Hey west Coast! Glad it is helping you destress, that is one of the main reasons I'm gona try it out!
Starting it in 2days, getting bit worried about the needles bit but my friend said I will be fine it doesn't hurt... She did it for other reasons and she said it changed her life, I'm feeling positive about it!
How often is everyone doing accupuncture?
Starting my clomid tonight, dreading it... Anyone else on clomid this month?
Acupuncture is a unique feeling. Almost like someone poking you but other times it can be more intense(my ankles and feet especially). Just try to breath, close your eyes and relax. When the needles are in, I'm totally mellow and am never ready for the lights to be switched on and needles to be taken out! I honestly could go very day! But that is way too expensive! I started off going every other week and tried some herbs. But it became to $, so I ended up just going before i was expected to ovulate. I haven't been this month and I'm waiting on results from my AMH test (tuesday!) to deside where we're heading next. I'll likely start Clomid on my next day 3, at 100g. I was on it last fall for 3months at 50g. I felt slightly dizzy but otherwise fine, so I'm looking forward to it! I'm hoping to do IUI in Aug, but depending on my AMH results the doc could be pushing us towards IVF . We resently discovered one ovary is smaller and my FSH level has jumped so I'm anxious for the test results to confirm our plan. Let me know how both Clomid and acupuncture go for you!