Ames_x and sweetcheeks85 were now mummies


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Hiya girls,

Thought as we been talking about having a a new group as were no longer preggy buddies.

Vicki how you and Kaiden, is the BF still going ok and how you been giving him his night feeds with formula?

Amy hows you and Kane doing? Are you feeling better downstairs yet?

Well i think my stitches have well and truely fallen out, i have no pressure down there at all now and havent done for last week, i stopped bleeding at 2 weeks and just wondering when i will start my next period, also have any of you thought about contraception now, im scared cos i got pregnant on the pill and i took mine religously?!

Well i had my date with Anthony last sunday, it went really well, we went for a meal and then we went back to mine and put a film on and had a nice little cuddle on the sofa and when he dropped me off to get hollie we had a little snog lol
I saw him again lastnight he came mine and we watched X Factor (Oh my god, why are those twins still in it!!!!) then put a couple of films on and had cuddles again on sofa, he did stay the night, and we were like stuck to each other like glue, Hollie was sooo good though, i put her in her cot in the day and she slept in it fine, and she slept in it lastnight and when had her feeds she went back to sleep in it
I've now upped her formula as she seems hungry again so shes now on 5 scoops of hungry baby and 5 oz's
She starting to smile now and its not just wind lol
She likes her swing now i got it working
I'm trying to get her out of the habit or being constantly picked up and cuddled cos she started demanding it whenever she was ut down, im doing well, when she starts to get unsettled i sit next to her and call her name or talk to her(do feel silly talking to someone who doesnt answer)
Erm thats all i gotta report on....

This is Hollie in her swing excuse this morning in the background lol and i dont know how to turn the video around the right way lol xxx
Yay we have a new home :happydance:

OOooooo meant to say got ure parcel hun, love the tees im sure the wee man will look cracking in them :thumbup:

Me and the wee man are doing good, still breastfeeding and giving a bottle of formula last thing at night. Think we might try him with another bottle when he wakes tonight at 2/3am coz once he wakes he goes back to the 2hourly routine. Hopefully ill make it to 6 weeks but think I will eventually change totally to formula when we get to 6 weeks as I am shattered, but you never know I might decide to keep it going longer.

I had a wee peek down below and I must say im gutted things dont look the same anymore :cry:

Awww so glad u and Anthony are getting on sooo good hun!!! Must be so exciting!!!

As for contraception I really dont know what to do!! I was considering the implant but have read some bad things about it. The pill is a no no for me as im terrible at remembering to take tablets!!! So we will probably just use condoms till I decide wat to do (thats if we ever do the deed as im terrrified!!).

It wont let me see the video hun!!! Kaiden is staring to like his swing now too, actually fell asleep in it the other day :happydance:

Me and Kane are great, Chris went back to work today so my first day alone with him, also my first day driving with him in the car! All was fine though :thumbup:
Feeling alot better, I'm having physio all this week for the wounds as my stitches have come away - First one today, only takes a few minutes and doesn't hurt so hopefully I will see a big differance - Vicki don't worry I feel the same :nope:

Lauramarie, have you got any open wounds or are they completly healed?! I'm probably going to go back on the pill (yasmin) as it was my fault I didn't take them religiously...:blush:

Awww hun :cloud9: glad your getting on so well! I wanna see a pic :winkwink:
We are doing the same with Kane, as we don't wanna spoil him so we try not to hold him all the time, as spiteful as that sounds lol

Me and Chris love the tops by the way hun, thanks! :hugs:

Starting to wish I bought one of them swings, Kane always wants to be bounced! :dohh: xxx
Oh good im glad you both got them and like them, i got the next sizes up as i know we all went a little mad with the 0-3 month stuff, i've put alot of hollie's things on ebay, as she dont fit her anymore, quickly do they grow seriously, she will look like a 2 yr old in about 6 months lol

Awww the video is on my facebook under video's when i put the video up, i noticed i still got a video of me waxking kirk's eyebrows, so wish i ripped it even hard and pulled half his face off, but there ya go lol

I'll try and steal a pic from his facebook lol
Im cacking it when i have sex, cos they tighten you up again like a virgin, and as i had a sneak preview of his bits this morning, im gonna be walking like john wayne for abit haha

I still havent looked down there yet, im so scared, im waiting for my 6 week check up which is next fridya, but im gonna ask if i can have it a few days early, cos thats my bday night out, and also i can have a good bloody wax, so i can see down there, i had a shave, and well im now itchy like a bitch!!!
We haven't even tried Kane's 0-3 stuff yet, his newborn clothes are still quite big on him!

Ooo I'll have a look now hun!

Ditto... when I went to physio today she said I got to be careful incase where I have tore fuses together, can make sex painful, great!! :dohh: But she will keep an eye on it this week, can't believe the differance already... its closed up alot and looks alot better! I so can't wait to whip out the hair removal cream its so bad down there :rofl:!

LMAO!!! You lucky thing :winkwink:

You should look hun, I found it helped alot. Ouch you shaved!!! You crazy women! xxx
:rofl: :rofl: @ John Wayne comment!! I didnt have stitches wish I did now lol. Gosh u girls are way ahead of me I havent even shaved my legs since I had him :haha:

Kaiden is growing out of his newborn stuff now too, can tell he is going to be a big boy when he is older. Loves his food just like his daddy :baby:!!!

Wat u girls doing to entertain ure wee ones during the day? I feel like Kaiden must be soooooo bored I dont really know wat to do with him. I blab away and put him on his play mat and swing in between naps and feeds during the day but is this enough????
Wow, well i know i got a few days ahead of you girls, but i think Hollie will be coming out of her 0-3 months stuff by end of november, shes a proper little fatty, im gonna get her weighed on tuesday hopefully, i need to find out the the clinic times, cos on a tuesday's i go to baby cinema with hollie and my nct girls, were also gonna be meeting up on a thursday, dont know if you girls have this in your area, but i have also registered on this site and you can find details on local meets in your area's and meet other mums, i've started chatting to a few of them and meeting up with a couple in next few weeks

Lol well something needed to be done down there, i looked like a forest and it felt so weird, i have never ever ever ever had that much hair down there, im a baldy normally lol

Well i cant have my 6 week check early, they have booked it for 28th oct and its with the male dr, they dont have a female dr on there anymore!!! So thats just brilliant, so im gonna brave it and have a look down there over this week and by next week, i would of grown back down there and i'll have a good wax, i just cant shave, im itching so badly, i've even been using hollie's nappy rash cream lol

I just talk to hollie put her on her playmat and walk around doing the stuff, but i must admit i think she must be soooo bored with me and just laying there lol xxx
Well Kane got weighed today, hes 8lb 11oz! Little fatty put on 10oz!!!

I do the same as you both, Kane just chats away to himself lol, he seems happy enough! xx
AWwww bless him, well 2 and half weeks ago hollie was weighing at 9lb exactly, so i do reckon she is nearer 11lb now lol

Im getting my other hair cut tonight lol
Im having this style, and i will get my hair colour like this aswell, but gotta build upto it, so just having 3 different blonde put in it first
Ooooo thats nice, ull need to post a pic of the new you!!!! Im badly needing my hair done my roots r sooooo bad. Should be able to go now that Kaiden is taking a bottle!!!

Kaiden was 9lb 5oz last week so think he ll be about 10lb odds now. xoxo
Thats kinda like what I got done yesterday hun! I SO needed my hair cut, just training my fringe to stay to the one side with a clip lol.

Ill take photos tomorrow maybe! I wanna see the results Lauramarie!x x
Here ya go.... i dont like smiling as ya can tell lol xxx
Very nice hun!!!! Like the colour too :thumbup:

I dont know whether to get mines cut short to make it easier now ive got Kaiden!!!

My once contented baby has found his lungs the last few days especially today :wacko:

anyways need to go he has just spewed all over me again :dohh:
I no they soon find there lungs it took hollie 3 half weeks now she lieks it, but shes started to gurgle now and smile without it being wind, shes comng out more and more

i think shes gonna start teething soon, can see her teeth in her gums! im sooooooooo dreading it!!!

AWwww bless him!!xxx
Like I said on Facebook, I love it hun! :thumbup:

How much are your little uns drinking and how often? xx
Kaiden takes between 3-5oz if its a bottle but he is still BF aswell. He took 5oz at midnight last night, slept till 4am had 4oz and then slept on and off (inbetween babling v vocally lol) till 7am

So far today

7.30am BF
9.30 am 4oz EBM
11.30 BF and 3oz Formula
14.00 BF

He is getting really frustrated with the breast now at times dont think he can get the milk out quick enough, so screams till I give him a bottle if I dont catch him when he is still calm enough and not starving to take the boob :cry: I am a bit gutted as I was enjoying BF so im trying to express when I can and keep it going for as long as I can. Daddy loves feeding him now though so its all good an he takes a bottle from me aswell which I know can be a problem for BF mums. He has had a month worth of boobie though so I havnt done too bad and I really thought I would hate BF and give it up straight away.

How much does Kane and Hollie take?
You have done yourself proud hun! :hugs:

We started Kane on 4oz every 4 hours from today, see if that helps with the night feeds and he was draining his 3oz bottles! xxx
No you have done soooo well Vicki, wish i could of done it, but hollie is such a hungry baby i wouldnt of been able to feed her for long, otherwise she would be on my boob 24/7!!!
Hollie takes between 4-5oz on bottle, at night i give her an extra scoop of formula to fill her up and knock her out abit more, was working last week, but shes got her days/nights mixed up again and she is wide awake all night, last 3 nights i've had no sleep, but mum took her off me for 3 hours this afternoon and i had the best sleep, so feeling so much better, i thought this morning i was gonna scream was so tired and crying my eyes out, i thought i might have the onset of PND, but im gonna keep an eye on myself

On a plus side though, the council have given me the full allowance to do my place up, so i can go and collect my decorating vouchers on monday, also they have said i dont need my child benefit letter now to sort out housing benefit i could of kissed and smacked the bloke, cos the council have been saying they cant sort out my benefits til i get the letter!!!
So hopefully that will be another thing sorted!!!
Ames do you know where your new place is going to be? xxx
Lauramarie, so know how you feel... Kane is the same, we have started to get him into a routine so he knows its night time - we dim the lights, he has a bath every other night at 7/7.30 gets in his pjs and gets cuddles. But we keep him downstairs with us and either put him in his bouncer or the moses basket.

Still dont stop him sleeping all day!

Thats wicked news, how much do you get? Yeah I do, its down the road from my mum in an estate - hopefully going to view it next week!! xx
Well Hollie was in a routine until she had that colic night, it has turned her upside down!!!
I'm gonna try and do that bath her at her 10pm feed, cos she has a bath in the morning, cos she has her naked baby time and she normally wee's on herself, but i will try the 10pm feed t bath her change her feed her then put her in her cot, she sleeps fine in the cot during the day, but at night now she seems to realise im not in there with her

I'm getting £135 which isnt too bad, you get given a list of places you can spend the money and what items your allowed, then when i go and buy it the shop will then also send the reciept to the council to show them what i have bought with the money.

Oh thats good your close to your mums, what tpe of property is it, im quite happy to stay at my place for awhile really, onc ei have it decorated and sort everything out, i done alot today which my new storage bags mum helped me before she went to work and were going there again tomorrow and doing more, its getting there and will be my proper home if that makes sense.

How you downstairs now amy? whens your physio star, do you know what they are going to be doing with you?

Vicki i bet daddy is glad he can feed Kaiden as well, it gives you abit of a break as well xxx

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