Abnormal findings in early scan?


May 14, 2015
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I'm on 7 full weeks plus 3 days and I just had my early pregnancy ultrasound scan. One fetus was found and it had hb. Otherwise the results were odd.

First of all, a huge additional cavity was found. Doctor said he doesn't really know what it is. He suspected that it's not a twin. I would like to post a pic if anyone recognize the cavity? Is it hemorrage or just some other fluid or could it still be a twin? Somehow I'm not allowed to post any links to pictures because I'm a new user here. Is there any way to upload the picture from my computer here?

Other things that were a bit disturbing were that he measured the fetus to be 6 weeks instead of 7 weeks. Range for the measure is about plus/minus one week, so everything could be ok. Fetus had heartbeat between 114-120 and doc thought it was too low.

He said that everything could be perfectly well, but there's also a possibility there's something wrong. He thought it's promising that I do not have any bloody discharge or any pain. He told us to wait about 5 weeks for another scan which sounds awful. He's anyway on vacation now. I think I might go to some other doc next week to see where this situation is heading.

This really worries me, but in the same time I have a feeling things are just fine. Any similar experiences?
I'm sorry I don't have any similar experience but I would suggest maybe getting a second opinion while he is away
Yep I agree second opinion, I don't think he was overly helpful and has left you with stress and worry xxx
I also agree second opinion. I was sent for always sent for another scan in a week or two if results seemed anything less than perfect. I hope everything is ok! Good luck!
Second opinion for sure! 5 weeks is way too long for him to expect you to wait given the circumstances. As far as not being able to post a picture. Play around with the site a bit and post in other peoples threads that may interest you and you will soon be able to post a picture yourself. We all had to start somewhere ;)
Thanks for the comments, now it's possible to post a pic. Here it is: https://imgur.com/Qkx7dDt

I guess doc has been wrong about the fetus heart rate. He got 114 and 120. I've used doppler twice and found three heart rates: my own, about 90, another 110-130 which must be the placenta and third one 150-170, which really seems to be the fetus.

I've now scheduled appointment next week with another doc, who should be good and has excellent u/s equipment. Really have to get a second opinion to know where I stand with this. :)
The picture to me looks like a twin scan picture, looks like two sacs both with a little bean in there? Im no pro at scans but twins is what i can see? I would go see another doctor personally
Fetus is on the right sac. The thing that is seen on the bottom of the left sac, is really mystery and doc didn't check that at all! He really seemed to be in a hurry and didn't look at the additional sac closely. I wonder could it really be another fetus or blood clot or what.. It feels really good to get a second opinion and some kind of perspective. I have a strong feeling that things are alright. Cannot explain it, but we'll see in few days! I've heard that the second doc is experienced and kind of customer service oriented. Looking forward to it!

One more thing. Just a day before my BFP at 3+4 I had a dream about a belly with two rounded bumps in there, on the left and on the right. It felt like there were two heads or something in the belly. I don't know if one should believe in their dreams, but somehow that dream crossed my mind after u/s. But again, we'll see...
id also seek a second opinion hun. like pp i also see 2 sacs and 2 babies.. xx
I can see what the dr says about the other sac as it does look a rather irregular shape compared to the one on the right but hopefully your next scan will give you the answers that you need and I'm sure lots of us will be stalking this thread.
Good luck hun xx
Thanks, everybody! I don't know if it's relevant at all, but doc said my bladder wasn't empty, as it apparently should have been. I've heard that it can twist cavities on the scan and make them look like more irregularly shaped. I really don't know if this had any effect on my scan, but just remembered this. At least I'll try to keep my bladder empty next week with another scan with the new doc!
It is very strange that he didn't look into the other sacred when there is definitely something in there. Can't wait to hear what the new doctor has to say, wishing you the best, and happy that the other doc at least confirmed one happy baby in there : )
Placenta wouldn't pick up as a 110-130 HR on a Doppler, I reckon it's more likely you've picked up two babies with different heart rates. Definitely second a second opinion... Was it an internal scan? If your bladder wasn't empty and one of the sacs was close to it it can distort the image severely hence why he might have not recognised the fetus.
I definitely agree its very likely you're picking up two distinct heart rates considering that scan pic! I would go for a second opinion and strongly consider finding a new provider as well. Rather appalled that the Dr didn't even address the likelihood of twins and left you so worried about abnormal results. Not a someone I would be able to trust my care to after that....
Well, it turned out to be sad news for us. Fetus had grown the whole week and was twice as long as it was on the previous scan, but then its little heart had stopped, maybe just few hours before the scan and there were no cardiac activity shown in placenta, neither. Two days before the scan I used doppler, and there were fast fetal heartbeat and the wind-like swoosh-swoosh sound of placenta and its "heartbeat", which was in the range between mine and fetal hb's. I checked the doppler device now, and it's working fine. Only my own heartbeat anymore...

Doc said that his opinion is that the additional sac looked like another gestational sac which had stopped development earlier, maybe up to two weeks ago. He said that there seemed to be smaller, younger fetus inside, and that's why the sac had started to go distorted.

So I have a missed miscarriage, and it was 8+2 weeks yesterday. Now I wait for the mother nature to do what she should do. Doc thought that it would be best for me if the miscarriage will be completed naturally, so I'll wait max. two weeks before any medical procedures and hope for the best.

Thanks everyone for the comments and warm wishes. I wish you all the same good wishes, happy summer and all the best for your growing bumps and families! :flower: I hope I'll be more lucky next time. At least I already have two beautiful, healthy children growing in my family despite of this sad episode.
Oh sandy im really sorry to see your update hun. MMC is the worst, it happened to us at 10 weeks in Jan this year and its so painful. Sending you big hugs. I hope things progress naturally for you but if they dont the D&C is really nothing to be concerned about, it was much easier physically than i expected. Good luck x
Massive massive hugs xx I've also had a mmc so understand how heartbreaking it is. Look after yourself x

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