A Little About Me
Name: Natasha
Age: 19
Location: Hamilton Ontario.. CANADA!
Occupation: Full time student, part time at McDonald's doing a bit of everything
Short Personal Description: I'm young & I haven't been with my boyfriend for very long but I'm veryyyy in love with him.
I'm a VERY lucky girl! Baby was not planned but has been the best surprise of my life

Not sure what exactly I'm going to do with my life just yet, but it will definitely not be accounting.. too boring for me!
Hobbies: Shopping & clothing, baking, origami, hair & make up, music, dancing (poorly), soccer, swimming, tanning
Color: I'd have to say purple.
Food: Big Foot.. seriously I love candy so much ATM.
Hang-out: Anywhere with my boyfriend, bonus points if it's comfy for cuddling.
Music: Bits of everything.
Books: Not sure.. I've loved many a book, lol.
Movies: I have WAY too many to ever list.
TV Shows: ER, Jon & Kate Plus 8, Reba, Hope & Faith.. and lest I forget, the woman herself, Oprah
Authors: Edgar Allan Poe.. mmm!!
Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty!!
Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Frick, USA I guess, been there, but want to get to Hawaii and Alaska.
Most Influential Person in Your Life: Baby I guess!!
Greatest Ambition: To learn to run in heels. Nooo.. I guess to get a job and home and live comfortably
Biggest Achievement: Training my boyfriend
Grandest Wish: To win the lottery & get everything I need to live comfortably, maybe not a RICH extravagant life, but an average life where I don't have to worry about whether or not bills will get paid, etc.
What You Can't Live Without: ketchup, internet, lemons & water, boyfriend