A Little About Me A Little About You

About me

Name: Kristine

Age: 28

Location: Vermont USA

Occupation: SAHM

Short Personal Description: I am a Married Mommy of 3 (soon to be 4 July 5th). I still have 6 months of College left to finish (someday). I married the love of my life. That may sound sappy but it is True.

Favorites: Life, Romance, Swimming, Animals, Candy

Hobbies: My Pregnancy Facebook Page. My Children. My Family. Being Happy.

Color: Pink & Teal

Food: Pasta & Sweets

Hang-out: At Home with the Family

Music: Love Songs and Country

Books: Romance & Drama

Movies: Comedy & Suspense

TV Shows: ID Discovery & TLC

Authors: A ton of them.

Cartoon Character: Spongebob

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Hawaii

Most Influential Person in Your Life: MY Nana (R.I.P May 2013)

Greatest Ambition: To be Happy and be with my Family.

Biggest Achievement: College

Grandest Wish: To Enjoy life & live it to the fullest.

What You Can't Live Without : Internet, Family, & Animals.
A little about me :

Name: mithila khandaker
Age: 25
Location: dhaka,bangladesh(beside india)
Color : brown
Hair: black
Occupation: i am a trainee counseling psychologist
Education: i am doing my MS in counseling.
Hobby: singing,painting.....and taking selfie..:P
Marital status: i had a love affair and we got married in 2011....<3

I like to make friends...to gossip...to share....to hang out...and to enjoy!
I am very childlike!...ahh...this is about me!...

Name: Ivy
Age: 20
Location: Philippines
Occupation: none. 4th year college student
Short Personal Description: I'm a happy person, tourism student and love to cook. I had a m/c last january 7 2014. And until now i feel sad about it and cry about it.
Hobbies: watching movies, drawing, and making cards
Color: Blue/pink
Food: Fried chicken and spag
Hang-out: somewhere near the beach
Music: rnb
Books: i don't really love reading
Movies: Everything about zombies. Lol
TV Shows: dont love tv shows
Authors: don't love books
Cartoon Character: spongebob :D
Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: all i want to see is korea. thats all i want.
Greatest Ambition: To be a FA and a Good Mom

Grandest Wish: For my kids to live good lives.
What You Can't Live Without: Movies!
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"Thanks Everybody”
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A Little About Me

Name: Loretta

Age: 32

Location: Cremona, Alberta.

Occupation: Stay at home Mom

Short Personal Description: I am a full time Mom to 4 kids 6y, 4y, 2y and 4 months. My partner and I are not married but we have been together for 9 years. He works for a construction company driving gravel truck and isn't home very often.


Hobbies: Playing with the kids, watching movies, drawing and painting, reading novels.

Color: Sky blue

Food: Ginger beef

Hang-out: At home.

Music: Country and rock

Books: Horror novels Kids' stories, lol.

Movies: Frozen, Brokedown Palace, Wall-E, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King.

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Rookie Blue, Saving Hope

Authors: Dean Koontz.

Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My fiance

Greatest Ambition: To me the best Mom ever.

Biggest Achievement: Graduating College

Grandest Wish: For my kids to live happy, fulfilling lives

What You Can't Live Without: My babies
Name: Sam

Age: 21

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Cashier

Short Personal Description: I live with my wonderful fiancee, we are currently planning a wedding for next autumn. We have a dog, and four cats. ((our furbabies as we call them)), we have been actively TTC for 3 months now.


Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Animals

Color: Purple and Teal

Food: Pizza!

Hang-out: My couch!

Music: Country and Rock

Books: Soooo many!

Movies: Sucker for Disney movies lol

TV Shows: The Fosters, Twisted, SOA

Authors: Darren Shan, Ellen Hopkins, Anne Rice, Stephen King

Cartoon Character: Olaf

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Scotland, Ireland, Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My great uncle :)

Greatest Ambition: To be a mommy.

Biggest Achievement: Still working on it :)

Grandest Wish: To be a mommy :)

What You Can't Live Without : My fiancee, and my cell phone :)
A Little About Me

Name: Rebecca

Age: 31

Location: Southeastern U.S.

Occupation: Stay at home Mom

Short Personal Description: Short, petite blond. My wife and I have been married for 4+ years. We have one child, a 12 month old adopted daughter.

Hobbies: Gardening, baking, reading, and writing stories.

Color: Blue

Food: Anything edible

Music: Anything but jazz and rap.

Books: Anything except romance novels.

Movies: LOTR

TV Shows: Firefly

Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Anywhere in Europe

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My wife

What You Can't Live Without: My family.
Name: Lisa

Age: 21

Location: Vicenza, Italy

Occupation: Stay at home army wife (currently can't work because of an agreement between Italy and the U.S.)

Short Personal Description: I am from Germany where I also met my husband who is in the U.S. army and was stationed there. We only dated for about 10 months, then decided to get married since he was gonna be stationed in Italy. A little more than a week ago we had our first year anniversary.

Hobbies: Internet, going to the beach, cuddling with my fur baby, playing video games

Color: Green

Food: Lasagna

Hang-out: In the yard with my neighbors

Music: Pop, country

Books: Thrillers

Movies: Disney movies and chick flicks lol

TV Shows: Supernatural, The walking Dead, Modern Family

Authors: Lisa Jackson

Cartoon Character: idk

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Hawaii

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To be entirely happy and healthy without any concerns, having a family.

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish:

What You Can't Live Without: My dog and family.
Name: Suzanne

Age: 29


Occupation: USAF

Short Personal Description: I'm 29 years old, my daughter is 8 years old and I've been married for 6 months.


Hobbies: Singing, goint to Wild Adventures with my daughter and husband

Color: Pink

Food: Chinese


Music: Anything 80's, country


Movies: Comedy, Horror

TV Shows: Once Upon a Time


Cartoon Character:

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Germany

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To be a teacher one day

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish: To have another baby and be a stay at home mom.

What You Can't Live Without: My Family
Hi i am new to this website and would like to get suggestion for getting pregnant asap.

Name: Tracy

Age: 34

Location: Watford, Hertfordshire

Occupation: Deputy Head in a Primary school

Short Personal Description: I am lucky enough to have one daughter. She was a surprise for me and my ex. Unfortunately he cheated on me all through my pregnancy and then left when my daughter was 4 months. She gets regular contact with him now but things are tough. I was then lucky enough to meet a man I could trust and rely on. We have been together for 4.5 years now and got married at Christmas. We had our honeymoon in April, where we started our quest to conceive. Turns out I was a little deluded as I assumed that because I could get pregnant whilst on the pill, I must be pretty fertile. Turns out things aren't that easy! I am finding the two week wait really tough each month and then get emotional when Aunt Flo appears. Each month is getting harder. I have only been on here a few days but already finding it so helpful. I look forward to sharing my journey with you all.


Hobbies: reading, swimming, diy

Color: Purple

Food: BBQ Chicken and rice

Hang-out: love a pub garden

Music: a mixture

Books: all Cecilia Ahern

Movies: Anything Disney :) plus Twilight

TV Shows: NCIS, Holby City and Greys Anatomy

Authors: Cecilia Ahern

Cartoon Character: Baloo

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Mauritius

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum

Greatest Ambition: It was to swim with dolphins but my husband arranged this for me on honeymoon :)

Biggest Achievement: surviving a brutal break up and raising my daughter at the same time - it's depressing to know he'll always be in my life!

Grandest Wish: For all of my family and friends to be happy and healthy

What You Can't Live Without: Chocolate!
Name: Karmen

Age: 32

Location: Vancouver BC

Occupation: Investor Relation for a Fashion House

Hobbies: Eat, Shop and Sleep!!!

Color: Gray

Food: Anything that I haven't tried before

Music: Anything Mariah Carey

Books: Non-fiction

Movies: Bradley Cooper OMG!!!

TV Shows: Sex and the City, House of Cards

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France, North Korea???

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband, My son, My Dog:)

Greatest Ambition: Travel to every single country in Europe

Biggest Achievement: Being a mother

What You Can't Live Without: My Family
A Little About Me

Name: Sam

Age: 27 (going on 28 soon)

Location: SW MO/NE AR

Occupation: Medical Transcribing

Short Personal Description: Grew up in NE AR and moved to SW MO after the economy crashed in 2009 and was the best move I made so far :happydance: Have some college background.


Hobbies: Singing, Music in general :xmas8: Yoga

Color: Blue

Food: Still searching for my perfect "good" food that I like but so far would be broccoli and cheese rice :)

Hang-out: Mostly facebook and forums

Music: Any except metal it hurts my head :dohh:

Books: Mostly therapeutic books that help me advance my knowledge on my conditions

Movies: Finding Nemo, Bambi (animated stuff)

TV Shows: Family Guy

Authors: Mark Twain, A. Carina Barry, C. Lewis

Cartoon Character: Luigi (does it count? )/ Road runner

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland or tropical island

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my hubby

Greatest Ambition: To have a family and be successful in my career

Biggest Achievement: Graduating, Never giving up :)

Grandest Wish: A Family

What You Can't Live Without: Phone/internet:cloud9:
A Little About Me

Name: Wendy

Age: 25 (soon to be 26 on July 10!)

Location: Bloomington, MN

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Short Personal Description: My husband and I have been TTC since Sept 2013 for our first baby, we are excited and nervous. I love doing crafts and gardening. Love spending time with my family, especially my nephews and cousins.

Hobbies: Pinterest crafts, shopping, gardening

Color: Red

Food: Italian

Music: Variety, mostly Today's hits

Books: Divergent Series, The Hunger Games, The Fault in Our Stars, Bossypants, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, The Conception Chronicles, The Art of Racing in the Rain

Movies: Forest Gump, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice

TV Shows: Bachelor/Bachelorette, HIMYM, 30 Rock, GoT, Grey's Anatomy, New Girl, Modern Family, Friends

Authors: J.K Rowling, Tina Fey

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy, Ireland, Austrailia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband or my grandfather

Greatest Ambition: To be joyful and to be a mother

Biggest Achievement: earing a bachelors degree and becoming a nurse

Grandest Wish: to be a mother

What You Can't Live Without: My Beagle- Scout or my hubby.
A Little About Me

Name: Tarneca

Age: 28

Location: Mississippi, USA

Occupation: Teacher

Short Personal Description: I am currently engaged and just moved away from home. I am talkative when I relax and very open minded.


Hobbies: Internet, books, tv shows, movies

Color: anything bright

Food: spaghetti

Hang-out: at home

Music: Classic rock, classical, soul, country, very little rap and pop, 90s

Books: Too many to list

Movies: Elizabeth, Lord of the Rings series

TV Shows: Dr. Who, Star Trek, Law and Order, Sherlock, Grimm, Penny Dreadful, Hannibal, Merlin, The Borgias, Game of Thrones, The Tudors, Spartacus, In the Flesh, Once Upon a Time, etc…

Authors: Too many to name

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: God

Greatest Ambition: I want to be happy and able to get things I need

Biggest Achievement: Being human long enough to let someone fall in love with me

Grandest Wish: Happiness and babies

What You Can't Live Without: My faith
Name: Haley

Age: 20

Location: Anchorage, Alaska, USA (for now. planning to move to Tampa, Florida in Feb 2015, before ttc.)

Occupation: Student, currently. Will be doing medical transcription when I'm finished. :comp:

Description: Right now I'm living with my partner of 4 1/2 years and our five animals (four cats and our dog.) I'm working towards my medical transcription certification, and I also enjoy creative writing and binge watching Netflix in my spare time. :happydance:

Hobbies: Taking my dog to the park with my partner and our friends. Spending time with my two little nieces (ages 3 years and 3 months.) Listening to music. Reading/writing. Obsessively checking for new rental houses in Tampa.

Color: Shades of blue.

Food: Anything spicy, especially Thai.

Hang-out: Wherever my babe is. :hugs:

Music: A pretty decent mix of current top 20 pop and rap, 90's/early 2000's pop-punk and rock, and a bunch of acoustic indie stuff.

Books: Anything fantasy, YA Lit, and books of poetry.

Movies: Eighties/nineteens movies like The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire, Reality Bites, etc. Also the Fast and Furious movies and anything Marvel (X-Men, Captain America, etc.)

TV Shows: Shameless (US), Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, Law and Order: Special Victim's Unit.

Authors: JK Rowling was really influential in my childhood.

Cartoon Character: Tommy Pickles from the Rugrats.

Country You Wish To Visit Most: Italy, or Scotland.

Most Influential Person In Your Life: My partner, because we share everything. But also my mother, because she is very strong and we are incredibly close.

Greatest Ambition: To be happy! :thumbup:

Biggest Achievement: I'm still working on that one.

Grandest Wish: Having a baby.

What You Can't Live Without: My family.
Hi all,

My name is Jen. I am 32 and me and my DH have been together for 11 years, married for nearly 4 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 23 and we have been TTC since before we got married. We were referred and after lots of different fertility treatments have just gone through our 1st failed IVF attempt.

I wanted to come on here to find some people who are in the same situation as me as I don't have anyone I know who has ever struggled to conceive. Any buddies would be really welcomed.

Jen xx
A Little About Me

Name: Kelsie

Age: 18

Location: UK

Occupation: Nothing

Short Personal Description: I have two crazy daughters. Sorry, not much else to say!

Favorites: favourite what?

Hobbies: fashion and music

Color: green and pink together.

Food: Probably Mexican

Music: Anything lyrically depressing

Books: Sci-fi or non-fiction

Movies: Lilo & Stitch, Madigascar and Ratatouille.

TV Shows: American Dad, Bob's Burgers, Doctor Who, Man V Food and The Simpsons. I do like some documentaries, but nothing too depressing.

Authors: Probably Tom Holt

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Bardados, for the weather and cocktails on the beach (dream on, Kelsie, dream on). I also want to visit Lebanon and see what my maternal half of the family are like. I was meant to be going there this summer, but I'm too far along in my pregnancy.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Nobody really, I live my own way.

Greatest Ambition: To one day own a nice house, have a holiday home and a nice car.

Biggest Achievement: Nothing really, but as long as my girls are happy, then I'm happy.

Grandest Wish: I'm not sure. Maybe to win the lottery. Or find an abandoned yacht full of gold... or diamonds.

What You Can't Live Without: a sense of purpose
A Little About Me

Name: Kassidy (Kas)

Age: 30

Location: Wichita, KS

Occupation: personal care attendant

Short Personal Description: I met my husband 6 years ago at a firework stand. I have an amazing stepdaughter. I'm never sure what to say in these.


Hobbies: Cooking, playing games, swimming, sleeping.

Color: Lime Green

Food: French Fries

Hang-out: At home on my couch with the dogs and my husband

Music: Country

Books: Modern day romance.

Movies: Yours, Mine and Ours (1968) and The Little Mermaid.

TV Shows: Psych

Authors: Jennifer Crusie

Cartoon Character: Taz

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy or Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband or my sister

Greatest Ambition: To be someones only Mommy

Biggest Achievement: Not killing people on a daily basis (haha!!)

Grandest Wish: To be happy.

What You Can't Live Without: My husband
A Little About Me

Name: Beth

Age: 21

Location: County Durham, England.

Occupation: Full time mum

Short Personal Description: Creative, fun, easy to get along with. Married to my childhood best friend. We have a son together and currently expecting our second child Dec 2014.


Hobbies: Reading (when I can), writing, listening to music, playing musical instruments, playing video/computer games, spending time with my husband and son.

Color: Purple

Food: Japanese Noodles with Chicken.

Hang-out: If I'm not online, either in town or at the beach.

Music: Rock, metal, anything like that.

Books: Don't have much time to read any more but Harry Potter.

Movies: Horror, all Harry Potter ones, anything with Kiefer Sutherland in, anything by Disney, anything by Tim Burton.

TV Shows: Hollyoaks, One Born Every Minute.

Authors: J.K Rowling

Cartoon Character: Don't really have one.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My late mum

Greatest Ambition: For my family to be proud of me.

Biggest Achievement: Having the most amazing family I could have ever asked for, also, having a healthy little boy and a healthy baby this time (after what happened).

Grandest Wish: For my kids to grow up doing the best that they can in life.

What You Can't Live Without: My family.

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