A Little About Me A Little About You

A Little About Me

Name: Amy

Age: 22

Location: Oregon USA

Occupation: SAHM for now

Short Personal Description: I have a daughter who turned 3 in October, she is my whole world! I was in college at the time but now I'm a SAHM to her. I was planning on going back to work next fall but I am expecting our second in July so it is all undecided right now.


Hobbies: reading, listening to music, running, going for walks

Color: Blue

Food: Spaghetti, turkey (love thanksgiving! Lol), ice cream

Hang-out: Beach or park with my LO

Music: Anything really

Books: The classics, Jane Austen, emily bronte etc

Movies: Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, forrest gump, harry potter

TV Shows: The Walking Dead, orphan black, how to get away with murder

Authors: see books

Cartoon Character: Donald duck!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Paris

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My SO :) and my dd

Greatest Ambition: To be happy with myself and give my daughter the best life I can give her

Biggest Achievement: having my daughter!

Grandest Wish: to be happy :)

What You Can't Live Without: family and books
A Little About Me

Name: Camilla

Age: 32

Location: Sheerness, Kent
Occupation: Stay at home mum, carer, volunteer @ local children's centre

Short Personal Description: I'm a stay at home mum to my 5 year old dd. I have dd2 due in Jan 16. I'm a carer for my husband who has a complex mental health condition. I have been a volunteer at a local children's centre for 4 years supporting breastfeeding mums and for 2 years supporting local families with their children.


Hobbies: baking, reading, spending time with dd

Color: depends on my mood although my hair is pink!

Food: could be anything I just like food

Hang-out: With my best mate and her hubby! He is our personal waiter!

Music: rock, metal
Books: Patricia Cornwell and similar!

Movies: Marvel, DC, old musicals

TV Shows: Neighbours :/ SOA

Authors: See books!

Cartoon Character: Fry

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Iceland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My best mate and my dd

Greatest Ambition: To continue to be strong

Biggest Achievement: My dd

Grandest Wish: The ability to fix up my house and make it safe and warm or my family!

What You Can't Live Without: Coffee
I'm back on this site. Hip Hip Hooray. Let my obsession begin again.

A Little About Me

Name: Jackie

Age: 29

Location: Michigan, USA

Occupation: Unemployed

Short Personal Description: I'm a full time student studying for my Masters in Social work, 4 months left. Married for five and half years. I have one best friend.

Favorites: So many things...watching the same movie over and over and replaying the same song

Hobbies: Internet, Instagram(this is new), watching movies, reading, listening to music

Color: Pink Mania

Food: A triple tie (Pineapple and ham pizza, a BK whopper, and pizza rolls)

Hang-out: Netflix and Chill

Music: Everything mostly Pop

Books: A new read every week...I've been slacking for a month. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Movies: Cinderella-the musical, Les Mis-the musical, King Arthur (Clive Owen)

TV Shows: Teen Wolf, Flash, Criminal Minds, Shadowhunters

Authors: As a book lover, I'm deeply ashamed to admit that I suck at remembering who wrote what.

Cartoon Character: Sailor Moon (Do they even still show this?)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy...One day...One day

Most Influential Person in Your Life: The Hubster

Greatest Ambition: To be a mom of a few kiddos living in my own home with all student loans paid off.

Biggest Achievement: Surviving Masters level classes while being a good wife.

Grandest Wish: To be happy and debt free

What You Can't Live Without: My Kindle is my secret lover
A Little About Me

Name: Molly

Age: 20

Location: North Carolina

Occupation: Customer Service

Short Personal Description: I live with my fiancée in North Carolina, we've been together for three years and have lived on our own for 1.5 years. I'm currently in school for English, he is in school for game design. We both work full time, but spend our free time and weekends together with our two lovely cats!


Hobbies: Netflix, writing, sleeping, eating.

Color: Mint green

Food: All food? Haha. Sushi and burgers are a daily go-to!

Hang-out: Online.... I'm a homebody.

Music: Indie and EDM.

Books: Too tough. I love the Wicked Lovely Series though, forever and always! Also love my book of Robert Frost poems.

Movies: Dark Knight. I've probably seen that movie 200 times!

TV Shows: Bob's Burgers, Scrubs, Parks and Rec, The Office, Archer.

Authors: Melissa Marr, Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare.

Cartoon Character: Louise Belcher.

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Probably my sister :)

Greatest Ambition: A family, good career (hopefully a published book!), and lots of free time!

Biggest Achievement: Graduating with my associates at seventeen, and getting myself enrolled in college with no help!

Grandest Wish: To just be happy!

What You Can't Live Without: Internet! haha
Hello! I am brand new around here. Literally joined a couple hours ago...trying to learn how to navigate. I am 25 at TTC #1. This post looks fun so I thought I'd join in :)

A Little About Me

Name: Ale

Age: 25

Location: San Diego, CA, USA

Occupation: Social Worker

Short Personal Description: Born & raised in San Diego, CA. I am of Mexican ancestry. Social worker working with a local non-profit (primarily work with female youth).


Hobbies: reading, googling random things (how i ended up on this website), watching movies, being out & about

Color: neutrals & earthy colors

Food: soups are my favorite.

Hang-out: no place in particular, but anywhere

Music: alternative, indie, rap, r&b

Books: I am open, but I tend to get hooked on YA novels tbh

Movies: I would take up so much space, but my all time favorite is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

TV Shows: Currently waiting for S3 of Vikings. Also enjoyed Bates Motel.

Authors: YA

Cartoon Character: Spongebob :)

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Russia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My wonderful family

Greatest Ambition: balance

Biggest Achievement: it really depends on the day and how i feel. each day is full of small victories.

Grandest Wish: as of now........a baby.

What You Can't Live Without: books!
A Little About Me

Name: Rachel

Age: 35

Location: Michigan, USA

Occupation: Manager ER and Lab Registration at our local hospital

Short Personal Description: I'm married to a cool guy who evens me out. We are pretty nerdy in general. My 11 year old daughter has a genetic disorder with a slew of other related and non related diagnosis, and my other 9 year old daughter is her total opposite.


Hobbies: painting, though I'm not good at it. Love going to museums

Color: colors or jewels :). Red, dark purple, emerald green

Food: popcorn

Hang-out: home sweet home

Music: All, but mostly songs I can sing along with

Books: historical fiction,


TV Shows: Game of Thrones, Sherlock


Cartoon Character:

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: England and Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: husband

Greatest Ambition: raise my children to be awesome! And be successful in my job.

Biggest Achievement: every good day

Grandest Wish: my children live happy and productive lives

What You Can't Live family, and coffee.
Name: Julie

Age: 30

Location: Indiana USA

Occupation: Homeschool teacher/mom

Short Personal Description: Christian seeking to follow Christ. Want as many babies as he will bless us with

Favorites: Jesus, husband, kids, family, church, homeschooling, nature, summer

Hobbies: Homeschooling, cooking, family

Color: Pink

Food: Sweets!!!

Hang-out: Bring outside with my husband and kids

Music: Christian

Books: The bible

Movies: Fireproof, war room

TV Shows: 19 kids and counting, counting on

Cartoon Character: Belle

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy
Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: To be a wife, mother, homeschool teacher

Biggest Achievement: Becoming a Christian, getting married, having our children, teaching our children

Grandest Wish: The return of Christ! Our kids to know and follow Christ!

What You Can't Live Without : JESUS, HUSBAND, KIDS, AND FAMILY
I'm new to all of this still. My name is megan. I'm 21 years old. I live in new jersey. I do count myself as a mother even though my first pregnancy resulted in a technical miscarriage . But since he was alive when I gave birth, I'm a mother.

I wish to have another baby, I was getting used to the idea of not being able to have my first legal drink and being in labor on new years.
Name: Erin

Location: Oregon, United States

Born 1984

Married to my hubby since Feb 11, 2014

Until this month we were doing the pulling out method of birth control with the occasional condom. Our original plan was to wait until the end of this year to really start trying, but with my PCOS it could take a while just to get pregnant, so we've moved to not trying, but not preventing. I've wanted to be a mother for a long time, but refused to compromise on who I chose as a life partner. Dating for the sake of "not wanting to be alone" never appealed to me. I'd rather take care of myself than be in a bad relationship due to fear. I was blessed/extremely lucky to be contacted on Facebook by a boy I knew in high school saying that he wished he'd had the guts to ask me out then. I of course responded with "I would have said yes". This led us on a wonderful year where I moved across the state (nothing was really happening where I was living anyway), we lived together 5 months, got engaged, after two months of trying to wedding plan, said screw it and eloped to a wonderful couple days in Vegas. A year later and here we are! I'm really excited to start a family ^.^
Name: Erin

Age: 31

Location: Eastern Oregon, United States

Occupation: Homemaker/on call baby sitter

Short Personal Description: kind of a hermit, but enjoy hanging out with true friends. Value common sense, hate self centered drama (hence why I rock the hermit life most of the time), would love to publish a book of some kind, but not sure what type yet.

Favorites: video games and other fun geek stuff

Hobbies: Reading, gaming, Crocheting, gardening, walking the dog.

Color: Blue

Food: good food. I'll have fast food more than I should, but I love legit, well prepared high quality food. Both DH and I got spoiled on our Vegas trip and had awesome food at the Venitian hotel. I ate whatever I wanted, was satisfied quickly, and still lost 3 lbs during the trip lol

Hang-out: usually at home. Kinda a hermit, though I do like occasionally going to our favorite bar/pub where we chill with friends and eat steak fingers. Mmm mmm good ;)

Music: American Pop, some R&B, Celtic, Enya, Van Canto

Books: Most things Nora Roberts (have 150 of her books), Gone with the wind, Jane Austen Novels

Movies: Marvel Superhero movies, Benjamin Button, BBCs Pride and prejudice (movie/tv show)

TV Shows: Stargate SG1

Cartoon Character: Tina from bobs burgers

Digging Deeper: I have depression issues that I'm working on. It's gotten better over the years, but it's still there.

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland and/or the UK

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom, my hubby, and Jillian Michaels

Greatest Ambition: To be called mom

Biggest Achievement: Still working on it.

Grandest Wish: to take a trip to Ireland. Been dreaming of going there since childhood.

What You Can't Live Without : My DH and my books ^.^
A Little About Me

Name: Ella

Age: 22

Location: Southend-on-sea, Essex

Occupation: Full time carer


Hobbies: Internet, Cooking, Caring for my OH, Music

Color: Green

Food: Avocados, eggs and bacon :thumbup:

Hang-out: The seaside or the country

Music: Everything but I do love some good bass!

Books: Heart shaped box by Joe Hill

Movies: Rocky Horror, Constantine, Chevy Chase.

TV Shows: The Goldbergs, Best show ever!

Cartoon Character: Taz

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Vietnam

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad

Greatest Ambition: To be a mother

Biggest Achievement: Getting though the tough points of my life and coming out the other end, a better and wiser person.

Grandest Wish: For my OH to get better and not be in pain.

What You Can't Live Without : My gorgeous OH and my loving family and friends
A Little About Me

Name: Nat

Age: 30

Location: Derbyshire

Occupation: Model, housewife, I homeschool my son and also a nutrition coach

Short Personal Description: Been married to my soulmate for 10 years in July, we dote on our son who is 9 who I homeschool.

Hobbies: ghost hunting and skateboarding

Color: Blue

Food: anything vegetarian

Hang-out: Derby Gaol or the park with my son

Music: Everything apart from jungle and country and western

Books: Any books on crime and punishment

Movies: Borat, Jackass, Sister Act, Aladdin

TV Shows: Don't watch much TV

Authors: no favourites

Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My parents

Greatest Ambition: To always be happy and healthy and to raise a happy and healthy son

Biggest Achievement: having my son

Grandest Wish: to be happy and healthy always

What You Can't Live Without: Oxygen, food and water
Name: Faith

Age: 35

Location: Indiana, US

Occupation: Union Auto Worker

Short Personal Description: I have 4 children (1 DS & 3 DD's) from my previous marriage which was 17 years long. I love my kids with all my heart and they are my world. I was married very young so my children are currently 20, 18, 11 & 7. I have been remarried for 1 1/2 years to an amazing man that has helped me recover myself after the mental abuse that lasted over half my life. We are currently expecting my #5 his #1 (6 wks).


Hobbies: Shooting, reading, spending time w/ the fam

Color: Purple, Pink & Teal

Food: I LOVE Flat Top Grill.... also pizza & jalapeno poppers

Hang-out: At home somewhere on our 7 acres

Music: All Kinds!

Books: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Ender Saga

Movies: All things Disney & Pixar, Deadpool, The Host

TV Shows: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead & Criminal Minds

Cartoon Character: hmmmm, TAZ

Digging Deeper-

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Greece or Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Aunt & Uncle

Greatest Ambition: To raise my children into well rounded, active members of society

Biggest Achievement: Finding myself

Grandest Wish: That my kids never know the kind of pain I have

What You Can't Live Without : My children and DH
A Little About Me

Name: MerryAnn

Age: 31

Location: Europa, Bulgaria

Occupation: Full time carer


Hobbies: Internet, Cooking, Music

Color: Blue

Food: Chicken and potatoes


Music: Everything

Books: Megan secret

Movies: Twilight

TV Shows: Big Brother

Cartoon Character: The Flinstones

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My dad

Greatest Ambition: To be a mother

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish: To be happy
What You Can't Live Without : My gorgeous baby and my loving family
A Little About Me

Name: Carrie

Age: 30

Location: York

Occupation: SAHM

Short Personal Description: Met my fiance at University, been together since we were 19 and 20. We have a 2.5 year old son who will be 3 in August and just got our BFP for #2 after trying for a year! So happy :)

Hobbies: Baking, going for walks with my family

Color: Blue

Food: Sunday Roast, Pizza, Ice Cream, BLT Sandwhiches

Hang-out:At home, soft play, the park

Music: Anything

Books: Anything really

Movies: Harry Potter, Disney movies

TV Shows: TWD, Friends, Parks and rec

Authors: no favourites really

Cartoon Character: Woody

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Australia

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum

Greatest Ambition: To have 3 kids, a stable household and to be happy!

Biggest Achievement: my son

Grandest Wish: for me and my family to be happy and healthy

What You Can't Live Without: Family
A Little About Me

Name: Lil

Age: 26

Location: Birmingham, UK

Occupation: Medical Secretary

Short Personal Description: Met my DH 8 years ago, married 2 years ago, now ready for our little bundle of joy.

Hobbies: Sewing, baking and going for walks.

Colour: Purple

Food: macaroni cheese

Hang-out: Home, I guess.

Music: anything really.

Books: chick-flick books - nonsense stuff really!

Movies: Juno

TV Program: Big Bang Theory, Call The Midwife

Author: Katie Fford

Cartoon Character:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada

Most Influential Person In Your Life: Mother

Greatest Ambition: A happy healthy family

Biggest achievement: Getting this far in life!

Grandest Wish: same as ambition

What you Can't Live Without: My DH
A Bit About Me

Name: Michelle

Age: 31

Location: Erie, PA

Occupation: Cosmetologist by trade. SAHM by choice. :)

Short Personal Description: I have been on and off stay at home wife and mom of an amazing 4 year old boy (he will be 5 in September). I am a licensed cosmetologist for the state of PA (have been licensed for 11 years) I occasionally work at salons in my area. For the most part I enjoy being at home and crocheting. I have been with my husband for 11 years, we will be married for 6 years on June 19th. He is an amazing husband who works very hard to provide for us and keep me at home. We found out on March 7th that we are expecting baby number 2! :happydance: I am due November 9th 2016!

Favorites: playing Minecraft with my boys, crocheting and having fun family time

Hobbies: crocheting and anything crafty

Color: Deep Purple

Food: Anything Italian

Hang-out: At our house or at our friends places playing board games

Music: Metal Rock, 90's Alternative, some new Pop, anything with an acoustic guitar, old school R&B and Rap, and Electronica

Books: Anything from Nicholas Sparks, Anything fantasy, anything mystery

Movies: All Tim Burton movies and Tommy Boy

TV Shows: TWD, The Middle, Modern Family, The Goldbergs, Bates Motel, Once Upon a Time, and Grey's Anatomy

Authors: Nicholas Sparks, Steven King, Anne Rice...I could go on

Cartoon Character: Mabel

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom....

Greatest Ambition: To give my children the most safe and best life they deserve.

Biggest Achievement: Having my own family!

Grandest Wish: To have no money worries and for my children to also never worry about money.

What You Can't Live Without: My children and husband.
My name is: Monika

Location: London

Age: 29

Occupation: Unemployed

Short Personal Description: I am going to become a new mum,this is my first pregnancy,My Baby due on: 16th of May,it was diddicult to find out the gender of the baby😍👶🍼 But i have a feeling i am going to have a girl👧


I have lots of hobbies,like: listening to the music,surfing through the internet,traveling,sleeping a lot😄😍 horse riding🐴🐎😍

Colour: Blue

I love sweets,i like fruit and vegetables,i love nice dishes,i love Mcdonals and Chineese food😍


POP style music,a bit of classical music

I don't read books anymore,i used to,but i don't know

I love and like lots of movies

TV Program: Hollyaoks


Cartoon Character: Lion King

Digging Deep:

Country You Wish to Visit: America

Most Influential Person in Your Life:

Greatest Ambition:

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish:
I think,to get to myself accomodation for myself and my baby

What you can't live without: My Baby Boy Cat😍🐱🐈
A Little About Me

Name: Cori

Age: 29

Location: Middle Tennessee

Occupation: unemployed, looking

Short Personal Description: I've been a single mother basically since pregnant, her father left when I was 19 weeks along. I live in Tennessee with my munchkin, our two dogs, our two kitties and our snake.


Hobbies: Gaming and gardening

Color: Black

Food: Anything vegetarian (or occasional fish. So technically pescetarian?)

Hang-out: home. I don't do social things

Music: anything but opera or bluegrass

Books: Hunger Games trilogy and Potter series

Movies: Hunger Games, Potter, Star Wars, LotR, Jurassic series


Authors: JK Rowling

Cartoon Character: Taz

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Cancun or Puerto Rico

Most Influential Person in Your Life: have to get back on that one

Greatest Ambition: To be the best mother and friend to my daughter she could ask for

Biggest Achievement: My daughter

Grandest Wish: My Rose to be a better person than me

What You Can't Live Without: Apart from my kiddo? My Playstation <3

included is a picture of myself and my kiddo


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A Little About Me

Name: Samantha

Age: 36

Location: Indiana

Occupation: Customer Support Rep for a software company (aka tech support)

Short Personal Description: I am recently married (April 2016), and my husband is 35. It is a first marriage for us both, and we have no children. We agreed that I would stay on BC until after the wedding, as I didn't want to risk stress causing me to have a period the week of the wedding. I took my last BC pill last week, and we are now actively TTC.


Hobbies: Internet, shopping, baking, sewing, board games

Color: Blue

Food: Chocolate

Hang-out: the local gaming or craft store!

Music: I listen to almost everything

Books: HUGE fan of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon

Movies: Amelie, Harry Potter, most superhero flicks

TV Shows: Doctor Who, Mad Men

Authors: Diana Gabaldon, Stephen King

Cartoon Character: Tigger!

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mom

Greatest Ambition: To be surrounded with friends and family that I love!

Biggest Achievement: Going back to college in my late 20's, finishing my degree, and landing a job directly related to my degree before graduating!

Grandest Wish: Peace (world, inner, all!)

What You Can't Live Without: If you ask my husband, he would say Facebook (he even included it in our vows!). I would say that I can't live without hope.

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