A group for TTC#1 and had more than one loss?

No, I don't mind talking about it at all - speaking to people on here is what makes it all bearable and if I can give you or someone else some help, advice or guidance then I'm pleased to do so.
We both had full chromosomal testing and it all came back normal. That was a big concern for me, but it was all ok - so please try not to worry too much.
I do think that maybe its just very bad luck, but I needed to rule out everything before I could carry on.


This is a link about NK cells, it explains it better than I ever could. I basically had a uterine biopsy and they are going to test it to see whether the levels are higher than they should be therefore killing off any growing fetus.
It is treatable with steroids if the levels are elevated and that's what I aim to find out.
Thank you nikki, this is my second erpc and this time I will take it easy for longer as I tried to be back to normal too quickly last time (including letting hubs get his hands on me!) and bled for ages. I think I feel emotionally stronger this time altho being further along i feel more like i have lost an actual little baby this time (so far anyway, tomorrow and the hormone crash that will follow that will be hard) but I'm more positive about next time. What else can I be?

New I hope you get some answers soon hun. Are you ttc or waiting for results? Neither me or my hubs have any children so the chromosome thing is a worry. At least Ive been promised blood testing this time so if it's sonething dimple to correct I pray I won't have a third mc.
Gosh so many typos in my last post but I'm trying to get the Gelish off one of my fingers for my surgery tomo!

And yes new, talking is real good therapy xx
Yes. We are ttc. I'm 37 so time isn't on my side. Neither me or DH have any children either.
I'm thinking I won't get pg anytime soon anyway, but who knows!

Good luck for tomorrow, let us know how you get on :hugs:
Aw new you never know, you will have a lucky break soon, is your hubs taking anything for his spermies? I made mine take pregnapure conception for men from healthspan. Don't know if it helped but can't hurt!
SATH--I believe that is true about thyroid and mc's. I was sick last month right before O and that delayed it a little I thing but mabe not my cycles have been weird since my last mc in July and I have even been temping:dohh:. Soo sorry af came but I bet this month is the BFP sticky baby for you. GL FX

Soop--Ohh those sound like good signs but stopping temping is probably good I know it gets my stress level up also. Progestrone levels are really high mine was that high when I was pregnant with triplets so being you might be around 8 to 10 dpo I bet you are pregnant (not saying with triplets though :winkwink:). Are you waiting to be late before you test. GL FX for you and alot of baby :dust:

Niki--Glad you were treated right during your ercp and everthing went as well as it could. Thats great you have a list going I kinda did the same thing at my first RE appt it defiantely helps. Sorry you had a bad day the other day but I know the feeling I it will get better and sometimes it just feels better to cry. :hugs: Thank you it is a relief however I really don't think the charge is enough b/c the max is 25 yrs so maybe there will be more charges brought against him, at least it is with out bail. That is interesting about the blood surgar I am not diabetic but I will take that into account.

Lexi--love the bump pic not long now.

Emma--I don't think I would get the flu shot now either expecially if I get pregnant. Sorry the last US appt made you sore lol did he get his stubborness from your dh :winkwink:. That is great you have a short term disability. We do not offer that I where I work at least it is not payroll deducted. That is so exciting 7 months that great 12 more wks left if he holds out that long.

Beach-- Yeah af sucks:growlmad: but I have a little hope this cycle but not much considering if I O past saturday then I will probable be out considering dh is gone from Sat to Fri:dohh:. If the dr's were still saying bad luck after 5 mc past 5 wks I would be looking for new drs that is crazy. I would really get a second opinion. Well I am hoping 6 is my luck number also. Would't it be great if all three of us got our sticky baby on #6. FX that will happen SOON:happydance:.

Wookie--Have you found out what your having yet?

aylcobes-- Did your relatives make it ok?

JFG--So great :happydance: Congrats on your BFP!! H&H 9 months. FX this is your sticky rainbow baby.

NTAT-OMG so sorry the biopsy hurt so bad I cannot imagin how bad especialy since I had a Saline ultrasound done last time and the cathater hurt really bad. I had a girl tell me that if felt like labor pains she had. I am sure what you went though hurt 10x as worse. Did they not give you any medicine before? Thats good she was excited I wish I could have a dr like that.

Thurl--Wow 14 lbs in 5 wks that is great I wish I could do that I have heard eat6 times a day in small protions b/c it speed up the metabolism while not eating much makes your body think that you are starving yourself so you start to store fat. However I seem to loose weight if I don't eat much. I need to loose about 10 lbs as far as I know my BMI is ok but I am going to make an appt for a wellness exam and I guess I will know then. A BMI calculator says it is 22.92 and normal BMI is 18 to 24% but I think there are more calculations then just your hight and weight. But I still need to loose about 10 lbs and to tone up.

Cupcake--Welcome :wave: Sorry you are here but it will happen soon. Have you had any test done like progestrone? I know usually after 3 but some have had some sooner. I know how you feel when I was first pregnant it was a blighted ovum which I had the impending doom feeling right off. The second was a chemical I was only 2 days late then af came the third again was chemical only 1 day late. The fourth was twin/triplet pregnancy I actually felt good about that one had alot of symptoms but then at 6 wks mc one but had a hb on one on the us still but it was low. The next week my symptoms got better less sore boobs not as tired and had an appitite again so I knew it was over. Went in and had another US and no hb and very little growth so I induced at 8 wks. However I had testing done after that and found out I had a partial septate uterus so that is what was causing the MC's. I had that resected in Dec and I believed that the next time I got pregnant then it would stick. We started trying back in May got pregnant on July 4th but mc at 5 wks. However it implanted late b/c after ovulation I tested till 11 dpo and did not get a positive so I figured it was not happening but then on 15dpo I tested and it was positive and blood work was only 24 at 16dpo so definately late implanter and usually with late implanters the mc rate is high like 85% so I did not have much hope. However next time I get pregnant as long as I get an early bfp or a strong bfp When AF is due I believe that I will have my sticky baby.

AFM--I am ok no where near the hurricane I am down in MS. I am have hope to O early or on Sat. I ran out of wondfo OPK's and ordered more Mon morning but so far have not gotten them went and bought some $store ones they are not much help b/c they are really light did one about 12pm today hardly anything however I think they are less sensitive then the wondfo OPK's. I had a few left and took one Mon the morning and evening each time the line was darker. I have been having pinching in both overies and alot more cm then usualy so hopefully that means I will have fertial cm this month. I am planning on bd tonight. Tomorrow night or morning or both, Friday night or morning or both and Saturday morning at 2am or 3am before he leaves. but I think I will have to pick one time for bding on thrus or fri he will not want to do it both times.

Well good luck everyone. :flower:
Also, so few people get to the point that they give up and never have a baby, you will get a break at some point xxx
Oh wow Monro that was a very impressive all inclusive message! Good work :)
I have been feeling tons better I have to say. Had one bad day (think I tried to rush back to work) but my positivity has returned! All helped by you lovely ladies in here x
Monro so sorry for all your losses and thank you for your welcome. I really hope you catch the egg this month hun. I had a progesterone test this time and was all normal, but I never got a bfp until I was 2 days late so I think I felt this pregnancy was doomed from the beginning to. Symptoms took a while to start up to. I think you just know don't you!
Hi everyone :wave:

Nicki you're right, the dietician at Fit Fans told me that the best thing to do was have some of my lunch as a morning and a mid afternoon snack, so I have an apple in each of those slots, I do really think it's helping :) I'm really pleased to hear you are feeling recovered now :hugs:

NTAT thank you, and congrats again on your achievement :) My BMI is actually 39 at the moment which is massively high and really surprised me, I don't actually look that big I seem to carry it very well and neatly on my middle which is the worst and most dangerous place it could be! :dohh: I am quite tall so I guess that's why I don't look so overweight, I have just been diagnosed with PCOS so my gp has said I'm going to find losing weight difficult, I hope to prove her wrong :)

Beach I'm ok thanks, how are you doing hun? How is your cycle going now?

Soop thank you, losing weight is such a battle isn't it, but you can do it :thumbup: It will be interesting to see what your acu lady says about your food diary, if you get any good tips please let me know :) So with regards to your results then will you just go on as you are at the moment? You could well have had IB anyway so I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Emme thanks for the tip :thumbup: Happy 28 weeks, that's amazing I can't believe where that time has gone! You need to rest lady! :hugs:

SATH good luck hun, you sound like you have a good plan :thumbup:

Monro your BMI sounds normal hun, if you google BMI calculators there are ones that you put your height, age and stuff in so it can give you an accurate one, I use the NHS site but not sure if you can access it or not? Sounds like you have a good plan this cycle, wishing you lots of luck :hugs:

Cupcake I just wrote a message to you on facebook telling you about this thread, and here you are :) Welcome to the thread hun, everyone is so supportive here, I will be thinking of you tomorrow, hope it goes as well as it can :hugs:

Afm I feel pg today, don't ask me why I just don't know, I have had loads of cramping the last couple of days, and my boobs are a tiny bit sore, I did a hpt totally negative as I thought, I'm probably way off the mark but I just feel different, I'm wishing the next couple of days away so I can test again. The problem with all this is that I didn't O until CD29 which is way too late and doesn't really bode well if I was pg so who knows :shrug:
Thanks hun :hugs: I'm 9dpo today, but the late O thing is a problem and that could possibly explain my losses so I'm not going to get my hopes up at all, will just have to wait and see I guess :)
Isn't it only an issue if you have a short LP? Are you taking b6 or anything to help regulate your cycle and lengthen your LP? If you are just 9dpo any hcg might not show yet anyway Hun! I have my fxd for you! X
My lutheal phase was spot on last cycle at 13 days, but I came off all vitamins and things this cycle because I didn't think I was o'ing, I have definately o'd this cycle and last cycle so that's a good thing, but late o can mean not a great quality egg so I don't really know, my temps are all over the place at the mo aswell and they don't look particularly pg so I'm going to have to be patient.

Oh something funny I didn't share with the group, Monro do you remember when we had that conversation about my temps being really low? Well I realised that I have been using my thermometer wrong, I have been turning it on, waiting for it to beep and then putting it under my tongue and using my phone stopwatch to count 70 seconds :dohh: So from my next cycle I am going to start using it properly :rofl:
Haha Thurl you donut. I can't be bothered with temping I admire the patience of anyone who can.
Now I know that I need to turn it on, put it under my tongue and wait for it to beep :haha:

Thanks ladies :hugs:

I'm off now, cupcake hope you don't have to wait around tomorrow, will be thinking about you. Night everyone x
NTAT, try Soy IsoFlavones, just do 75 mg from cd 5-8, it'll give you stronger ovulation. I did Agnus Cactus and it took forever for me to get a BFP, with Soy I got a BFP (chemical) right away and immediately after that another BFP, my rainbow :thumbup:

Cupcake, welcome aboard, sorry for your losses, it's so hard to lose a beanie :cry: don't lose hope though. I was married prior to being with my OH and my ex-husband had low sperm count and drank too much so he was never able to take anything (didn't want to). So I lived childless for 10 years, total waste of time :nope: Now with my OH I just waited 2 years to make sure our relationship was stable and tried, tried, tried. I got checked out, all was ok but I wasn't getting pregnant :dohh: so I started temping, when that didn't work, I started taking supplements, and lo and behold I got my BFP's!! My 1st was a MC, 2nd was a chemical and 3rd is my rainbow :happydance: Good luck to you!

Thurl, I hope you are preggo!! :dust: your post made me LOL how funny you were temping wrong! I like to have all my t's crossed so temping was great for me since it showed me if I o'ed.

Monro, good luck catching the egg!! :dust:

Nicki, I know time is flying!! I'll have my baby shower this Saturday, really looking forward to it. I'm going to love getting pampered LOL.
:wave: night night Thurl. I'm having late dinner then off to bed Too.
Thanks for the welcome emme, you must be so excited to be meeting your rainbow soon, he will be so worth the wait and all the pain xxxx

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