Patiently, I am so sorry you had to endure that, it's hard as it is having recurrent mc's but having a tube removed
like Neversaynever & BeachChica said, there are others who have one tube and were able to get get pregnant
so just let your body heal and try again. Sending you lots of positive thoughts.
AFM... I am waiting on AF but it still has not shown... instead, how about my temp skyrocketted this morning?!
I have no idea what my body is up to now
took another test this morning and I really didn't see anything, so
I'll prob test tomorrow morning again if the
does not show... How about I played with FF, and took the OPK test results off, and this made my OV date move to CD17, so this would make it 12dpo for me instead of 15dpo!!! I am going to spontanously combust!!!