After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Ugh any remedies for this constant queasy feeling. It is so hard to function during the day when all i can think about is how badly I feel like I need to throw up. I just want to lay in bed and sleep away this first trimester, but my 2 year old won't let me. Don't get me wrong I am happy we are finally pregnant, but I have to get through work and I didn't experience this with my son.
In my expierence there isnt alot you can do angelria :( Women find different things help, for me, if i ever let myself get hungry then that made it worse, so i just had to keep snacking all the time on whatever took my fancy! With Erin i used travel sickness bands, they were good! I still had to carry a sick bag round with me lol but i felt like they helped. Ginger is good, ginger biscuits or ginger cake. I know what you mean, i was glad to be pregnant but its so hard to enjoy when you just want to stay in bed all day, it made me so miserable! It wont last forever, just try and get through it as best you can! Mine was so bad at one point i did take anti sickness tablets from my doctor, better to do that than end up in hospital! My best friend is pregnant with her 4th, shes about 23 weeks now, but she got so sick with 2 of her pregnancies she was in hospital, and still very sick with the others! I hope your sickness doesnt last as long as mine did!

Yay mrs duck, glad your ok, 4 months will honestly fly by and i feel really good that you will get caught quickly :) look after yourself!!
Angelria- I know what you mean. I second Erinsmummy's advice to eat as much as you can.... even though that's the last thing you might want to do. Granola bars, apple slices, and cheese and crackers have helped me. Ginger ale and ginger tea helped me from week 6-7, then I decided that they were disgusting and haven't touched either since, haha. I also do a lot of lifesaver mints when I get the starving feeling but can't eat right away and that at least makes it so I'm not gagging, even if I still feel sick.

I think it might be starting to subside for me (knock on wood), or I've miscarried again so I'm going to go with the first until proven otherwise. :) Today I did not eat a granola bar before getting out of bed for the first time in over a month. I was starving, but I did make it to Starbucks for a breakfast sandwich. It's my spring break so I decided to treat myself.
oh I am hoping it subsides by week 11-12. Do you think the progesterone makes it worse? I can't remember if that is a side effect of it. I was craving chinese food so I got some and eat like two bites of chicken and two bites of rice and that is all my stomach can handle. I have done that off and on for the past 3 hours and I feel a little better. Not 100% but better. I will take what I can get. I haven't been to the grocery store because the thought of food made me want to throw up, but I will go and try to get some of the snacks you mentioned Emmy.
Thanks for the support ladies :)
Angelria, the progesterone might very well make it worse. I took my last dose on Thursday, and although I've still got the hunger pains today I haven't gagged yet. Feel better!
Argh i was always craving chinese food, then when i got it, i could only manage a few mouthfulls, was so frustrating!
yep thats what happened yesterday. I think I ended up throwing away 1/2 of it because the thought of it finally made me sick so I threw it out. LOL A firend of mine went and got me some ginger candies and ginger tea last night. Aawww she is such a life saver. Thank God for wonderful friends. So this morning it has been apples and cheese, ginger ale, and ginger candies. Just gonna pull my big girl panties up and push thru. Hope you ladies have a wonderful day.
Hope your day was okay Angelria! My belly is very sore today, do you ladies have any experience with this? It doesn't feel like cramps, just sore, but of course it makes me worry since I'm not on the progesterone anymore. My doctor's appointment is Thursday so hopefully we'll hear the heart beat and I'm being paranoid for no reason. I almost spent $100 on a doppler today, haha, then I realized that I would probably drive myself crazy with that too. :)
I had a doppler and loved it. I loaned it out and then tried to get it back and the girl can't find it.
I did have some soreness with Caleb. It is because everything is stretching and trying to make room for baby as it grows. Very normal. You will get some pains in your pelvic area and hips also as the ligaments and all start stretching. Very amazing what the womans body can do. Unless you start getting like some sharp stabbing or cramping pains accompanied by bleeding I wouldn't worry.
Looks like we both have appts tomorrow. Mine is at 3 and we are taking my son so that he can feel like he is part of the process. He is excited about possibly seeing the baby.
Can't wait to hear what the heart rate is on your little one.
Your tummy being sore isnt anything to be concerned about, probably just everything stretching. Like angelria said our bodies do something amazing so we are bound to get aches n pains. Hope both of ur appointments go well! I am so uncomfy its unreal, keep getting braxton hicks, had them with erin but these feel so intense! This pregnancy has felt so different, his movements are painfull, i can never get comfy cos its feet are in my ribs.. never had any of it with erin, her pregnancy was so so easy, it was uncomfy to sleep towards the end but i was never wincing in pain when she moved lol. My midwife did say to me that this pregnancy will probably be 100% different as this is a different dad my body thinks this is a first pregnancy!! I dont know how true that is, i mean my body must remember carrying erin but according to her i should treat this as a first baby almost!
Thanks for the reassurance ladies. I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound Angelria, I'm sure it will be great, after all you've got plenty of MS to show for it! Erinsmummy, I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable, hopefully the last 7 weeks go quickly for your! I didn't realize that braxton hicks contractions started so soon... talk about a sore belly! Feel better!
I also had a Doppler. It did so much for reassurance. :) I had Braxton hicks with #2 from 24 weeks and none that I noticed with #1.

I'm sure the soreness is the growing and stretching of the beautiful lives you are creating! So... exciting! This thread is full of pregnancy! :)
yeah i got braxton hicks with erin at about 35 weeks, this one been having for a few weeks now. i kept meaning to get a doppler but never did, always wanted one though!
HB was 166 at the doctor today! It's still there! We're going to start telling family. I ordered announcement cards with the ultrasound picture from 10 weeks to mail to family that is out of state, and we are telling my husband's family on Sunday. Oh my... the reality that this might end with a real baby is starting to sink in.

Angelria, I can't wait to hear about your appointment this afternoon, good luck, I'm sure everything is great!
Everything looked good. Heartbeat was 129 which scared me a little, but they said it is normal for it to be that low with how early I am. Doctor didn't seem worried so I am going to try and relax a little. EDD is November 14th and I am measuring right on track for when I know I ovulated. They said about 5 more weeks of sickness. Week 11 I can start getting off the progesterone by going to 1 pill a day for 1 week and then week 12 I will be off it completely.
Emmy that is great news, still a nice strong heartbeat. So happy for you.
Erinsmummy how are you feeling? Praying you get some relief and these next few weeks go by fast.

Mrs. Duck and Leinz thinking of you both.
I am still lurking and keeping an eye on you all, just not posting so much.

I'm glad things are going so well for you all.

Lots of love to you all xxxx <3 xxxx
Mrs duck only a few months and you will be ttc, really looking forward to you coming on here with a bfp :) hope your feeling well.

Angelria that heart beat isnt low, my babies was around that at one point, midwife said its prob cos baby was resting, you dont need to worry. Glad the appointment went well!!

Emmy glad your appointment went well too, and that your feeling more confident :) Your past the horrid 12 weeks now so its time you relaxed and started to enjoy!

Im feeling ok just waddling around lol, spending today with my sister, its her birthday. I have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks, ill be 37 weeks so need something maternity, might go shopping tomorrow and see if i can find something! Really dont wanna look like a frump lol, im determined to find something that flatters my bump rather than hide it or make me look fat!
Angelria, that's wonderful! My hb was in the 120s when I was 7+3 too, they also told me that was great. Woohoo to an end date from the progesterone. At my appointment yesterday I had lost 1/2 lb. from my appointment at 9 weeks. I attribute it to less bloat, hopefully yours will go down too when you stop the progesterone. Great news and so happy for you!

MrsDuck- It's good to hear from you. I hope you're continuing to feel better!
Emmy: So happy your appt. went perfect! How exciting that its time to start telling family. I'm on :cloud9:! Perfect, healthy rainbow on its way! :)

Angelria: I'm so happy your visit went well. Sounds like a healthy HB to me. Variances are great in the first trimester. :) Congrats! :cloud9:

Duck: I miss you! So good to see you around. I'm excited about being around to see your H&H 9 months and a beautiful rainbow in your arms! It will be the sweetest day ever for me here on BNB! Just a few more months! :hugs:

AFM: You may all think I've lost it. I think I have. :haha: I'm in the 2ww. I've had some cramping and felt more tired. But, I don't know if its from recovering from childbirth or if its the start of creating a new life. All I know is I'll be finding out.

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