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AF around 7th Jan anyone to join me this month?

hi ladies.

i have just seen the cutest baby ever. shes a collegaues grand daughter and is only a week all. she is so so small! i touched her little feet and coo'd over her little nose, and fingernails ets.

WANT ONE! :lol:
Thats a very slight drop hun, so dont give up the PMA. AF is to stay away as we need to be testing buddies!!!

I agree, it's not even near your cover line. Keep thinking positive.
Evening ladies, whoo hoo the weekend at last!

How is the SS going, all feeling OK for Sunday? Got my FRER delivered today, ahhhh!!
Yay for FRER!!!

The tests in Superdrug were calling my name, I had to buy them..!!

Absolutely no symptoms today, not feeling that hopeful..
Sorry girls, I won't be testing with you tomorrow. Temp has gone down again and bang on schedule I've started spotting.

I'm so upset. I may have a chance in April as I'll see DH for one night around what I think will be CD15 but until then none of our timings match up. TTC really sucks.


Hope you fare better than me and I've got my fingers crossed for you tomorrow!

Oh, hun I am so sorry. Don't give up just yet though, spotting doesn't mean she's def on the way. I know it is so hard but try to keep positive.

If it doesn't happen for you this month, then maybe in the month or two you're away from ttc the pressure will ease off a bit.

Keep us posted hun. Sending lots of :hug:
Im so so sorry hun!!! Keep the PMA I know its hard, and we are here to listen if you want to rant, we are all in this together now there is no getting rid of us

Thanks girls, you're all sweethearts! It really makes a difference to know we're here supporting each other.

So far only spotting has continued so I'm having to wait and see. I've had an unintentionally busy day which has helped to keep my mind off it.


Squee... test day tomorrow. I'll be lurking on here to see what the results are!! :happydance:
I'm clearly up too early on a Sunday morning! Any news??
Morning. IC bfn for me with smu. Not at all suprised.

Leila, how's things with you??
Morning, Kath im so sorry but i chickened out!!!! I couldnt sleep worrying about a bfn or a fake bfp (which my friend got a few months ago, think it was called a chemical pregnancy?), so decided not to, feel like such a bad friend!!!

Sorry about your bfn hun, but we did say at 9dpo it doesnt really tell you much, hopefully we have bfps to come in the next week!
ohh Kath ive just looked at your chart and that looks like an implantation dip on 8 dpo!!!!!!!
Ooh, it does look like it could be an implantation dip! Will be keeping my eyes peeled for updates over the next few days!

I'm doing ok. Was a big soppy wuss last night and had a big old sobbing session after having a web chat with hubby. I sat in bed feeling very sorry for myself. :dohh:

Anyway, I'm not so bad today. Went swimming, which I love. Only slightly marred by seeing a beautiful lady who must be about 6 months pregnant. Sigh. On the way home I popped to the shops and treated myself to a new tankini which is really pretty so I'm looking forward to wearing that next time and showing off my slim figure while I still have it!

Unfortunately the rest of my day is usual mundane stuff - food shopping, ironing, tidying up. At least I can have a few glasses of wine later without feeling guilty! Another silver lining to my current cloud. :happydance:

What's everyone else up to today?
Don't worry Sarah, tbh I only had the courage to do it cos 9dpo is ridiculously early and there was no real chance of a bfp!!! Do you think you'll test later in the week??

I think a chemical pg is basically a very very early mc. I think it implants so you get the hormones required for a bfp but then it mcarries and you get af as usual. I guess if you don't test early, you'd never know.

Leila, glad you're having a good day hun. Good to get the sobbing out of your system too though i think. :hugs: Don't know if you saw my post on the mid term thread but I really think you've got a case for going to dr with your charts. I know they say try for a year but as you've got worries about ov I think it would be worth a visit.

My dh has been home less than 24 hours and already the house is a shit hole - washing, towels, toiletries, boarding crap, half opened post etc etc etc it was soooooo nice and tidy when it was just me last week!!!!
Im glad you dont hate me!!!! I dont know why im scared im usually a lets test at 5 dpo person!!! Well got a few AF cramps today, going by last cycle i expect to start spotting anytime between mon-wed, so i think if no spotting by Thursday I will test, how about you?

LOL to messy husband, bet you are glad to have him home though!!
not really thought about it before now as first month of temping but im worried about what my temp might be tomorrow, ahh please stay up!!
I know, I'm thinking that too!! Depending on temp in morning I might do an IC..??
You are brave!!! If its a BFN again keep in mind that implantation may only have happened yesterday for you (from temps) so might take a few days for hormones to increase, but hopefully it will be a BFP!

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