Hey everybody. Hope all is well. How have you been?
Just an update that it's a boy
I was sure of this from the get go.
Had dreams of a boy and am craving salty foods.
Hair and skin is looking pretty good.
I discovered in my last scan that I have a septated uterus.
I had my anatomy scan yesterday. Sonologist says that the septum is only partial.
She thinks that this will not cause any issues.
I did do a bit of research about septums and it is said to cause miscarriages.
Other more severe cases can lead to premature labour. Every pregnancy is different.
I'm feeling very releaved and will be seeing my OB next Monday so more details.
I don't think I'll be going back to get acu until after the birth.
Would like to try again for #2 after breastfeeding.
I'm getting ahead of myself a bit LOL