. I heard that can happen due to all the blood flow to the lady bits area, either for PMS or PG symptom. I sure wish there were some symptoms that people only ever got with one or the other, so we wouldn't always be left wondering which one was which for a particular cycle.

Today, I'm feeling very emotional. I've had mood swings all over the place and right now I feel anxious, irritable, depressed, and frazzled. :cry:

Today's new symptom is chills (the temp outside got lower, lowered the room temp a bit, I didn't have full covers on, and I woke up feeling cold and crappy - maybe this is why my temp dipped a bit again...or maybe it's implantation happening now as opposed to earlier like I thought...or maybe AF is on her way - it's maddening that there is no way to know until I get a BFP or AF.)

I also had a bit of brown spotting, in the morning and around noon followed by a BM and then the CM returned to gushy clear CM, until a two hours later when I started having bright red spotting. I first noticed a little red spotting during a cervix check (it was a little bit mixed with lots gushy stretchy CM - CP is also high and soft, which could mean PMS or PG), then I had another BM, then a little more red spotting when I wiped, then nothing when wiping but would get more on the finger if I checked (a little red mixed in with tUhe otherwise clear to snot white stretchy CM). I've heard some women get some spotting (even red) after a BM so it could be that...or implantation...or AF coming. AHHHH! :wacko:

I've still got the ab and tummy crunchy stretchy feeling pretty much all the time now, with or without the rapid heart beat, short breath, jelly-legs/etc. I've had the stabby vagina feeling today too. And twinges in my groin area and uterus area. BBs still hurt. Still no nausea, although my body has started to give me bleh signals when eating any sweats (it wants green veggies, eggs, beef, and potatoes). And the cramps have remained mild (usually before my period I get some heavier cramping). Ugh, I don't know whether to doomsay that AF is coming or still be hopeful. I don't think I've ever gotten red spotting before this cycle and I don't usually get brown spotting, more of a brown discharge ramp-up to lots of red that happens swiftly.

I don't know what to think. This TWW is driving me mad. And it goes without saying that I got bfn's the last two days (or the suspense would be over).

FF also taunts me with an ever increasing PG signs meter (I'm up to 69 pts out of 100, today).

And if I normally have a 32 day cycle, I'm a day late, and if I normally have 35 day cycle I won't be late till Fri or Sat. - oh how I wish I'd kept track of my cycles before now. :nope:

What I can't figure is, if I am having implantation today, then what was up with all the symptoms before that? Can fertilization cause a progesterone spike? I don't know...I don't know what to think any more.

The not knowing is driving me so mad, that I almost wish I'd get AF full bore, just to stop the wondering. ](*,)

Hi SmalltownGal, shame about the bfn's but your not out until the witch arrives so youve still got time yet. Fingers crossed for you.

hey everyone !

hope everyone is having a great day !

CD 7 and guess what !? I FOUND PRESEED LOCALLY HERE AND PURCHASED IT .. im having mixed feelings because its sooo damnnn expensive down here and when i opened the box i found a small tube and applications !! how is that going to last me one cycle ???

but the lady who sold it to me advised that it can actually multiple ur chances of conceiving and everyone she has sold it to got preggies off it with in 2 cycles are less .. so not really getting hopes up though !

and its funny i may swtich my doc because for her to recommend ky jelly and everyone i talk to seems to know thats the worst lub u can use i was shocked when my doc said to use that ! even the women who sold me preseed said its just like vaseline ! when i told her i was using vaseleine she advised that it kills sperm instantly and creates a barrier inside

she also advised not to really wash down there too much because ur actually washing away ur natural lubs ...

so today i got home.. hubby got a haircut and he looked oh so good .. tried to attack him and hes like doc said we start cd 8 ! lol i was shocked that he even remembered .. we are going to try the smep this month with preseed .. and i am going to really try and have fun this cycle instead of being so focused on baby making thoughts ..

ill keep everyone posted with the preseed but does anyone have any advice on how to use it ?? i plan to use it ovulation week only


Morning BB from what I've read about preseed on the TTC boards you don't need to use as much as the packet tells you, apparently it does go alot further than you think so might last a couple of cycles, depending on how much bonking you do.

Hey all i just wanted to add in for all you that use bbt n temp, i actually got the drop in my temp before af was due i think the day of and then it went back up agian n i got my + hpt, so i know there can be a drop when ur preg too something about implantation or something like that, maybe im wrong or maybe it was just coinsedence oops spelling error lol good luck all :) n af cramps were all the syptoms i was getting :)

Hi Jenny, glad things are going well for you and that your still hanging around here, nice to see your progress.

Hi everyone I haven't commented in a while but have been reading so I don't get behind on everyones status :) I have my first appt tomorrow. :thumbup:

Good luck! Let us know how you get on!


MrsMurphy to be - eek good luck POAS and let us know!


SmallTownGal - sorry you're having such a bad 2WW, hoping it's all worth it for you and you get your BFP :hugs:

Hello Baby1wanted, we've got ages to go till O day haven't we! Oh and by the way OH did buy me flowers! Some gorgeous sunflowers, we're back on track now! Lol x
We've not heard from Proudarmywife or Storked about their results!

And where's LJ? Hope your ok.

I'm fine here, CD2 so nothing to report. Off to baby group now! See you all later X
Its so hard to keep up with this thread, im rubbish at replying to individuals

Hope everyone is ok

I really dont feel pregnant at all, i have to keep reminding myself, i have no symptoms, i know i shouldnt be moaning about that but with the other 3 i had something, either felt sick, coukdnt brush my teeth, didnt like certain smells, bad skin, hair more greasy, cant think of others but i feel like a fraud, only thing telling me i am is no period :/ other than that theres nothing, hubby keeps joking and saying maybe this one is different from the rest and its twins!!!! Can u imagine
Im debating whether to buy a pregnancy test which is just silly!
Think AF is on her way. Now having some very light bleeding and not just blood in cm.

Grr, why cant i have normal cycles so i dont have to be clueless all the time!?
Oh dear, hugs Mrs M - when did you come off bc? Do you think its down to that?

Hi Claire, glad you're ok hun. With Roscoe my symptoms like sore BBs only kicked in around 5-6 weeks, theres time for them yet! Are you tired?

Been to baby group and now home, its miserable outside. XXx
Oh dear, hugs Mrs M - when did you come off bc? Do you think its down to that?

Hi Claire, glad you're ok hun. With Roscoe my symptoms like sore BBs only kicked in around 5-6 weeks, theres time for them yet! Are you tired?

Been to baby group and now home, its miserable outside. XXx

Its been raining here all day too!

I got my last injection in December, so it ran out beginning of march. I did get the coil after that but it fell out the day after it got put in. It may be that my body is still trying to regulate itself, but its so frustrating! Lol. Will probs be joining you on a new cycle tomorrow if this keeps up! :dohh:
Hey all.

cd12 here... i O'd last month at this time! Not using opks now though so im just guessing lol! Ive been really horny *ahem* the last two days haha! Hopin thats a good sign! Had to have a little nap earlier too ive been so tired lately!

No other news from me! Kids are at nursery so best start my cleaning! The joys!
BerlinBetty, I think I've put on close to that amount too. I'm small, I usually wear a size 0 or 2 bur now my belly is round like I'm 3 months pregnant! Can't wait to get my scan to see what's going on in there.

I'm having an ultrasound on the 4th, I'm so freakin excited! And I'm still in shock. The doctor confirmed my pregnancy yesterday. :baby:

Mine is on the 3rd, I can't wait either!

WOW, we are right on target with each other! Sorry I took so long to respond, I've got a double ear infection.

I can't wait to see pictures!
Aw, :hugs: MrsMurphy! If AF comes (and FX'd that she won't), hopefully the doc can shed some light.


News for me...

Well, I have a bad feeling that I'm going to be taking the hammer to plushie uterus. :( I'm not out yet and this still isn't what normally happens before AF, but I had two medium-dark brown spots in my liner this morning, light brown in with CM when I wiped (but not when I wiped again, all clear upon all other wiping), and upon checking CP (which is HSO) I got dark pink discharge mixed in with the CM (seemed like half and half). (And my temp only went up .03 deg from yesterday's.) I know this kind of spotting can happen in early PG, esp. around when AF is due, and could be continued IB, but it makes me very nervous.

The early PG signs estimator on FF continues to taunt me by going up to 77 pts. According to them, "80 or more points are 70 to 90% more likely to be pregnancy charts" but I'm feeling very Eeyore. "AF is gonna get me. All those symptoms for nothing~"

Still got that stretchy feeling taunting me, too.

Of course, still bfn on the hpt.

FF has me due to start AF tomorrow. Do I still have a good chance of my spotting being PG spotting and not getting AF? What do you ladies think?
Okay, I'm going nuts here! :wacko: Prepare for more TMI: At 11AM I had a BM followed by a good amount of pink discharge upon wiping (but only a teeny speck when wiping before that after just a pee), and then it lessened on subsequent wipes to just a little. My liner was still clear, btw. Then, I had a gushy feeling just about an hour later and thought for sure AF had got me (it often does come on strong after a BM around AF time)...but the liner is clear and all is clear upon wiping. This spotting is messing with my mind~!!! ](*,)
SmallTownGal sorry you're having such a hard time. Don't worry about the BFNs, my BFP didn't come until AF was 2 days late.
BerlinBetty, I think I've put on close to that amount too. I'm small, I usually wear a size 0 or 2 bur now my belly is round like I'm 3 months pregnant! Can't wait to get my scan to see what's going on in there.

I'm having an ultrasound on the 4th, I'm so freakin excited! And I'm still in shock. The doctor confirmed my pregnancy yesterday. :baby:

Mine is on the 3rd, I can't wait either!

WOW, we are right on target with each other! Sorry I took so long to respond, I've got a double ear infection.

I can't wait to see pictures!

Yes we are! I'm due just one day before you too. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks again so much for your support and advice, NewlyWedFifi! :hugs: :kiss:

(I would be totally losing my mind if not for this group - I love you all! <3 )

I have now just had another gushy feeling combined with an intense "nail on chalkboard" feeling on the right side of my uterus, almost like AF cramps but only on one side (never had that before, very bizarre!) and it felt like someone was scraping a fingernail on the right side of my uterus, hard (it only lasted less than half a minute but it was rather strong)! :shock: I rushed to the bathroom thinking that AF had come and I was just having a weird AF cramp but all is clear on liner and when wiping.

I'm glad AF is not here but this is really weird. It now feels a bit sore in my ab area, next to my hairline at the right. I'm getting a cramping pain running down one side and down the right leg only. Which lasted maybe a minute. My AF cramps have always been across the whole ab region and run down both legs.

I still wouldn't put it past my body to be trolling me, I hate to get my hopes back up...but these are not quite the usual AF symptoms. And now there's the intense stretchy feeling in the tummy and ab area again. And I feel like my hair is standing on end.

I hope AF doesn't come and I get a BFP a couple days after, like you did Fifi! [-o&lt; All the symptoms will be worth it, then.
You are so very welcome. Chances are if you're experiencing things you've never experienced before during your monthly cycles then something different is happening! I have everything crossed for you sweetie!
Omg ive just found out my sister in law is pregnant, shes 10 wks, funny thing is we was pregnant together 11 yrs ago with my 1st and her 2nd, im soo chuffed, real life family bump buddy
Oh my, I am awful at keeping up with this thread! Congrats on any BFPs I have missed and hugs to anyone that got AF and good luck to anyone soon to test or O!!.

AFM, I am 7dpo, think I will test super early tomorrow. I don't really have any symptoms outside of my normal pms symptoms (bloat, tired, hungry, spots, headache, some cramps and twinges). The only thing different would be that today in the shower I had a little more lactation than normal. I can normally only get a drop or so out, today I got several drops out (and yes, I randomly squeeze my boobs to see if I get milk:blush:)

Also one thing I read in this thread that I wanted to add to, I think from Jenny B, you can still get a bfp with a temp drop. My temp dropped the day I got my bfp with my son, although not below cover line it went down .4 degrees.
I've gone off chicken in a major way. I don't eat red meat so apart from fish and other seafood, I occasionally get my protein from chicken, but as soon as I hit 5 weeks it started tasting absolutely disgusting to me.
I can no longer tolerate milk either going to have to start looking into lactose free alternatives.
Claire, my SIL is pregnant too, although zhes due ge end of Feb, but Id love to fall pregnant before she has her LO. It will be her 5th!!

Angel, we are both at the same stage (assuming I od) i tested this morning haha but it was pointless :dohh: excited to hear your results!! Good luck xx

Well my extremely light bleeding seems to have stopped, and its not red at all now. When I wipe its like brown (sorry, tmi!) its as if its ge very last stages of AF. Im beginning to think maybe I did hurt myself and made myself bleed when checking. But just because I said that, af will probs get me tomorrow! Havent really had that dizzy feeling as much today, but Ive given up symptom spotting as for all I know it could be an anovulatory cycle, and heres me thinking I have a chance of being pregnant!

You are so very welcome. Chances are if you're experiencing things you've never experienced before during your monthly cycles then something different is happening! I have everything crossed for you sweetie!

I just can't thank you enough, this helps keep my hope alive and me from freaking out. :kiss: I so hope this is implantation stuff going on here!

I just woke up from a nap, had to use the loo/BM again, had some more straining than usual, and got even more dark pink discharge than last time. My first thought was "oh, crap! Here's AF!" but it never got properly red and only lasted a few wipes and when I checked a half hour later my liner was still clear and I was also clear upon wiping. I've never had spotting like this before that goes away in a few wipes. If I've had a BM around AF time and I got any kind of discharge after it, that was it, "game over", AF was here and unpacking all her bags (it wouldn't stop it would just be the beginning of the flow and the flow would keep going stronger and stronger). That this has now happened twice with BM and still no AF, is deffo unusual. I also still have all the "PMS/PG" symptoms I've been having, and usually when AF starts I feel tired and crappy, but aside from cramps and some fatigue the other symptoms go away when AF starts. Now I've still got the stretchy feeling, and I feel dizzy and really heavy limbed fatigued and have the jelly all over feeling.

Praying this is just a sign of healthy implantation. [-o&lt;

Omg ive just found out my sister in law is pregnant, shes 10 wks, funny thing is we was pregnant together 11 yrs ago with my 1st and her 2nd, im soo chuffed, real life family bump buddy

Aw, that's so cool! :D My mom and aunt were bump buddies with me and my cousin (she was born just a month after me, I believe).

I've gone off chicken in a major way. I don't eat red meat so apart from fish and other seafood, I occasionally get my protein from chicken, but as soon as I hit 5 weeks it started tasting absolutely disgusting to me.
I can no longer tolerate milk either going to have to start looking into lactose free alternatives.

It's funny, I crave milk, which is the opposite of how I usually feel (I usually prefer the soy milk, but have only been using it for cereal). In fact, real milk usually makes my allergies flare up, but hasn't done so at all this latter half of the cycle. My allergies have actually been really mild for allergy season. Even with my nose spray, I usually still suffer rather a bit by this point, but I can still totally breath through my nose and haven't had one bout of inner ear funk. This is the nicest "PMS/PG" symptom I've ever had, lol. :haha:
Hm, I stood up to talk to DH for a while and now I've got bright orange/red spotting on liner and often (but not always) discharge when wiping, like a very light period that stops and starts (but not quite the right color - it's a funny color), no cramps, with one little clot. I still have the stretchy feeling and full uterus feeling and other symptoms, aside for feeling oddly calm about all this. It is either late or early for AF. (I estimate late by one or two days, FF estimates early by one day.) I'm at 14dpo.

Changed my liner, sat down to update my chart, researched whether anyone has had implantation spotting this weird color (several have had similar and one the exact same thing happen and wound up PG), then I started writing this message. 45 min has elapsed since noticing the spotting/discharge and my liner is clear, totally white.

So, it's not AF, at least not yet, and maybe it is IB. I'll just have to wait and see.

More time has elapsed and I have one little bright orange/red spot on my liner now, and I get more bright orange red when wiping, not a whole bunch ever, some times only a teeny little bit or even nothing. The discharge is very orange sometimes, almost like the pumpkin in the corn of plenty in my signature. It doesn't look or feel right for AF, and when AF comes I never get away with a liner (even on my lighter days, a mere liner would not fly). And I always get the proper cramps the first day, not weird brief half cramps, or little minor twinges that come and go quickly. I get pulsating, across the abdomen, down the legs cramps. At the very least, minor continuous pulsating across the abdomen cramps.

I just took my temp and it's much higher than my AF temps are, even when I have an infection (like an impacted bartholin's gland) raising my temp, even for the evening (all my AF temps were taken in the evening). It's almost a slight fever, and is over a degree higher than my other evening AF temps. This mornings temp was well above the coverline, too.

It's now been nearly 2hrs since I first noticed the spotting, and I still have only the teeny little orange spot in my liner. Definitely not AF, at this time. And I still feel really calm about it. Not sure what's going to happen, whether it will be IB leading to successful PG or turn into AF, but I feel oddly calm about it.

Anybody here ever had bright orange/red IB, out of curiosity?
Hm, I stood up to talk to DH for a while and now I've got bright orange/red spotting on liner and often (but not always) discharge when wiping, like a very light period that stops and starts (but not quite the right color - it's a funny color), no cramps, with one little clot. I still have the stretchy feeling and full uterus feeling and other symptoms, aside for feeling oddly calm about all this. It is either late or early for AF. (I estimate late by one or two days, FF estimates early by one day.) I'm at 14dpo.

Changed my liner, sat down to update my chart, researched whether anyone has had implantation spotting this weird color (several have had similar and one the exact same thing happen and wound up PG), then I started writing this message. 45 min has elapsed since noticing the spotting/discharge and my liner is clear, totally white.

So, it's not AF, at least not yet, and maybe it is IB. I'll just have to wait and see.

More time has elapsed and I have one little bright orange/red spot on my liner now, and I get more bright orange red when wiping, not a whole bunch ever, some times only a teeny little bit or even nothing. The discharge is very orange sometimes, almost like the pumpkin in the corn of plenty in my signature. It doesn't look or feel right for AF, and when AF comes I never get away with a liner (even on my lighter days, a mere liner would not fly). And I always get the proper cramps the first day, not weird brief half cramps, or little minor twinges that come and go quickly. I get pulsating, across the abdomen, down the legs cramps. At the very least, minor continuous pulsating across the abdomen cramps.

I just took my temp and it's much higher than my AF temps are, even when I have an infection (like an impacted bartholin's gland) raising my temp, even for the evening (all my AF temps were taken in the evening). It's almost a slight fever, and is over a degree higher than my other evening AF temps. This mornings temp was well above the coverline, too.

It's now been nearly 2hrs since I first noticed the spotting, and I still have only the teeny little orange spot in my liner. Definitely not AF, at this time. And I still feel really calm about it. Not sure what's going to happen, whether it will be IB leading to successful PG or turn into AF, but I feel oddly calm about it.

Anybody here ever had bright orange/red IB, out of curiosity?

Your temps sound very promising and the bleeding sounds nothing like AF. This is so exciting!

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