Ladies, no real movements today. You remember when you were first feeling movements and it was 'was that me or baby' I've had that all day.
Should I be worried?
my bp is back up back to hospital tomorrow I go. *sigh*
Yep that could be it I suppose instead of getting me to come in again one or two days later! Do u know anything about sweeps and their effectiveness?Snow Owl....yes-I went to L&D due to hardly any movements that day-they did a heartbeat trace & checked heartbeat for an after baby was moving loads-it's quiet again today's so worriying when you get barely any movements-maybe go get a trace-i was crying with worry so it's so reassuring-the beeping monitor must have woken him/her up as I got movements as soon as the monitor started. Midwife said try a glass of cold water to try & get movement-if that doesn't work I I wasn't to think I was bothering-I should get checked out. I am going to try some water now as haven't noticed a movement since lunchtime.
CharlieO-I hope all is well!!
Smiley-that's good-I have been offered one on my due date-I suppose you will only be a couple of days earlier than due date so that might be why?
Snow-does your last comment mean you got more movement? Just read that last one......if you are worried-ring L&D......I wasn't sure whether to but was so glad I did as the trace re-assured me so much!! But yes mine is moving less now.....I Hope it comes soon as I don't like all this worry at the end!!
CharlieO- I hope everything's ok
Snow owl- I was having barely any movement yesterday, I tried everything (sweets, ice, poking, rolling, laying down, etc.. Nothing) just as I was getting ready to go to hosp my husband said "lay down, I'm going to read her a story"... Well his voice did it. She started dancing and kicking... Then kept going all night. it's amazing how they can pick up on their daddies voice
SmileyX- re: sweeps. I just had my dr appt and I am 1cm dilated, so she was able to do a stretch and sweep of the membranes. There was a little blood, which is a good sign. My dr said there is a 50/50 chance I'll go into labour within 48hrs.
I have another sweep booked for next Tuesday. And if that is ineffective, I will be induced Jan23rd.
Going to be DTD all night!! Cross your fingers girls!!!