A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

Ladyfog - sorry the witch got you :( But you're right, at least things look like they're getting back into a rhythm. Don't feel foolish for getting excited, think we have all been there :hugs:

justwaiting - just wanted to say thanks for the comments about Asherman's. I tried to click the link to your journal but it's not working. I just did some reading up on it as I had an erpc with my first loss and I always thought if I ever have another missed miscarriage I would go back in for the op. But you have made me think twice and reading the stats has opened my eyes, thank you so much. Really appreciate you sharing your experiences.

mandy1971 - I am so, so sorry for everything you are going through :hugs: I'm afraid I don't know anything about thyroid medication but I can't imagine the aspirin would've caused any problems. It's just so tragic you lost your little angel. You don't sound like a basket case at all, you've been through a very tough time and your head is bound to be all over the place. I know my experiences of miscarriage have changed me, there's no way it can't. How do you feel about your DH wanting to move out for a bit? Have you got friends/family support around you? xx
things came to a head this weekend we've been bickering more since we lost the baby..he has been suggesting moving out for a while.. but just for some breathing space he says....

I have only discussed it with my mum so far., I wont mention it to any friends until we work out ourselves what is happening...I've been crying all morning, I just feel so let down by him...fortunately I am not back at work until thursday., I hate having to be brave all of the time..
I hope it is implantation bleeding Ladyfrog fingers and toes crossed for you.

NSN - A ERPC and a D&C are pretty much the same, I think it depends on the country your in. my first D&C was a suction D&C and it's what caused the Ashermans.
Anyway how r u going?

Hope I wasn't sounding rude :wacko: wasn't meant that way :hugs:

Yeah I'm ok :wacko: :haha:

Good morning ladies. Just a quick update - looks like :witch: turned up last night :dohh: Feel a bit foolish for letting myself believe and get a bit excited yesterday, but comforting myself with the thought that least my first proper cycle after AF turned up on time so it looks like things are back on track and working OK. Now just trying to not let those negative thoughts creep in about still not being pregnant etc etc!!

Hope everyone else is OK. Have a good day everyone :hugs:

Sorry the hag showed and don't say you're foolish...it's all perfectly normal to hope, wish that THIS is the next BFP ans sticky one at that :hugs: hoping AF isn't too harsh on you

Hi ladies Id like to join the thread. My sigi should be attached.. I had an ethical termination at 17 weeks as baby had downs syndrome and also a severe heart defect detected at 16.. We also had 3 miscarriages last year all at 5 weeks...everything for myself and oh comeback negative including karotyping.
With the last pregnancy I started aspirin and also was started on thyroxine tablets for a slight underactive thyroid.( my thyroid levels were at the low end of normal and I have thyroid antibodies present which attack the thyroid gland., untreated the thyroid antibodies will attack the whole thyroid and leave it non functioning..) some experts thinking is thar if there are elevated levels of thyroid antibodies present that they also attack the growing fetus and recognise it like the thyroid gland as a foreign body...
So who knows it could be the aspirin or thyroxine... Or just that this pregnancy was stronger...

We are currently ttc #1 I just turned 40 in July when we lost our little angel... It's been hard times and recently oh has been talking of moving out for a month so he can get some head space.. The past 2 yrs have been tough on us both...I am trying to relax an not let my stress levels escalate... We women really do bear the brunt..
I've been feeling pretty shity of late. Needed to vent.. Hope I don't sound like a basket case... I feel I do.. Normally before all of this torture I am the most laid back person..

Mandy...welcome and :hugs: I can only imagine how hard this journey has been...one loss is bad enough, never mind four :hugs: I am so sorry you had to lose your daughter too...it's a decision that NO ONE would ever wish to make...you're a very brave person :hugs:

There's no basket case option in here...it's for venting and being understood...we've all done it/doing it or will be :hugs:

Good morning ladies. Just a quick update - looks like :witch: turned up last night :dohh: Feel a bit foolish for letting myself believe and get a bit excited yesterday, but comforting myself with the thought that least my first proper cycle after AF turned up on time so it looks like things are back on track and working OK. Now just trying to not let those negative thoughts creep in about still not being pregnant etc etc!!

Hope everyone else is OK. Have a good day everyone :hugs:

Oh boo. Sorry AF showed up, but love your attitude though!

Hi ladies Id like to join the thread. My sigi should be attached.. I had an ethical termination at 17 weeks as baby had downs syndrome and also a severe heart defect detected at 16.. We also had 3 miscarriages last year all at 5 weeks...everything for myself and oh comeback negative including karotyping.
With the last pregnancy I started aspirin and also was started on thyroxine tablets for a slight underactive thyroid.( my thyroid levels were at the low end of normal and I have thyroid antibodies present which attack the thyroid gland., untreated the thyroid antibodies will attack the whole thyroid and leave it non functioning..) some experts thinking is thar if there are elevated levels of thyroid antibodies present that they also attack the growing fetus and recognise it like the thyroid gland as a foreign body...
So who knows it could be the aspirin or thyroxine... Or just that this pregnancy was stronger...

We are currently ttc #1 I just turned 40 in July when we lost our little angel... It's been hard times and recently oh has been talking of moving out for a month so he can get some head space.. The past 2 yrs have been tough on us both...I am trying to relax an not let my stress levels escalate... We women really do bear the brunt..
I've been feeling pretty shity of late. Needed to vent.. Hope I don't sound like a basket case... I feel I do.. Normally beforeall of this torture I am the most laid back person..

I'm so sorry for your losses :hugs: Vent away, you'll find a great support group here.

Hey Tweak :hugs: you ok?

Ladyfog - sorry the witch got you :( But you're right, at least things look like they're getting back into a rhythm. Don't feel foolish for getting excited, think we have all been there :hugs:

justwaiting - just wanted to say thanks for the comments about Asherman's. I tried to click the link to your journal but it's not working. I just did some reading up on it as I had an erpc with my first loss and I always thought if I ever have another missed miscarriage I would go back in for the op. But you have made me think twice and reading the stats has opened my eyes, thank you so much. Really appreciate you sharing your experiences.

mandy1971 - I am so, so sorry for everything you are going through :hugs: I'm afraid I don't know anything about thyroid medication but I can't imagine the aspirin would've caused any problems. It's just so tragic you lost your little angel. You don't sound like a basket case at all, you've been through a very tough time and your head is bound to be all over the place. I know my experiences of miscarriage have changed me, there's no way it can't. How do you feel about your DH wanting to move out for a bit? Have you got friends/family support around you? xx

Smiler...how are you doing? :hugs:

things came to a head this weekend we've been bickering more since we lost the baby..he has been suggesting moving out for a while.. but just for some breathing space he says....

I have only discussed it with my mum so far., I wont mention it to any friends until we work out ourselves what is happening...I've been crying all morning, I just feel so let down by him...fortunately I am not back at work until thursday., I hate having to be brave all of the time..

I'm sorry it has come to this...the men have it hard too and we sometimes forget that. Having a loss changes us and our relationships...I don't care what anyone says. The stress and strains are there and only last night...my OH said I'm nowhere near as happy as I used to be...before TTC and I hate that it has made me so sad :cry:

I really hope that we all do get our forever babies...

NTAT...how are you holding up? :hugs:

Lexi..has the hag buggered off yet? :hugs:

:hi: to anyone I've missed and :hugs: where needed

TTC and having loss's affects ur marriage and most certainly ur sex life to SUCH extremes. Mandy I know exactly how ur feeling hun,my hubbi has wanted out twice already. They don't know how to handle the stress of this all and they can't bear to see us go thru hell when we lose a baby or get a bfn. They feel helpless. Just last nnight hubbi and I had another squabble over him not wanting to have sex...it just feels so dam stupid to be arguing over this but ya...its needed. Then I'm the midst of our fight hubbi says ya well what's the point of us doing BD all month and we don't get pregnant anyway...why bother...man it really hurt!! All that's happening here is we rnt getting any support from anyone...and we r taking our frustrations out on eachother..so sad..am going to try my very best not to bite his head off...REALLY try!! Am on CD9n cycle bout 31 days..so O day is looming...
oh thankyou all for your support., I am just back from a long walk with my mum and spoke with her... Its so all consuming ttc, to then loose the baby at any stage...I just hope theres not another argument tonight as I really need a hug.....
SAJP...I hear ya...my OH doesn't wanna DTD on demand and we both have fairly low/non existant sex drives :blush:

Mandy...I hope you get a big hug later :hugs:

:hi: Mandy, welcome to this thread - it sounds like you've found us at the right time.
So so sorry for your losses, no one should have to go through what you have.
Sorry you and OH are struggling, it takes everything out of you to TTC especially after losses and I can completely understand how it can cause strain and frustration between you.
Stay strong hun, we are all here for you to vent and moan at us - we understand and we're here to listen :hugs:

Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts and wishes :friends:

AFM - I'm still here and still waiting. Bleeding has slowed and no cramps now :shrug:
Had a word with the doc and am leaving it to the end of the week and then if nothing, another erpc is on the cards. Been wavering between medical management and erpc but from others experiences, I may end up with an erpc after the tablets anyway.
Been in to town with my mum and dad today, first time I've really been anywhere in over 2 weeks. Bought myself a new winter jumper, cheered me up a little. Was only out for just under 3 hours but wow, nice to get out even if my mum did treat me like an invalid :haha:
NTAT...sorry thing have slowed down again...for me I had loads of cramping and contraction type pains for four hours and a lot of bleeding and I only had a 9 week sized sac. Good they are keeping an eye on you though and only dowjat you feel comfortable doing :hugs:

Nice to hear that you cheered yourself up a little and I chuckled at you being looked after :hugs:

Wow this thread moves fast!

:hi: to all the new ladies!

Mandy :hugs: you are a very brave person remember that, i hope you and oh work things out and he can give you the support you need x

Sorry af got ya ladyfrog hope this is your month x

Nsn how you doin? x
Remember i said about 10 days ago i had really bad cramps like never before,well last night had been asleep bout half hour when i woke up in agony seriously bad cramps was doubled up in pain, it really scared me started thinking theyve done something bad to me at the hospital, only lasted 10 mins or so i think, duno what it could be? If it happens again im going to the docs.:sad1:

It seems :witch: has gone i think, i had 3 days of red bleeding, then nothing at all sat and sun, then brown spotting yest and today :shrug:

I hope everyone else is holding up, was nice to see a bit of sun today, i walked to work and back. Feeling shattered now, early night me thinks :sleep: xxx
Hello! I'd like to join you ladies if you don't mind.
Dh and I have been TTC for almost 3 years now.
I have PCOS and I don't ovulate on my own so the only way to have an actual chance is with expensive meds.
I've gotten a BFP 4 times now, 3 of those times ended soon after, and this time, well... it's not looking good either.
Don't know what the hell is wrong.
I think maybe it's my progesterone. Maybe my body stops producing it and the progest suppositories I take just aren't enough to support whatever little bean is trying to implant.
I'll have to discuss this with my RE if this does end in another m/c.
Just feeling so hopeless right now.
Hey Tweak :hugs: you ok?

Thanks hun :hugs: I'm doin' as best as I can right now :( Just seems like everyone is getting pregnant. I hear announcements everywhere. I was thinking the last night - I forgot what it's like to be pregnant :cry: I forgot that feeling of happiness. This sucks.

TTC and having loss's affects ur marriage and most certainly ur sex life to SUCH extremes. Mandy I know exactly how ur feeling hun,my hubbi has wanted out twice already. They don't know how to handle the stress of this all and they can't bear to see us go thru hell when we lose a baby or get a bfn. They feel helpless. Just last nnight hubbi and I had another squabble over him not wanting to have sex...it just feels so dam stupid to be arguing over this but ya...its needed. Then I'm the midst of our fight hubbi says ya well what's the point of us doing BD all month and we don't get pregnant anyway...why bother...man it really hurt!! All that's happening here is we rnt getting any support from anyone...and we r taking our frustrations out on eachother..so sad..am going to try my very best not to bite his head off...REALLY try!! Am on CD9n cycle bout 31 days..so O day is looming...

I'm so sorry :( I know all about that - DH and I had a huge fight last cycle about his not willing to DTD when needed. I told him that it was the only thing I wanted right now, and I'd give up so much in order to have it. I don't think he knew just how much I wanted it, and he definitely changed. Hope he can start to DTD more!

oh thankyou all for your support., I am just back from a long walk with my mum and spoke with her... Its so all consuming ttc, to then loose the baby at any stage...I just hope theres not another argument tonight as I really need a hug.....

I'm sorry :( I'm glad you got some support from your Mom though. :hugs:

:hi: Mandy, welcome to this thread - it sounds like you've found us at the right time.
So so sorry for your losses, no one should have to go through what you have.
Sorry you and OH are struggling, it takes everything out of you to TTC especially after losses and I can completely understand how it can cause strain and frustration between you.
Stay strong hun, we are all here for you to vent and moan at us - we understand and we're here to listen :hugs:

Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts and wishes :friends:

AFM - I'm still here and still waiting. Bleeding has slowed and no cramps now :shrug:
Had a word with the doc and am leaving it to the end of the week and then if nothing, another erpc is on the cards. Been wavering between medical management and erpc but from others experiences, I may end up with an erpc after the tablets anyway.
Been in to town with my mum and dad today, first time I've really been anywhere in over 2 weeks. Bought myself a new winter jumper, cheered me up a little. Was only out for just under 3 hours but wow, nice to get out even if my mum did treat me like an invalid :haha:

I'm glad the bleeding has slowed and there's no cramps. But I'm sorry you may have to go through another ERPC. :( Happy you got out - sometimes getting out and doing things helps a bit.

Wow this thread moves fast!

:hi: to all the new ladies!

Mandy :hugs: you are a very brave person remember that, i hope you and oh work things out and he can give you the support you need x

Sorry af got ya ladyfrog hope this is your month x

Nsn how you doin? x
Remember i said about 10 days ago i had really bad cramps like never before,well last night had been asleep bout half hour when i woke up in agony seriously bad cramps was doubled up in pain, it really scared me started thinking theyve done something bad to me at the hospital, only lasted 10 mins or so i think, duno what it could be? If it happens again im going to the docs.:sad1:

It seems :witch: has gone i think, i had 3 days of red bleeding, then nothing at all sat and sun, then brown spotting yest and today :shrug:

I hope everyone else is holding up, was nice to see a bit of sun today, i walked to work and back. Feeling shattered now, early night me thinks :sleep: xxx

Sorry about the bad cramps :( But glad AF is out the door!

Hello! I'd like to join you ladies if you don't mind.
Dh and I have been TTC for almost 3 years now.
I have PCOS and I don't ovulate on my own so the only way to have an actual chance is with expensive meds.
I've gotten a BFP 4 times now, 3 of those times ended soon after, and this time, well... it's not looking good either.
Don't know what the hell is wrong.
I think maybe it's my progesterone. Maybe my body stops producing it and the progest suppositories I take just aren't enough to support whatever little bean is trying to implant.
I'll have to discuss this with my RE if this does end in another m/c.
Just feeling so hopeless right now.

Oh hun I'm so sorry for your losses :cry: I'm praying that this doesn't end that way, and this little bean hangs on. :hugs:

I think I got everyone! :hugs: for the other ladies!

I'm on CD5, and took my 3rd dose of soy. Felt off this morning, wicked tired and just .. off. Feels like time is going soo slow, and that it's gonna take forever to go to OV time. :(
Wow ladies this thread is moving so fast.

Mandy - I'm so sorry for what your going through and your husband adding pressure as well. I know men have feelings tooand it is hard for them and all the disappointment but seriously, I wish I could just walk away and forget but for us women it's not that simple. He needs to support you no matter how he feels. I hope you two can sort things out and he remembers where he needs to be and gives you that hug tonight!

ladyfrog - I'm sorry af got you but it's so encouraging that it came on time and now u can start this cycle afresh.

Lisa - welcome, I'm so sorry for your losses and I hope this little bean holds on. Are they tracking your progesterone? Maybe another form of pregesterone (I think there are tablets too) might help? progesterone problems seem to be a common theme on some of these boards, I too will be using it if/when I get a bfp in the furture. My thoughts are with you and I'm praying for a healthy bean. there is a lady on one of the pregnancy forums who was told she had a 99% chance of miscarraige at 5wks she is now about 18wks.

Tweak - sorry your feeling off atm. what is soy and what does it do?

I'm getting really impatient. I haven't been able to try since my 2nd mc in april and I'm allowed to try next month, just waiting for af. Still 7 days until she is meant to arrive. I feel good after my surgery, although anxious that my scars will have grown back my dr assured me I'd be fine but I can't help but be paranoid!
things came to a head this weekend we've been bickering more since we lost the baby..he has been suggesting moving out for a while.. but just for some breathing space he says....

I have only discussed it with my mum so far., I wont mention it to any friends until we work out ourselves what is happening...I've been crying all morning, I just feel so let down by him...fortunately I am not back at work until thursday., I hate having to be brave all of the time..

Mandy - welcome to the group and a big hug for you :hugs:. I'm sorry you're having such a horrible time. Maybe you could suggest to OH you have a 'month off'. After MC1 in Feb we booked a holiday to an All Inclusive in Mexico in May. After a couple of BFNs we decided to have a rest so I would definitely not be pregnant and I could drink all the cocktails while we were away! :happydance: Anyway, back to the point, after feeling a bit weird at not trying it actually felt really liberating to have a rest from it all. We BD'd just for the hell of it and had a lovely month - what's more we fell pregnant the next month! Maybe you and OH have to have a little rest just to remember why you wanted to make a baby in the first place?

TTC and having loss's affects ur marriage and most certainly ur sex life to SUCH extremes. Mandy I know exactly how ur feeling hun,my hubbi has wanted out twice already. They don't know how to handle the stress of this all and they can't bear to see us go thru hell when we lose a baby or get a bfn. They feel helpless. Just last nnight hubbi and I had another squabble over him not wanting to have sex...it just feels so dam stupid to be arguing over this but ya...its needed. Then I'm the midst of our fight hubbi says ya well what's the point of us doing BD all month and we don't get pregnant anyway...why bother...man it really hurt!! All that's happening here is we rnt getting any support from anyone...and we r taking our frustrations out on eachother..so sad..am going to try my very best not to bite his head off...REALLY try!! Am on CD9n cycle bout 31 days..so O day is looming...

SA JP - I hope this cycle isn't too stressful for you. I'm lucky that OH says he's always available! He suffers from feeling like I only want to BD in 2 weeks of the month when it's 'business time', but the truth is that PMS has been horrible after both MCs so I feel crap and don't want him near me for a while - poor man!

I'm still here and still waiting. Bleeding has slowed and no cramps now :shrug:
Had a word with the doc and am leaving it to the end of the week and then if nothing, another erpc is on the cards. Been wavering between medical management and erpc but from others experiences, I may end up with an erpc after the tablets anyway.
Been in to town with my mum and dad today, first time I've really been anywhere in over 2 weeks. Bought myself a new winter jumper, cheered me up a little. Was only out for just under 3 hours but wow, nice to get out even if my mum did treat me like an invalid :haha:

NTAT - Glad you managed to get out for a bit - it's good to get out of the bubble you feel in when you stay at home. Makes getting back to the real world a little easier when the time comes. Sorry things have slowed down, you must want it all to be over and done with :hugs:

Hello! I'd like to join you ladies if you don't mind.
Dh and I have been TTC for almost 3 years now.
I have PCOS and I don't ovulate on my own so the only way to have an actual chance is with expensive meds.
I've gotten a BFP 4 times now, 3 of those times ended soon after, and this time, well... it's not looking good either.
Don't know what the hell is wrong.
I think maybe it's my progesterone. Maybe my body stops producing it and the progest suppositories I take just aren't enough to support whatever little bean is trying to implant.
I'll have to discuss this with my RE if this does end in another m/c.
Just feeling so hopeless right now.

Welcome Lisa :flower: Are they doing any blood tests for the progesterone? You area hero for keeping going when things have been so hard for you - sorry you are having to go through this again.

I'm getting really impatient. I haven't been able to try since my 2nd mc in april and I'm allowed to try next month, just waiting for af. Still 7 days until she is meant to arrive. I feel good after my surgery, although anxious that my scars will have grown back my dr assured me I'd be fine but I can't help but be paranoid!

Justwaiting - you're almost there! :thumbup: Keep busy for the next too weeks and you'll be tracking ovulation before you know it!

AF is heavy but not too bad this time thankfully - will be glad when it's all over and I can start the countdown to ovulation again. I find that thinking of it in 2 week chunks always helps me - there's always something to hope for :winkwink:

Look after yourselves everyone :hugs:
Hiya all it has taken me ages to catch up on all the news. Hope everyone is well today xxx

I'm 2-3dpo so in the 2ww. I ov'd on sun/mon (dont chart) But DTD wed, fri sat sun and mon so think all bases are covered. I use to have problems getting my DH to DTD at the best time of the month but since my losses he is desperate for baby and is more enthusiastic than me about DTD lol!!

Got my appt on monday and looking forward to in in the hope I get some answers!:dust: to all.
cazi- Good luck! :)

justwaiting- Hope the 7 days fly by for you so you can start trying again and get that sticky bean :)

Tweak- Have you done soy before? Just curious. I've tried it but it never worked for me. Always gave me a hell of a headache, but that's about it heh.

afm- Yeah, I don't think this bean is going to be sticking around. Had a beta today and it was only an 8. My progest was only an 8 as well.
Unfortunatly my RE doesn't think supplementing w/ high progest is necessary, but he did let me up my dose of the suppositories. He may not think it will do anything, but at least he's open to letting me try ya know?
It has stopped the spotting I was experiencing. I just don't think I caught this soon enough to help.
I go back on Monday for another beta. I don't think I'll need it. I'm sure my tests will be BFN soon.
We'll be able to try with meds again in Nov.
Tweak - sorry your feeling off atm. what is soy and what does it do?

I'm getting really impatient. I haven't been able to try since my 2nd mc in april and I'm allowed to try next month, just waiting for af. Still 7 days until she is meant to arrive. I feel good after my surgery, although anxious that my scars will have grown back my dr assured me I'd be fine but I can't help but be paranoid!

Soy is supposed to help you ovulate, or ovulate sooner. Because I've been ovulating later, I'm hoping to move it back up to what it was before my miscarriages. I'm also not even sure if I've ovulated after my 2nd miscarriage.

Good luck for next month! Hope you catch that egg!

Hiya all it has taken me ages to catch up on all the news. Hope everyone is well today xxx

I'm 2-3dpo so in the 2ww. I ov'd on sun/mon (dont chart) But DTD wed, fri sat sun and mon so think all bases are covered. I use to have problems getting my DH to DTD at the best time of the month but since my losses he is desperate for baby and is more enthusiastic than me about DTD lol!!

Got my appt on monday and looking forward to in in the hope I get some answers!:dust: to all.

Lots of :dust: to you!!!

Tweak- Have you done soy before? Just curious. I've tried it but it never worked for me. Always gave me a hell of a headache, but that's about it heh.

afm- Yeah, I don't think this bean is going to be sticking around. Had a beta today and it was only an 8. My progest was only an 8 as well.
Unfortunatly my RE doesn't think supplementing w/ high progest is necessary, but he did let me up my dose of the suppositories. He may not think it will do anything, but at least he's open to letting me try ya know?
It has stopped the spotting I was experiencing. I just don't think I caught this soon enough to help.
I go back on Monday for another beta. I don't think I'll need it. I'm sure my tests will be BFN soon.
We'll be able to try with meds again in Nov.

I did soy after my first proper AF after my 2nd miscarriage. I tiered the doses, doing 40, 80,80,120, and 120 mgs. I don't think it did anything, so I skipped a month, and this time I'm doing a straight 160 mgs and hoping it works. It sucks waiting till CD21-23 to ovulate.

I'm still praying for a miracle for your little bean. :cry: Hang in there hun :hugs:

I posted yesterday but for some reason it hasn't appeared so good morning again :hi:

Mandy and Lisa, welcome to the group - sorry if I've missed anyone - this thread moves so fast!

Lisa, at least the Dr is doing something about the low progesterone - it helps when you feel like you're 'doing something' even if it may not make a difference. Fingers crossed it's not all over for you, but if ut is, you're amongst people that know what it's like :flower:

Mandy, have you thought about having a month off from baby making just to give you and OH time together without the pressure? I know it's easier said than done, but me and OH did that and it felt really liberating, just for one month to not have to worry about everything. We made the decision because we had booked to go to an All inclusive in Mexico and we decided we may as well make use of the bar :drunk:. After finding it a bit weird, actually giving myself a break was just what I needed. It was lovely just to BD for the sake of it and remember why we want to make a baby in the first place.

AF isn't too bad this month. Got very emotional last night though, I think it hit me again that I'm still not pregnant when I should have a baby by now. It's also coming up to a year since we started trying and when we started this scenario was my worst nightmare, and here I am... I really thought we could be in with a chance this month, but I should've know better - my BFPs have caught me out every time, so being sure is a sure sign I'm not!

NTAT, how are you doing?

Hi to everyone else - any news?
Hi all,

I am going to ring the hospital today and book the ERPC, fed up of waiting to miscarry and just want it over now.
Going to see if I can arrange it for Monday as I want to enjoy the rest of the good weather. DH has booked tomorrow off work and we are thinking of heading out somewhere for the day :happydance:

Ladyfog - I think we are going to lay off the TTC for a bit afterwards too. Doc wants me to wait for 3 months to get my head in order, but I'm not going to take precautions, just do a bit of NTNP for a while.
I am also aware that I should have a 7month old and be pregnant be twins and instead I have nothing :cry:

LisaL - I am praying for you and your little bean :hugs:

Justwaiting - hope your AF arrives soon and that the Ashermans has been treated successfully.

:hi: to everyone else
Hi all,

I am going to ring the hospital today and book the ERPC, fed up of waiting to miscarry and just want it over now.
Going to see if I can arrange it for Monday as I want to enjoy the rest of the good weather. DH has booked tomorrow off work and we are thinking of heading out somewhere for the day :happydance:

Ladyfog - I think we are going to lay off the TTC for a bit afterwards too. Doc wants me to wait for 3 months to get my head in order, but I'm not going to take precautions, just do a bit of NTNP for a while.
I am also aware that I should have a 7month old and be pregnant be twins and instead I have nothing :cry:

LisaL - I am praying for you and your little bean :hugs:

Justwaiting - hope your AF arrives soon and that the Ashermans has been treated successfully.

:hi: to everyone else

I'm so sorry this is all happening...SUCKS!! I know the feeling of that we'd have our kids now...I wouldv been due the other day with my second bub..really hard to accept they rnt here.. Will be thinking of u Mon hun...we R strong woman!!!!

ERPC is booked for Wednesday, this is the earliest they could fit me in. Wish it was on Monday as I want it all over with now.

DH and I are going to Blackpool tomorrow, yay :wohoo:
I'm going to eat candyfloss and act like a child all day :brat:

Can't wait. Already booked to go up the tower and to Madame Tussauds.

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monitoring_string = "c48fb0faa520c8dfff8c4deab485d3d2"
<-- Admiral -->