Bbliss: I have yet to make an appointment with an OB. Heh! I've had two ultrasounds and I have at least one more with my RE next week to check the progress of the hematoma. I have met with my midwife, however, this was before I knew I had a hematoma. The birthing center said I didn't have to make my first appointment until 10 weeks, so I knew I had plenty of time after my next ultrasound, so I'm just waiting for that outcome first. I will have to see if the hematoma has stabilized, otherwise my midwife may recommend that I go to an OB instead, which would be a bummer because I was really looking forward to a natural birth.
AFM: My bleeding has turned to brown, which is good. So, here's what I learned about subchorionic hematomas and it's worth spreading on. Women that go through IVF appear to be more susceptible to it (go figure!). It can happen anytime in the pregnancy, but more likely in the first trimester. I was taking fish oil along with my prenatal+DHA. Bad idea! I stopped the fish oil a couple days ago along with the prenatal with DHA; only taking a prenatal without DHA until things clear up. Those are blood thinners, so they will only encourage the bleeding. I'm hoping the fish oil was all it was, but I won't know until another week from Wednesday when I have another ultrasound.