Acupuncture - does it work? Any success stories?

Hi! Wow it looks like both of you are making some great improvements, I'm so happy for you! I'm excited to get back to Acupuncture this week. I'm hoping it will continue ot work well for me even after a four week break. The best part was how my O was getting earlier and earlier and my cycles shorter. The last cycle I o'ed on CD19, So Early!

An update: I have been reevaluating everything since the miscarriage. Between it all: the suspected miscarriage in June (I'm 99% at this point, lining up my charts from that cycle and this latest cycle, they are so similar. for CD1-6 I still had high temps on the following cycles, but previous cycles with no pregnancy I go right down to cover line when I get AF) the miscarriage in September and TTC for 9 months now, I'm exhausted. We have decided to take it a bit easier. I'm still temping, but if I miss a morning, it' not the end of the world, and on days when I don't feel like checking my CM, I don't have to. We aren't BDing everyday, and that's ok. Once we get on to this next cycle (I know this one will probably by annovary, so I'm not getting my hopes up) We'll step it but a bit, but right now, whats the point of stressing?

I went to see a FS and I have PCOS for sure. He doesn't think it is very sever, because I am getting pregnant, and usually PCOS just makes it hard to get pregnant. He said if acu is helping shorten my cycles, then I should continue it. My uterus looks great. I had some blood work done and we'll see how everything looks this coming week. I also will find out what my blood type is. There is a chance this whole thing could be due to having RH- blood (my mom is RH-, but I'm not sure what i am) and not getting the shot to protect future pregnancies when I got pregnant years ago.

I am now prescribed baby aspirin every morning for the next few months to help blood flow to my womb. He said we won't get worried unless I have another miscarriage, and from there the plan is clomid, Sperm analysis, genetic testing, etc. My husband and I aren't sure if we want to do all that, fertility treatment is a slippery slope and we aren't sure if it's one we want to go down, but it is nice to have a plan and know we have a good doctor we can trust and talk to.
Vietmamsie, so glad you are doing well and taking it easy. It must be a relief to have some clear answers. I'm sure you will get your sticky bean soon. Fertility treatments do seem to be a slippery slope, but what's good is that you have a lot of time to decide whether you want to go that route. Acu has gotten you some big improvements so I don't blame you for being reluctant at going there right now.
Fertility treatments are a big massive tornado of hope and disappointment. It helps some but not others. Fertility treatments are a expensive gamble in my opinion. Been there and done that but they are more experienced with supporting a pregnancy then the regular gyn.

I came in to check on everyone. Hope you all get your BFP soon.
Hi Angel Baby!!! So glad you decided to check in on us!!!

I hear you on fertility treatments. After my appointment, I am 99% certain that I'm not going to do an IUI or IVF. I feel just like you, it's a gamble. I feel like it would be gambling with dd's future and I would never be able to live with myself if it didn't work, or if I ended up getting pregnant naturally without treatment. I'll do Clomid if they think it will help, but that's it as far as fertility treatment. I'll just keep with the acu and hope that something happens or just be happy raising dd as an only.
Hi Vietmamsie!! Glad to hear you're feeling better and the relaxed attitude approach sounds like a great idea. Sounds like a bit of a fresh start for you in a way. Were you surprised to get a PCOS diagnosis? Do you have a lot of symptoms?

Nice to see you Angelbaby! Hope all is going well for you!!

What happened at you FS appt Cali? Did they start testing you? I'm due back with mine on Thurs to review everything since this cycle was not a success. I think she's going to suggest IUI next. I may give it a shot bc we have motility problems so it might be worth trying although I don't think it's that promising still. It's $400 a pop here. :wacko: yeah I'm getting to that point now where I gotta start looking at these tough decisions. Sucks.

As for the acu - I have now gone from having an 11day LP which I've had for the past year or so... to suddenly this cycle 15 days! Had only a teeny bit of spotting starting yesterday. It's a bit brutal bc eventhough in my heart I knew I wasn't preg, when I got to day 14 and didn't have any spotting still I started to get my hopes up. I had to go into the clinic and take a beta that day bc I was doing a monitored cycle. Got the call a couple hours later that it was BFN. Wow what a brutal way to get a BFN right?... Anyway that's the downside of extending your LP I guess! what a difference though. :thumbup:
Hi Pink! I mostly just talked with the FS at the appointment. She told me a lot of stuff that I already knew, but it was still good to hear it from the specialist. She said that it was unlikely that I had tubal problems or that dh has sperm problems, but we are to have those tests in the next few weeks anyway just in case. I had blood drawn to test my thyroid, estrogen, FSH and AMH and we'll go over those results when I meet with her next month. We kind of went over IUI and IVF. She said that I may not need it, but from the little bit she told me I know it is going to be way expensive and all I could think about was all of the lessons and tuition I could get for dd with that money. So I'm pretty sure I won't be going the IUI/IVF route.

It was a good appointment all in all and helped me get settled in ultimate want from the FS and my worst case scenarios. My main objective is just to find out what is going on and make sure that a pregnancy is still possible. Then I will put all my eggs in the acu basket.

Also that is wonderful about your LP!! My LP is also a little over 15 days. It is a little bit of a pain in the 2ww because it is hard to keep from getting your hopes up, but it is good to know that when you do hit the good egg that you are very likely to have a sticky bean.
Morning ladies,

Quick question I had some spotting on cd18 (now cd22) it was light red and was pretty much only once when I went to the loo. I've been having other symptoms during this tww but well you know what the tww is like.. Anyway I had acu on cd17 - do you think that's the reason I spotted? Thinking I may have got my hopes up for IB when it may be something in response to acu? AF due sun 21st.

Was it near your ovulation....perhaps a little ovulation bleeding but if a good few days after ovulation certainly sounds like it could be implantation spotting:happydance: I usually have acu prior to ovulation and have not experienced mid cycle bleeding as a result. Fingers crossed x
I don't really know when I ov as I don't chart or anything. All I've gone on this month was cm and sex drive which if I went by that was between cd7 and cd13. I'd be amazed if I ov as late as cd18 as my cycles are about 27 days so my lp would be really short. Although I know these things happen. God I hope it was IB.
misslissa, I've never had spotting after acu. Sometimes I've had a crampy, achy feeling afterward. I asked my acu about it and she said that some of the points stimulate blood flow to the reproductive organs and that could have caused that sensation. I'm not sure if that would cause spotting though.

Either way, the timing seems like it would be right for IB. I've got my fingers crossed for you that you get a bfp in a few days!
Ladies can anyone recommend a good fertility acupuncturist in London?
Angle Baby: I totally agree, a very expensive gamble. I'm sure we could swing a few treatments, but what if they don't work? We would be out so much with nothing to show for it. Plus, I don't think I could go through it emotionally.

Cali: Doesn't it feel good to talk to a western doctor was well? I feel so much better about everything right now, and I feel like it is all more possible.

Pink: It sounds like IUI would be your best option... $400 isn't that much, but I would worry it wouldn't work on the first time. I guess I have already spent over $1000 on TTC, so maybe i'm just jaded. My herbs alone cost me $200 a month.

I made my return to Acu yesterday and we went through the whole thing again, acu, moxi, massage, and cupping. This time we did cupping on both my back and my front. I have some pretty nasty bruises today, but they'll heal. My acu wants me back on the herbs, but I don't want to do it again. I guess I'm scared that I'll miscarry again, and maybe I never needed the herbs in the first place. I'm going to start going back to acu twice a week until AF, then back to once a week.
Briss: Sorry, not in London. Hope you manage to find one!
Vietmamsie, do you mind me asking how bad your bruising is and what your Acu says about it? I am very new to this, had one session 6 months ago with acu, moxi, massage, scrubbing and cupping. it was so painful that I could hardly stand it and I also had very bad bruising (blackish colour) on my stomach so when my hubby saw me he got scared and took me to E&A :) they said I will live but the Acu was very rough on me. I did not go back to this Acu mainly because I did not think it was normal to have such pain and bruising but also I paid £400 for the treatments and herbs (and moxi box) and thought it was quite a rip off. although I spent about 3 hours doing these treatments. How do your Acu's prices compare to this?

Some ladies here recommended going to Zeta West's clinic (which is apparently very near to where I live) but again it's a question of money, one session is 110 pounds, I also found a clinic next to my office (great way to spend my lunch hour) and they charge 50 pounds which seems reasonable but they do not specialise in fertility.
Angle Baby: I totally agree, a very expensive gamble. I'm sure we could swing a few treatments, but what if they don't work? We would be out so much with nothing to show for it. Plus, I don't think I could go through it emotionally.

Cali: Doesn't it feel good to talk to a western doctor was well? I feel so much better about everything right now, and I feel like it is all more possible.

Pink: It sounds like IUI would be your best option... $400 isn't that much, but I would worry it wouldn't work on the first time. I guess I have already spent over $1000 on TTC, so maybe i'm just jaded. My herbs alone cost me $200 a month.

I made my return to Acu yesterday and we went through the whole thing again, acu, moxi, massage, and cupping. This time we did cupping on both my back and my front. I have some pretty nasty bruises today, but they'll heal. My acu wants me back on the herbs, but I don't want to do it again. I guess I'm scared that I'll miscarry again, and maybe I never needed the herbs in the first place. I'm going to start going back to acu twice a week until AF, then back to once a week.

Hi vietmamsie, glad to see you're doing well! Wow, that's a lot of money for the herbs. If you feel you don't need them, I would follow your gut and do without them. If they were helping I'm sure you would have noticed a difference.

Yes it is reassuring to be seeing a Western doctor at the same time and especially reassuring that the FS seems to be thinking the same thing as my acu. I looked at the tests she ordered and she included a TSH test and a anti thyroid antibody test--both of which are used to diagnose thyroid disorders. I have been looking at the symptoms of hyperthyroid and I have had almost all of them. My mother had thyroid issues too so I am almost positive that the tests are going to show that I am hyperthyroid. I'm glad that I went to the FS because I've read that thyroid issues can cause a woman to miscarry, have stillbirths, and all other sorts of complications. The Western doc can do all the monitoring that would be needed to make sure there are no issues.

I am sure that if I had the time, I could get my thyroid back right just with acu and nutrition, but I don't see the point in waiting and I have been trying for several months already with herbs and supplements. Western thyroid medications are very effective and I want the best of both worlds. I would probably be more comfortable using acu to control it after I had gotten it under control with medication.

I've got an appointment today with Dr. Liu!
I had my weekly acu appointment today and muscle/nutrition testing. Uterus and ovaries are still very strong. Thyroid is still weak, Adrenals had been strong last week, but they were a little weak this week. I am not sure what would have caused that setback, but it would explain the changes in my tongue and other changes I had been noticing. The back of my tongue lost all of its coating, which is a sign of something going on with the kidneys/adrenals. Also, I've felt some mild palpitations/heart beating lately, like I just drunk some coffee. My guess is that something is changing with respect to my thyroid, and that it's also affecting my adrenals. It's interesting that although Dr. Liu doesn't check my tongue, her muscle nutrition testing syncs up with what I know about TCM tongue analysis.

The acupuncture itself was routine. I was not very relaxed this week, which may have something to do with my adrenals. I had very few needles this time and none of them hurt. I had the three on each shin with electrodes, one needle each on the top of the foot between big toe and second toe, one each on the edge of the ear, one in the left ring finger, two in the right thumb, one needle on my right hand in between my thumb and index finger, and finally, the needles I hate on my scalp.

I told Dr. Liu about my visit with the FS, and she said she would be interested in my blood tests for TSH and thyroid antibodies. She said that she treats a lot of women for thyroid problems, and that she has suffered from it herself. We talked a little about it and she asked me if I drank coffee. I said I used to but gave it up cold turkey to TTC. I asked her if I would have to give it up completely if I were hyperthyroid and she said maybe not if I could get it stable. That made me very happy because I miss my coffee SO much.

After she had gotten out the needles she massaged my arms and lower legs. The way she does the lower legs really hurts and I'm not sure what it is for. That was it and I see her next week!
Briss - sorry hun, I can't recommend anyone in London. Your previous experience sounds pretty strange. I'm never there for more than an hour. My guy just does acu and no herbs. Also mine doesn't specialize in fertility but he has lots of experience treating it. I'd maybe call or meet with them just to guage whether you trust that they're good. £50 sounds about right to me for a treatment for London.

Cali - I actually thought I was hyperthyroid too but my TSH came back with a great number. I was actually surprised. But she hasn't run any of the other thyroid tests, so who knows.

V- thanks hun. You're right $400 is not so bad. I wonder how you'd do w/o the herbs. I don't take any and I'm defintely noticing big changes with acu alone. Anyway, I'm seeing the doc tomo so we'll see what she suggests for next steps.
Briss: I agree with Pink's comment, that first treatment sounds a little strange. I get acu for an hour or so. I usually fall asleep, and they don't wake me up, so maybe it's longer than most people. The cupping doesn't take long, maybe 10 minutes on each side? It is very strange feeling and can be a bit painful (esp the cups on my love handles!) but I actually like it and after the first minute or so i think it feels quite nice. The bruises are dark, but not painful. Some times there will be one or two that are REALLY dark, like the one I have on my belly button right now, but they never hurt, more like just a discoloration. I'm usually in and out of my appointments in about 90 minutes. I pay only $20 cash each time. I live in Asia and have been to both the public and private eastern medicine hospitals and clinics. I can get it done for as little as $5 a time here, but I prefer my private clinic because I think it's cleaner and I hated having to buy my own needles and carry them around with me at the public hospitals.

As for the herbs, yes they were really expensive. I could justify it knowing how cheap my acu appointments were compared with ones in the states or Europe. But why I don't want to take them isn't about the price, it's because that during the month and a half I took them regularly I was SO ILL. I got food poisoning, two colds, the flu, a sinus infection, a crazy cough plus had 4 day migraine. Yes, I got pregnant, but I am rarely sick and I can't help but connect the two together, not to mention the fact that I miscarried.

On another note, I have had a shift in temperature. Did I O or is it from the acu the other day? Who knows, but I'm worried because we actually BDed at the exact perfect time and I'm not sure I want to get pregnant this second. My MC was less than 4 weeks ago. I thought for sure I wouldn't O this cycle.

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