A Little About Me A Little About You

Name: Shara Carter

Age: 28

Location: Wisconsin

Occupation: Disney Cast Member

Short Personal Description: Always up for fun, adventurous, will probably try ALMOST anything once ( I do have standards), Religious (being a Christian means the world to me), married to an amazing man since April 2014, have no kids but are TTC

Favorites: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching Football and basketball equally the same (by myself lol!) and spending time w/ my hubby

Hobbies: Reading, singing (yes I can carry a tune), helping out w/ church functions, and doing hair

Color: Purple

Food: Nachos

Hang-out: Normally at home, if I'm not a Bible Study, Church, or Women's Group

Music: R & B and Gospel, Pop, and some Hip-hop, not all.

Books: Elizabeth George books(christian book), Lizzy Ford online books, and I just bought Stephen King's Full Dark, No Stars

Movies: Horror, Action packed (I love a good action movie), anything with Johnny Depp or Jason Statham, anything by Disney since I work for them, and Animes

TV Shows: Hell's Kitchen or MasterChef

Authors: Elizabeth George

Cartoon Character: TinkerBell

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mentor, Kelly

Greatest Ambition: To make God proud by the works of my hands

Biggest Achievement: Getting Married

Grandest Wish: To have kids, and to order by home after Christ

What You Can't Live Without: Elohim
A Little About Me

Name: Erica

Age: 33

Location: DC Metro Area

Occupation: Public Health Professional

Short Personal Description: My husband and I have been married just over a year. We got pregnant sooner and quicker than expected! More adventures to come, I suppose! I'm a former professional dancer and looking forward to getting my body back!


Hobbies: Cooking, reading, dancing, napping, eating :)

Color: Red

Food: Cheese Manicotti

Hang-out: On the couch in front of the TV!

Music: R&B

Books: Autobiographies and historical fiction

Movies: Shawshank Redemption, As good as it Gets, The wedding planner

TV Shows: Grey's Anatomy, Criminal minds, Scandal, So You Think You Can Dance

Authors: Lisa See

Cartoon Character: Daria (MTV)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy and Egypt

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mother and my aunt

Greatest Ambition: To have a successful career while being a great wife and mother

Biggest Achievement: Earning my master's degree and dancing for 3 professional sports teams

Grandest Wish: To be happy with my life

What You Can't Live Without: God
A Little About Me

Name: Matt

Age: 20

Location: Hucknall, Nottinghamshire

Occupation: Auxiliary Nurse

Short Personal Description: After leaving school I joined the Royal Navy at 15 years and nine months old. I spent just under three years in the Royal Navy before working for three months as a pest control operative for my local council. I left that job because I felt like I wasn't challenging myself enough. I have worked as an Auxiliary Nurse ever since I left the council. I met my wonderful partner not long after I started working on my current ward. She was a student nurse on her first placement and I was a mouthy eighteen-year old. We became close friends (somehow) and stayed that way for a long time, until we realised that we cared more deeply for each other than we realised. Now, two years after we first met we are expecting our first child as a couple to add to our little family of three (my partner has a three-year old son from a previous relationship)


Hobbies: Cooking, eating, amateur historian and author

Colour: Blue

Food: Toasted bagels with philadelphia and turkey bacon

Hang-out: Used to be the Maze, nowadays it's probably either the Pitcher and Piano or Brass Monkey

Music: I like anything, but hold a particular love in my heart for the Pogues, the Clash, Fela Kuti and AC/DC

Books: My Life - Fidel Castro with Ignacio Ramonet. Death in the Afternoon/The Old Man and the Sea/The Sun Also Rises/The Snows of Kilimanjaro - Ernest Hemingway. Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk. Recipes from the Regional Cooks of Mexico - Diana Kennedy. Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut. A Song of Ice and Fire Series/Fevre Dream/The Armageddon Rag - George R.R. Martin

Movies: The Outlaw Josey Wales. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The Last of the Mohicans. Kill Bill part 1. Shane and so many more...

TV Shows: Game of Thrones, Vikings, Breaking Bad, American Horror Story, True Detective

Authors: Ernest Hemingway, Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, George R.R. Martin

Cartoon Character: Anything by Tex Avery (maybe the Wolf from Red Hot Riding Hood)

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Cambodia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My wonderful partner

Greatest Ambition: To be able to live happily with my little family and have no worries!

Biggest Achievement: So far... passing out of basic training at HMS Raleigh

Grandest Wish: To have enough money to be comfortable for the rest of my life

What You Can't Live Without: My family
A Little About Me

Name: Heather

Age: 38

Location: Pennsylvania

Occupation: Behavioral Specialist

Short Personal Description: Quiet but can be outgoing in certain situations, very easy to get along with, easy going. Married to my college sweetie. We have two beautiful daughters and a cute little boy. Hoping to welcome baby #4 soon.

Favorites: Ice cream, football, music, reading and most of all spending time with my kiddos

Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, playing guitar, decorating, crafts, Pinterest

Color: Turquoise

Food: Chocolate

Hang-out: Home

Music: Eclectic (so many different types of music)

Books: Trilogies...Hunger Games, Divergent, matched, Delirium, etc

Movies: Everthing Disney, book based movies

TV Shows: Anything HGTV, Modern Family

Authors: many

Cartoon Character: Disney esp Tinkerbell

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Germany

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom and dad

Greatest Ambition: Raising happy and healthy children

Biggest Achievement: My kids

Grandest Wish: To raise my kids to be loving and happy, well adjusted

What You Can't Live Without: My family of course.
Hi everyone

Here is a little about me

Age: 31

Location: New Zealand

Occupation: Library Assistant/Artist/Post grad student

Short Personal Description: I used to say I never wanted children, and then BOOM, just all of a sudden I got hit with this intense desire to have one. I think it started because I moved from working in an academic library to a public one, and now I interact with children of all ages all the time and I discovered that I actually like children! I'm a photographic artist, but it doesn't pay the bills, I have been a finalist in some big national awards but still waiting/hoping for a big break! My dream is to be able to one day, have my art support my lifestyle, but until then I'm happy just making it when I can!

I'm getting married in Nov and going off B/C just before. We are going to be trying for #1


Hobbies: Reading, visiting galleries/museums, art

Color: Blue

Food: PASTA!!! and cheese, better still, cheezy pasta!

Hang-out: Cafe

Music: Rock n'roll

Books: OMG to many to list.

Movies: To many to list

TV Shows: Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny, Veep, True Blood, Seinfield, The I.T Crowd

Authors: TOM ROBBINS, (Don't confuse him with Tim Robbins or Tony Robbins, he is not an ex of Susan Sarandon and does not do motivational talks!)

Cartoon Character: Roger: American Dad

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Rome, Russia, The USA

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My partner

Greatest Ambition: To be able to afford to live off my art

Biggest Achievement: Finalist in Wallace Art Awards

What You Can't Live Without: My partner and my camera
First let me say HI THERE!

A Little About Me

Name: Florence

Age: 37

Location: Mattoon,Illinois

Occupation: SAHM and writer

Short Personal Description:I am a proud stay at home mom of 4 active young sons who are my world, I am a writer with my first book of a series looking to hit shelves in October of This year! I am an avid crochet-a-holic lol. I am pretty much an open book so anything ya'll wanna know just ask :)

Favorites: Crochet,writing,poetry,music ETC

Hobbies: Crochet,writing, ETC

Color: Green / Red ( hey Im Irish/Italian )

Food : Italian

Hang-out: At home and Online lol

Music: I'm an eclectic , I like all sorts of music

Books : Murder/Mystery, Crime, fantasy, vampire

Movies: To many to list!

TV Shows : The first 48, Forensic Files, NCIS, CSI , to many to list

Authors: Dan Brown, Steven King, Lynsay Sands, James Paterson

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Back to Italy!!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad!!

Greatest Ambition: To be the best mom & wife I can be ( gotta get married first lol )

Biggest Achievement: Surviving an abusive marriage and getting off the drugs and alcohol!

Grandest Wish: For this pregnancy to make it to term!! and to be my little girl lol

What You Can't Live Without: My family!
A Little About Me

Name: sandra

Age: 26

Location: Texas

Occupation: student

Short Personal Description: I'm a weirdo!


Hobbies: Films, Animals

Color: Purple, Red, Blue

Food: Chocolate

Hang-out: At home.

Music: Anything on the radio.

Books: Second Glance, Alice in wonderland

Movies: Happy Feet, The Great Gatsby, Bewitched, Alice in wonderland, The Little Mermaid

TV Shows: Reba

Authors: N/A

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My grandma and my mom

Greatest Ambition: Have a family

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish:

What You Can't live without: Netflix!! lol!
A Little About Me

Name: Kayla

Age: 20

Location: Youngstown, Ohio

Occupation: Gas Station Cashier

Short Personal Description: I grew up living a very hard life so I'm 100% devoted to giving my future children the best life they can have. I'm a very kind hearted person, I rarely get mad. I talk too much. I love working but once I have kids my heart desires to be a stay at home mom.

Favorites: Pink, Chicken Teriyaki, Cats, Yoga Pants, Shopping, Googling, & Working!

Hobbies: Working, Playing the Sims(LOL!), Watching TV, Crocheting, Planning, Googling lol.

Color: Pink

Food: Chicken Teriyaki & cotton candy ice cream. :-)

Hang-out: In the city, at my friends house, at my house, coffee shop.

Music: Country, pop, hip hop, anything really.

Books: I don't really read.

Movies: Titanic, The Notebook, Tammy, Idk...I like tv shows more.

TV Shows: Weeds, The Walking Dead, Pretty Little Liars, Sons Of Anarchy, Suits, Family Guy, American Dad, Lots more lol.

Authors: Ehh, none.

Cartoon Character: Peter Griffin ;-) haha

Digging Deeper: ?

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Somewhere in the Middle East

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Myself.

Greatest Ambition: To have a family of my own.

Biggest Achievement: Getting out of a very bad relationship I was stuck in years ago...Hardest thing I've ever done. Leaving someone who you love so much but you know they're nothing but bad news.

Grandest Wish: To Raise and have an amazing family to come home to everyday.

What You Can't Live Without: Friends.
Hello all, I am new to this site but I'm trying to learn as much as possible about pregnancy and raising a child. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now. We are both active duty army, so if there is anyone else who is in the same situation and has had children, I would love to know more!
A Little About Me

Name: monsterwriter

Age: 31

Location: UK

Occupation: Admin Team Leader

Short Personal Description: love my job and OH, slimming at the mo, don't know what to put!!

Favorites: Pink, Chocolate, OITNB

Hobbies: reading, exercise

Color: Pink

Food: Chocolate

Hang-out: on the sofa

Music: anything I can sing to

Books: anything that's not written in dialect I can't read

Movies: anything 80s :)

TV Shows: OITNB, criminal minds

Authors: willing to try any

Cartoon Character: not a clue!

Digging Deeper: ?

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My OH

Greatest Ambition: To be content in life the majority of the time

Biggest Achievement: Losing over 2st (still going)

Grandest Wish: Lots and lots of money :)

What You Can't Live Without: chocolate
A Little About Me

Name: Kayla

Age: 28

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Service Rep at an insurance company

Short Personal Description: shy, quiet but I think a lot. I love my kitties and my Great Pyrenees to death and my husband is pretty awesome too :). I like to stitch and hang out in the hammock out back and nap. I like being laid back.


Hobbies: cross stitching, dog rescue (won't be doing that again for a while though, if I can ever convince hubby to let me have rescues again), helping build the new boat, veggie gardening

Color: Blue

Food: Alfredo anything

Hang-out: Beaches or lakesides

Music: pop-rock, the more epic the better, David Usher, oldschool Coldplay, Goo Goo Dolls, One Republic

Books: I don't read much, but Red, Green and Blue Mars were good books

Movies: Jurassic Park, Free Willy, Star Trek (any of them)

TV Shows: Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek Voyager, House, Scrubs, CSI (any)

Authors: Kim Stanley Robinson

Cartoon Character: Genie (RIP Robin Williams)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my husband

Greatest Ambition: Make enough money to live comfortably and show our kids as much world as possible.

Biggest Achievement: buying our super awesome country house was a pretty big deal

Grandest Wish: ummm, see grandest ambition?

What You Can't Live Without: Friends and pets
Name: Grace

Age: 36

Location: Michigan

Occupation: RN

Short Personal Description: I have been a nurse for about 12 years now and have been working part-time since my 4 year old was born. I have a 6 1/2 year old girl, 4 year old girl and a 12 day old baby boy. I joined BNB last year after unexpectedly getting pregnant and then having a miscarriage at 13 1/2 weeks from a subchorionic bleed. It has helped me a lot to read others stories and experiences to get through everything. When I joined I was trying to conceive after a loss and now I just had my rainbow :cloud9:
I've been lurking the forums for a while now and decided to jump in. It looks like I'm bumping a pretty old thread, so hopefully I'm not breaking forum etiquette.

I'm 35 years old living in New York, USA. I work full-time as a Nonprofit Manager. I've been married since 2006 and wanted children all along. Unfortunately, I ran into some serious medical problems. Last year, a lot of those problems finally got resolved and I'm healthier than I've been since my teens!

I started seeing a fertility specialist earlier this month and am currently in the midst of a TWW. If AF arrives, I'm going for bloodwork to test my progesterone level.

Here goes!
A Little about myself.

Name- Ramanie

Age- 56yrs (Hope not too old for the forum)

Location: New Zealand

Occupation: I am UK trained registered nurse not working at present.

Short Personal Description: I have three sons and a great husband.
Second son having Cerebral Palsy and on a wheel chair. He is a great guy and we love him to bits. I have the privilege of having two adorable grand daughters. One 6yrs and the other 11 months. I am from Sri Lanka living permanently in New Zealand.

Hobbies : Reading, Music, Babysitting. Hanging out with family and friends.


Color: Red

Music: Country and western and Instrumental

TV Shows: Home and Away, Shortland Street, Coronation Street.

Food: Rice and Curry

Hang Out: With family and close friends

Ambition: To live and love happily and be helpful to others.

Website: hellobabybeautiful.

Biggest Achievement: Being a nurse and having a wonderful husband and children.

Best person in my life: My Husband.
thought I'd introduce myself after having read several posts on this site. currently waiting to try, but hoping to start TTC next ovulation.

Me: 39 years, 10.5 months. Met the man I want to spend my life with 6.5 months ago. Wasn't maternal when younger, but I attribute that to not meeting the right man. Didn't know it was possible to feel so happy in a relationship. My man made it clear on the 3rd date that he wanted to have children, and since meeting him I've been 'very keen' to become a mother (yay but eek! :). Maternal instinct unleashed and can't be put back in a box now :)

Fertility: I'm aware my age might be against me, BUT I have regular periods. For last three months I have been monitoring my periods (follicular and luteal length, ovulation day with OPKs, CM - unfortunately v. little EWCM, but I do get some 'possible' fertile CM).

Plan: contain the excitement and crazy if possible :), try to increase fertile quality CM - currently thinking guaifenesin based cough syrup, and preseed lube. I tried evening primrose oil this last month but two days before I Ov'd I had moderate bleeding (which freaked me as I'd never had this before, but was comforted after getting positve OPK that it was ov bleeding). But OH gets weirded out by blood and sex so am going to bin EPO for the time being (he's not a prude but this is something that grosses him out so (hope it's not TMI for BNB forum) I have to be respectful).

Will start the TTC journey end of Sept, and will take a pregnancy test on my 40th birthday (should be 13/14 DPO). Fingers crossed all goes well

Wishing loads of :dust::dust::dust::dust: to all on the TTC journey!!!
A Little About Me

Name: Ruthie

Age: 31

Location: SF Bay Area, California

Occupation: Executive Assistant

Short Personal Description: Lived in California most of my life. I don't know what weather is. Took me two tries to find the right husband, he's lovely and I would do it all over again if it meant I end up where I am now.


Hobbies: I love eating. It's a problem. Good thing I also enjoy cooking. Gardening, wine, food, fire pits, skipping the small talk, kayaking, obsessing about things on the internet.

Color: How does one pick a single color?

Food: Trout

Hang-out: Who I am with is more important

Music: "Merican Country Music

Books: Ones I don't want to put down until I'm finished, the last one I read was "This is where I leave you" Jonathan Tropper.

Movies: Hellboy, Grandma's Boy, Great Expectations, Steel Magnolias, Fools Rush In, Runaway Bride, ED TV, Repo Man, Watchmen

TV Shows: Orange is the New Black (didn't watch TV growing up, still have a hard time watching it now)

Authors: Dave Sedaris (#25 on stuff white people like, hahaha*)

Cartoon Character: As much as I hate myself for this... Homer Simpson

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Croatia & Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My step-grandfather who passed away but not before giving me so many memories and love.

Greatest Ambition: To stop making work a priority and be a good mother and wife.

Biggest Achievement: Taking a more difficult path past a sad life into a beautiful one.

Grandest Wish: To have a son and better house.

What You Can't Live Without: Love
A Little About Me

Name: Minnie

Age: 32

Location: SF Bay Area, California

Occupation: CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

Short Personal Description: A transplant from Toronto, Canada. Lived in the Bay Area for almost 14 years now. Been married for over 4 years. Just found out I'm pregnant very recently -- so I'm pretty darn excited and scared at the same time.


Hobbies: I am a bit of a news junkie. Also a binge watcher of netflix series. I do a lot of volunteering with my Rotary club and going on hikes with the husband and the dog.

Color: Blue

Food: AKA Stuff I currently cannot eat -- oysters, raw fish, soft cheeses... I'm also a huge fan of gelato (esp the hazelnut variety)

Hang-out: Don't really have one, but I do enjoy hosting dinners in my own home

Music: Anything I can sing along with

Books: Have been reading a lot professionally, but a good standby is The Richest Man in Babylon

Movies: Shawshank Redemption, Love Actually, You've Got Mail

TV Shows: House of Cards, Law & Order: SVU, Suits

Authors: Can't pick one. Too many to choose from.

Cartoon Character: Gigi from Kiki's Delivery Service

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Japan -- to each all the forbidden raw fish I can't have at the moment.

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Mom. Because she's darn wonderful. It wasn't easy raising us, but she did it, and looking back we realized she's wonderful. I just hope I can be as good as she was to me.

Greatest Ambition: Materially, pay off the house by 40 and be financially free. Spiritually, build loving and healthy relationships with others and make the world a better place for being in it.

Biggest Achievement: Quit on my boss, started my own CPA practice, and convinced have my old boss recruit me back as a partner.

Grandest Wish: To be happy every day

What You Can't Live Without: Materially, internet & a steady stream of income. Spiritually, the love of friends and family.
A Little About Me

Name: Ashley

Age: 29

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: Accounts Receivable Manager

Short Personal Description: German and Scottish decent, Canadian Born and raised. Married the love of my life August 24, 2013, gave birth to my first born baby girl on June 11, 2014.


Hobbies: Baking and Makeup

Color: Purple

Food: Anything BBQ

Hang-out: With my Hubby watching a movie, or with my girls enjoying a beer or two

Music: Old Skool Hip Hop, Rock, Alternative, Top 40, House.... So pretty much everything except country lol


Movies: All the Marvel movies like Avengers (I'm a self-professed comic nerd lol) Ferris Buellers Day Off, Breakfast Club, Wedding Singer, Dazed and Confused, Superbad and everything with Seth Rogen or James Franco in it, I'm obsessed, their amazing!

TV Shows: The Walking Dead!!!!! and Game of Thrones. My total guilty pleasure is ANTM.

Authors: Chuck Palahnuick, Hunter S. Thompson, Edgar Allan Poe

Cartoon Character: Homer J. Simpson!

Digging Deeper: I love YouTube videos! I could watch beauty tutorials and mom vlogs all day lol

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Eritrea (where my husband is from) and Zanzibar, Tanzania because they have the most beautiful beaches

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Dad. Raised me and my sister on his own, and did a damn good job of it too :)

Greatest Ambition: To provide a quality of life for my family I was unable to have myself

Biggest Achievement: My daughter Mira

Grandest Wish: To own a large home, I would love my daughter to have a big backyard to play in, was always my dream as a kid

What You Can't Live Without: Love
A Little About Me

Name: Jade

Age: 24

Location: Manchester, UK

Occupation: Just finished Uni, have been stay at home mum since

Short Personal Description: I'm engaged to the love of my life, Luke, and we have a 3 year old, Devon Jax, and we're expecting our second boy one day before Halloween!


Hobbies: Drawing & painting, watching TV, cooking/baking, going out with my OH to the movies/for dinner.

Color: Green

Food: Sunday Roast (especially when my OH cooks :cloud9:)

Hang-out: Coffee shop with other Mum friends!

Music: A bit of everything

Books: not sure, havent had time to read in a long time! I did love Catcher in the rye at school though

Movies: Disney movies, Marvel Movies (that's what happens when you have a marvel fanatic OH and son!!)

TV Shows: Walking dead, Orange is the new black :haha:

Authors: dont really have one

Cartoon Character: Simba probably

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: erm... not sure tbh

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My OH & my mum

Greatest Ambition: To be happy & for my kids to be happy!

Biggest Achievement: Having my son & finishing Uni.

Grandest Wish: To be happy & for my sons to be happy

What You Can't Live Without: My family

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