Can I ask do all jobs provide healthcare/health insurance or do many people have to pay for healthcare themselves?
Thank you Andy, that is really interesting. I am guessing then that is an issue for SAHM's then? They will have to pay for themselves as they dont work, or maybe great employers offer for spouses? What about children? Sorry for all the questions it is just so different to here.
Brilliant, thank you for answering my questions.
I'm covered and so is Sophia through DH. Most places who offer insurance cover spouses and children as well. It costs more, but still covered.
350$ a month for one person is RIDICULOUS. Plus on top of what you have to pay for the hospital bills.
We pay I think $240 a month for our insurance but it comes out of DH's check automatically so we never miss that money.
Can I be nosey and ask if she had pre-existing conditions that affected the price?
Can I be nosey and ask if she had pre-existing conditions that affected the price?
Why not, you are the rest of the time!
Can I be nosey and ask if she had pre-existing conditions that affected the price?
It's so embarrassing when I see people equate socialism with every person having access to at least basic medical care.
And I can't believe how incredibly selfish someone can be that they'd deny another person the right to live simply because they don't have enough money. It's not just lazy, purposely unemployed people who don't have insurance, plenty of employed people are uninsured as well. The same applies to many college students. And even if you are lazy and don't want to work? I'm still not comfortable with letting you die because of some unfortunate personality traits and lack of ambition. And more importantly, I'd rather see my money go towards saving someone's grandfather or daughter or brother than funding some ridiculous wars
So you think paying for them to have 10 kids (that all grow up to be the same way) would be better. That's probably the majority of the reason we have the welfare mess. I've seen it equated many times to the signs to not feed the animals because they become dependent (and then can't take care of themselves nor their offspring). If we continue to let people have as many kids as they want and pay for them to live in basically the same lifestyle as the working middle class (minus the working part) we are doing NO ONE any favors. They need to have motivation to better themselves. If everything that those that work have is given to them (and sometimes more) what motivation do they have to better themselves or teach their children to be independent adults?