A little fun to help pass the time!


Loving my 2 boys and baby girl!
Jan 15, 2013
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Come help pass the time together! Grabbed this from an old journal I was following and thought it would be fun to fill out again!Also, I have a teething little one asleep on me and don't want to move him...poor little guy has had a rough few days and is finally resting so this gives me something to do while he's out lol.

1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Kaity
2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Ben
3. How long have the future parents been together?: 10 years, married 6
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: summer/early fall 2016 for #2
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: the first time around it was definitely the broodiness of just wanting to be pregnant and have a baby to cuddle. This time is not knowing when exactly we will start TTC. We are going to be moving and possibly building so until all of that gets settled the plans are up in the air
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: HEALTHY BABIES! I don't care on gender at all. My husband has a genetic heart condition - 50/50 they will have it. My DS does not so as long as the next is also clear then this Momma will be happy!
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: same as me
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? DS is an April baby and would love for next one to be a late spring/early summer baby
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: we loved announcing to everyone so doing that again, hearing the heartbeat for the first time and those wonderful baby kicks. I had such a great pregnancy the first time and am hoping for the same the second!
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Enjoying the time with just my DH the first time and now getting to be home and watch my DS grow
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Claire Therese for a girl and no idea on a second boy!
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Therese is my DH's moms name (she has passed away)
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : monitor CM and BD any day that it is EWCM
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: No
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? umm...not a lot right now. He's on a "I only want one" kick right now. Since we are at minimum 2 years out, I'm not pushing the issue or really bringing it up
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Yes, if I need to.
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No, my OB doesn't do them
18. How many children would you like to have?: 2. I always thought 3 but then babysat my friends boys (age 4 and 2) while having my then 3 month old... pretty much cured me of wanting more than 2 lol.
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Most of what we have was given by family as their kiddos outgrew it. My best friend and I also share so haven't had to purchase a whole lot for him.
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? We didn't tell anyone when we were trying last time and will do the same the next time. I don't want to be asked "are you pregnant?" if we have issues
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: no
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: No
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I'm nursing now so I don't drink and have never, nor will i ever, do drugs
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We would adopt
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Could always be healthier
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: yes...i love being a momma and while it's challenging I wouldn't change anything...would not want a second right now but am looking forward to it when the time comes!
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Ang
2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Hesh
3. How long have the future parents been together?: 3 years, 3 months - married for 1 year, 9 months.
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: At this stage, January 2016. I won't object to earlier though!
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: The biological clock tick tick ticking in the background! And working out how we are going to parent coming from very different backgrounds.
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A baby! Healthy! Ideally a good sleeper =P
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: same as me
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? Either March if I am ongoingly employed or September if I'm not.
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: I am looking forward to the whole thing - it may be our only, so I will relish every moment.
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Having time just the two of us, and relishing every sleep in I get, and still having a little spending money at the end of a pay check!
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Middle names yes (Kathryn Priya/ William Ariya), first names no.
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Name after our parents.
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : I'm charting my bbt, cm and other symptoms. We aren't trying yet though.
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: Maybe. Haven't decided yet.
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? He has humoured me by helping me pick up a rocker that will eventually go in the nursery, but that's about it. He is very much at the I'm not ready stage.
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Yes, if I need to.
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No
18. How many children would you like to have?: 2 or 3. However I'll be happy with one if that's what fate holds.
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: yup. I'm developing one hell of a stash of MCNs, I've knitted some stuff, I've bought a rocker for the nursery and some books for the Khocolateman to read to the sprig (marvel comic based books so he has no excuse to say I'm not reading aloud because I don't like the books!).
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? Our parents will be thrilled whenever we decide, and we will be among the first of his friends to be trying so I think they will be excited for us too.
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: they know I want to, they know the khocolateman wants to wait
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Not yet.
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don't touch drugs but I still enjoy my glass of wine with dinner - enjoying it while I still can!
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what? I'd be pushing to adopt or get a ton of fur babies!
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I need to lose weight but that's about it.
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: For sure I am! I know the sleeplessness will make things hard to start with but I'm just about ready to deal with that too. I'm looking forward to making a home for my family for a year or two.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Annika
2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Ryan
3. How long have the future parents been together?: Together 8 years, married for 6 and 1/2
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: February 2017 for #3
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Everyone else I know around me is having babies or getting pregnant while I have to wait
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A healthy baby :) now that I have one of each gender, I don't have a preference
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: A vasectomy XD
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? I'd like to have a late Autumn baby, for some reason :/ maybe my love for the autumn is to blame
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Everything! But mostly that my kids now will be old enough to understand and be a part of the whole process
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: enjoying time with the babies I have now and watching them grow, knowing we have plenty of time to take care of the things we need to before we take another big step
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: No clue! My mind on names is ALWAYS changing
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Nope
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : I get cramps around ovulation,so will just look out for those
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: Nope
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? lots of sex?
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No
18. How many children would you like to have?: 3
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No, we pretty much have everything needed
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? We didn't tell anyone
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: no
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Not yet, but we will be getting home renovations soon
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don't do drugs, and while I have maybe one glass of wine per month, I'm not TTC for a long while, so not worrying about it
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: enjoy the kids we have now and feel fortunate for how blessed we are
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I have no medical issues, though my diet could probably use some improving
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: I have been one for over 3 years now, so I think so
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: A vasectomy XD :haha:

Love it!
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Kim
2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Adam
3. How long have the future parents been together?: About 3 years, married about a year and a half
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: around may of next year, 1st and only. hoping to do endometrial ablation asap after
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: I think just getting ready for it. I've found out why I've gained weight and why it's near impossible to lose it. With that knowledge I've been able to learn better tricks for myself (for instance, running would do more harm than good and I'd lose nothing!), but it is still super hard. I want to be at least "overweight" rather than "obese" to help my health and for a baby. Knowing I have the disorder is really scary too because I was already paranoid that I would have a miscarriage or not be able to get pregnant. Now diagnosed, I know my fears were founded (pregnancy issues are caused by condition). I'm a worrier!!!
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: Obviously a healthy child, but even with that I would "get over" the sadness, etc and still deal with it. I wouldn't hope for a child with disabilities for the child's sake, but I certainly wouldn't be able to handle it. In terms of gender, I really want a feminine child - I want a cute kid who wants to dress up and play barbies with me :p. In terms of sex, I don't care what genitals my baby has lol.
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: He'd like a girl but doesn't have a strong preference.
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? No
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: I guess just that moment of knowing God has given me a child to love and being excited to meet him/her. I'm super excited to tell my husband, my parents, his parents, and my friends.
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: I think just getting our lives in order and talking about random stuff about a kid. Like what would we do if we got a babysitter - how would we find him/her, what questions would we ask. LOL
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: For a girl, I have known my daughter would be named Anastasia Paige since I was 12 (so 15 years now!). Luckily, my husband LOVES the name Anastasia. For a boy, we have a few favorites: Oliver, Indiana, and Kellen. I think for that we won't know until a while into the pregnancy.
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: For boys, it's what we like and we like the meanings. I originally chose Anastasia because my mom originally wanted to name me Ann, but her SIL got angry and said her future daughter would be Ann. My aunt wasn't pregnant at the time and never had a daughter. So Anastasia sounded lovely and was Ann :). For Paige, my grandma always wanted a daughter, and wanted to name her Paige. She had 3 sons. I think they name flows well.
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : I have been monitoring CM for about a year. I'm super regular, thank God
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: No
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Hmmm. He will talk about it whenever I want.
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No, absolutely not. I don't believe in that.
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No, it's too early for that.
18. How many children would you like to have?: We want to have 1. Not sure on how many we will adopt, that is WAY down the road.
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Most of what we have was given by family as their kiddos outgrew it. My best friend and I also share so haven't had to purchase a whole lot for him.
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? Yeah
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: They don't know specifically
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I didn't do it to help me conceive, but getting diagnosed with my thyroid disorder will help a ton, as now I know how to deal with it so it affects my fertility and pregnancy health less
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:I have never done drugs. I only ever drink a glass of wine, so that wouldn't need to be stopped.
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: Adoption :)
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I am, but I certainly wouldn't try right now while I am (in terms of BMI) obese
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: mostly yes. Would need to get over my desire to sleep in on the weekends :p
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Dani

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:...n/a

3. How long have the future parents been together?: given I'm going to be a solo mum by choice, I guess I've been with myself for 23 years haha

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:hopefully June or July 2015, but it's not set in stone yet.

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: having to wait, while everyone I know is either pregnant, just given birth, or have young children. Also, finding a donor is proving to be difficult.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:I would love to have a daughter, though as long as bubs is healthy, then gender doesn't matter.

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: ...n/a...

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? I would adore a Halloween baby, which is summer for me. BUT, at the same time, I would rather experience my 3rd trimester in a cooler month, so maybe spring or autumn.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Everything! The first scan, first time hearing the heartbeat, the first kick, the baby shower/gender reveal (which i already have planned -mostly anyway-)

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Knowing I have time to sort my life out, save some money etc.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Laylita for a girl, no idea for a boy. Possibly Sebastian or something. as for middle names, I'm debating weather or not to carry on the family tradition of Mary/Justin. Neither of which I really like, but at the same time it's a tradition :shrug:

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Laylita has just stuck with me since high school. I THINK I read it in a vampire book, but I have alays loved the name. as for Sebastian, it came from 'Black Butler'

13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : currently monitoring BBT, CM,CP, and all other little signs leading up to ovulation.

14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: No

15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? umm...nothing?

16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Yes, but, weather or not I can afford to go through a clinic will be the deciding factor.

17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Not yet.

18. How many children would you like to have?:Hmmm, some days I want just one, others, 2 or 3. I will see how i all goes with the first, and go from there.

19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Yes. I have a few outfits (got away with this by 'buying them for a friends baby', with instructions to take care of them, and return them if/when I need them). I am also in the process of making a blanket with matching hat and booties.

21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? My friends are mildly supportive. Family don't know.

22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: no

23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I have stopped all contraceptives -which were used to manage symthoms of endo-. I'm also losing a fair bit of weight.

24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: never really go into drugs, and barely ever drink anyway.

25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: I would attempt to use a surrogate, or adopt.

26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:Still need to lose more weight, and when it comes to the endo, I don't know if or how badly my fertility has been affected.

27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: As ready as any non-parent really can be.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Kristina
2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Geoffrey
3. How long have the future parents been together?: 10 years, married 9
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Not sure, sometime between July 2015-July 2016
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: The uncertainty if we will struggle as much as we did ttc with our first.
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: I want a boy slightly more, but would be delighted with either.
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: Boy
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? I would like an April baby so I can have a longer maternity leave.
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Letting DS announce his big brother status. And the kicks, I loved feeling him.
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Getting to love on my DS.
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Boy- Ezekiel Merritt, Girl- Alice Rose
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Just love them both.
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : OPKs, CM
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: Yes
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Not much.
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Yes, we used Clomid with DS.
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No
18. How many children would you like to have?: 2-3, right now I want 2, DH wants 3.
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Well I have all my stuff from DS so I won’t need to buy to much more.
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? Well of the people I have told my mom is supportive and my best friend says to wait, wait, wait!
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: Yes, my mom and best friend.
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: No
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don’t do either.
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: I am unsure, but I think I would rather just raise DS and be happy with him.
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Well I just had a baby and he seems fine, but I would really like to lose some weight.
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Yes, we have one already and while it is so difficult, I love him dearly and I am excited to add another one to our family.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Nancy

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Mike

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 5 years, married 1

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Oct 12 is when I'm stopping my birth control

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Feeling ready. There have been a couple times where I've thought "am I really ready for this?" But I always come back to being excited. I also have one friend that is really dissenting of our choice - he is constantly telling me to wait.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: I have been dreaming of having a little girl ever since I was a little girl.

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: He wants a girl as well.

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? I'd prefer to not have the baby in the summer because I was a summer baby and it always sucked because I never got to celebrate with my school friends. I'd also really like to be far along at Christmas, it just seems like it would be really special.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Setting up a nursery!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Seeing how excited we both are.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Cecelia Grace for a girl and Kevin Matthew for a boy. However, I'm getting really tempted by the girl's name Tallulah.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Cecelia is just a name we both like, but Grace was my mom's name (actually it was Mary Grace but she always wanted to be called Grace) who passed away in 2004. Kevin is my dad's name and Matthew is my husband's brother's name.

13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : For the first few months I think I'm just going to let nature run it's course. I will start checking this if we don't get pregnant for a few months.

14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: I haven't really decided yet.

15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Constantly reassures me that we are ready and that I'll be a great mom.

16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: If it comes to that, yes.

17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No, I asked my doc if I need to do this and she said no.

18. How many children would you like to have?: we both want just 1, but I'd certainly be open to 2.

19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No, even though my DH has given me the go-ahead to. I feel like if I start buying stuff now, it will take away the fun when I am actually pregnant.

21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? My family and most of my friends are. However my best friend isn't, and it kind of tears me up. He thinks I need to get a different job first, but I'm perfectly content where I am.

22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: A few do. Both sets of parents and two of my close friends.

23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Changed my diet quite a bit - now I eat approx. a pound of raw veggies and fruit a day.

24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don't do drugs, but I will definitely cut down on the alcohol.

25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We would look into other options.

26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I think so, but I'm worried about some stomach things I have going on.

27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Yes and no. I think you can never be truly 100% ready for everything the first time around. But I feel okay with making the sacrifices I'll have to make.
Love this!!!!!

1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Dietra or Dee

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Dustin

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 7 years, married 4 months

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: December 2014

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Not getting pregnant lol

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A little girl so we can share girl time

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: He's fine either way but leans towards a boy

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? Winter would be nice, so I don't feel guilty about not going anywhere at first.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Being pregnant and feeling baby inside

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Moving forward with our lives and getting everything as ready as possible

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Ione Lucia (family names) for a girl and Victor Alexander for a boy

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Ione is DH's greatgrandmother's name and Lucia was my grandma's name. Victor is just a strong name and Alexander is DH's middle name.

13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : BBT and CM

14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: No, just FAM charting

15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Deals with my mood swings coming off the pill, putting together our new house once it's bought and just overall support

16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No, if we can't conceive we'll either do without or adopt.

17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Yes, at my normal exam

18. How many children would you like to have?: most likely only one

19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Not yet, but I do plan to start buying diapers.

21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? Yes, overly supportive on the family side. Some friends of mine don't want kids, so no unfortunately.

22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: Only a select few

23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Nothing big, just what I should be doing.

24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I still have about 3 drinks a week but not much into alcohol or drugs.

25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: adopt or do without

26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: As healthy as I can be.

27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Yes! You can't be fully prepared but I am as ready as I can be.
Great idea!

1. Name of the future mommy to be? Simone
2. Name of the future daddy to be? Charlie
3. How long have the future parents been together? 4.5 years, friends for 8
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Mid 2015 for #1
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Just dealing with daily serious cluckiness! And trying to work out the right time after graduating this year.
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: 2-4 healthy babies :) Always wanted a boy first but don't really mind
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: The same
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? Would love to have an April or May baby but not too fussed
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive? Announcing it to all our friends and everything about the pregnancy really...bonding over growing our little baby
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Knowing that we are doing the right thing and waiting til I graduate university in a few months
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Dior or Jasmine for a girl, Didier or Mason for a boy
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: We want something a bit different
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? Probably will not keep track for the first few months and see if it happens without and then will begin tracking ovulation and temps
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: Not initially
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? We are keeping eachother happy and relaxed
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Only if needed, hoping it all happens naturally
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Not yet
18. How many children would you like to have? 2-4
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff? No but I sure do bookmark things online! Also have some heirloom items
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? We will be keeping it to ourselves until pregnancy happens!
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: No
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Well I will be finishing a 4 year university degree which is pretty big
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: Yes have mostly stopped drinking, only a red wine with dinner once or twice a week now
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what? Would look into adoption
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I believe so! 23 no allergies no health issues or history whatsoever
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent? Yes!
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: C

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: L

3. How long have the future parents been together?: Almost 4 years total, married for almost two months

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: After our holiday in about a month

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Watching other people fall pregnant, and have babies.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: I'm happy with either, although I like more girl names than I do boy names haha

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: I think boys!

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? Not fussed :)

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Telling our family and friends. Shopping! Talking about our baby - what we think he or she will be like, picking out names. Stuff like that.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Enjoying building our lives together - we moved, built a house, and now we are married.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: We talk about names, but haven't officially agreed on them yet. I think it'll be different when we are talking about an ACTUAL baby :baby:

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Middle names are great for honouring the important people in our lives, I think. So we'll probably be doing that.

13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : Hopefully nothing, as I don't really want to stress myself or DH out.

14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: No

15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Nothing! Haha, he wants to wait even longer than we have decided.

16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Definitely. And if all else fails, we'll adopt :)

17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Yes.

18. How many children would you like to have?: We have decided on two, although I'd be happy if we ended up having three. But no more than that!

19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: We have a few things, but we will get handed down a lot of things from our nieces and nephew.

21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? Our families are so keen for us to get pregnant. But we haven't told anyone yet when we're going to TTC.

22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: No.

23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Haven't really needed to!

24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I've never done drugs, and I rarely drink alcohol.

25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We would adopt.

26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Yes! :)

27. Do you really think you're ready to be a parent?: Definitely. It's what I've
always wanted :yellow:
1. Name of the future mommy to be?:

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:

3. How long have the future parents been together?:
8 years, married 4

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:
possible 2016 for #3

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?:
The counting down to the TTC and worrying that when it dose come to us trying again worrying that it may take a few years like it did with the first.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:
Healthy babies.

7. What does the future daddy want to have?:
I think he's be happy with a whole army of boys haha

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?
Both my boys are February babies which I thought was great, I wouldn't mind having a early winter late autumn baby.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:
Announcing the pregnancy, hoping to do it in a creative way next time.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?:
Enjoying what I have and spending as much time as possible with my boys while earning money for the things they need.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:
No, no names picked out this time. When James was 2 weeks old we had picked out Kyle's name. the only thing we changed was his middle name.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:
no names picked out yet

13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? :
Charting and OPKs

14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:

15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process?
Nothing really

16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?:
Maybe if it came to it.

17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:
No, It's not something we have here in the UK.

18. How many children would you like to have?:
Not sure, having 2 is nice, I've always wanted 3 but hubby has wanted 4, now he's not so sure.

19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?:
No. and don't plan on it until i'm pregnant again

21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?
We haven't really told people. We've said we're unsure at the moment and waiting till about 2016 and then see how we feel.

22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:

23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:

24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:
Don't do drugs and rarely drink

25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:
Not sure, think we will just stick with the 2 we have.

26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:
Could be healthier

27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?:
Yes, I love being a mummy, it has it's challenges, but anything worth doing dose.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Jónína
2. Name of the future daddy to be?:Gummi
3. How long have the future parents been together?: 15 years together married for 3
4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: hope we will start TTC for #3 summer 2015
5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Not realy knowing if wer are ever going to TTC
6. What does the future mommy want to have?: Healthy baby girl
7. What does the future daddy want to have?: same
8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in? DS#1 is in july and DS#2 is in Janyary, I prefer the summer. Due to I might still be (almost finished) geting my degree I would like mai-august
9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Just all of it! geting the BFP, telling the boys, telling the family (we did it in so funny way last time), geting bigger, feeling the first kick, the first contractions, labor, birth.. everything!
10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Watching my sons grow and mature, learn new things. enjoy time with DH and my school :)
11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Dont have the faintest idea of a name if it would be a boy, think it would be hard to find one. But we have two we have tought of the past pg and since no girl we still have them :)
12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: We were looking at our family trees and saw one of it way back in our blood line. Katrín that is the name with it Lilja (Katrín Lilja) is just out of the bloo. Then the name Sigrún Alda, Sigrún is also in the family tree but not close but Alda was my FIL siters name but she passed away just at age of 50 some years ago
13. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile? : Probably like last time, watch for signs of ovulation and use strips to test if I have
14. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: yes
15. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Nothing, since he is unsure about having another.
16. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No, I have two kids and if for some reason we suddenly cant get pg then it is just fate telling us we are done.
17. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No, it is not custome here. Some might go or ask the doc if they are for some reason at the gynecologist to check things out.
18. How many children would you like to have?: I just wanted two originaly, Dh wanted three. Then we had the second and something changed for both of us. More for me tough since he sometimes seems not hard on not having more kids.
19. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: I think we have most of what we would need, but if we would have a girl I would need to go shopping for more girly cloths
21. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon? We didnt let anyone know the first time, kind of knew that my SIL was also ttc the second time but probably no one will know if we TTC for #3. But I think if they knew they would be supportive
22. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: no
23. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: no, but I am just starting to get in better shape, not to help conceive just to make me feel better. But it might help when the day comes we might TTC
24. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I have never used drugs and I am no other medication than Birth control pill. I drink so seldom that it wont matter.
25. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: Then nothing, we will just live wonderful life with our beautiful boys
26. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: yes but could be healthyer
27. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: yes, but sometimes I worry if we will be able to handle three :)

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