Lexi, wow your maternity leave sounds awesome!! I'll be lucky if I get 8 weeks LOL. I will probably try to take it around 37 -38 weeks if I start dilating, I'm in such pain in my pelvic area I can barely walk sometimes. Baby is already in position and sometimes I feel such pressure from him pushing down
Soop, sorry if you're out, I know how frustrating TTC is
Nicki, I hope you get answers from your coming tests. Every new test is progress
Monro, glad you got MS, like I said I barely had it if any in reality like 5 days throughout my pregnancy LOL. I count myself very lucky
How is everyone else? Hope all is ok.
AFM, I will need a wheel chair soon

I can barely walk sometimes, the pain in my inner thighs/groin/pelvic area is bad at times

I feel like I've done the split and multiple reps of inner thigh excercises. It's worse after sitting at work, I am more comfortable laying down with pillows between my legs. But hey anything for my lil bub