Acupuncture - does it work? Any success stories?

Hi Misslissa! He gave me a few tips - eat a warm breakfast, told me to get slippers to wear around the house (my house is really old and drafty and it's already starting to get cold here so I think that's a must for me), and he told me to wear a warm scarf around me waste lol! DH is like how are we supposed to make a baby with you walking around like that?! He's also going to keep doing moxa as part of my acu treatment. My guy has a way of making things sound really positive and like I'm making progress. But yeah... I can't help but feel like I'm broken sometimes. So frustrating that my body doesn't do what it's supposed to!

Cali - Thanks hun. I feel a bit funny saying miscarriage since I can't be 100% sure that's what happened. I'd feel much worse if I actually saw a BFP but I do feel a sense of loss. On the upside, after feeling like I was treading water and just totally lost for so long there is this forward momentum now. Hopefully it's going to lead to a sticky BFP.
Hi Pink, Sounds similar to what mine says, warm foods, keep warm etc. Daft thing though is that I actually get hot quite easily so having a cold uterus was a surprise. Maybe its a bit deeper than surface heat though.

On a different note, does anyone else suffer with fatigue during their period, I've noticed that I am getting extremely tired the few days leading up and during my period and wondered if thats fairly normal? I will mention to my Acu next week.
Misslissa, I have fatigue the day before AF and the first day of it. I also feel ravenously hungry sometimes leading up to it. I think those are symptoms of blood deficiency.
Hi Melissa, yep also get really tiered before af and on cd1 and also ravenously hungry especially for choc or cakes! I have a question-does anyone get headaches when they are about to ovulate? I havent had a headache since i stopped the pill (nearly a whole year!), but got a corker today and Im due to ovulate in next 4 days but maybe its just a headache! But does anyone have any other clues for ovulation?
Merristems, I don't get headaches around O time. The only clues I have are the CM and ovary twinges. When I was temping, I would get a little dip in temp too.
I had an acu appointment today. I'm 12 dpo. Dr. Liu started off with the nutrition testing. The good news is that my ovaries responded well to the supplements and they went from being a 5 or 6 in functioning to a 10. The bad news is that my adrenal glands did not improve as much. She last time they were a 5 or 6, and today they had only gone up to a 7. My thyroid glands also still need work. She thinks I have symptoms of hyperthyroidism. According to the muscle test, my right adrenal gland is good, but the left one is the one that needs help. Sounds plausible, but I'm still in wait and see mode on whether I trust this method.

The acupuncture went well and was very relaxing. The points she uses are so different. I got two in my left thumb, one in my left ring finger, one or two in my right middle finer, the scalp needles, the usual four in my shins, and two in the middle of my feet. I got the electrodes on my shins. I felt a little more relaxed at this session than I have after the others.

Any hope I had that I might have a BFP this time went out of the window as we were setting my next appointment. Dr. Liu said that she wanted to set it for after my cycle started, like on CD3 or later to give me a chance to rest. So I left the appointment feeling a little bummed out. She didn't do tongue analysis or anything, but it seemed like it was just a foregone conclusion that I had not conceived. I guess I'm still in bad shape.
Oh Cali, that is upsetting that she just presumed you were out this cycle... But you still never know so don't give up hope. It's really good that you're improving though! x
How did you get on Cali? Hope she doesn't show. :hugs:

I have a bit of an update. I got my results last week from the FS. My hormones and thyroid checked out just fine, just a bit of an elevated prolactin level which she wasn't concerned about. I was shocked that my progesterone levels and lining were good. :thumbup: had a sonohysterogram to check my tubes (not a pleasant experience). They had to shoot the fluid in twice to see flow - at first she said they both looked blocked, 2nd time the left one broke free and started flowing. She isn't sure if the right one is blocked but she doubts it. :shrug: Anyways..... Turns out DH's results are not so good. Slightly low numbers and quite low motility. FS said that's likely why we haven't conceived.
Also I'm doing a monitored cycle at the FS so they told me to come in and do bloods & ultrasound on CD12. I usually O on CD17, last month was CD15. Well Cd12 was on Friday. They called me soon after I had been in and said they saw a follicle ready to go on the left side and I was surging! Surprise! So looks like the acu is making me O earlier and earlier.

Anyway it could all be moot now that DH has such poor sperm #'s. my acu said that we could still conceive naturally with those numbers but it seems like a small chance. So over the course of a week my outlook is totally changed. I always assumed I was the problem. But honestly, i think the acu has done wonders for me. I feel so much more balanced with my cycles and moods. When I look at my tongue it looks almost perfect all the time except some red dots at the front - used to have the thickest white coat. I'm going to continue to go.

Omg ladies - sorry I wrote a novel. Lol!
Hi ladies look like people here are getting some great responses from acu Im really pleased for you all :) Pink, sorry to hear about the sperm count being low-on the upside now you know at least that you are healthy and if you should choose ivf then you will more than likely be in great health for conception.
Cali your acu sound awesome and it sounds like you're making real progress-I know your acu indicated you may not have concieved this cycle how are you feeling now-where are you in cycle? It is important to sort out those adrenal glands for fertility, Did your acu make any suggestions on how?
Thanks for the well wishes but AF got me yesterday afternoon exactly as I expected, so my acu was right to not get my hopes up. I guess I really do have some work to do. I have a FS appt next week so I will get some more answers soon. Hopefully it's not a tubal issue and I still have some good eggs left. I can't imagine dh is the problem since he was able to get me pregnant relatively recently. My guess is that the acu is right and it is a hormonal issue and it's affecting my ovulation, even though I'm regular.

How did you get on Cali? Hope she doesn't show. :hugs:

I have a bit of an update. I got my results last week from the FS. My hormones and thyroid checked out just fine, just a bit of an elevated prolactin level which she wasn't concerned about. I was shocked that my progesterone levels and lining were good. :thumbup: had a sonohysterogram to check my tubes (not a pleasant experience). They had to shoot the fluid in twice to see flow - at first she said they both looked blocked, 2nd time the left one broke free and started flowing. She isn't sure if the right one is blocked but she doubts it. :shrug: Anyways..... Turns out DH's results are not so good. Slightly low numbers and quite low motility. FS said that's likely why we haven't conceived.
Also I'm doing a monitored cycle at the FS so they told me to come in and do bloods & ultrasound on CD12. I usually O on CD17, last month was CD15. Well Cd12 was on Friday. They called me soon after I had been in and said they saw a follicle ready to go on the left side and I was surging! Surprise! So looks like the acu is making me O earlier and earlier.

Anyway it could all be moot now that DH has such poor sperm #'s. my acu said that we could still conceive naturally with those numbers but it seems like a small chance. So over the course of a week my outlook is totally changed. I always assumed I was the problem. But honestly, i think the acu has done wonders for me. I feel so much more balanced with my cycles and moods. When I look at my tongue it looks almost perfect all the time except some red dots at the front - used to have the thickest white coat. I'm going to continue to go.

Omg ladies - sorry I wrote a novel. Lol!

PinkPeony, it must be a relief to know that nothing is wrong with you, but at the same time devastating to know that dh has such poor numbers. It's like you're so close but yet so far away. Is your hubby open to doing acu to improve his count?? I've heard so many stories about men who were able to make dramatic improvements in their sperm counts with it.

Cali your acu sound awesome and it sounds like you're making real progress-I know your acu indicated you may not have concieved this cycle how are you feeling now-where are you in cycle? It is important to sort out those adrenal glands for fertility, Did your acu make any suggestions on how?

My acu believes that supplements are going to be key to getting my adrenal glands back in shape. I have already started taking some that's she's recommended. My thyroid and pituitary glands are also off. On my thyroid, she felt I was showing signs of being a little hyperthyroid, which was interesting to me since I always thought that hypothyroid was more common. The hyperthyroid thing does seem to fit because hyperthyroid and low estrogen go hand in hand.
I had another acu appointment today. Today was just acu and no nutrition testing.

She changed up the needles today. I had the usual six or seven in my head. She explained that those were to stimulate my brain and that that is important because the brain is ultimately what controls your hormones.

I did not have any in my feet this time, but I did get an extra one in each shin for a total of three per shin. I got a row of four along my panty line. This time she put the electiricity on these--I guess this is to give extra stimulation to my ovaries.

I also got two needles in my right thumb and one in my left ring finger. She said that the points in the hand can be very sensitive because there are a lot of nerve endings, but consequently a lot of points that can be stimulated there too.

After it was done she asked if I felt any different or more relaxed. I told her I did feel more relaxed and I told her about the slight increase in my libido. She kind of chuckled and thought that it might be because I am more relaxed these days. However, I really think it's due to one of the ten million supplements I am taking these days.

I am supposed to see her twice next week before ovulation. Bad news is that I found out that my insurance is not covering this after all. I only get a 20% discount so there is no way I am going to be to continue going as much as I have been, especially with me seeing the FS. It's sad because I do feel she is helping me much more than my old acu. I am going to tell her that I can go once a week and twice on ovulation week. Next year when my health care spending account is built up I can go much more often.
It is expensive cali but I think its worth trying twice around ovulation to see if you catch an egg I really think you are nearly there you sound so much more positive and the treatments are obvioulsly helping you in all kinds of areas of your health and wellbeing xx
That's too bad Cali! I think going just once a week is fine though. That's what I've been doing and I'm like a new woman lol! I also think you're definitely on the right track. :thumbup:

AFM - DH is making some lifestyle improvements like taking a pile a vitamins and cutting back on the drinking. (Aka all the things I've been nagging him about for months now). But he won't go so far as to try acu. You guys might recall he was uncomfortable about me doing it at first. He sings it's praises now bc he can see that it's having good affects but being a silly man he won't go try for himself. Oh well. Hoping the changes he's making have some positive affects.

I'm going to acu tomorrow - haven't gone in a week because I was super sick all last week. I'm 10dpo now and not a spot in sight! Unheard of a few months ago! I no longer feel like my body is failing me by half starting af when I should have like a week to go.
Ha PINK I just looked at your chart and we are in sync again! Im 9dpo though according to ff however i think im 8dpo! Feel a little bad posting here still as stopped acu wish I could afford it again, but I think I will go when I get my bfp :)
Its great you didnt spot this month excellent progress, keep working on hubby, im sure my acu told me it was easier to help guys than girls! When will you test or will you wait until af date?
PinkPeony, that is wonderful news that you haven't spotted. :happydance: You have made some amazing progress. Although dh isn't totally on board with acu, it's good that he's taking supplements and making lifestyle changes. I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later, but I think you'll probably have a bfp before then.
Ha PINK I just looked at your chart and we are in sync again! Im 9dpo though according to ff however i think im 8dpo! Feel a little bad posting here still as stopped acu wish I could afford it again, but I think I will go when I get my bfp :)
Its great you didnt spot this month excellent progress, keep working on hubby, im sure my acu told me it was easier to help guys than girls! When will you test or will you wait until af date?

Since I did a monitored cycle with the FS they told me to come in this Friday for a beta test. I'm sure I won't get till Friday without AF showing - I'm expecting it tomorrow or the next day. I'm very relaxed this cycle. I guess knowing our chances are so slim with DH's problems I've sort of given up looking for symptoms. It takes a couple months for the vitamins to take affect so hopefully we'll see some improvement then and maybe things will look a bit more promising. So ya... just waiting this one out. :coffee:
It had an acu appointment today. It was pretty routine. She started off with the muscle testing and everything was perfect except my thyroid, but she said it was improving. Then she went on to the acu. She used the usual points except instead of the needles along my panty line, she placed the needles closer to my belly button. I wonder what the reasoning behind the placement is. The needles in my belly were hooked to the electricity.

She also placed a needle in my left ring finger and two in my right thumb. I found out what one in my right thumb is for because it hurt like HELL this time for some reason. When I told her it hurt, she said that it was a point for the uterus. To my surprise, she did NOT take the needle out but instead just massaged my hand a little until it was a little more tolerable. My old acu would always reposition the needle if it felt the slightest bit uncomfortable, but I guess Dr. Liu is a believer in making her patients take their medicine. The point kind of throbbed for two or three minutes, and then the pain went away completely.

Dr. Liu also put a needle in my breast bone which she described as a "happy" point.

I lay on the table for a while and when she returned, she asked if the pain in my thumb had gone away and I told her it had. She then explained that the pain was due to tension and it was good that the pain had gone away.

We went over my eating, which has not been good lately, and she stressed that I needed to be sure to eat protein with every meal and to cut down on my carbs. I see her again tomorrow one last time before I O.
That sounds so good Cali! It sounds like you're really progressing. Do you feel different? As for the pain - I have that a lot actually. especially any of the points around the hands and wrist. I always assumed it's from typing. Pretty interesting that those points could be connected to other places in the body.

I had my appointment today too. I told him I was expecting af in a couple days and he looked at my tongue and said - "yep that looks like a period on the way kind of tongue". LOl! He asked me about my mood and said my energy seems different than usual. He picked up on my laissez faire attitude that I was mentioning in my last post I guess. Got lots of needles put in, including 2 in my neck like where the jugular is. weird eh?
Pink, your acu now has me wondering what a "you may be pregnant" tongue looks like. I didn't even know there were points in the neck. I wonder what that is for??

I don't feel drastically different than I did before, but I do feel a lot more calm and optimistic about TTC now. I remember my last few appointments with my acu I was feeling like my emotions were out of control, and now that is just a distant memory.

That sucks that you feel pain a lot when the needles go in. I had never had one hurt as bad like that before.
Actually it's the same for me too. The difference I notice most is my outlook and general mood. I feel much more myself these days - I've been through a lot. But yeah... still not spotting so that's pretty huge too. I have no clue what a pregnant tongue looks like - I didn't think they could tell lol! I checked my tongue after just to see what he could possibly mean and it did look pretty messed up. it was like splotchy and red just on one side with a bit of a white coat going on and my usual red tip, & red spots.
Spotting and a good mood are definitely good signs! I know people always say that relaxing is good for TTC, but after my experience with acu, I think sometimes we have nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances that prevent us from being able to do that. I know this good mood didn't just come as a result of me "letting go", but all the help I've gotten with the supplements and acu.

I had yet another acu appointment today before I O and then I will just go once a week before I go to the poorhouse. She used the same needles as yesterday, except she put two more needles in my abdomen in addition to the ones in my belly button. These two were near my pantyline. She also put the needles in my thumb and they did not hurt this time. She said that it usually hurts when your channels get blocked up--so good to know that my energy is flowing freely.

I had a nice relaxing time on the table. I didn't fall asleep but I felt like I was floating on a little cloud. I was so sad when my time was up.

Tomorrow I have my appt with the FS! I am so nervous I almost want to cancel it.

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