Acupuncture - Herbal Treatment *6 BFPs*

Must be freeeezing in Canberra. Im in SW Sydney or about 4 hr drive from Canberra hehe.

My mind is going nuts now, thinking of EDD, baby gender, etc & Im no where near BFP yet haha.
I like to dream :)
hey scorpio SW Sydney cool! w r really close then :) oh yeh it is freezing here no doubt lol

I think it awesome that you are dreaming about your BFP I have my fingers crossed for you :hugs:
Hi ladies, hope all our lovely alternative treatments are going well. I am now a huge fan of acupuncture and herbs as I have got a bfp 2nd cycle after mc!!! Hopefully I will be due Valetines Day 2013!!!

It's funny because the first pregnancy I had (the one I lost) I didn't implant until 10 or 11 dpo - I know this as I had a bleed that was not AF. With this one I implanted at 4 or 5 dpo which is really early. However I have read that Chinese medicine can really aid early and strong implantation and I have been having acupuncture once a week plus daily herbs.

So excited but nervous. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Baby dust to you all xxxx

Congrats! That is wonderful! Did you just start acupuncture?
Thanks for all your good wishes! I have got a slightly crampy tummy today but I think it's stretching pains, they are common in week 5 I have read. The slightest little niggle has me panicking!
Hobnob- I started the Chinese medicine 2 weeks after my mc. I don't have probs conceiving, it's the maintaining that has proved an issue!!! Acupuncture and herbs are supposed to help maintain pregnancy so fingers crossed. I think I've had about 7 sessions so far, got my next 16th June and then I'm going weekly through first trimester.
That is great news Pebbles!

Hi to everyone else, hi pinkorblue yes I was in the fireflys before my loss.
I have tried B6 must didn't do much for me sadly, really hope the acu and herbs work although weirdly started spotting today when my AF stopped a few days ago. But tbh since the erpc everything is a bit haywire!

I am finding the not eating anything cold pretty tricky, warm water doesn't quite taste the same!!
Pebbles I wish you a H & H pregnancy.

I've only been pregnant once, miscarried and now it's been 4 cycles and I feel I will never get pregnant. Sorry to be a downer everybody. I just feel discouraged today.
My mind is going nuts now, thinking of EDD, baby gender, etc & Im no where near BFP yet haha.
I like to dream :)

That's the spirit! :winkwink:

Madeline~ So far so good for me, just counting down til AF shows. Hope all is well for you also. :)

Hobb~ :hugs:

Cracker~ Sorry B6 didn't do much to help, I really hope acu has better success for you. :flower:

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Pebbles!
Hi everyone,
Scorpio that sounds a great idea dreaming about your future baby. I hope you get your BFP soon.
Congratulations to Pebbles11 thats exciting news. I hope all goes well for you:)
hey i just found out last week on mon that i'm pregnant aswell. Was a exciting surprise and I just hope everything goes well this time. I'm approx 5wks pregnant aswell. I hope everything I have been doing helps me keep this little one till full term. I've got another accupunture treatment on wed. My accupunturist was thrillled when i told her last week. yeah i know what you mean pebbles about every little niggle making you feel worried.
How is everyone esle?
Hobbnob I'm sorry you are feeling down. TTC sure is a hard journey. sending you hugs.
How are you Nicki? Hi to everyone esle:)
Hello, I'm actually having some accupunture tomorrow. I've been thinking about it for awhile. I'm hoping it will help with circulation, fertility& keeping a baby. I've had 4 miscarriages & need some help& answers.

Im so sorry you have been through those 4 m/c :( :( It totally sucks, and noone can understand or relate unless they have been through the same ordeal. I have had 3 m/c and plan to break this horrid pattern. I pray you will heal from the hurt you have been through and receive good news soon :)

How do you stay so brave? Its comforting to hear feedback from someone who has been there. I have started acupuncture with a lady who specialises in fertility. I ALWAYS hear amazing stories and success rates with woman conceiving, but for us i pray that we will not only conceive but go on to have healthy bubbas :) xx
Keep me posted

Thanks for your post faithful. I pray that this baby will be healthy and I will go to full term. I'm hoping you conceive too soon and have a healthy baby. It is hard to keep positive and strong, but I just have to believe it will all work out this time otherwise I will go crazy!! Last weekend I just found out one of my best friends is 13wks pregnant. Thats three of my friends that are pregnant now and also my SIL. I'm happy for them but was upset also as I didnt know I was pregnant yet and I thought if I have to watch all my friends be pregnant I dont know how I'm going to handle it. Its hard watching on as everyone else goes on to have healthy babies. I just pray its mine turn also now. I'm sorry for your losses. yeah noone can really understand the pain unless they have been through it. I hope you go well with the accupunture. wishing you all goodluck and baby dust:hugs:
congrats again miss wish wonderful wonderful news :hugs:

Madeline xxx
hey i just found out last week on mon that i'm pregnant aswell. Was a exciting surprise and I just hope everything goes well this time. I'm approx 5wks pregnant aswell. I hope everything I have been doing helps me keep this little one till full term. I've got another accupunture treatment on wed. My accupunturist was thrillled when i told her last week.

Oh MissWish, that is wonderful and happy news!!! I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months! Keep us posted on how things progress.

I feel better today. Thanks everyone for the cyber hugs. I don't feel pregnant one bit, so I probably am not. But, on a positive note, my post o temps have evened out this cycle. The cycles prior to this one they were all over the place. up, down, up, down. They seem to be more steady so maybe the acupuncture was helpful. Either that or the walnuts I have been eating for the past two months has helped with progesterone this cycle. Who knows.

I have my next acupuncture appointment this Wednesday. I can't wait!!

How is everyone doing?
hi hobnob i hope the acupuncture is helping, i haven't heard about walnuts though wat do they do?

nothing exciting here atm, got a faint line on OPK but not sure if i missed it or it will get stronger today. boobs are a big swollen though so thats a good sign of lh surge.

Madeline xxx
Ooo hobbnob what's the walnut thing? I've not heard of that either, sounds interesting. I love walnuts. (I also love Hobnobs too :) do you have those biscuits in the US?) Glad you're feeling better today :hugs:
OoooOooh what do walnuts supposedly do?
This may sound crazy but I read up about conceiving twins.
Old wives tale is if you eat walnuts, dairy and wild yams you have a better chance of conceiving twins.
I've been eating walnuts and drinking full cream milk Hahaha.
My Mother had twin sisters and twin aunties.
OoooOooh what do walnuts supposedly do?
This may sound crazy but I read up about conceiving twins.
Old wives tale is if you eat walnuts, dairy and wild yams you have a better chance of conceiving twins.
I've been eating walnuts and drinking full cream milk Hahaha.
My Mother had twin sisters and twin aunties.

Oh my scorpio, I didn't know that!!!! haha!

Everybody, I googled "foods to increase progesterone" a few months ago because I suspected, but don't know, that I might be a little deficient. I am kind of a let your body heal itself with foods kind a girl...anyway, a few items came up and walnuts was one and so is chicken and yams. Although I heard that yams also increases estrogen and can cause an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. So I decided to try the walnuts and eat more chicken. There were some others on the list but those we the ones I felt I could eat regularly. I've been eating a handful of walnuts everyday. Don't really know if t is helping but it is a nice snack.
Thats a great thing to do. Eating healthy is fantastic. I love waldorf salad. I have a great recepie if interested. Im having beef ginger & shallot stir fry for lunch today. My dr will be please when I tell her I ate ginger :)
the hobnob thats good to know :) BTW guys just wondering if anyone has experienced a change in ovulation day since mc and/or acupuncture? Its just that i usually ovulate day 10 and today is day 11 and the OPK like is getting darker suggesting I will O by say 12.

Madeline xxx
Madeline, I wish I could help but I never used to check when I was actually ovulating in the past. Will you be trying this cycle? This month is a bit of a 'dress rehearsal' for DH & I.
Decided to start temping after AF came from the first acu session. I ordered a thermometer on eBay and started using it straight away.
At first I was dreading the whole idea but now I realise it's not so hard.
I found that OPK's are not 100% reliable. Let me know if you're interested - I'm happy to help :)

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