A Limbo thread...

ARGGGGG MIL's!! Now my MILs ( I have two, the real one and the step one) are very nice blah blah and I get on with them but they dont half do my head in. The Real MIL has the 'no-one is good enough for my sons' attitude and the step one is a bloody gossip!! They all bitch about each other and the other sons girlfriends so god knows what they say about me but I dont care tbh. Step MIL has her favourites, we were the faves for a time and we could do know wrong but now her actual son is the favourite as he is getting married next year (never mind we have been engaged for nearly 2 years and have a baby on the way). He has only been with his girlfriend since August and got engaged at Xmas, they were described as doing it 'properly' whereas we have done it the wrong way round :dohh: Never mind he has been engaged millions of times and has two children dotted round the country that he hardly see's.
And they are getting married 12th Aug next year which was supposed to be our wedding day but we put it back a year. Step MIL was all, I thought the day was important when they said it but I couldnt remember why!! Cheers love, lucky we are not getting married that day now eh seeming you couldnt remember anyways!!

OOH Amanda is on a vent today, I need to go home and have my chips!!

O/T Am I the only person who likes the new Blue song? :blush:

MIL's eh? I still think there should be a cash for gold type scheme with them so that you can send off a nasty or annoying MIL and get cash in return :)

And yes you may be the only person who likes Blue's new song - I love the eurovision song contest - yes I am a nerd - but I sense another 'nil points' with Blue's effort I'm afraid lol XXX
Oh ceecee, I'm so sorry you've gone through that :hugs: no-one deserves that. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind if my hubby ever lifted a finger to me I'd be gone before he even knew what was happening. If he could do it to me he could do it to my kids and that doesn't even bare thinking about. Luckily he's never even thought about lifting a finger, I'd batter the shit out of him and then leave.

He's home from work now and I haven't uttered a word to him. He tried to talk to me about something normal and I just blanked him, He doesn't deserve me talking to him right now, not when I'm so angry. So I made a beef stir fry for dinner and now I'm having cheesecake. Think I'll go upstairs and lay down for half an hour before he goes out to football.

This is the time when I'd have a cigarette and a glass of wine :cry: I know it sounds awful but I miss them both so much at times like this! But I'll never do it as long as I'm pregnant. xxx
And I may not have the best hubby on here but my MIL is fantastic :happydance: xxx
Yay for brilliant MIL's!
Mine says she just wants her son to be happy and I make him happy so she loves me to bits for it :). That's how all MIL's should be!

CeeCee, I'm so sorry to read you had to go through these terrible things but really happy that your OH makes you so happy!

Claire - Just give him the silent treatment for a while, he might realise that you are actually serious and he's not gonna get away with it so easily! I do hope you get it sorted out though as you seem to love him a lot, I hope he will understand soon enough what he's done and that he'll do something amazing to make it up to you!
Oh ceecee, I'm so sorry you've gone through that :hugs: no-one deserves that. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind if my hubby ever lifted a finger to me I'd be gone before he even knew what was happening. If he could do it to me he could do it to my kids and that doesn't even bare thinking about. Luckily he's never even thought about lifting a finger, I'd batter the shit out of him and then leave.

He's home from work now and I haven't uttered a word to him. He tried to talk to me about something normal and I just blanked him, He doesn't deserve me talking to him right now, not when I'm so angry. So I made a beef stir fry for dinner and now I'm having cheesecake. Think I'll go upstairs and lay down for half an hour before he goes out to football.

This is the time when I'd have a cigarette and a glass of wine :cry: I know it sounds awful but I miss them both so much at times like this! But I'll never do it as long as I'm pregnant. xxx

I so want cheesecake now! I know what you mean when stressed the things I always want are a cigarette and a vodka orange and, like you I would never do so while preggers but so miss it! You're damn right he doesn't deserve you talking to him, you keep blanking him lovey XXX
He knows I'm mega mad still because he gave Jayden a kiss then said 'will i?' I just shook my head and he said 'love you' and left. I'll make sure I'm in bed for him coming in from football and there will be even more silent treatment, I'm not interested in what he has to say at the minute.

Lauki, I love him with all my heart, I woudn't have married him otherwise. I just wish he wasn't so stupid. I never even looked at him one second when he came in, so I haven't actually seen him, he's just been here helping with Jayden.

When he's done this in the past I've forgiven quickly but this time feels so different, I don't know if that's from me or him. I really want to move past it but I'm so mad :growlmad:

I'm sorry ladies, I've completely taken over this thread today, I'm so silly sometimes! :haha: On other news I have decided to completely change my nursery theme. We were going for the starry night winnie the pooh from babies r us (absolutely stunning) but it's constantly out of stock and I don't want to risk not having it all ready for when baby noodles is born. So I'm back to my original my jungle family from Mothercare :happydance: it'll fit well with the room because we're going yellow because she'll be sharing with Jayden. But it's last chance to buy so I'm going to order it all tonight! xxxx
Sorry you're having to deal with that from your DH, Claire. Could you try seeing a counsellor? Sometimes it helps to get the message across that you won't put up with that sort of behavior. Maybe he needs to hear it from someone else?
Dont worry abouut it Claire, you havent taken over the thread today,, we are all here to listen and try to help. Good for you with the silent treatment, maybe the seriousness of the situation willl start to kick in for him now.
Going to go and have a nose at your nursery bedding now lol.

Millionth rant form me today but my best friend really does my head in!!! I elieve she isnt speaking to me!! Grr. She hasd been with this chap for 7 years, they have broken up say over 30 times in this 7 years but always end up together. They have a little 9 month old boy. So a couple of weeks ago they broke up again. I got the usual talk of never again, thats it this time, never going back! I have heard this so many times I cant tell you. So last I heard she was going to move back with him as I knew she would. Didnt speak to her for a few days and then text her, no reply, text again yesterday and got a reply saying she had been through it this week and was waiting to see when I would call and she thought I may be more interested than I was!!!!!! Uh last I heard you were all happiness and daisies and moving back, didn't realise I am a mind reader. I know she is my best friend but seriously I am soooooooo bored of this break up, make up thing she does, I know the routine like the back of my hand and seriously after 7 years of it Im not all that interested anymore as I know she will go back to him.
Does this make me selfish?
Anyways I txt her saying what had kicked off blah blah, I am interested but I assumed everything was ok. No reply, just text her again, no reply!!
After 7 years of listening to her bullshit about a bloke I cannot stand the one time Im not at her beck and call about it she stops speaking to me?!? ARG!!!

She moved back down there today so obviously after her 'week of it' they have made up again anyways so why even carry on taking it out on me!!

I dont mean to sound selfish and inconsiderate, I am always there for my friends but seriously it does my head in when it comes to her relationship, nothing I ever say or do matters anyways as she has heard it all before and she always goes back anyways.

Sorry for Ranty Amanda today :blush:
Hi girls, had a lot of catching up to do!

Barbles- happy for you that your gran is better :hugs:! xx


(so sorry how long this is)

I know how you feel trust me. When I found out I was pregnant (about 5-6 weeks), a few days later I found facebook messages. Can't talk about what exactly was said as it makes me sick and upset still, but let's just say it killed me and i'm still not completely over it.. these converstations apparently happened "less than ten times" Since we started our relationship- which is upsetting that it started from the word GO. Not physical but to me mentally cheating is JUST AS BAD (to me) as if he'd of gone and sh*gged her. He was such a sly bugger too. He had slept with her in the past, once. Told me he regretted it as she's known as a nasty piece of work, and a bit of a skank. I've met her once and she's horrible.
Turns out he didn't have her number as and as far as I knew she was a skanky one night stand that he said was a massive mistake! so no problem there. Turns out he'd wait for her to text him, and reply to her. Then delete the texts. Aghhh. Confronted her on facebook and everything. Heartbroken, scared, pregnant, ill, felt like my world had ended, and she was like "who the F**K are you, this is my business?! don't contact me" excuse me? MY boyfriend,!!!!. see im getting wound up now just thinking about it.
I think she also said "How far along are you, because i'm about to tell you things that might stress you out and I don't want you miscarrying" Another one was "I hope you know, because of you i've lost a good friend in him" Wow. I've potentially lost the only man I've loved after an abusive relationship and years of depression, my best friend and my babies father, what a cow.
Anyway. It slowly got better and It was horrible, I hated him, didn't want him to touch me, chucked him out of my house and he drove home, yet I missed him at the same time and wanted to see him. sucks huh. Despite this we have now become closer than ever, and me threatning to break up with him I think kicked him right up the arse. He's become alot more caring and clingy, and now when he gets a text he shows me. He and I both deleted our facebook, if I just think of the word facebook I remember reading that awful message. I remember that he was the only thing in the world that made me feel happy and safe, but he caused all the pain and it was so conflicting. It does get better with time. But i've told him if it happens again he is out of my life, whether we have a child or not. When we were goin through the possible break up, he was shaking and crying all the time, throwing up. And it made me realise he obviously cared about me or he wouldn't be upset. But what those messages said made me sick to my stomach. I was pregnant too when he sent the last set of messages, that he knew I was pregnant. He didn't want the baby in the beginning too.. and he was the only person other than me to know. I wanted his support and he did that. I still get days where I get angry, and upset at him. I bring it up and I get overwhelmed, hormones don't help. But it is getting better.
Always here if you need to talk.. MEN!

Ceecee- Big hugs, I was in an abusive relationship too and still suffering the effects of it. When I said I was late on my period, he threw me on the floor and kicked me repeatedly in the stomach. Nice boy. My current boyfriend apart from the above rant,- being a stupid stupid man, is kind hearted and does everything for me. I'm glad you've found someone good. I never thought It would happen for me after such a bad previous relationship. :hugs:

massive hugs xxx
OMG - I'm 30 weeks today!! Happy dance oh yeah cool beans!! Ok sorry had to let that excitement out. Also, my boss has slightly redeemed himself as he managed to dig out an air con machine type thing from somewhere and it's just pure bliss. It's like sitting in a freezer - can't actually tell you how much I love this machine lol.

Claire - hope you're feeling ok today sweetie XXX Big Hugs XXX
Rach, reading that just sounds exactly like what I've just gone through :hugs: except I didn't throw him out, I wish I had though to give him a real shock.

Last night when he came in from football, he asked me if I wanted some chips and I said 'no' without looking at him and when he left the room I completely crumbled, sobbing and just couldn't imagine my life without him. So I went downstairs and ran (well, walked as fast as I could :rofl:)to him and gave him a big cuddle and cried even more. He cried, he was shaking and I told him, if it ever happens again he is out, no more chances, no explainations, he needs to talk to me and make more of an effort in our relationship, try to make me feel nice because I feel like crap in pregnancy and basically be the husband he started off being. And here come the damn tears again! Lol.

I don't trust him yet, it'll take time to trust him and he needs to prove to me that he deserves to be trusted. But we're starting again and that's what we need :) He better start with the proving though, I'm not waiting about forever lol.

I won't be on too much today, my laptop charger isn't working right so OH's taken it to work to do something with it, don't know what but hopefully it'll be back tonight :haha:

Have a great day ladies, I'm going to attempt to clean and tidy today (if I can move lol) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Claire, really hope this is the start of improved things for you and your hubby! Got everything crossed for you. Sounds like he might have had the shock he needed.

I am bored today. Got plenty of work to do but the office is warm which is making me sleepy and it is once again full of cake and treats for assorted birthdays/easter leftovers which I can't resist. The initial sugar hit makes the baby go mental then we both go to sleep on the comedown! Am on the brink of going to sit in the ladies for a bit and shutting my eyes. I think I might have persuaded husband to go looking at buggies and nursery furniture at the weekend which is exciting (followed by a trip to Costco to buy boxes of beer). Have reminded him that, with 14 weeks to go, it would be a nice idea to maybe get some stuff organised. I can see myself with waters breaking, panting through contractions yet still painting the nursery at this rate.

And finally, I believe that my Royal Wedding tea towel is on the way having been dispatched! Woop!
Oh Claire I'm so glad things seem to be better :hugs:

Rachyroux: gosh I'm so sorry you went through that with your OH :hugs: Facebook is evil!

CeeCee - happy 30 weeks!!! I'm 30 weeks tomorrow!

Vicki - where did you get your Royal wedding tea towel?

Hope everyone else is ok! Had a mad busy day in work, my SPD is killing me so will be getting me an exercise ball asap. Got some good news, for those who don't know my mum has terminal cancer and the past 2 and a half months have been horrendous. We've been waiting to see if she can start a clinical trial to see if it can delay things for a bit and have had loads of set backs but today we found out she's starting the trial tomorrow! I'm so pleased. I mean it's weird, I know it's not a cure but I'm just glad something is finally getting done for her. Has been so hard seeing her deteriorate so rapidly.

Got a half day in work tomorrow, yay! And DH is off all 4 days of the bank holiday weekend!!!! Yay!!!! I've barely seen him since he's trying to save up all his holiday for once LO is here!

We're doing a weekend NCT course this weekend. Anyone else done NCT?
Claire- I still don't 100% trust him. Do I REALLY think he'll do it again? no. Not after the state on him when he realised what he had done. However, I'm not fully trusting him for a long time because if it happens again, at least it'll hurt a bit less. I've always been a committed person, one person for me, no cheating, no lies, trust etc etc. And he was hurt by his ex so bad I assumed he was the same. It got brought up again today. He said "Old habits. I was an idiot. I'm sorry. I should've stopped when we met" So they'd been doing all that dirty talk crap for a long time, he admitted he didn't even like the look of her, he just couldn't meet a gf, and his ex had messed him up, and it was just something for him to "get off" to. But that to me, in my head is cheating. At one point they even discussed what it would be like to have a one night stand behind my back. It never happened, no, but that thought never leaves my mind. That they were getting off on the idea of my heart being broken.
Getting angry now. see, i'm not going to act like it goes away. I think it was just before xmas it happened too. Worst time of my life. When I found it, the feeling I had in my stomach. Oh god I've never had anything like it. He is my first love, i've been hurt by men before in different ways but I was never in love, or pregnant with their child. But I get how awful those conflicting feelings are. You can't live without him, he's the only person you want when you're so low, but he caused that pain and you don't want to give in. But this pain of him talking to someone else, feels like you lost him slightly, and so when you see him, you want to cuddle him , because you're scared of losing him. It's so hard. But some men genuinely do make mistakes and don't do it again. He knows if it happens again he's goneeee. And he changed his number and deleted his facebook so at least that was a start. Bloody internet can be evil for relationships, same with texting. I go through his phone sometimes, and even if he catches me he says it's fine, i don't blame you. So far so good. But it's not been that long. test of time..

I confided in NO ONE about the bf thing, however; Claire your situation really did make me feel like I had to let you know that It's happened to me too. And when you hear of it happening to someone you feel sad for them ofcourse, but going through it is undescribable as he is my everything after years of crap.
Sadface.. hopefully time will help

Ceecee- Happy 30 weeks my sweet, It was mine yesterday. :D exciting and scary!

vicki- leftover treats? so jealous. Boyfriend has promised chocolate cake will be waiting for me after the baby. Don't want to risk it now with the GD as sugar will make baby too big. But mmm. lucky!

MrsPOP- I hate facebook now. And will never rejoin it because I think for men it's tempting. Girl with a slutty profile pic, the option of private messaging. Nuh uh not anymore. Hope you enjoy your course! I really wanted to go but like the 4D scan we decded not too as we struggle a bit financially. I'm also so sorry to hear about your mother and can't imagine what you are going through. :hugs: So pleased after this wait that she is going to get something to help her, and I bet those months felt like such a long time..
& Yay for the half day. I'm off tommorow, then 2 more shifts, and i'm off for holidays and maternity leave.
On that note, when is everyone going on mat leave?

I'd also like to add, I wish we all could meet in real life, and all give eachother a massive hug! You girls do keep me sane alot of the time & I love this thread.
Ceecee made a new one as this one is now in pregnancy groups & discussions, so are we all going to agree where to post?? as some have posted on there and some are still posting here haha.

I have a growth scan tommorow.
Last time I went to see diabetics and consultant, I got a routine scan, and despite being told that my gestational diabetes will more than likely make her big, she measured too small. So tommorow morning we get a growth scan down at radiology, and I see the diabetic team, I've had good readings for the past 2-3 weeks, they were bad when I went last and they said if they got worse I'd have to forget diet control and go on meds, or insulin. So thats a positive that they've gotten better.

I'm sorry girlies, I type really fast and so it's so easy for me to get carried away and write these HUGE posts, please tell me if it gets irratating!

Love to all. x
Here's the link to the new limbo thread girlies,

Hi girlies!!!!!!!!!!! Ceecee told me off hehe! so so sorry i took so long, i wanted to catch up on what I had missed before posting and then work was manic when i got back, piles and piles had grown on my desk from when i was away!!!! but im back now muuuhahahaha!

I cant even think what ive done now! had the photo shoot, was soooo fab and the magazine comes out in June (mid i think) but is the July issue! and had my 4d scan last night! he is the most adorable little monster ever! it took 3 tries to get any good pics as he was hiding his face in my placenta and then when he moved he put his hands up!!! so i had to go for walks, then had tea n biscuits, then had to go for a jog! and then he showed his face!!!!! we ended up leaving at about 9.30 in the end.....we got there at 7.30!!!!!!!

ok so im gona go read and see what u girlies have been up 2 hehe! xxxxx
Samira... post on the new thread :)

Hello to my ladies in Limbo! I have a huge favor to ask of you! If you have a facebook page could you do me a huge favor and go onto this site and vote for my picture in a Maternity Photo contest. I'm entered to win a free 3D/4D ultrasound package and I'd really like to win it so I can take my 3 daughters to go see there little brother before he's born. The contest ends May 31st and right now I'm in the lead but I would like to stay there. I would be highly grateful and extremely appreciative!

Here's the link to the contest, I hope it works! My name is Lyndi Vachalik. Thank you so much!!
hunni have you posted this on the other limbo thread? theres a new one xxn ps i voted xx

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