After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Third blood test results...... drum roll please..............................930. YAY!!!!!!!
So they are rising nicely and my first appt is in a week and a half. Thanks for all your support ladies. Don't know what I would do without each and everyone of you.
Third blood test results...... drum roll please..............................930. YAY!!!!!!!
So they are rising nicely and my first appt is in a week and a half. Thanks for all your support ladies. Don't know what I would do without each and everyone of you.

YAYAYAYYAAY! I'm so happy! What happy news! I'm dancing! :) :) :) :)x
And wow just noticed zoela is 2 months old already! Time goes so fast!
I have an ultrasound in about 3 hours... I feel like it's D-Day.
How did the ultrasound go Emmy? I can't wait for mine. It seems like the days have slowed down and it will never get here LOL.
It went well. I measured exactly 10 weeks (was 10+3 based on lmp) so it looks like we've caught up some since last scan. Baby had a hb of 173, two arms, two legs, and no tail. :)

I feel very relieved as this is by far the longest we've made it. I looked at my husband last night and said "This is scary... we might actually end up with a baby this time!"

We're going to start telling family after my doctor's appointment next Thursday.

Angelria- How are you feeling and when is your first scan?

MrsDuck- How are your treatments going, you're almost done right?

Erinsmummy- How are you feeling? Have you had your shower yet?

Leinzlove- How's that little Zoela doing? We need updated pics. :)


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Awww beautiful picture Emmy. I am doing good. Sickness is kicking in a little. Not throwing up, but not feeling great at all. It takes a lot for me to throw up. Can't even brush my teeth without gaging. Oh just the thought of brushing my teeth just made me gag LOL. The strange thing is I have gained 3 pounds already. Not sure if it is just bloat or what. I know the progesterone I have to take causes you to bloat and I have been eating some salty stuff to curb the neasousness. That could be it also. I am terrified of gaining 60 pounds again. I have been trying to go to the gym when I feel good. My scan is next Thursday.
Mrs Duck I have been thinking of you lately. I hope you are well. Not long and you will be joining all of us.
Erinsmummy- Not long now and you will be holdng your little pnut. So exciting.
I have honestly started having some fears now that I know this is really happening and I am scared that my son will feel left out or not loved.
Wow Emmy I just saw the heart rate. That is a nice strong heart beat and I am going to go ahead and predict a girl :)
A girl would great, hehe! I have a TON of bloating, and it's got to be due to the progesterone. At my intake appointment I had gained 3 pounds (by 9 weeks) but it seriously looks like 10. People have been giving the funny looks at work for a month now. My middle is just sooo bloated. I take my last progesterone tomorrow, they said to stop at 11 weeks, so hopefully it will go down soon.
Glad to see that your scan went well emmy! Angelria feeling sick is always a good sign!! Even if it does make u feel awful! I was so sick with this one, remember it being the reason I thought things would be fine this time :)

I have been thinking about Mrs duck also, hope she's ok.

As for me, we don't usually do the baby shower thing round here, some do but it's not something I've thought about doing. Only 7 weeks now till due date, so excited!! Just want to meet him!
Erinsmummy did you get sick to where you were throwing up or just queesy all the time. From the moment I wake until I go to bed. Awful, but I just remind myself it's all worth it in the end. I just wish I could have a short break from it to enjoy the feeling of being prego. When did the sickness stop for you?

Emmy no more progesterone YAY!!!!!! You will have to let me know if the bloat goes down now that you are off of it. I looked at my reflection in a window the other day and quickly looked away because from the side I just look plain fat.

Leinz I love the new picture. She is a doll!
We had MC in Feb and started trying straight away as Dr said my bloods were back to normal. OV cycle day 17 - Now on CD 28 and have had a very line squint and you can see it, on a Clearblue with evening urine. Not wanting to get excited yet until it gets darker as my HPT line stayed very faint and I MC at 5 weeks. So scared too - was the worst weekend of my life losing our tiny seed and I'm really worried it will happen again. I'm not even sure when AF is due as they never settled after having my 25 month old.
Angelria, I've been sicker too. No vomitting but nausua all day and for the past two weeks I've been gagging as soon as I get full... which is conveniently 1/2 way through each meal, haha. Let's hope it's a good sign!

Charose- Welcome! I hope that line gets darker for you and that you'll stick around on this thread, haha. It started after our Feb 2012 miscarriags. So far we've got one baby born (Leinzlove), one about to be born (Erinsmummy), two in the first tri (myself and Angelria) and hopefully a BFP in the next few months (MrsDuck). There were a few additional miscarrages in between but now you're pretty much caught up! :)
Yeah i was throwing up every day, even at night, didnt go away till i was 16 weeks, was worried id have it all way through! With Erin i was sick too but only once or twice in the mornings and then id be fine rest of day! With this one some days i couldnt even get out of bed! I felt so ill.

Charose i hope this is it for u, know how scary pregnancy is after a loss. all of us on this thread do x
Erinsmummy- No shower is a bummer. I didn't realize it was a US thing. The few that I've been too have been fruitful (probably over $1,000 in gifts!). When did you start buying things? I'm about to take the plunge into buying maternity clothes (well at least a few pairs of pants) but am still not 100% convinced/ comfortable that this little one is stick around yet.
Yeah they have started doing showers over here a bit now, but its more of a first baby thing. I Started buying things anytime after my 12 week scan, i think ive got everything now, just need to get nappies really, ive got all the essentials, some of it is what my mum kept of Erins, only thing ive had to buy new is clothes as Erins clothes is all so girly lol.y
Hi ladies my radiotherapy is now over yay, hopefully I can get back to some normality and get back to ttc in 4 months time yay xx

Angelria sickness is a great sign but hopefully you don't get too sick xx

Emmy what a gorgeous scan pic I'm so happy for you xx

Erinsmummy I'm so pleased everything is going well for you, I can't believe Jack will soon be here xx

Leinz zoela is gorgeous, keep the pics coming xx

Charose I'm so sorry for your loss but welcome to the group and I hope you get your rainbow bfp soon xx
Mrs duck, I'm so glad you're back and starting to feel better!!! Four months will go by in no time!

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