Acupuncture - does it work? Any success stories?

Yeah I O'd last week and this is when my tongue was actually better and I remarked to my acu guy that I had a lot more energy than usual. Over the weekend I was out and had drinks, but I'm also firmly into the TWW now. I really suspect the change in hormones may have something to do with it... I definitely get progressively more fatigued every month until my AF comes. But I also might have just had too much fun over the weekend. :blush:
My lady didn't look at my tongue last visit, I was kinda surprised! I have positive opk today, kinda wonder if she plans on doing elctro part on Wednesday.
Yeah I O'd last week and this is when my tongue was actually better and I remarked to my acu guy that I had a lot more energy than usual. Over the weekend I was out and had drinks, but I'm also firmly into the TWW now. I really suspect the change in hormones may have something to do with it... I definitely get progressively more fatigued every month until my AF comes. But I also might have just had too much fun over the weekend. :blush:

I didn't even think of the change in hormones, but that must have something to do with it. I'm due to O in the next two or three days, so I'll be interested to see what happens with my tongue.

I hope your tww is manageable and that there's a BFP at the end of it. I am sooo tired of TTC, but I guess we won't ever get a baby if we don't even try!

My lady didn't look at my tongue last visit, I was kinda surprised! I have positive opk today, kinda wonder if she plans on doing elctro part on Wednesday.

It's interesting to hear how different acus handle it. My acu always does that first thing. But then again she is doing more fancy things like electro.
Hey ladies, how's everyone and where are you at in your cycle?

I went to my appointment today. I still did the electro acupuncture today but I don't think I've ovulated yet so guess it really doesn't matter. I usually ovulate by CD17. I'm past that. Anyone else have a longer cycle the first month of acupuncture? My acupuncture lady said majority of her patients are late their first cycle and pregnant the next. She told me I was too stressed today when she looked at my tongue. Yes, I am so no denying that. Lol!
And unfortunately I won't be doing acupuncture next week because I'll be out of town. My father-in-law cancer has spread so a trip to Mississippi we go to say our last goodbyes.
Aw Angel. I'm sorry. That must be so tough - I can definitely see why you're stressed. :hugs:

I'm 7dpo today and already saw some spots when checking my cervix. I'm pretty disappointed. I was hoping the acu would help make my spotting go away and make my period more normal. Guess it takes more than 1 cycle to see an affect.

Oh and Angel, I ov'd at my normal time this cycle.
Well crap, I hope my temp goes up tomorrow then!

7dpo, hope you get bfp! Do you always spot before AF comes?
Well crap, I hope my temp goes up tomorrow then!

7dpo, hope you get bfp! Do you always spot before AF comes?

I bet it will. Looks like my chart this month - didn't rise till 2 days after +OPK.

I do always spot for several days before AF. Don't know what the deal is with that. :(
Hey ladies, how's everyone and where are you at in your cycle?

I went to my appointment today. I still did the electro acupuncture today but I don't think I've ovulated yet so guess it really doesn't matter. I usually ovulate by CD17. I'm past that. Anyone else have a longer cycle the first month of acupuncture? My acupuncture lady said majority of her patients are late their first cycle and pregnant the next. She told me I was too stressed today when she looked at my tongue. Yes, I am so no denying that. Lol!

Hey angel baby! I think I either O'ed yesterday or am in the process of O'ing right now as I type! I got a peak reading on my fertility monitor, but my temps were up today.

This cycle, my acne has returned full force after being gone for about eight months. :cry: My acne is caused by hormones, so something different is definitely happening this cycle. I have started a bunch of new supplements, so my hormones have changed. I hope this is a good thing. I'll gladly trade clear skin for a bfp!

I didn't get a longer cycle the first month of acupuncture. They stayed right around 30 days as usual. Are your cycles on the short side?? Maybe it lengthens the cycles when it needs lengthening.

Aw Angel. I'm sorry. That must be so tough - I can definitely see why you're stressed. :hugs:

I'm 7dpo today and already saw some spots when checking my cervix. I'm pretty disappointed. I was hoping the acu would help make my spotting go away and make my period more normal. Guess it takes more than 1 cycle to see an affect.

Oh and Angel, I ov'd at my normal time this cycle.

Aw that sucks. Yeah, definitely give it some time and keep taking your herbs and other supplements. Also, is it possible it's from implantation??
When will you test?

My temp went up a little this morning. So maybe I dud ovulate now.
Cali- I hope it's a good sign for you! My cycles are usually 30-33 days. It's very rare I ovulate past cd17. I'm just baffled with my erratic temps that are not normal. Maybe my thermometer is fixing to kick the bucket! Lol!

I was thinking implantation spotting too, hope that's what it is!
Cali- I hope it's a good sign for you! My cycles are usually 30-33 days. It's very rare I ovulate past cd17. I'm just baffled with my erratic temps that are not normal. Maybe my thermometer is fixing to kick the bucket! Lol!

I was thinking implantation spotting too, hope that's what it is!

Hmmm, I don't know what that means. Maybe your cycle is just evening out this time. Hopefully you are Oing now!
How Have I never found this thread before! I hope you don't mind if I jump in!

A bit of Back ground: Got off the pill in May 2011. Had CRAZY long cycles (60+ days) for a few months. Hubs finally agreed to start TTC in February, that same day I made my first acu appointment. I don't have a western doctor right now, and really wanted to try out the whole eastern medicine thing. My doctor is Korean, and sometimes we have a slight language barrier, but usually it's not a big deal. When I started seeing him, he said I was totally fine, but the Pill just messed up my hormones and he would help get my periods back in a timely manor. I was on CD40-something when I went in the first time and with in 6 days (sessions every other day) I had my period. I went once a week until the end of May. I had two 38 day cycles, both I O'ed in. At the end of May DH and I traveled for 6 weeks, so I stopped treatment. I O'ed right when we left, but then my cycle got strange, and my LP was sooo long. Basically I thought I was pregnant most of our trip and it was really depressing when I found out I wasn't. That cycle was 48 days, and this last one was 49 days.

When we got back I went straight to acu to get back on track. He decided it was time to start with herbs and he said that he thinks I'll be PG within three months. I just started a new cycle and he seems to think this is the one. I can't afford to take the herbs for more than a few months, so FX this all works.

He has helped me with a lot of other problems along the way and I really think he is a miracle worker. I have 100% faith in him. He's been doing this for longer than I've been alive and he knows what he's doing. I also got my DH to start going to him (he's a firm believer in western medicine) and my Dr. has really helped him with his chronic pack pain.

What we're doing for fertility: Acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, fire cupping, plus twice daily herbs

I went today and we did all of the above. I was on the table for an hour and a half. I felt really sensitive and couldn't fall asleep today (I normally drift off). A few of the points he used were new and a bit painful! Needles went in my head, hands, wrists, high on my stomach, low on my stomach, knees and legs.

Sorry for my really LONG post, but I have loved reading about all your experiences and can't wait to let you know how this develops for me.
Viet- I haven't heard the fire cupping. What is it? Yesterdays acupuncture hurt a little for me too. Goodluck to you!
By the way... Here are some funnies for y'all...

Take 5 minutes from the TTC madness for jokes

I came across this and thought it was funny, have a laugh, we all deserve it...

Pregnancy Questions & Answers:

Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A: Childbirth.

Q: My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word "alimony" means anything to you.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.
Awesome! Welcome Vietmamsie!! Hope this is your month!!

Aw that sucks. Yeah, definitely give it some time and keep taking your herbs and other supplements. Also, is it possible it's from implantation??

I supposed there's the faintest possibility that it's implantation, but I really don't think so. I literally go through this every month where I start spotting so early and I hold out that hope, so I really doubt it. I did almost get kind of excited at first bc it was pink when I first checked - it's usually brown. but then when I looked later it was brown like usual. It seems to be gone for now. Had some fairly strong cramps too... but again, that's not unusual for me. :coffee:
Viet- I haven't heard the fire cupping. What is it? Yesterdays acupuncture hurt a little for me too. Goodluck to you!

They heat up air inside of cups (can be wooden or glass) with a torch and then place them on your back (or where ever you need it) Sometimes they leave them on for a long time, other times they move them around. The hot air causes suction, and pulls the skin. It is a little uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it. It leaves dark purple, perfect circle marks on your back, looks like I was attacked by an octopus! I get it before Ovulation, and got it done every session at the start when I wasn't getting my period.
How Have I never found this thread before! I hope you don't mind if I jump in!

A bit of Back ground: Got off the pill in May 2011. Had CRAZY long cycles (60+ days) for a few months. Hubs finally agreed to start TTC in February, that same day I made my first acu appointment. I don't have a western doctor right now, and really wanted to try out the whole eastern medicine thing. My doctor is Korean, and sometimes we have a slight language barrier, but usually it's not a big deal. When I started seeing him, he said I was totally fine, but the Pill just messed up my hormones and he would help get my periods back in a timely manor. I was on CD40-something when I went in the first time and with in 6 days (sessions every other day) I had my period. I went once a week until the end of May. I had two 38 day cycles, both I O'ed in. At the end of May DH and I traveled for 6 weeks, so I stopped treatment. I O'ed right when we left, but then my cycle got strange, and my LP was sooo long. Basically I thought I was pregnant most of our trip and it was really depressing when I found out I wasn't. That cycle was 48 days, and this last one was 49 days.

When we got back I went straight to acu to get back on track. He decided it was time to start with herbs and he said that he thinks I'll be PG within three months. I just started a new cycle and he seems to think this is the one. I can't afford to take the herbs for more than a few months, so FX this all works.

He has helped me with a lot of other problems along the way and I really think he is a miracle worker. I have 100% faith in him. He's been doing this for longer than I've been alive and he knows what he's doing. I also got my DH to start going to him (he's a firm believer in western medicine) and my Dr. has really helped him with his chronic pack pain.

What we're doing for fertility: Acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, fire cupping, plus twice daily herbs

I went today and we did all of the above. I was on the table for an hour and a half. I felt really sensitive and couldn't fall asleep today (I normally drift off). A few of the points he used were new and a bit painful! Needles went in my head, hands, wrists, high on my stomach, low on my stomach, knees and legs.

Sorry for my really LONG post, but I have loved reading about all your experiences and can't wait to let you know how this develops for me.

Welcome Vietmamsie! I know those long cycles must be extra frustrating! I know I lose my mind whenever I am even one day late. You are lucky that you get to go so frequently to acu and that you get to spend so much time on the table. My sessions only last 45 minutes.

It's too bad about the language barrier. My acu is a native English speaker, but she doesn't communicate a lot with me. I guess the important thing is that you have confidence in their abilities.

By the way... Here are some funnies for y'all...

Take 5 minutes from the TTC madness for jokes

I came across this and thought it was funny, have a laugh, we all deserve it...

Thanks for the laugh Angel-baby! Definitely needed that!

I supposed there's the faintest possibility that it's implantation, but I really don't think so. I literally go through this every month where I start spotting so early and I hold out that hope, so I really doubt it. I did almost get kind of excited at first bc it was pink when I first checked - it's usually brown. but then when I looked later it was brown like usual. It seems to be gone for now. Had some fairly strong cramps too... but again, that's not unusual for me. :coffee:

Definitely give it time though. I'm on my fourth cycle of acu, and my period gradually improved. When I first started, the flow was so scanty, but I have noticed clear improvements each month.

Viet- I haven't heard the fire cupping. What is it? Yesterdays acupuncture hurt a little for me too. Goodluck to you!

They heat up air inside of cups (can be wooden or glass) with a torch and then place them on your back (or where ever you need it) Sometimes they leave them on for a long time, other times they move them around. The hot air causes suction, and pulls the skin. It is a little uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it. It leaves dark purple, perfect circle marks on your back, looks like I was attacked by an octopus! I get it before Ovulation, and got it done every session at the start when I wasn't getting my period.

Oooh, interesting.
Just got home from another session. We did acupuncture, massage and fire cupping. I fell asleep during the acupuncture for over an hour... they just let me sleep until I naturally woke up! I got my new herbs, I drink sort of like teas that they make for me. The new batch tastes AWFUL. I don't know how I'm going to take it for the next month. Other than that, it''s going very well!
That's neat they let you sleep until you wake up!

Where is everyone in their cycle?

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