After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

That's great Emmy, your going to have a healthy 9 months!

How r u now Angelria!

I'm going for a walk tonight, going to get this baby moving down! I don't believe you can make Labour start on ur own but I do believe u can help things along!! I've just put on Facebook that I'm nervous now I know what's coming, every Braxton hicks makes me think "oh God it's gonna hurt!" Lol, erins Labour was great, but obviously painfull and now that is scaring me! Silly eh!
Not silly at all. I already think about that. I was in labor for 26 hours with my son and my epidural wore off about an hour before so I felt everything.
I am doing ok. Hanging in there and waiting for the first trimester stuff to finally pass. It is slowly getting better, but I have migranes every afternoon and they can't give me anything until I finally get to 12 weeks. I have a history of them so I knew I would be getting them.
Great news Emmy about the heart rate.
Migraines are awful :( I've never had them much but my mum suffers with them badly, so does my sister. Not long till the end of the first tri now :)

My Labour with Erin was 8hours, waters broke at 10am, but didn't get contractions till 3pm, then they got quite bad so went to hosp at 5, was checked at 5,30 and I was 10cm, she was born half an hour later, I only had gas n air because had no time for anything else. The pain is coming back to me though... I've said this time gas n air is a must!! Loved the stuff!!
To me it feels like this time has drug by because I have felt like crap, but at the same time it feels like it is hard to believe I am one week away from the end of my first trimester. I am glad to be feeling better, but I have mixed emotions and kind of scared at the thought of how fast our life is going to change. Almost a little bit of anxiety about my family of 3 becoming 4 and how everyone will adjust. Mainly my little man. I hope and pray he doesn't regress or get hurt feelings towards us. Oh the joys of the pregnancy hormones.
I worry about Erin too. But kids do adjust, I have a friend that had a 2 yr old, then had another baby and her eldest hated the baby, he was a nightmare, just wanted the baby gone and would hurt him on purpose.. it lasted about 3 weeks, as soon as he realised the baby was here to stay he calmed down, so even when that does happen it will get easier, mostly they take really well to a new sibling. Erin is still very much my baby, I do baby her, so I'm a bit nervous about it! She's such a good little girl, don't have much trouble with her in way of bad behaviour, so I'm just going to involve her in everything, hope she is ok about it. T th ft tg LOrd pic Law ax Lisa awAre f dss

That last bit was Erin lol.

Anyway, this pregnancy dragged till 16 weeks but since then it's flown by! I'm in the last few weeks already!
archangel24 it has been a long road for all of us but there is always hope :) Feel free to join us and share your journey with us. We always welcome anyone to join us.

Yes Caleb is such a loving and good hearted little boy. He will be 3 by the time the baby is here and we talk about the baby often. Even let him go to the first ultrasound with us. Now he keeps telling me he has a baby in his belly LOL. Silly boy. He is so sweet and loving that I don't want him to become mean or resentful. All fears I guess second moms have. I just can't wait for my appt on Monday and see that this bean is growing the way it needs to. I still have all the prego symptoms but my hubby mentioned my belly isn't growing much, just a little bump and it made me worry for some reason. I feel like I am huge, but people still can't tell if I am prego or if I just gained weight.
Archangel your more than welcome to join us in here :)

To be honest Angelria I hardly look pregnant now lol so don't worry about your size! I'm sure all is fine, I have a midwife appointment that day also. Do u get you get to have a scan?
I've only had people in the last two weeks start asking me if I'm pregnant. Then of course, they go into, well... we thought maybe you were gaining weight, etc. Makes one feel great, lol. It was during the 12th week for me that I felt like my bloat belly started to turn into a bump belly.
Heart rate was 151 and everything looks great. 11 weeks 5 days today :)
Private scan was tonight and AHHHHHH!!! So excited it's a girl! HB was 150 and baby was measuring 16+1 and 5 ounces. What a relief that everything is still okay!

Sorry it's is hard to see but it's a picture taken with my phone of the picture they gave us, haha.


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Aw Emmy that's lovely, such a relief for u too! Girls are great ;)

Well I've been having so many pains all night, I know it's not Labour as none of it is regular but I hope he makes an appearance soon! I'm mega uncomfy!
Emmy that is wonderful news. YAY for a baby girl. My nurse made a very early guess of a girl based on the nub position, but I googles it and they can be wrong if the scan is not at the right angle so I am not going to assume it is a girl yet. I am going to see if my doctor will do a scan for us at 16 weeks to see the gender. Are you going to tell everyone the gender or keep it a secret?

Erinsmummy not to much longer. I am sorry you are so uncomfortable. I remember those days. Try and rest as much as you can.
I am getting so annoyed with people today, ive had 3 comments on my bump being too small already. Really winds me up, what size am i suppose to flamin be?? like an elephant?! Argh ive had comments all the time since i was 12 weeks, i remember as i hadnt even had my 12 week scan yet and someone said "well you havnt got a bump have you?!" well no shit, the baby is tiny about 3inches long, why on earth should i have a bump!! A girl i know today who is about 12 weeks behind me, asked how long i have left, i said less than 2 weeks and she says "oh what?! no way your too small to be nearly due" What the?!?! And then a lady at the supermarket wanted to help me with my bags... really nice gesture of course but then she says "i dont want you to strain yourself and have you give birth way too early!" Ugh, she meant well though so ill let her off... But then walking home, saw a girl i know and she says "oh ur still going then" Er well yes im not at my due date yet!! Then she says "your still tiny, why are you so tiny" Well im not THAT small. Im measuring on the smaller side for how many weeks i am, but im not below the line on the chart or anything, and although will probably be a small baby like erin was, he isnt going to be tiny tiny!!!

Im sorry for this rant i just went off on lol, just had enough of people saying the same thing, makes me feel like theres something wrong with me or baby!! Ive even been accused of not eating!! I eat like you wouldnt believe and anyone who knows me, knows that i eat like a bloody horse!! Ill try and post a pic of my bump tomorrow, personally i love it, and i dont think its too small at all! Thanks for listening to my rambles :)
As long as you and baby are healthy and the doctor says everything is good with your son it doesn't matter how big your bump is. Just means it is all baby. Should be able to get back to normal in no time. I would take it as a compliment. Don't worry about other people. I always had people asking if I had 2 in there with my son. I was big and gained way more weight than I should have, but it still made me angry for everyone I saw to ask me that. No worries Momma just picture holding that little boy and nothing and no one else matters :)
Just goes to show they will make some kind of comment no matter what size you are. Either you are too small or you have more than one because you are too big. I am just sooooo happy we finally have our miracle babies.
We've told everyone the gender but will keep the name a secret. There are a few people we will probably tell the name to, I'll tell you ladies, haha, but are refraining from telling a lot of family that will offer their unwanted two sense.

I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable Erinsmummy. I can imagine how sick you are of the comments, I already am sick of them too. People at work just started fiding out within the last two weeks. I told my boss and aides earlier but asked them to keep it under wraps. People keep saying "Oh, I thought maybe you were pregnant, but wasn't sure if you were just gaining weight so I didn't say anything!" It makes me so angry that they were busy worrying about my weight. One person even commented that I always had a little belly so she wasn't sure. WTF? I'm a perfectly average weight and BMI!! I wanted to smack her and explain that I started progesterone in January, so although you are just now finding out, it's mid April, and I've been successfully hiding this bloat and bump for months, b*tch! Get's me fired up, haha! Angelria you are right though, who really cares at the end of the day what they say!
It's the way they say it. I mean if they said "you've got a lovely neat bump" that sounds positive but I get "your too small" "you need to eat more" "you can't be that far along" "where's the baby" argh I could go on. Maybe my hormones but I can't smile and nod anymore, I have to walk away or they might get a slap hahaha x
Heart rate yesterday was 156. We have to wait 8 more weeks for another ultrasound :( I don't know if I can wait 8 weeks to find out the sex.

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