After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Erinsmummy: I was thinking for sure your rainbow was here! Overdue, wow! I sure hopes baby gets here like now.

I also got the HB teddybear, mine was $25, I played it over and over during pg and now she has it in her room. I also took newborn pictures with it...
Looks like baby Jack is taking his time... what a boy, hehe! Do they have any plans to induce if you get to 41 weeks?

Fingers crossed that he makes an appearance sooner rather than later for you! :)
They wont induce me till 41+5 anyway but no i have said as long as me and baby are ok i dont want to be induced at all, ill let nature do its thing :) He seems pretty comfy in there at the mo lol. Will get on here asap when anything does happen, shall keep you posted :)
I know, I can't believe I'm 19 weeks. It just sounds further along. I agree to let nature take its course if possible! Not too much longer either way! So excited for you!
Im 6 days over now and no sign whatsoever!! Baby is still super active in there and all seems fine so i could still go a couple more weeks yet. crikey. I know its my choice not to be induced but still... the waiting is annoying! I had no signs with erin though, waters went pop and that was that, so i know you dont always get a sign as such... Ugh. on a positive note, i was told id have a small baby, now though he is likely to be a "normal" size, probably wont be 6lb like erin was, more like 7 i reckon!
That's good news about his size, I know they were worried about that a few weeks ago. :)
WOO HOO WOO HOO WOO HOO!!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it. I hope you are both doing well. Congratulations on your much deserved rainbow!!!!
Ok i have 10 mins to quickly update!

I went to bed monday night, about midnight, i was having mild pains, but nothing major, thought it was BH. So i went to sleep. 3am i woke up as was in pain, i timed the contractions and they were 3mins apart and lasting about 60 secs, i paced around the house a bit trying to decide when i should ring the hosp... At 4am i rang my mum and dad to come get me, rang hosp when they got to me at 4.15 and they said it was up to me if i wanted to come in, so as the hosp was a 45 min drive away we decided to go on up.
Contractions got more painfull in the car, but not unbearable, i was ok, got to the hosp at 5am, i lay on the bed and suddenly felt the urge to push! Midwife wipped my trousers off and checked me, i was fully dilated, which i couldnt believe cos i wasnt really in that much pain but i did 2 little pushes and he popped out at 5.20am. My waters broke about 2 mins before he came out. Was all fine, didnt have time for pain relief. He weighed 7lb 4oz. He is a very content little thing, only cries when hes naked lol. Erin loves her little brother! Ive still not caught up on sleep really so bit tired but otherwise i feel good!


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Hello ladies I hope you don't mind me joining you.
I miscarried in the first week of February and until this week hadnt got my af at all.
We took some time out and have been trying in between but my body obviously wasnt ready and had this planned instead. It's quite frustrating as it feels the same as it did at the beginning of February. I was just wondering if anyone experienced heavy bleeding with their af after miscarrying? The doctors sadly gave me no advice at all. It's terrifying to consider the possibility of it happening again but I keep telling myself I won't achieve what I want unless I try :)
I wish you all the best of luck and in sure it will happen for you all soon.
Huge congratulations erinsmummy :happydance: :happydance: pls post a pick of baby jack when you can, I'm so pleased everything went well and it sounds like you had the perfect delivery <3 xxxxxx
Oh Erinsmummy what a great story! It sounds like his birth was perfect and he certainly is adorable! Congrats to you, your husband and big sister Erin!

I'm so very happy and excited for you!!!!
Starbuck- Yes, the first AF was really heavy after both my miscarriages. You're right though, you have to keep trying no matter how scary it is. Try to think positively. We ladies joined after miscarriages in Feb 2012. We now have two babies as of the other day, two on the way and one ttc again soon. We did have more miscarriages but things are finally looking up. Hang in there and it will eventually happen!
Sorry I missed the big news. I was on a cruise and just got home today. YAYYYYY Erinsmummy he is beautiful and just perfect. So happy that the delivery was quick as I know you were stressing it.

Emmy you have hit the half way mark. So exciting.

Welcome Starbuck. My AF was very heavy and painful after my 3 mc.
I know Angelria, 20 weeks... ahhh! I think we've settled on the name (but will wait until after she's born to tell family). We're going with Madeline Brenda. Brenda was my mother's name.

15 weeks for you, that's wonderful. Are you starting to feel better? Were you able to enjoy your curse? I know you were worried about that a few weeks ago. Hope you had fun!

Erin's mummy, I hope you're recovering well and enjoying little Jack. How's Erin handing being a big sister? I hope all is well!

Mrs. Duck, how are you doing? Are you starting to feel better? Not to much longer until ttc time, right?
I'm still stalking you ladies just not posting much, I'm good thanks Emmy, I'm waiting on an appointment for my full body scan which checks for cancer, it should be July but who knows :shrug: then all being well I can finally get back to ttc :happydance:

I'm glad all is well with you lovely ladies xxxx
Mrs.Duck I'm glad you're feeling better and that your ttc date is coming up soon! Almost there!
Starbuck, sorry for your loss, my af was heavy after my miscarriages, its normal. And your right that its scary knowing it could happen again but like you say you have to keep trying. I had 2 miscarriages and it took about 18 months to finally conceive the baby ive just had! There were many times i felt like giving up and it was heartbreaking but i have my little boy now, was so worth it all. Lots of the other ladies in here are also pregnant with their rainbow so dont give up!

Mrs duck, thank you, nice to hear from you! Hope your well, cant wait for you to start ttc :)

Thank u angelria, hope you had a fab time :)

Emmy, Erin is loving being a big sister, she cant get enough of him, she has been so good.

As for me, im so in love with my little boy, he is perfect and just cant believe ive finally got him! I am really enjoying him, taking in every min cos i know it goes too fast!

Just want to thank you all, back when i made this thread i didnt think id ever get the baby i wanted, couldnt have got through all the months ttc and my losses without the support ive got in here!

Here is a pic of my gorgeous little boy :) just after his bath!


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Aw jack is gorgeous erinsmummy :) he looks so much older than 6 days old :)

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