Sorry Jelly you are officially the last one to go!! I'd still be pregnant too if I wasn't induced, our wombs are just so comfy!
Hailey Marie Jean Smith was born Jan 25th at 42 minutes after midnight.
Weighing 8lbs11oz (exactly what her last ultrasound predicted)
Irregular contractions started at 11am Thurs.
Oxytocin I.v. Started at 4pm. Contractions came regularly (pain bearable).
Water broken at 8:30pm. (excruciating contractions from this point so I used gas to get me through... Took the edge of a tiny bit. Made me feel super stoned lol)
Finally had my epi at 10:30pm. And I was in epi heaven
I slept from 11pm-12 and when I woke at 12 I was saying my contractions felt like pressure in my vagina, so the nurse checked me and says "whoa! Youre fully dilated to 10! It's time to start pushing!!"
I was so freaking nervous! My body was shaking & trembling hardcore.
But with each contraction (which felt like pressure) I pushed!
After 40minutes of pushing, my husband caught our beautiful little girl and placed her on my chest
The cord was wrapped around her neck twice, so the dr warned me he might have to use the vacuum, but I pushed so effectively she was out of there in no time! (total 8hr labour, 40min pushing)
I also tore quite a bit inside and had to be all stitched up. So along with the swelling my vagina is in so much pain
But she was so worth it
Bf'ing is going ok. My nipples hurt from her chompy hard gums, but once she gets a good latch she seems satisfied
Hope your bean comes soon Jelly!!!!