Acupuncture - Herbal Treatment *6 BFPs*

Hi Ladies, I just came back from my first ever acupuncture appointment and I loved it. The specialist was so nice and actually spent an hour talking to me about my health history. I've never had any conventional doctor do that in that detail, and she looked over my BBT charts and so forth and discussed my miscarriage. Then she started a treatment, which was relaxing and the needles didn't hurt or anything like that, so I am hopeful. I just ovulated yesterday, so she concentrated on warming my uterus. We will see what happens. I have another appointment next week. I am glad I went.


Thank you, faithful.
hey scorpio, faithful, hobnob, pinkorbluebelle and faithful

hope you guys are all having great day. Great to hear your session went so well Hobbnobb, thats awesome this could be the lucky month :hugs:

I have my fingers crossed for you too faithful that the acupuncture will put you well no the way to a BFP :hugs:

good luck this month pinkorbluebelle :hugs:

have you tested for O yet scorpio? fingers crossed xxx

CD6 for me can't believe it, we will start trying on CD8 cause i ovulate day 10/11 ,nervous nervous don't know whether I will O or what day still there will be alot of fun had between now and then lol Tomoro is second session of acupuncture. Was a bit slack w meds yesterday so have to pick up my game on that. Still crapping myself about the needles ashamed to say lol

Madeline xxx
I had two +OPKs this week but no confirmed O on BBT chart. Hoping I OV last night :)
This is the first time Ive done OPKs properly. And this is the first time Ive ever done BBT charting.
With first pregnancy I tried for three months on OPK but didnt understand how it all worked. Ended up prego on month four when I was actually taking a break.

Ive learned alot in the past 6 months.
Hi everyone - I had a mc at 15 weeks in feb, since then my cycles have been a bit shorter and my LP only 8 days so have been seeing my acupuncturist for 3 weeks now (every week) and he has just started me on some Chinese herbs up until O and then some diff ones after.

Has anyone noticed an increase in LP?

Apparently my yin is weak and I am cold so no cold food or drinks for me either!!
hey scorpio fingers crossed you did O last night that would be perfect wouldn't it because you have been Bding over the last couple of days. I really think doing it before O is a really good idea. Yep I agree I have learned alot too in the last 6 mths it has to increase the chances of success I think xx

Hi Cracker I am so sorry for your loss :hugs: I am cold too lol although apparently my yang also has issues. I haven't had problems with LP to my knowledge although its all new territory this cycle. I do know that Vit B6 is recommended for LP defect though. Not sure about chinese herbs someone with more experience is best to answer that for you. Good luck this month xx

Madeline xx
Cracker: sorry for your loss. This is my first cycle after D&C & first time tracking my cycle. Will let u know my LP length once I get there.

Chinese tradition is to keep the womb warm. My dr suggested eating more ginger. Ive been drinking lemongrass & ginger tea so far.

I BDd not last night but the previous two nights. Temp went up this morning but not enough to confirm OV. Im glad theres lil swimmers in there. Will send in the troops again tonight. This is going to be a long cycle but my dr said its a good thing I havent OV yet. Fingers crossed I actually do. Had heaps of O pains the last two days.
Hi everyone - I had a mc at 15 weeks in feb, since then my cycles have been a bit shorter and my LP only 8 days so have been seeing my acupuncturist for 3 weeks now (every week) and he has just started me on some Chinese herbs up until O and then some diff ones after.

Has anyone noticed an increase in LP?

Apparently my yin is weak and I am cold so no cold food or drinks for me either!!

Hi Cracker! My LP shortened by two days since my miscarriage I am on the fourth cycle after it and the last three the LP was shortened to 12 days. Weird. I know some people say 12 days is fine but I find it concerning that my cycle has changed and shortened none the less. This cycle I think I o'ed much earlier than I usually do. I am so confused.:wacko:

I can't wait to here whether your LP lengthens from acupuncture. I had my first session yesterday. She didn't prescribe any herbs this time. Keep us posted.
Hi everyone, haven't checked this thread for a while so hello to all the lovely ladies giving acu a go. Hello Madeleine I recognise you from another thread.

I have written lots about my experiences of acu in my journal, but to sum up:
I've had 6 sessions so far and have had needles all over the place, first week in my back, then lots in my stomach leading up to ov, and in different places after ov. The only ones that really hurt me are in my feet. Last week the lady did ones in the soles of my feet as I'd been getting a lot of cramp, that one required a deep breath in and out!

My last luteal phase was 14 days, I'm usually 12 or 13 days, so maybe that's down to acu? I also felt ovulation really strongly last month which is unusual for me.

The other major effect I've noticed is (tmi) more bowel movements! I think this is a good sign though. I also started healthy eating about the same time as acu so thus could also be the cause !!

Am only starting ttc 'properly' this month so can't really say how quickly it works but will keep you posted :)

I was also told I had a cold uterus (nice!) So am eating warm food, avoiding ice cold drinks etc. The lady had occasionally used moxa on me which helps to warm up the acu points.

I'm off session number 7 today. I'm cd10 so imagine there will be lots of pre-ov needles in the stomach going on. It is a bit weird to see but I just keep my eyes closed :)

Happy weekend everyone :)
Same to you, Madeline. :flower: :)

Scorpio~ How do you like the tea? The o pains sound promising, hope this is it for you!

Cracker~ I remember you from August Fireflies :hugs: I hope acu help your lp lengthen. B6 did it for me, went from 11 to 13. This is my first AF cycle since losing Azri so not sure what my lp has in store for me now..

Hobb~ Hope your cycles settles down for you, :hugs:

Hi Nicki, hope you have a great visit today! I hear you on the needles that go in the feet, ow, does your acu use a heater by your feet? The lady I'm going back to did during my sessions, it helped ease the discomfort a bit.

Just a couple of more weeks and I can schedule my session! :happydance: I hope some things have improved since my last visit back in January. I had dampness, a pale tongue and my spleen needed work.
Pinkorblue, the tea is nice. I get it from a store called T2. Ive been a big coffee drinker most my life. But last yr I converted to a tea drinker. T2 has really nice teas, all diff flavours.
I had reallly strong O pains last night. I didnt end up BD'ing as I was REALLY bloated & gassy lol. My temp spiked this morning. Im a bit of a newb to the whole thing. Will I b able to confirm O if my temp stays up in the next few days?
Pinkorblue, the tea is nice. I get it from a store called T2. Ive been a big coffee drinker most my life. But last yr I converted to a tea drinker. T2 has really nice teas, all diff flavours.
I had reallly strong O pains last night. I didnt end up BD'ing as I was REALLY bloated & gassy lol. My temp spiked this morning. Im a bit of a newb to the whole thing. Will I b able to confirm O if my temp stays up in the next few days?

Hey Scorpio, Yes you are looking for three consecutive high temps to confirm O. Eventually you will get to know your own pattern although it can vary from month to month. If you are regular it won't vary that much.

I am beginning to think that the egg and sperm don't "live" as long as they say. I hate this timing thing. I am in the two week wait and not really clear when I O'ed.

Fertility friend says CD 12; I have a chart on TCOYF and it says I od on CD 13 I think I od on CD 14. Ahhhhh! I probably missed it if it was CD 12. I can't stand the tww.
Hobb: Ive just been out with my friends, went to bathroom & noticed heaps of EWCM. It was going towards creamy/dry yesterday. Argh. This sux as Im on CD29. Im having O pains still. Ur right about the timing thing so I will BD tonight. Sigh. Im curious what temp I'll be tomorrow morning.

I think if you BD when u have EWCM the troops will hang around longer.

So frustrated at the moment.
hi hob, scorpio, pinkorblue, nicki,cracker and everyone,

well could it get any colder in this place I can't believe it -5 last night and only the beginning of winter...
Scorpio and Hob I hope the temping gets easier. I was meant to start this morning but forgot (oops!) I wish I could help out but I was crap at it when I first tried. I do know that when CM changes texture that this can be an indication ovulation is imminent and I have read that the presence of Cm does facilitate the possibility of conception by protecting sperm. I will b using OPK's to make sure until I get the hang of temping.

Defintiely best time to bed is for the 2-3 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation is wat I have read though.

Fingers crossed xxx

Scorpio I though of you yesterday when I had my second acupuncture session. I have done something to my lower back so when the needles went into my back it was painful. But I looked the other way when the needles went into my abdomen and that definitely made it more bearable :)

Madeline xxx
Madeline, you must live in Australia? I live in Pacific NW of the States. We are going into summer but it feels like winter this week. I joke and say it is the "sumter of our discontent." Hope you get that but in case you don't it is a pun on a book title called Winter of our discontent. Since our summer feels like winter I just merged the too. Ugh! I can't wait for it to warm up.

Scorpio, honestly I don't know what the secret is. I've tried so many different combos for timing BD and I usually try to to BD on the day I notice the most EWCM for sure and then try to time it around the +opk too. I usually get the most EW a day or two before the +opk but my past charts indicate I ovulate several days after +opk. I don't know what the secret is. The month I got pregnant I don't even know how because we timed it the same as usual except we bd the day after I o'ed (the day of the temp rise) as I still had EWCM for a few hours that day in the morning. Maybe that was it. The last few hours!!! I don't know. I personally think my husband's sperm doesn't live very long. I won't tell him that though ;-)
Hi ladies, hope all our lovely alternative treatments are going well. I am now a huge fan of acupuncture and herbs as I have got a bfp 2nd cycle after mc!!! Hopefully I will be due Valetines Day 2013!!!

It's funny because the first pregnancy I had (the one I lost) I didn't implant until 10 or 11 dpo - I know this as I had a bleed that was not AF. With this one I implanted at 4 or 5 dpo which is really early. However I have read that Chinese medicine can really aid early and strong implantation and I have been having acupuncture once a week plus daily herbs.

So excited but nervous. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Baby dust to you all xxxx
Congratulations pebbles on your :bfp:! I hope it was the acu that did the trick for you.

Scorpio, I tried temping for a month but was rubbish at it. I slept really badly worrying about waking up at the right time etc so decided its just not for me. I rely on opks, looking for Ewcm and Starting BDing plenty of time before ov is due. That'll have to do!

Acu yesterday was lovely, I'd had a stressful few days at work and it was nice to take time out for an hour. As I was on cd10 I had lots of needles in my stomach again, I really felt the one over my left ovary.
Oooo, -5?! Wow that's cold! Sorry winter is rearing its head like that, Madeline.

Sounds like an interesting tea flavor, Scorpio. Ill have to check it out, I'd like to try something new flavor in addition to green and peppermint.

Glad you had a lovely acu appointment, Nicki.

Congrats Pebbles! :D
Pebbles, omg congrats yay!!! FX
Nicki, glad ur less stressed after acu. Oh left ovary maybe the egg will release from that side.
Hobb, I did it. FF confirmed I OV on Thur. Im 3DPO. I felt sick yesterday @ lunch with friends. Hope I didnt eat/drink something bad.
Madeline, r u in Australia?
hey hobnob yep i am in australia:) Pacific NW of the States so thats above California like Oregon and Washington? Hilarious! although admittedly winter not so funny when you are expecting summer :) Hope it warms up there soon :) theres no hope of that here its all down hill now lol.

OMG pebbles I am so happy for you babe congrats! I have definitely read early implantation is a very good sign indeed :hugs:

hope everything is going well for this cycle pinkorblue :flower:

Hi Nicki glad the acu session went well, good luck this cycle :)

hey scorpio I am in Canberra :)

Madeline xxx

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