A Little About Me A Little About You

A little about me

Name: Jo

Age: 25

Location: south of Ireland

Occupation: Unemployed atm :(

Short Personal description: Been with DF for almost SEVEN years (holy crap) and we have two furbabies, Jess and Prince. I live 3-4 hours from my family, which is hard, but who said love was easy, eh?


Colour: Pastel pink

Food: oooh...pizza

Animal: cats or dogs...cats...no, dogs...no, cats...i can't decide

Music: Anything and everything

Book: fifty shades of grey...hubba hubba!

Film: Titanic

TV shows: home and away, eastenders, family guy, top gear

Country: Australia (I've yet to visit)

Digger Depper

Country You Most wish to live in: Australia

Country you most wish to visit: Australia

Most Influential person in your life: My mam

Toughest thing you've overcome (so far): my parents separating..ugh

Greatest Achievement: completing a childcare course!

Biggest Ambition: to have my own little family. does that make me sad?!

Grandest wish: to have a few children, a husky dog, a bmw and to own my own house. A lottery win would be nice too ;)

What you can't live without: My fiance, my family, my cats and makeup
About me

Name: Leanna

Age: 19

Location: Vermont, USA

Occupation: SAHM but considering going back to work

Short Personal Description: My husband and I met through a friend two years ago, started dating and I moved in right off due to being kicked out of my jealous sister's apartment. We were NTNP due to spiritual reasons and I was told I couldn't conceive after severe scarring in my tubes. 8 months into our relationship I found out I was expecting. Had to wait until I was 9 months along to get married because he wasn't 18 yet and his parents wouldn't let him. So five days after our wedding our baby was born. My husband's name is Brent and our baby is Jason. He is 5 months old.


Hobbies: Video games, reading, and watching spongebob with my little man

Color: Green

Food: Sweet potatoes and anything with cheese

Hang-out: home and online

Music: Used to love metal and alternative rock, but now with a baby I'm usually listening to country

Books: Harry Potter, and anything with some good drama to it.

Movies: Harry Potter series, 21 Jump Street

TV Shows: American Dad and Impractical Jokers

Authors:Ellen Hopkins had a lot of good books!

Cartoon Character: Spongebob :)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: I've never really been interested in leaving my country.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: God

Greatest Ambition: I want to be a doula.

Biggest Achievement: Getting sober and graduating high school after dropping out and getting mixed up with drugs.

Grandest Wish: To always be happy.

What You Can't Live Without : My husband and son, and wifi.

A pic of me: I can't figure out how to post a picture!

Name: Rebekah

Age: 25

Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Occupation: full-time mummy

Short Personal Description: Mother to 2 beautiful boys (Aaron 7 years old 02/04/06 and Charlie 21/12/11, one on the way due 20/21/13 :baby:


Hobbies: my dogs, keeping fit, my babies

Colour: white

Food: Chips and cheese :haha:

Hang-out: my house

Music: pretty much anything apart from heavy metal

Books: Don't read much

Movies: comedies, chick flicks, action films

TV Shows: Hollyoaks, Eastenders or anything baby or wildlife orientated

Cartoon Character:

Digging Deeper: Just looking to chat to other mums, gets lonely sometimes!

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Africa

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My children

Greatest Ambition: To be happy

Biggest Achievement: my beautiful children and finishing college

Grandest Wish: to be happy

What You Can't Live Without : kids, family, friends
Hey everyone! This is my first and only IVF cycle. We have a few FETs that we have scheduled after this if all goes great. Hopefully we will get plenty of eggs to freeze as embryos and have multiple attempts.

My husband and I have been married for a year. I have 3 wonderful kids from a previous and horrible marriage which resulted in me tying my tubes, twice. My youngest was destined to be here so she made it through the first tubal. Tubes were so cauterized the second time that they can not be reversed.

My loving current husband has adopted my 3 kids, but now would like one of his home. I'm really nervous about this, but excited and happy I found some support.

Name: Kimberly

Age: 35

Location: Arizona

Occupation: restaurant manager

Short Personal Description: I manage I nice Italian restaurant in the area. I work too much which is one reason why I am nervous about this. Like mentioned earlier I have 3 wonderful children, all conceived naturally. I am extremely fertile but now have no tubes. Only option is IVF. My husband is the best step dad and husband anyone could ask for, but he does want a child of his own. He is a store manager at a car repair facility.


Hobbies: Cooking, gymnastics, knitting

Color: Purple

Food: Italian

Hang-out: Cuddling at home with the family watching movies

Music: Anything but country

Books: great gatsby

Movies: Princess bride, Goonies...

TV shows: tosh.o, walking dead

Authors: depends on the book

Cartoon Character: Belle

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My momma

Greatest Ambition: To be happy and make everyone around me happy

Biggest Achievement: Going from a beaten wife who worked as a secretary to a loved wife and mom and managing a restaurant

Grandest Wish: To bring home a baby

What You Can't Live Without: My family
Hey everyone ^^. This looks like a great intro thread!

About me

Name: Becca

Age: 26

Location: Canada

Occupation: Video Game Retail

Short Personal Description: I'm an aspiring writer who works in retail right now (over 4 years). I'm hoping to go to school next year to take courses so that I can work in senior care :) I live with my boyfriend and his two children (5yr and 8yr), and we've been TTC since July '13.


Hobbies: Writing, video games, and going for walks

Color: Silver, blue, some pink

Food: Chicken, steak, fries, gravy

Hang-out: At home, I'm introverted lol!

Music: Indie, chilled music, but for the most part I'll listen to anything.

Books: Song of Ice and Fire right now

Movies: Right now my favorite movie is the Sherlock Holmes movies

TV Shows: So many! Grey's Anatomy, Game of Thrones, True Blood, Castle...I could go on forever.

Authors: George R.R. Martin, Ian Irvine, Piers Anthony, Anne McCaffrey

Cartoon Character: Korra from The Legend of Korra

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Scotland, Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Hm...I don't really have anyone.

Greatest Ambition: To have a family and become a published author

Biggest Achievement: I've written a novel (400+ pages). I feel pretty good about that :)

Grandest Wish: To be healthy, and have a family of my own

What You Can't Live Without : My hands! Haha, but really, my computer ;)
Name: Anastasia

Age: 22

Location: my own house


Short Personal Description: I live in US . I have a 4 months baby boy who i adore . I currently looking for a job .


Hobbies: piano , photography .

Color:red & green

Food: all the salads


Music: R&B and classic ( crazy mix i know lol )

Books: Romeo & Juliet , Pride & Prejudice etc

Movies: The Greenmile, Saving private Ryan , Pride & Prejudice and Romeo & Juliet .

TV Shows: Once upon a time

Authors: lots !

Cartoon Character: Donald Duck

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My BF

Greatest Ambition: Have a wonderful life

Biggest Achievement: Be who i want to be

Grandest Wish: Happiness and health

What You Can't Live Without: My BF and son
A Little About Me

Name: Amy

Age: 29

Location: London

Occupation: Team Leader for Local Authority

Short Personal Description: Originally from Scotland, but lived in London for 15 years. Married my childhood sweetheart in June of this year and now we are expecting. It's very early days.


Hobbies: Diving, cooking, reading, travelling

Color: Burgundy

Food: My husbands beef Wellington, curry and haribo golden bears!

Hang-out: Anywhere my family and friends are

Music: I have an eclectic taste and will listen to pretty much most things

Books: Far too many to mention

Movies: Comedies, Sci Fi, action

TV Shows: Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother, Rules of Engagement, Drop dead diva

Authors:Don't have a favourite

Cartoon Character:

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Bora Bora

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum and Dad

Greatest Ambition: To be the best that I can in everything that I do, and not to let silly little people bring me down or undermine my achievements.

Biggest Achievement: To be the best mummy and wife possible so haven't really got there yet

Grandest Wish: that my nana, and grandad were still here and part of my family

What You Can't Live Without : My Husband, my family and my friends
A Little About Me

Name: Samantha (Sam)

Age: 24

Location: Nottinghamshire, UK

Occupation: Nursing assistant, NHS

Short Personal Description: I've lived with my Hubby2be for about 3 and 1/2 years. We've been together 8 years, We get married on the 5th of December this year! I've always been a bit of a boy at heart. I HATE shopping, can't walk in heels and love fast cars :winkwink: The past 6 months I've become rather broody due to all my friends popping babies out here there and everywhere lol.

Hobbies: Internet, Cars, Reading, Films, Running, Spending time with OH and family.

Colour: Purple

Food: Pizza or Curry

Hang-out: TGI's

Music: Anything from Chris Brown, Jason Derulo, Lana Del Rey...To Coldplay, Biffy Clyro, Mumford and son's. I have a wide taste.

Books: I'm reading one at the mo called 'The real Katie Lavender'

Movies: The Chronicles of Narnia (haha i know), Top gun, Batman begins, Thor, Iron Man <all 3!, Tron... I sorta like all the Marvel stuff

TV Shows: True Blood, The walking Dead, Greys Anatomy, Family Guy, American dad, Don't Tell The Bride, Top Gear.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Mexico

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad

Greatest Ambition: To be a good wife and mummy when that time comes.

Biggest Achievement: Putting up with my OH haha

Grandest Wish: To be happy and healthy

What You Can't Live Without :My hubby2be, my kitty cats and my iPad :happydance:
Thought I would introduce myself

About me

Name: Louise

Age: 24

Location: North Carolina

Occupation: Stay at home mommy to 2 beautiful girls

Short Personal description: Me and Hubby been married for 3 years now, been together for 5. We have two lovely daughters ages 4 and 22 months. Stay at home mom while Hubby is in the military. One day I would like to be a teacher, we shall see


Hobbies: Poetry, Reading, Sewing (old school style, lol!)

Color: Aqua

Food: Spinich Pizza! :pizza:

Hang-out: The playground (for the kids of course!) :muaha:

Music: Country, 60's - 90's

Books: The king killer Chronicals, Harry Potter's

Movies: Harry potter's, Bring it on (Don't judge me)

TV Shows: Don't watch that much T.V... unless you count the kids shows ;)

Authors: J.K.Rowling, Patric Rothfus

Cartoon Character: Hmmmm, Stewie!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit the most: Caribbean (sp?) :plane:

Most influential Person In Your Life: No-Body that's in RL!

Greatest Ambition: To be a teacher :amartass:

Biggest Achievement: My Two girls :twingirls:

Grandest Wish: WORLD PEACE!! No, seriously!

What You Can't live Without: Hubby and my Babies! :hugs:
A Little About Me

Name: Laura

Age: 24

Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Occupation: ICU nurse


Hobbies: Eating out, beach, walks, movies, travel

Colour: Red

Food: Chicken parmi and hedgehog slice!

Hang-out: Work at the moment :wacko: Preferably the pub

Music: A bit of everything, from dance to pop to rock to alternative. Depending where I am and what I'm doing!

Books: Rarely

Movies: Where do I start... I'm a sucker for kids animations & rom coms! And the harry potter series.

TV Shows: At the moment, breaking bad. Don't watch much TV though

Authors: Umm no

Cartoon Character: Homer simpson

Digging Deeper: I'm a little impatient at times!

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy, but there are so many more

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: To have a family and be happy!

Biggest Achievement: Post-graduate critical care nursing @ University of Melbourne

Grandest Wish: To be pregnant!

What You Can't Live Without: My laptop... oh, and my hubby of course :winkwink:
hi everyone hope all is well...im new to this site just have a couple of questions i like answered and meet some new friend along the way...
First i would like to apologize for saying so little ...i felt bad once i saw what everyone else put...:dohh:
so here goes...

Name: Leese

Age: 34

Location: NC

Hobbies: spending time with my fam , curling up with a good book or watching a movie with hubby and kids...

Occupation: in school for nursing ...(my goal is to get my masters so i can become a midwife...) we will see...

me and hubby have 5 children (yes) 5 ...2girls and 3boys.... a little bit why Im here...i went to the doc about a year ago and my doc told me i needed an hysterectomy... we always thought we have more time....we knew we wanted one more (ever since we lost our last child :angel:)...we just needed more time... like life goes we had to roll with the punches... so we talk with my doc and she gave us a year or so to ttc.... we are hoping by Christmas we will be getting a :bfp:....glad you all took the time to read and wish whoever is ttc lots and lots of :dust:
Hello, nice Bio..I signed up today with some trepidation .Then I read your Bio and feel a lot more comfy with this whole forum thing so thanks for being so open, it is reassuring. I am way older than you at 43 , also a Black Mama and i have a 7 year old princess. We now decided its last chance saloon so are back to TTC. It may or may not happen but I am reliably informed (by the less crass) that I am not totally dried up inside!) So here we go..I want to have a go anyway and my little girl is desperate for a sibling so we are on that journey...I have a fibroid on the neck of my womb which proved a concern and may or may not have caused a loss back in 2005. IN 2006 I gave birth naturally against all expectations and the Fibber shrunk back to nothing so i know its fed by hormones so will be monitored pretty closely if i do get preg again. So I am hopeful of some helpful guidance and advice on here as this is so personal its often hard to open up to those face to face and closest to you ...
Hi!I'm a newbie here in this forum.It's my first time to even join a forum since I have all the time in the world for I am 5 months preggy and ws put into bed rest because of a close call,why not meet new friends who are just like me?PROUD and PREGGY!!:)

All about me

Location:way out of the country-PHILIPPINES
Occupation:Ops purchasing agent
Short description:This will be my 5th pregnancy and I hope its a boy because I only have one boy as of the moment.I know I'm only 27 and already have 5 kids-why not?anyways,it's fun being a mom :)


Hobbies:I love to read-from books to magazines from forums over the net
Color:Black,red and white
Food:Any that is edible-excet those crickets that people in other places eat and nothing exotic for me:) By the way, I'm a huge fan of chocolates!
Hang out:These days,I don't get to go out that much since I easily get tired except going to the hospital to have my prenatl check up but before love to hang out in a bookstore,bars and coffee shops
Music:R & B,party songs
Books:Right now,I'm reading night shift from wattpad but I love Memoirs of a geisha and anything written by Stephen King
Movies:more into gruesome.the bloodier,the better
Tv shows:Friends
Author:Stephen King
Cartoon Character:Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse!!

Digging Deeper:
Country you wish to visit someday:paris!
Most influential person in your life:Audrey Hepburn
Greatest ambition:To become a doctor someday
Biggest achievement:Being a mom
Grandest wish:To have a simple,complete and happy family of my own
Wht you can't live without:people I love
Name: Allie

Age: 21

Location: United States

Occupation: Full-time student- Elementary Education

Hobbies: crafts, music, animals

Color: Purple

Food: Tatortot Hotdish :laugh2:

Hang-out: With my DH :)

Music: All

Books: *Laughs*

Movies: Anything Johnny Depp! :kiss:

TV Shows: Anything reality tv

Authors: *Laughs*

Cartoon Character: None really

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Brazil

Most Influential Person in Your Life: DH

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life & family surroundings, living comfortably but happy!

Biggest Achievement: Currently in progress :)

Grandest Wish: to be a mother!

What You Can't Live Without: my miniature pinscher
Name: Amber
Location: in the US - a state down south.
Age: 32 years old (my hubbs is 35)
Occupation: I am an Engineer for a major Defense company
Short Description: - Hubbs and I decided to stop preventing after 8 years of marriage and me on the Pill since High School (nearly 15 years) so Yesterday (Thurs Oct 24th) I got my very first BFP!! Our only *child* so far has been our furbaby - a chocolate lab. He's 8 1/2 years old a big old softie! He's gonna be a big Brother :happydance:

I'm kinda a boring person :blush:
I just like to read whatever I've got on the Kindle.
I loved Harry Potter Books, but I also love the cheap trashy romance novels.
I used to Scrapbook but I haven't done that in a while.
Hubbs and I don't hang out much, we are home bodies.
We like to just get a Redbox and eat in and watch a movie.
I'm just glad to be welcoming this next stage in our lives.

Thanks for listening - and Hello All!
Name: Allie

Age: 29

Location: Long Island NY

Occupation: RN

Short description: Together with hubby 8 years. Custodial step mommy to an amazing 10 year old girl. Working full time, back in school for a masters degree in acupuncture and oriental medicine. TTC for 2 years. M/C in July 2013 at 8.5 weeks.

Hobbies: Yoga, reading, foodie

Food: Anything that doesn't have a face. Vegetarian here!

Hang-out: Home, Restaurants, beach

Music: Country, 60's - 90's

TV Shows: Homeland, Ray Donovan, parenthood, Under the Dome, nurse Jackie.. So many!

Cartoon Character: I love all Disney

Country You Wish To Visit the most: So many

Most influential Person In Your Life: My mom

Greatest Ambition: To have a bigger family and make them happy.

Biggest Achievement: Being a step mother, No doubt!

Grandest Wish: To have a baby of my own.

What You Can't live Without: Hubby and my monkey
Hi to all of you, girls!
I'm pretty glad to be here. In fact, I saw some of your picts on the net and decided to join. I have a 10-month old baby right now and want to share all emotions about my new feelings.
Happy reading!
About me

Name: Amy

Age: 25

Location: Western NY

Occupation: Receptionist

Short Personal Description: I married the love of my life in April 2010, and we started trying for a baby in August 2013. I am currently pregnant with our first child and I couldn't be more excited!


Hobbies: Hiking, reading, playing with my pets, spending time with DH

Color: Blue

Food: Chicken, seafood, and pasta!

Hang-out: Restaurants, the outdoors

Music: Alternative rock, pop

Books: Too many to name!

Movies: Elf, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Little Miss Sunshine

TV Shows: Modern Family, cooking shows, Once Upon A Time, The Big Bang Theory

Authors: Herman Hesse, Khaled Hosseini, Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult, T.S. Eliot

Cartoon Character: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Uganda

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: One day I'd like to start an animal rescue group.

Biggest Achievement: Learning how to love myself.

Grandest Wish: To have a happy, healthy family.

What You Can't Live Without: My husband, my pets, and my iPhone. haha!
This is me....

Name: Jen

Age: 23

Location: lake stevens

Occupation: Stay at home mom/ make handmade baby items

Short Personal Description: Fun loving, quiet, protective,


Hobbies: making tutus, nursing covers, burp cloths, and heat pads.

Color: Blue
I am a mom of a 16 month princess and pregnant with my second.

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