morning ladies. i'm cooking breakfast, so i gotta make this fast! but I will be on more later.
nicole, happy sweat pea!
Grace, happy raspberry!
Krissy, happy to see you're going to get some tonight.
Misty, happy to see Jake's dad is an awesome one and paid for everyone stuff, and you guys got the rocker.
Libby, Where are you?! I'm NOT happy you're away. (((sad face)))
AFM, I burnt my hand. My dumb ass took the pan out of the oven and put down the oven mits and decided to grab it by hand and move it again. Yea, I have no idea what I was thinking. You see that's what happens when you're still half asleep and cooking breakfast. Either way, if you ever burn your hand or get a sun burn the best cure is coconut oil!! REMEMBER THAT! It takes the sting right out and makes it feel better immediately.
I should be on more today because I don't have much to do house work wise. Dan has all the work to do. He's gotta shove more cement under the fireplace hearth to make it more solid, he's gotta mow the lawn and put the top back on his jeep. THEN he has to replace the rear window in his jeep, because he broke it. The inlaws are coming over for dinner tonight.. SO I will be cooking for them later. I love cooking. HEY, maybe I can get them to bring over some apples from their neighbors tree and I can make a pie or two!! Oh, I am totally putting in a request.
My raspberry isn't kicking my ass either. I forgot who asked, but we're doing well. Had a nausea spell yesterday, but nothing a ginger ale and crackers couldn't handle. my nausea is an afternoon thing. I am exhausted by 8:30PM though, so that's a first. Alright breakfast is done, gotta go eat. YUM!