Amanda Knox


Mum to Ruby born Oct 2009
Apr 23, 2009
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Do you think she will be extradited? Do you think she's guilty?

I really don't know what to think on this case. I do think though if a court has found her guilty she should be sent there to serve the sentence as America expects everyone else to do the same

Something about her seems really cold but obviously this doesn't make her guilty
I know the Italian court has found her guilty and therefore she should be extradited or at least serve her sentence in the US. What has happened to the ex boyfriend ?. Has he been re-arrested yet ?. TBH until the evidence is released I don't think anyone outwith the court can say she's guilty or not. If she is guilty she needs to pay the penalty if not she needs to be left in peace, but all these book deals and that she's done shouldn't be allowed.
Great thread:haha:

I followed her case from the beginning and at this point, I don't know what to think either.
There have been too much going on for one person to be guilty. I know her ex-boyfriend was found not guilty and has been sent back home...

I wonder whats next for her:blush:

Keep the updates coming:hugs:
He was found guilty too and is currently being held near a border trying to leave Italy
They were both found guilty.

I sincerely hope that the US extradite her arse back to Italy for justice to be served. The US will face a while host of problems if they resist the extradition and rightly so.

The boyfriend was caught trying to leave Italy so his passport has now been confiscated and his identity papers have been stamped to prevent him leaving.

From what I gather, he is still free atm until the sentence is "finalised". I assume this is how it works in Italy.

I hope the Kercher family eventually get the truth.
I really have no idea... She should be extradited though. Whats the point in an extradition treaty if America can just refuse to hand her over?
I know the Italian court has found her guilty and therefore she should be extradited or at least serve her sentence in the US. What has happened to the ex boyfriend ?. Has he been re-arrested yet ?. TBH until the evidence is released I don't think anyone outwith the court can say she's guilty or not. If she is guilty she needs to pay the penalty if not she needs to be left in peace, but all these book deals and that she's done shouldn't be allowed.

Why not? She's been in prison for years, in a foreign country away from her family, guitly of a crime she is insistant she didn't commit.....her family were broke up to the eye balls from all the legal bills, shouldn't she be allowed to tell her story to make some money to pay her family back for their support?? If you were innocent of a crime, would you not want to tell your story?

For the record, I actually DON'T think she is guilty of murder, and I have read a lot on the case. Their guitly verdict (first time round, likely this time too) seems to be a massive trial by media, protrayed as a sex monster and her 'strange' behaviour after the murder.....lacking a serious amount of actual evidence to tie her directly to the death of Kercher, and the shoddy Italian police who fail to do anything forensically correct.

She's a bit strange, and now outspoken, but last time I checked that didn't make you guilty of murder. She'll appeal this guilty verdict, and I doubt very much will ever step foot in Italy again.
I believe they are victims of circumstance and that there is fat too much room for doubt to instill a murder conviction. Any DNA evidence is totally unreliable due to how the police handled the scene and so much of the prosecution has been based on unfair character assassination. The prosecution haven't even determined a clear motive; first it was a 'satanic ritual', then it was because the house was messy?

I dunno, I'm not certain of their innocence due to the changes in their alibis along the way (and Knox implicating the landlord) but there is nothing indisputable to pin on them.

It'll be interesting to see what happens now. I think if the US refuse to hand over Knox, then there will be more public pressure to stop pursuing Edward Snowden. Spotlight is very much on their extradition handlings now.
I know the Italian court has found her guilty and therefore she should be extradited or at least serve her sentence in the US. What has happened to the ex boyfriend ?. Has he been re-arrested yet ?. TBH until the evidence is released I don't think anyone outwith the court can say she's guilty or not. If she is guilty she needs to pay the penalty if not she needs to be left in peace, but all these book deals and that she's done shouldn't be allowed.

There's been no new evidence I believe.
I don't believe she's guilty no. I don't think he is either but I do think they know more.
But I absolutely think she should go back and appeal and do things the correct way. I am assuming the US will extradite her anyway to avoid causing itself any problems.
I believe Amanda Knox and her boyfriend are guilty. I looked at the transcripts for the original court case and the following examples of evidence / information was put forward ( there are lots more, this is just a sample)

- the burglary was definitely staged
- According to Amanda knox, she entered the house in the morning, door was open, Merediths door shut, there was blood in the bathroom ( if you have seen pictures of that bathroom, its obvious that it was a crime scene) she then took a shower in this bathroom
- She said her and boyfriend were at his place on computer that evening - yet no record of anyone using computer till 5 am
- told police on arrival to burglary call that no point in checking Merediths room as she ALWAYS locked her door. Other roomates stated that she NEVER locked her door, ever and Amanda knew this.
- bloody footprints belonging to Amanda and boyfriend in house
- Irrefutable proof on Merediths body and crime scene that more than one person killed her / was involved
- At police station just after body is found, Amanda says to British friends of Meredith that she was found dead in the wardrobe. Merediths body was on the floor ( but later forensics verified that she had been killed against the wardrobe and the body then moved) how did Amanda know this?

etc etc, very damning evidence

Unfortunately this has been a case of the evidence not being assessed or dealt with correctly originally but it is there, evidence that Amanda knox was at the crime scene.

Personally i think there could be a vague possibility that Rudy Guede ( man in prison) could have been the killer and Amanda and Raffaelle held Meredith down whilst he sexually assaulted her but perhaps it went too far and killing her was not Amandas intention. Thus Amanda proclaiming her innocence about not 'killing' her is perhaps her seeing herself as not cullpable because she was there and involved in restraining her but did not actually kill her. Just possibly explains why there is ambiguity over the whole thing. She is still guilty though.

I think its a damn shame poor Merediths murder has been turned into the Amanda Knox show. I seriously doubt, in the age we live in with current forensics and modern technology that a court of law would find someone guilty TWICE unless there was ample proof. She just got lucky the first time that errors were made by police ( a la similar to OJ Simpson debacle) and she won her appeal.

Another big question also needs to be asked. If there is solid proof that meredith was killed by more than one person, why is there not an evidence trail pointing to these two other mystery people? No evidence exists that e.g Rudy Guede was assisted by two other random people other than Amanda and Rafaelle.

Yup, they totally did it.
I'm not sure I believe she's guilty. I do wonder if she was more involved than she is letting on but really can't decide.
Dezireey. are you talking about the photo when the bathroom literally looked like it was caked with blood? Because that was making the rounds, but was eventually de-bunked.

This site is also good to counter a lot of the forensic evidence that the prosecution used, such as the footprints and the bra clasp.

Also, this article does a decent job at exploring her character assassination and outlining the timeline of the night:

I dunno, I'm really uncomfortable with two people being put away for life when seemingly nothing concrete has been brought to the table.
I don't know. I think the whole thing is a bit bizarre. I must admit I haven't read up on it but just looking superficially, the Italian police seem terrible! There doesn't seem to be any DNA evidence but whether that's because there was none or it's been destroyed by a botch job I don't know.
I believe Amanda Knox and her boyfriend are guilty. I looked at the transcripts for the original court case and the following examples of evidence / information was put forward ( there are lots more, this is just a sample)

- the burglary was definitely staged

I don't think so. The evidence shows that the rock that was used to break the window was thrown from the outside as it damanged the shutters on the inside of the window. There is also the possibilty that the 'ransacked' room was actually the room of a messy inhabitent. Point being, this room was never properly investigated by the police to prove without doubt there was a staged break-in. RG likely moved stuff around looking for items (money etc) and would have therefore moved around glass etc, but again not properly investigated. He has however commited a similar burgulary type crime by entering through a window similar to the situation in this case.

- According to Amanda knox, she entered the house in the morning, door was open, Merediths door shut, there was blood in the bathroom ( if you have seen pictures of that bathroom, its obvious that it was a crime scene) she then took a shower in this bathroom

Bathroom crime scene has been debunked.

- She said her and boyfriend were at his place on computer that evening - yet no record of anyone using computer till 5 am
- told police on arrival to burglary call that no point in checking Merediths room as she ALWAYS locked her door. Other roomates stated that she NEVER locked her door, ever and Amanda knew this.
- bloody footprints belonging to Amanda and boyfriend in house

No they didn't find bloody footprints. They found FOOTPRINTS. They were tested with luminol which glows with blood, and other subtances like household cleaners, rust, dirt. The footprints glowed however they were NEVER tested for they could have been anything.

- Irrefutable proof on Merediths body and crime scene that more than one person killed her / was involved

Not really. The injuries sustained by Meredith could have been caused by a large person inflicting a violent attack. Her hair was pull to restain her, and a pathologist seperate of the investigation has stated the injuries could have been cause by an individual. Rudy Guede carried out this attack, his bloody hand print (with DNA and merediths blood) was found....this is damning evidence.

- At police station just after body is found, Amanda says to British friends of Meredith that she was found dead in the wardrobe. Merediths body was on the floor ( but later forensics verified that she had been killed against the wardrobe and the body then moved) how did Amanda know this?

etc etc, very damning evidence

Unfortunately this has been a case of the evidence not being assessed or dealt with correctly originally but it is there, evidence that Amanda knox was at the crime scene.

Personally i think there could be a vague possibility that Rudy Guede ( man in prison) could have been the killer and Amanda and Raffaelle held Meredith down whilst he sexually assaulted her but perhaps it went too far and killing her was not Amandas intention. Thus Amanda proclaiming her innocence about not 'killing' her is perhaps her seeing herself as not cullpable because she was there and involved in restraining her but did not actually kill her. Just possibly explains why there is ambiguity over the whole thing. She is still guilty though.

I think its a damn shame poor Merediths murder has been turned into the Amanda Knox show. I seriously doubt, in the age we live in with current forensics and modern technology that a court of law would find someone guilty TWICE unless there was ample proof. She just got lucky the first time that errors were made by police ( a la similar to OJ Simpson debacle) and she won her appeal.

Another big question also needs to be asked. If there is solid proof that meredith was killed by more than one person, why is there not an evidence trail pointing to these two other mystery people? No evidence exists that e.g Rudy Guede was assisted by two other random people other than Amanda and Rafaelle.

Yup, they totally did it.

There is no concrete evidence to link AK and RS to the murder, and a guilty plea needs to be beyond all reasonable doubt. HOW they were found guilty without the evidence shows the sheer lack of professioanlism by the Italian Police who wanted to interrogate and break down AK, which they did with her confession of the landlord being present. She was interrogated for 43 hours over 5 days (your working week), they tried there best to break her into pieces by talking in a forgein language to someone who was scared.

I don't think she's (or RS) guilty, I think the Italian police have done a really shit job. Rudy Guede is guilty of murder and is behind bars.

Just my two cents :flower: I have followed the case from the start, it's interested me quite a bit and I like reading it. But I do believe Guede is guilty, and acted alone, and is serving his time. I think the Italian Police are trying to cover there backsides for some seriously shoddy work.
Hi Sue, good debate for the guilty and not guilty side of this argument,:flower:

I have also been following the case closely and try not to look at any internet info that isn't directly related to the actual case and witness statements etc as it confuses thing.

I believe Amanda Knox and her boyfriend are guilty. I looked at the transcripts for the original court case and the following examples of evidence / information was put forward ( there are lots more, this is just a sample)

- the burglary was definitely staged

I don't think so. The evidence shows that the rock that was used to break the window was thrown from the outside as it damanged the shutters on the inside of the window. There is also the possibilty that the 'ransacked' room was actually the room of a messy inhabitent. Point being, this room was never properly investigated by the police to prove without doubt there was a staged break-in. RG likely moved stuff around looking for items (money etc) and would have therefore moved around glass etc, but again not properly investigated. He has however commited a similar burgulary type crime by entering through a window similar to the situation in this case.

Two police officers entered the house the morning after the murder, they were not there to answer a 911/999 call about the burglary. They were investigating the two mobile phones belonging to Meredith that had been thrown into the garden of someones house. Upon arriving, they assessed the scene and verified, under oath that the burglary was staged and glass was found on top of items strewn around the floor. Lap tops, TV, items of value in the other roommates room (where the burglary took place) were not stolen, this and forensic evidence was submitted in court.

- According to Amanda knox, she entered the house in the morning, door was open, Merediths door shut, there was blood in the bathroom ( if you have seen pictures of that bathroom, its obvious that it was a crime scene) she then took a shower in this bathroom

Bathroom crime scene has been debunked.

Amanda Knox claimed she took a shower the morning of the murder, without checking a) why the front door (which could only be locked with a key) was wide open when she entered the house and b) Meredith's door was shut also (when she knew, as others have testified) that this was not a usual practice from Meredith. No calling out to her, no checking, she just has a shower. The room, she says had what she perceived to have menstrual blood 'spattered' around (make your own assumptions on that one! :wacko:) Evidence provided and officers at the scene saw a 'blood soaked' bathroom mat on the floor. Amanda claimed that because there wasn't any towels in the bathroom, she used this 'blood soaked' bathroom mat to dry her feet on / shuffle on (hence she claims why her bloody footprints were found leading from Meredith's room to the bathroom). Bloody footprints identified as Rudy Guede were found leading from Meredith's room to the front door.

- Irrefutable proof on Merediths body and crime scene that more than one person killed her / was involved

Not really. The injuries sustained by Meredith could have been caused by a large person inflicting a violent attack. Her hair was pull to restain her, and a pathologist seperate of the investigation has stated the injuries could have been cause by an individual. Rudy Guede carried out this attack, his bloody hand print (with DNA and merediths blood) was found....this is damning evidence.

Forensics stated under oath that Meredith had been restrained by other people whilst another carried out the attack. This was the first part of damning evidence in this case that was rock solid - otherwise why on earth would there even be a case against Amanda Knox and Rafaelle in the first place? If they can't even prove that there was more than one person at the crime scene or that Meredith was restrained then they should not have had two other suspects at all. This is where the evidence is strongest.

There is no concrete evidence to link AK and RS to the murder, and a guilty plea needs to be beyond all reasonable doubt. HOW they were found guilty without the evidence shows the sheer lack of professioanlism by the Italian Police who wanted to interrogate and break down AK, which they did with her confession of the landlord being present. She was interrogated for 43 hours over 5 days (your working week), they tried there best to break her into pieces by talking in a forgein language to someone who was scared.

I don't think she's (or RS) guilty, I think the Italian police have done a really shit job. Rudy Guede is guilty of murder and is behind bars.

Just my two cents :flower: I have followed the case from the start, it's interested me quite a bit and I like reading it. But I do believe Guede is guilty, and acted alone, and is serving his time. I think the Italian Police are trying to cover there backsides for some seriously shoddy work.

I think that the evidence would definitely have been dealt with way more efficiently in some other countries, this is obviously where the legal system in Italy falls down. However, as we all know you don't just provide material evidence in a case and nothing else, you have to submit clear and correct information as evidence about e.g peoples whereabouts, alibis, behaviour, phone calls made and at what time, etc etc. This builds up the entire case to make the timeline of events make more sense and enable the jury to have all the facts that they need.

The trial a few days ago was not actually a re-trial either, it was an answer to the appeals process from Knox and Soliccito. So effectively they were committed, found guilty and they just got out of prison for a while. they both knew this, they both knew their appeal could be overturned, yet Amanda is treating it as 'they found evidence to prove I am innocent, they let me out and now they want me back in prison!' which is not the case. This also gives the perception that the Italian judicial system is a farce, when it is not. Double jeopardy should not be adhered to in this case either because she is in the US, as this recent 'trial' is not a re-trial for the same crime, it is more like a review.

So, really, there is nothing new in this case that proves that Amanda is innocent, there is only proof that she is guilty.

I agree with you about Guede killing Meredith, :thumbup:though I strongly think Amanda and Rafaelle held her down whilst he did so. Its possible that Amanda did it but there is no evidence to prove that she actually killed her with the knife, she was an accomplice perhaps, still guilty for that though and should serve the time. :flower:
I don't have a clue what to think, it's interesting reading about it in the press especially the difference between the US and UK. I gather the case wasn't handled well either way.

There is every chance she won't be extradited because of the double jeopardy rules in the US, this may reduce the pressure for them to do so.
I have no idea what to think, this case really throws me.

Enjoying reading the posts so far!

The guy who is still serving time for it, what does he say about the other two's involvement in it?

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