Acupuncture - does it work? Any success stories?

I made a gallon of the Ginger root and she told me I could drink it cold or hot just no ice cubes. I made me a glass and put honey and cinnamon in it. Taste a little better. My DH is going to laugh when he see's the jug! Lol! He told me last night I was reading too much on the Internet cause I'm making him take Royal Jelly! Lol! I didn't tell him I decided to go ahead and do acupuncture, I normally would tell him but we have dished out so much money on FS i knew he would think the acupuncture would be a waist of money. I'll tell him about it next week! Lol!
Ladies- have any of you developed a rash after taking any herbs or after acupuncture? I woke up Saturday morning with a rash on my neck, some on my arms and a patch on my leg. So I stopped the Ginger root today. I had 50 pills of the si wu wan stuff before the rash developed. It's really strange and I really have never had a problem with allergies. I guess there is a first for everything though. I was around a patient a month ago with active scabies but I took precautions when I seen it, then I freaked out yesterday because I read up on it some more. But calmed down because it really wasn't itchy and has been over a month since contact. Then I diagnosed myself with the west Nile virus! Lol! My DH has banned me from google! Lmao! I'm going to see a dermatologist tomorrow. Hope it doesn't effect me ttc or any more meds that will hinder it.
I recently started taking b12 vitamins, and saw a significant improvement in my tongue. This weekend I did some more reading on it, and found that megadoses are needed to correct severe or long term deficiencies.

So I've been taking megadoses of b12, and my tongues has made even more changes in just the 2-3 days I've increased my dosage! The spot which had the thick, white coating has almost disappeared. That is the spot that I think is causing my acu to think I have dampness in my body.

I'm debating whether I should tell my acu that I've been taking b-12. I guess I should, but at the same time I don't want to offend her.

Ladies- have any of you developed a rash after taking any herbs or after acupuncture? I woke up Saturday morning with a rash on my neck, some on my arms and a patch on my leg. So I stopped the Ginger root today. I had 50 pills of the si wu wan stuff before the rash developed. It's really strange and I really have never had a problem with allergies. I guess there is a first for everything though. I was around a patient a month ago with active scabies but I took precautions when I seen it, then I freaked out yesterday because I read up on it some more. But calmed down because it really wasn't itchy and has been over a month since contact. Then I diagnosed myself with the west Nile virus! Lol! My DH has banned me from google! Lmao! I'm going to see a dermatologist tomorrow. Hope it doesn't effect me ttc or any more meds that will hinder it.

How scary! I've never had a rash from any of the herbs I've had to take. It does seem like the herbs are the culprit with how quickly it came up after taking the ginger.

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the herbs you are on are designed to detox your body, and the rash is the release of toxins? I'll be interested in hearing what your dermatologist and acu says about it.
I told mine I was taking Royal Jelly and she told me to continue so I bet yours would agree too.

I called my boss yesterday morning and her daughter is dermatologist. She is swamped today but said she would work me in if I felt I needed to come in but I sent her a p ic and she knows about the herbal stuff and told me to stop taking the pills and I'm to pick up a cream from her mom this morning. I didn't stop the pills. I think it's the Ginger so I'm going to swing by my acupuncture to ask her. I've been bathing in hydrocortisone cream, lol and I took benadryl yesterday and I think it looks a little better.
weird about the rash angelbaby, i didnt experience any of that, is it really itcy what type of rash blotchy or spots. i had a reaction to strawberries this summer it was horrid lasted 2weeks! antihistamin really was anly thing that helped. hydrocortisal sounds a bit extreme, is it really that bad?! maybe something more natural like calendula cream would be nicer?
It was pretty bad. My neck is covered in rash, forehead, patches on both arms and patch on my leg. I got prescription strength dexamethosone from the dermatologist and used it yesterday and starting to look better this morning. Last night was my first night not taking the pills. I spoke to acupuncturist and she said she hasn't heard any of her patients having a reaction like that but thought I needed to stop it and Ginger and let it clear up and gradually add it back to see what it is. I'm scheduled for acupuncture tomorrow. I've been taking 25mg benadryl but I am trying to go without it today.
That sounds really bad Angel baby. I don't blame you for stopping the herbs and ginger! Hopefully your acu can give you an alternative that doesn't cause you such bad reactions.

I had my acu appointment today. Nothing really noteworthy happened. She did note that my tongue had made major improvements. She also said that I will continue with the same herbs as I have been until ovulation, and then she'll switch me to some that will warm my uterus. She said that I seem to be in a "good place" now.

Even though this is supposed to be good news, I feel really down right now. I'm afraid that the reason I am not getting a bfp is not because of some sort of imbalance, but that there is really something physically wrong. I did just start with the B12 and that produced dramatic results and I know I need to stay with the program for a couple more months. But in the back of my mind I keep thinking that wow, if it's not the B12 then I can't think of anything else that would be keeping me from getting pregnant other than very severe problems.

My acu was asking me questions that sowed seeds of doubt in my mind too. She asked me how long it took for me to conceive dd and if I did anything special to make it happen, what my mental state was right now, etc.

She also decided to reduce my rate by $5 because I am a repeat customer, but I am in such a bad frame of mind, I felt she was doing it because she thinks that there's nothing else that can be done and she feels bad for me. I'm going into my ninth cycle of trying this month.
That sounds really bad Angel baby. I don't blame you for stopping the herbs and ginger! Hopefully your acu can give you an alternative that doesn't cause you such bad reactions.

I had my acu appointment today. Nothing really noteworthy happened. She did note that my tongue had made major improvements. She also said that I will continue with the same herbs as I have been until ovulation, and then she'll switch me to some that will warm my uterus. She said that I seem to be in a "good place" now.

Even though this is supposed to be good news, I feel really down right now. I'm afraid that the reason I am not getting a bfp is not because of some sort of imbalance, but that there is really something physically wrong. I did just start with the B12 and that produced dramatic results and I know I need to stay with the program for a couple more months. But in the back of my mind I keep thinking that wow, if it's not the B12 then I can't think of anything else that would be keeping me from getting pregnant other than very severe problems.

My acu was asking me questions that sowed seeds of doubt in my mind too. She asked me how long it took for me to conceive dd and if I did anything special to make it happen, what my mental state was right now, etc.

She also decided to reduce my rate by $5 because I am a repeat customer, but I am in such a bad frame of mind, I felt she was doing it because she thinks that there's nothing else that can be done and she feels bad for me. I'm going into my ninth cycle of trying this month.

Aw Cali! That sounds so pessimistic!! :hugs: part of Spleen deficiency is an emotional state of excessive worry. The way I understand it is that it ends up being a vicious cycle so that the worrying affects your health and vice versa. I totally understand this type of thinking bc I do it all the time too. I'm trying to catch myself these days before my minds goes on a negative tangent. Try to keep positive (I know - it's the hardest thing) it sounds like you've really caught onto something with the B12 and you've gotta give things a chance to work. Keep the faith in your acupuncturist and your body. :flower:
Thanks so much PinkPeony for bringing me back to reality. I didn't even think about spleen deficiency being tied to worry. I guess I am acting true to my type.

I'm gonna try to just calm down. My hubby keeps telling me this too. I have a birthday coming up next month so that is also putting me in a negative tailspin.

I just have to remember to stay with the program and give things a chance to work...
No prob hun!! :) My DH is constantly saying this stuff to me too. Wish I could naturally just be so optimistic like that.

I know what you mean about the birthday thing. That was my toughest time that I went through with TTC so far and I was {only} trying for 6 months at that point. I had unconsciously decided I wanted to be preg before I turned 32 and it just devastated me when I wasn't. Just try to look at it like another day and don't make it a milestone as such. ....And have fun!! Ok I'll stop being advice lady for now until I can start taking some of my own. Lol!!!
Cali hang in there! It is frustrating at times! Hope you have good news right before your birthday. My goal was before 35 and well... That left in march *sigh* It will happen, just when timing is right, or at least I keep telling myself that.
Aw cali hang in there girl, you will get there I just know it, these things do take different amounts of time for different people thats the hard end of the truth but your'e doing all the right things and living a healthy lifestyle etc so it will happen. have you ever considered a fertility health check though? I have a friend who has been trying for two years and im trying to persuade her to get looked at because letting nature take it course isn't getting her anywhere fast! Women have this uncanny ability to forget that it takes two to make a baby also, and often men feel invincible and that it couldnt possibly be them thats not up to the job! (my sister has this issue and i find it heartbreaking). Anyway, you got pregnant with dd so you know it''s possible :)
Sorry to ramble feeling a little off colour today i have a major cold.
No prob hun!! :) My DH is constantly saying this stuff to me too. Wish I could naturally just be so optimistic like that.

I know what you mean about the birthday thing. That was my toughest time that I went through with TTC so far and I was {only} trying for 6 months at that point. I had unconsciously decided I wanted to be preg before I turned 32 and it just devastated me when I wasn't. Just try to look at it like another day and don't make it a milestone as such. ....And have fun!! Ok I'll stop being advice lady for now until I can start taking some of my own. Lol!!!

Cali hang in there! It is frustrating at times! Hope you have good news right before your birthday. My goal was before 35 and well... That left in march *sigh* It will happen, just when timing is right, or at least I keep telling myself that.

Thanks so much! It really does help to hear advice from women who actually knows how hard TTC can be.

Those self imposed deadlines definitely cause a lot of stress. My deadline was that I wanted to be done having children before 40. I want three children, so everything would have to be hitting on all cylinders for me to make that. Now I'm just hoping I can have another one no matter how old I am.

One thing both of you ladies have on your side is time, so even if you didn't make the deadlines you set for yourselves, you definitely have enough time to make it happen.

Aw cali hang in there girl, you will get there I just know it, these things do take different amounts of time for different people thats the hard end of the truth but your'e doing all the right things and living a healthy lifestyle etc so it will happen. have you ever considered a fertility health check though? I have a friend who has been trying for two years and im trying to persuade her to get looked at because letting nature take it course isn't getting her anywhere fast! Women have this uncanny ability to forget that it takes two to make a baby also, and often men feel invincible and that it couldnt possibly be them thats not up to the job! (my sister has this issue and i find it heartbreaking). Anyway, you got pregnant with dd so you know it''s possible :)
Sorry to ramble feeling a little off colour today i have a major cold.

Thanks so much merristems. I am so thankful to have you and the other ladies for support. Yes, I'm definitely going to get checked out before the end of the year. I've been putting it off because I'm so afraid of getting bad news. I'm also afraid they'll just brush me off because of my age and the fact I had a child. The first time around I told my doc I thought there was something wrong with me because I was having scant one day periods and he just brushed me off because I was regular and not having any pain. He said he'd give me clomid but I didn't understand how that would help if I was ovulating already. That's why I'm so glad I found acupuncture because they definitely try to find the root of the problem instead of trying a one-size-fits all method.

I thought about dh being the problem, but I really can't see it. Even though he's 40 and doesn't have the best diet, he's still quite the energizer bunny in the bedroom and out. He also takes vitamins and has three children from a previous marriage.

Wow, I feel so much better after typing that all out. I'm breathing again, lol. I guess I really do just need to give it time. I just got things in balance last cycle, so it's too early to panic. I AM going to make that appointment though with OB/GYN and then with a FS though.
Glad your feeling better Cali!

I went to my acupuncture appointment and she checked my pulse and looked at my eyes and said "your stressed! What's wrong" lol! I was just extremely tired and told her my daughter sneaked out last night and I didn't get much sleep. I found her immediately because her ding dong butt thought she was going to go fight a girl who has been harassing her! Grrr... Teenagers! Anyways, didn't get much sleep after that and suppose it was all over my face with my red tired eyes! Lol! She plugged me up to the electro acupuncture again and I actually dosed off. Once my rash is completely gone which It is close, she wants me to try adding back the pills to see if the rash comes back. I almost didn't go but I'm glad I did.
Glad your feeling better Cali!

I went to my acupuncture appointment and she checked my pulse and looked at my eyes and said "your stressed! What's wrong" lol! I was just extremely tired and told her my daughter sneaked out last night and I didn't get much sleep. I found her immediately because her ding dong butt thought she was going to go fight a girl who has been harassing her! Grrr... Teenagers! Anyways, didn't get much sleep after that and suppose it was all over my face with my red tired eyes! Lol! She plugged me up to the electro acupuncture again and I actually dosed off. Once my rash is completely gone which It is close, she wants me to try adding back the pills to see if the rash comes back. I almost didn't go but I'm glad I did.

Sounds like you really needed the acu after all of that! This story makes me really afraid of when dd gets to be a teen, lol. I think back to all the dumb stuff I did when I was a teen, omg.

I bet you're not looking forward to taking those pills again. Maybe the rash won't come back now that your body is used to it. If all else fails, there must be some other formulation that does the same thing as the one she wants you on.
Yes, teenagers are hard headed! Lol!

My rash is gone on my neck and I just have 2 small patches on my arm. Anyone use iperiod? I loaded it on my iPhone and omg! I'm so addicted to the forums craziness! Lol! Just seeing these teenagers threads, adult threads, it's just entertaining! Lol! Y'all should check it out to get your mind off ttc! Get a bucket of popcorn!
So glad that rash is gone Angel baby!! I am definitely going to check out that site. I do need a break from TTC!
How's it going ladies?
Anyone else a little obsessed with checking their tongue? lol! Last week my acu said it was really improved and when I looked I thought so too. But yesterday and today it's all white again. I feel more run down again too. Do you think it's more of a week to week kinda thing? Seems like mine changes all the time. Btw - I picked up some B12 Cali!
I hope the B12 works for you! I'm definitely obsessed with my tongue. After I upped my dosage of B12, the little white spot had gone away completely, but now it's come back a little bit and my tongue in general now has a coat. I was so wiped out this weekend too so there must be a link.

My tongue definitely seems to change from day to day and week to week. It could be that I'm taking more supplements and that's causing it. Or maybe this is just how it gets before O? Maybe it takes a lot of energy to O and causes the spleen to work overtime?? I am almost out of ideas on this one!

I'm feeling more energetic today though. I'm hoping my tongue starts looking good again before my acu appointment tomorrow.

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