After 15 years of trying, miracles CAN happen <3


Finally PREGNANT! <3
Nov 11, 2010
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I wanted to post my story somewhere because for YEARS I searched high and low on google for "people like me" and found they were far and few between. I also want to scream this at the top of my lungs because after 15 years I am pregnant!

My husband and I got married almost 15 years ago and back then we weren't actively trying but knew we wanted kids so we didn't prevent. After a few years I started trying to temp and do ovulation testing but suspected I had PCOS which is why it never worked. Lacking in health insurance and money at the time we just did things on our own which is my story for almost 12 years. During that time I had 8 really early miscarriages ranging from 5 weeks to 9 weeks. The last one being about 13 years ago. Then apparently my body gave up. I couldn't get pregnant at all. My husband joined the service and we finally had health insurance that was good. I started going to doctors and they confirmed I have pcos; very apparent too. We did un-monitored rounds of femara (letrezole) but that didn't help. Metformin almost killed me (and I mean that literally I ended up in the ER). Finally I go into a RE (reproductive endocrinologist). I thought surely at this point someone can help me. I don't know how many thousands of stories I've read online so I was reassured it would work given enough time. So in between deployments we tried treatments. More femara but with ultrasounds this time. Nothing. Added in more meds and trigger shots. Nothing. Finally when my husband got back from his second deployment it got more serious. We decided to take the plunge and start paying for IUI (Tricare doesn't cover IUI for those who don't know). Three IUIs later no success, not even a chemical. I should also mention I had my tubes checked, they removed a polyp hoping that would cure things. I mean we tried everything. Finally they diagnosed me(us) with unexplained infertility. My husband's levels were good but his sperm didn't swim, even given all that they said I SHOULD have been pregnant. Then we found out we were moving home finally. One last trip to my RE and they denied to help me because for the first time ever I had 2 massive cysts leftover from my previous cycle. They told me this was normal and happens to most women and was shocked it never happened to me in the nearly 2 years we were doing the medicines.

Depressed... we moved. We did everything wrong. I was under the most stress of my life in that month than ever before. I was taking a lot of motrin. We only had sex 1 time. I even had 4 MRIs done so I was convinced I was very well irradiated (joke). I was told if I didn't get a period (as I often wouldn't with pcos) to follow up with a new doctor to check to make sure those cysts were going away. I told my husband tomorrow, which happened to be his birthday, if I don't get my period in the morning I'll take a FRER since I had one leftover from previous cycles. The next morning, and very proud I was able to hold it all night, I dipped my test in the cup. POSITIVE. OMG OMG OMG is exactly what I said. I ran into the room so hysterical my husband thought a wild animal had gotten into the bathroom. So for my husband's birthday we found out I was pregnant. I was scared to believe it was real. So midday after a Target run I took a clearblue nondigital. IMMEDIATE positive even with diluted urine. Forcing myself to wait until the next day I took the digital... Pregnant. Having been told if I manage to get pregnant again I'd be very high risk I was able to find a new doctor and get an immediate appointment. At my request they tested my hcg. My guess was 4 weeks 2 days my level was 1008. Praise God! Never had such strong levels. I'm going in tomorrow to get my HCG re checked and I won't lie I am absolutely terrified of the what ifs, but I am pregnant!

My cervix is low and hard right now & I'm dry as a bone. So don't believe all the hype about CM being thin and abundant after you're pregnant. I have no sex drive to speak of. My ovaries hurt like heck and I am nauseated.... oh and my nipples feel like someone assaulted them with sandpaper. Those are my symptoms. My only symptoms before my BFP were car sickness (a totally new thing for me that's really annoying) and peeing more at night. I was (am) a total symptom spotter and it didn't help me at all, only ever caused stress!

If you found this because you were obsessed like I am, downright depressed, without all hope. I want you to know you are worth it girl :hugs2:. If you've been trying for a long time and everyone you know has a baby except you I want you to know I feel your grief. I tried to do everything the "right way" and I can't try to tell you what the magic secret is but I will tell you I did everything wrong and somehow it worked. Never give up. Ever.

Did I mention I found out I was pregnant on my husband's birthday and my due date is my birthday? I think God had a plan all along. =D&gt; March 1st we're doing the first ultrasound and I hope we'll see a heartbeat :hugs:

Absolutely amazing story! I'm so happy for you and your family! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and a beautiful, healthy child! Congratulations! You're going to be a mother!! You deserve it!
This had me so emotional. What an amazing story. I'm so so sooo happy for you.
Huge huge huge congrats. Ure story is very imsperational and I hope this will give other womon hope.
Thank you for sharing ure amazing story. U shud so do a YouTube video I've seen a few on there with simular stories to ures. They make me sob watching but ures is a story that really needs sharing.
Congratulations momma to be.
Come join us all in the October bumkins in preganacy and discussions thread.
Thank you so much everyone! I had my HCG checked monday and it was 1008 . Then yesterday it was 2860. Progesterone is on the high side so this time around maybe we got it right! :dance: 1 week til the first ultrasound, I'm so excited. :laugh2:
I wanted to post my story somewhere because for YEARS I searched high and low on google for "people like me" and found they were far and few between. I also want to scream this at the top of my lungs because after 15 years I am pregnant!

My husband and I got married almost 15 years ago and back then we weren't actively trying but knew we wanted kids so we didn't prevent. After a few years I started trying to temp and do ovulation testing but suspected I had PCOS which is why it never worked. Lacking in health insurance and money at the time we just did things on our own which is my story for almost 12 years. During that time I had 8 really early miscarriages ranging from 5 weeks to 9 weeks. The last one being about 13 years ago. Then apparently my body gave up. I couldn't get pregnant at all. My husband joined the service and we finally had health insurance that was good. I started going to doctors and they confirmed I have pcos; very apparent too. We did un-monitored rounds of femara (letrezole) but that didn't help. Metformin almost killed me (and I mean that literally I ended up in the ER). Finally I go into a RE (reproductive endocrinologist). I thought surely at this point someone can help me. I don't know how many thousands of stories I've read online so I was reassured it would work given enough time. So in between deployments we tried treatments. More femara but with ultrasounds this time. Nothing. Added in more meds and trigger shots. Nothing. Finally when my husband got back from his second deployment it got more serious. We decided to take the plunge and start paying for IUI (Tricare doesn't cover IUI for those who don't know). Three IUIs later no success, not even a chemical. I should also mention I had my tubes checked, they removed a polyp hoping that would cure things. I mean we tried everything. Finally they diagnosed me(us) with unexplained infertility. My husband's levels were good but his sperm didn't swim, even given all that they said I SHOULD have been pregnant. Then we found out we were moving home finally. One last trip to my RE and they denied to help me because for the first time ever I had 2 massive cysts leftover from my previous cycle. They told me this was normal and happens to most women and was shocked it never happened to me in the nearly 2 years we were doing the medicines.

Depressed... we moved. We did everything wrong. I was under the most stress of my life in that month than ever before. I was taking a lot of motrin. We only had sex 1 time. I even had 4 MRIs done so I was convinced I was very well irradiated (joke). I was told if I didn't get a period (as I often wouldn't with pcos) to follow up with a new doctor to check to make sure those cysts were going away. I told my husband tomorrow, which happened to be his birthday, if I don't get my period in the morning I'll take a FRER since I had one leftover from previous cycles. The next morning, and very proud I was able to hold it all night, I dipped my test in the cup. POSITIVE. OMG OMG OMG is exactly what I said. I ran into the room so hysterical my husband thought a wild animal had gotten into the bathroom. So for my husband's birthday we found out I was pregnant. I was scared to believe it was real. So midday after a Target run I took a clearblue nondigital. IMMEDIATE positive even with diluted urine. Forcing myself to wait until the next day I took the digital... Pregnant. Having been told if I manage to get pregnant again I'd be very high risk I was able to find a new doctor and get an immediate appointment. At my request they tested my hcg. My guess was 4 weeks 2 days my level was 1008. Praise God! Never had such strong levels. I'm going in tomorrow to get my HCG re checked and I won't lie I am absolutely terrified of the what ifs, but I am pregnant!

My cervix is low and hard right now & I'm dry as a bone. So don't believe all the hype about CM being thin and abundant after you're pregnant. I have no sex drive to speak of. My ovaries hurt like heck and I am nauseated.... oh and my nipples feel like someone assaulted them with sandpaper. Those are my symptoms. My only symptoms before my BFP were car sickness (a totally new thing for me that's really annoying) and peeing more at night. I was (am) a total symptom spotter and it didn't help me at all, only ever caused stress!

If you found this because you were obsessed like I am, downright depressed, without all hope. I want you to know you are worth it girl :hugs2:. If you've been trying for a long time and everyone you know has a baby except you I want you to know I feel your grief. I tried to do everything the "right way" and I can't try to tell you what the magic secret is but I will tell you I did everything wrong and somehow it worked. Never give up. Ever.

Did I mention I found out I was pregnant on my husband's birthday and my due date is my birthday? I think God had a plan all along. =D&gt; March 1st we're doing the first ultrasound and I hope we'll see a heartbeat :hugs:

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Absolutely sobbing reading this!! So happy for you guys!! Congratulations and a happy and healthy 9 months to you xxxx
I wanted to post my story somewhere because for YEARS I searched high and low on google for "people like me" and found they were far and few between. I also want to scream this at the top of my lungs because after 15 years I am pregnant!

My husband and I got married almost 15 years ago and back then we weren't actively trying but knew we wanted kids so we didn't prevent. After a few years I started trying to temp and do ovulation testing but suspected I had PCOS which is why it never worked. Lacking in health insurance and money at the time we just did things on our own which is my story for almost 12 years. During that time I had 8 really early miscarriages ranging from 5 weeks to 9 weeks. The last one being about 13 years ago. Then apparently my body gave up. I couldn't get pregnant at all. My husband joined the service and we finally had health insurance that was good. I started going to doctors and they confirmed I have pcos; very apparent too. We did un-monitored rounds of femara (letrezole) but that didn't help. Metformin almost killed me (and I mean that literally I ended up in the ER). Finally I go into a RE (reproductive endocrinologist). I thought surely at this point someone can help me. I don't know how many thousands of stories I've read online so I was reassured it would work given enough time. So in between deployments we tried treatments. More femara but with ultrasounds this time. Nothing. Added in more meds and trigger shots. Nothing. Finally when my husband got back from his second deployment it got more serious. We decided to take the plunge and start paying for IUI (Tricare doesn't cover IUI for those who don't know). Three IUIs later no success, not even a chemical. I should also mention I had my tubes checked, they removed a polyp hoping that would cure things. I mean we tried everything. Finally they diagnosed me(us) with unexplained infertility. My husband's levels were good but his sperm didn't swim, even given all that they said I SHOULD have been pregnant. Then we found out we were moving home finally. One last trip to my RE and they denied to help me because for the first time ever I had 2 massive cysts leftover from my previous cycle. They told me this was normal and happens to most women and was shocked it never happened to me in the nearly 2 years we were doing the medicines.

Depressed... we moved. We did everything wrong. I was under the most stress of my life in that month than ever before. I was taking a lot of motrin. We only had sex 1 time. I even had 4 MRIs done so I was convinced I was very well irradiated (joke). I was told if I didn't get a period (as I often wouldn't with pcos) to follow up with a new doctor to check to make sure those cysts were going away. I told my husband tomorrow, which happened to be his birthday, if I don't get my period in the morning I'll take a FRER since I had one leftover from previous cycles. The next morning, and very proud I was able to hold it all night, I dipped my test in the cup. POSITIVE. OMG OMG OMG is exactly what I said. I ran into the room so hysterical my husband thought a wild animal had gotten into the bathroom. So for my husband's birthday we found out I was pregnant. I was scared to believe it was real. So midday after a Target run I took a clearblue nondigital. IMMEDIATE positive even with diluted urine. Forcing myself to wait until the next day I took the digital... Pregnant. Having been told if I manage to get pregnant again I'd be very high risk I was able to find a new doctor and get an immediate appointment. At my request they tested my hcg. My guess was 4 weeks 2 days my level was 1008. Praise God! Never had such strong levels. I'm going in tomorrow to get my HCG re checked and I won't lie I am absolutely terrified of the what ifs, but I am pregnant!

My cervix is low and hard right now & I'm dry as a bone. So don't believe all the hype about CM being thin and abundant after you're pregnant. I have no sex drive to speak of. My ovaries hurt like heck and I am nauseated.... oh and my nipples feel like someone assaulted them with sandpaper. Those are my symptoms. My only symptoms before my BFP were car sickness (a totally new thing for me that's really annoying) and peeing more at night. I was (am) a total symptom spotter and it didn't help me at all, only ever caused stress!

If you found this because you were obsessed like I am, downright depressed, without all hope. I want you to know you are worth it girl :hugs2:. If you've been trying for a long time and everyone you know has a baby except you I want you to know I feel your grief. I tried to do everything the "right way" and I can't try to tell you what the magic secret is but I will tell you I did everything wrong and somehow it worked. Never give up. Ever.

Did I mention I found out I was pregnant on my husband's birthday and my due date is my birthday? I think God had a plan all along. =D&gt; March 1st we're doing the first ultrasound and I hope we'll see a heartbeat :hugs:

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Congrats for you on Most needed success. Every story has good ending in some way.

Other note, why did you say metformin killed you ?
Congrats for you on Most needed success. Every story has good ending in some way.

Other note, why did you say metformin killed you ?

One of the first things we tried when we looked into fertility treatment was metformin. I was started on a low dose of 500mg per day (by my primary doctor) which was having no real effect but oh lord was I sick. I was barely able to function. When I got into see the fertility doctor he said oh no no that's not high enough. I was immediately increased to 1000mg a day for 5 days then I was to take 1500mg after that. He totally pushed aside all my fears and even though I was like hey, I can't eat or function he ignored me. I REALLY wanted to get pregnant so I did it anyways. 1000mg was difficult but I only lasted 2 and 3/4 days at the 1500mg dose. On that 3rd day of 1500mg I was so sick I couldn't eat, I was drinking water though. I couldn't focus at all which normally I have a nearly perfect memory. Coming up with sentences was a struggle and the point where I knew something was wrong I started slurring my words and couldn't speak in proper order. My chest was crampy too. After speaking to a nurse on the phone I was told to call 911. My blood sugar was VERY low (and I have perfect sugar, not even borderline diabetic normally). My blood pressure was low, my pulse was low, and when they got there I was losing the ability to control my body heat. They got me into an ambulance and then had to shovel it out because it was during a bad snow storm that day (my luck right?). I could not stop shivering and then the IV stopped flowing, when the guy pulled back the blanket they had on me in the ambulance my arms were turning purple and shortly there after they couldn't get a BP anymore. Last I remember it was like 62/45 and dropping. I remember the EMT that was with me screaming at the guy to drive faster and I don't remember a lot after that. Funny enough (not really) my husband was on duty that day so I was alone AND it was hisbirthday. They let him leave to hang out with me in the hospital but it'll be a day neither of us forget. The doctors were fairly certain had I not gotten to the hospital when I did and/or had I taken one more dose of metformin that night it would have killed me. I now list that as an allergy on my medical charts :dohh:

Also the doctor who did all this tried to deny he told me to take the extra medicine at all claiming I did this all on my own. Thankfully he hand wrote it out for me on paper that I proved him wrong. Then he tried to say YES he did tell me to take it but I "obviously wasn't following his instructions". The military investigated him for wrong doing because of it and I wasn't the first person he nearly killed. He was retiring in a month anyways so basically he got away with it... :x
One of the first things we tried when we looked into fertility treatment was metformin. I was started on a low dose of 500mg per day (by my primary doctor) which was having no real effect but oh lord was I sick. I was barely able to function. When I got into see the fertility doctor he said oh no no that's not high enough. I was immediately increased to 1000mg a day for 5 days then I was to take 1500mg after that. He totally pushed aside all my fears and even though I was like hey, I can't eat or function he ignored me. I REALLY wanted to get pregnant so I did it anyways. 1000mg was difficult but I only lasted 2 and 3/4 days at the 1500mg dose. On that 3rd day of 1500mg I was so sick I couldn't eat, I was drinking water though. I couldn't focus at all which normally I have a nearly perfect memory. Coming up with sentences was a struggle and the point where I knew something was wrong I started slurring my words and couldn't speak in proper order. My chest was crampy too. After speaking to a nurse on the phone I was told to call 911. My blood sugar was VERY low (and I have perfect sugar, not even borderline diabetic normally). My blood pressure was low, my pulse was low, and when they got there I was losing the ability to control my body heat. They got me into an ambulance and then had to shovel it out because it was during a bad snow storm that day (my luck right?). I could not stop shivering and then the IV stopped flowing, when the guy pulled back the blanket they had on me in the ambulance my arms were turning purple and shortly there after they couldn't get a BP anymore. Last I remember it was like 62/45 and dropping. I remember the EMT that was with me screaming at the guy to drive faster and I don't remember a lot after that. Funny enough (not really) my husband was on duty that day so I was alone AND it was hisbirthday. They let him leave to hang out with me in the hospital but it'll be a day neither of us forget. The doctors were fairly certain had I not gotten to the hospital when I did and/or had I taken one more dose of metformin that night it would have killed me. I now list that as an allergy on my medical charts :dohh:

Also the doctor who did all this tried to deny he told me to take the extra medicine at all claiming I did this all on my own. Thankfully he hand wrote it out for me on paper that I proved him wrong. Then he tried to say YES he did tell me to take it but I "obviously wasn't following his instructions". The military investigated him for wrong doing because of it and I wasn't the first person he nearly killed. He was retiring in a month anyways so basically he got away with it... :x
Oh that’s very bad that doctor who did all this. Happy to know that you are fine now.

Also my doctor advised to take metformin 750 , should I continue taking it or stop it ?
Wow!! That’s so amazing!! Congratulations lovely!! Hoping to hear an update on your scan.
What an amazing story! Its been 4.5 years for me. 3 losses after a perfect conception pregnancy and birth of my daughter! They say i have high NK cells but their meds havent helped keep a pregnancy as i havent had a bfp in over a year again. Im doing iui now and on day two of my injectables.... I hope i get my happy ending like you! Looking forward to hearing your wondeful scan news x
Oh that’s very bad that doctor who did all this. Happy to know that you are fine now.

Also my doctor advised to take metformin 750 , should I continue taking it or stop it ?

I'm not a doctor hun. I can't tell you if you should or should not take a medication. I will say that for a lot of people metformin helps if you have pcos. If you're doing okay on it no harm in trying :) I'm a more isolated case.
Oh gosh haha silly me I didn't even think anyone would want to see my scan. oopsie! :oops:
Here is baby 5 weeks 6 days by my last period and they agree by size that is probably the age. New due date October 26th which happens to be my birthday! God for sure had a plan on that one. Baby had a heartbeat of 101 which doctor was impressed about at such a young age. Baby was a bit small at only 2.6mm but I've been reassured by a lot of ladies on here that it's fine. I go back on the 14th of March for a followup and I'll be meeting the high risk team where I live. They're taking my history VERY serious and I am so thankful for that. I wake up everyday very scared about the what ifs. I am constantly asking hubby "Is baby okay?" rationally I know he has no idea but my anxiety needs that reassurance. I am SOOOO nauseated and my pants and bras don't fit anymore :dohh: I try to remind myself that being sick tells me baby is okay lol. Either way I'm excited!! :dance:

I'm praying for all you lovelies.

I wanted to post my story somewhere because for YEARS I searched high and low on google for "people like me" and found they were far and few between. I also want to scream this at the top of my lungs because after 15 years I am pregnant!

My husband and I got married almost 15 years ago and back then we weren't actively trying but knew we wanted kids so we didn't prevent. After a few years I started trying to temp and do ovulation testing but suspected I had PCOS which is why it never worked. Lacking in health insurance and money at the time we just did things on our own which is my story for almost 12 years. During that time I had 8 really early miscarriages ranging from 5 weeks to 9 weeks. The last one being about 13 years ago. Then apparently my body gave up. I couldn't get pregnant at all. My husband joined the service and we finally had health insurance that was good. I started going to doctors and they confirmed I have pcos; very apparent too. We did un-monitored rounds of femara (letrezole) but that didn't help. Metformin almost killed me (and I mean that literally I ended up in the ER). Finally I go into a RE (reproductive endocrinologist). I thought surely at this point someone can help me. I don't know how many thousands of stories I've read online so I was reassured it would work given enough time. So in between deployments we tried treatments. More femara but with ultrasounds this time. Nothing. Added in more meds and trigger shots. Nothing. Finally when my husband got back from his second deployment it got more serious. We decided to take the plunge and start paying for IUI (Tricare doesn't cover IUI for those who don't know). Three IUIs later no success, not even a chemical. I should also mention I had my tubes checked, they removed a polyp hoping that would cure things. I mean we tried everything. Finally they diagnosed me(us) with unexplained infertility. My husband's levels were good but his sperm didn't swim, even given all that they said I SHOULD have been pregnant. Then we found out we were moving home finally. One last trip to my RE and they denied to help me because for the first time ever I had 2 massive cysts leftover from my previous cycle. They told me this was normal and happens to most women and was shocked it never happened to me in the nearly 2 years we were doing the medicines.

Depressed... we moved. We did everything wrong. I was under the most stress of my life in that month than ever before. I was taking a lot of motrin. We only had sex 1 time. I even had 4 MRIs done so I was convinced I was very well irradiated (joke). I was told if I didn't get a period (as I often wouldn't with pcos) to follow up with a new doctor to check to make sure those cysts were going away. I told my husband tomorrow, which happened to be his birthday, if I don't get my period in the morning I'll take a FRER since I had one leftover from previous cycles. The next morning, and very proud I was able to hold it all night, I dipped my test in the cup. POSITIVE. OMG OMG OMG is exactly what I said. I ran into the room so hysterical my husband thought a wild animal had gotten into the bathroom. So for my husband's birthday we found out I was pregnant. I was scared to believe it was real. So midday after a Target run I took a clearblue nondigital. IMMEDIATE positive even with diluted urine. Forcing myself to wait until the next day I took the digital... Pregnant. Having been told if I manage to get pregnant again I'd be very high risk I was able to find a new doctor and get an immediate appointment. At my request they tested my hcg. My guess was 4 weeks 2 days my level was 1008. Praise God! Never had such strong levels. I'm going in tomorrow to get my HCG re checked and I won't lie I am absolutely terrified of the what ifs, but I am pregnant!

My cervix is low and hard right now & I'm dry as a bone. So don't believe all the hype about CM being thin and abundant after you're pregnant. I have no sex drive to speak of. My ovaries hurt like heck and I am nauseated.... oh and my nipples feel like someone assaulted them with sandpaper. Those are my symptoms. My only symptoms before my BFP were car sickness (a totally new thing for me that's really annoying) and peeing more at night. I was (am) a total symptom spotter and it didn't help me at all, only ever caused stress!

If you found this because you were obsessed like I am, downright depressed, without all hope. I want you to know you are worth it girl :hugs2:. If you've been trying for a long time and everyone you know has a baby except you I want you to know I feel your grief. I tried to do everything the "right way" and I can't try to tell you what the magic secret is but I will tell you I did everything wrong and somehow it worked. Never give up. Ever.

Did I mention I found out I was pregnant on my husband's birthday and my due date is my birthday? I think God had a plan all along. =D&gt; March 1st we're doing the first ultrasound and I hope we'll see a heartbeat :hugs:

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This is the best story i have read in a long time. Congratulations...... wishing you a H&H 9 months and safe delivery

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