I don't count squinters as BFPs, but I'd do another FRER tonight. In my experience, real BFPs on FRER darken within 24 hours or less, whereas squinters on ICs stay squinters for an annoying long time...
DSemcho - i fee a BFP on all of those but agree with cruise, IC are a pain in the bum for being crap lines for ages! OPKs can show a BFP before a HPT BUT be careful as they can also pick up other hormones which are released before AF. OPK's would be like doing a search for women, lots of results can bring up a line. HPT's are more specific so would be like searching for women in hats!
AFM - Its now 7 days post 5D ET so still testing, woke up and had to pee at 3am so not the full night and it was very weak so not surprised I didnt really get anything. Here is the test though with the brightness tweaked a little bit. Might maybe see a shadow if you squint and hold it up to the light just right! Will be testing with another IC tomorrow and depending on that will break out the FRER on Wednesday.
I only took the OPK out of curiosity and so far it's a no on HPT's but I didn't take one this am so I am gonna take one tomorrow. I am wondering if I'm ovulating again because when I take an OPK before AF it's usually a super light line or non-existent line.
What's 5D ET
Hey ladies. How is everyone? How did all those lines work out - I hope we got a few more bfps!
Quick update - had my scan today at 7wk 6days and measuring perfectlyso all good here. Keep your fx for me ladies.
Another mini milestone26 weeks today and reached double digits. Only 98 to go!