Hi everybody.....
I'm a new one on here but i do also post on another ttc website but sometimes find that they are more advanced in there ttc quest than me. My actual name is Rachael my blokes name is Kevin we haven't been together for very long but have been ttc since oct 06. I'm 28 he's 33. I was also ttc with my ex we tried for about a year but he had had operations on his 'ahem' when he was younger so hopefully (don't want to sound horrible) it was him that had the problems. I was pregnant last month but had an early miscarriage which we were both gutted about. Anyway thats me for now. Looking forward to getting to know u all xxx
I'm a new one on here but i do also post on another ttc website but sometimes find that they are more advanced in there ttc quest than me. My actual name is Rachael my blokes name is Kevin we haven't been together for very long but have been ttc since oct 06. I'm 28 he's 33. I was also ttc with my ex we tried for about a year but he had had operations on his 'ahem' when he was younger so hopefully (don't want to sound horrible) it was him that had the problems. I was pregnant last month but had an early miscarriage which we were both gutted about. Anyway thats me for now. Looking forward to getting to know u all xxx